1、,Suipaaq |baiSui puu Joop mo luaungi on Snqjjoiuoq Piujouqu jo sosinjq on :山亦人s。颜已山0H ,03U0Siip)ui puu joppjpqo jo 9uuqo uoppns on *pnK|od jo uisuqdXpd jo BisdipXjod on :w91sxs oiuuoopug ,pojs poo【q pun STS9tu9Pui9q on uhtuioa jo 已。sneu ON oqxiuip puu ured luuiiuopqu oiuojqo jo Xjojsiq on :ibuijso)u
2、oojjsu0 ,Xjoisiq juosQjd 00s sjinop joj -odoouKs on uopEdjpd on,u!d lEipjooojd on :ujq)sXs jpjnosuAoipjEQ ,poudsXp jo sisXjdomaq on sssussaiqjusjq jo qSnoo oiuojqo jo Xjojsiq on :w01sxs XjojBJidso :suid)sXs jo 丛。!A。 6003 ui uopnjodo uoissojdiuooop oidoosojqjjn 00U斗 ojqnoQ Y00Z u! ouoq Suisn jo peoq
3、pjoujojuoisnjsuuj) pup ptunpj) 019A0s jo Xjojsiq on无Ii“n痴 pojuuioouA 刀却由以jo Kjojsiq on isofnojQqni pue spuBdq jo Kjojsiq S9IU9Q,sjre。人 joj aiS J psouSuip uooq suq lumped oqi :Xjo)siq jsej ,uopuoopp puu uopuuun piujou puu 6Suido9s poo P】!10dde pooS n qjiM Uuop sn0dde 叫s uoissiiupu joyy O-SO-ClOC-uo p
4、onitupu sum gqs ,ozeguij90 jo ssn oqi jayu j。11gq pa; uipip juapud oq, pue sisojqduojpXq UJQjpyq poMoqs punosujn g ,juquijuqjj oqi jqjjp Suiqon luuiuiopqi? jpj nps jnq PjidsoH U!WU9H IsPd ueqsuny oj 】u0M oqs , Suiuum j9jum jo uip99q UuiSua jnoqjiM6 ou sXup3 uoijuoisip juuiiuopqu sjuosojd juoyud oqju
5、ijpoiu jo juoujieqjj slepv jsyp paAOjdmi “刃 aqs csuis amjeuioid” jo sisouSuip oqi qjiM 卬uo jujidsoq jno oj 9UJP0 juopud oq, -pddojs sum uuudojpBM jo osn oqj pue p/# oi p90np01 sum uiJidsu 1U0UI并。ji jo s斗00M g jQjju (j/s jo qjuj joqiq oqj jo osnuooq Xup u uiJBdojpujsj jo QOQid u ppu oj p9pu9iuiuoo9J
6、9pi)uiq uuioisXqj piqD uoijujsoS 34。丛u1 sqj uj ,uoijbjsqS oqi jo Xjjpq oqi Suunp puu oiojoq sjuoXg joj p/# uuidsn p/#c H?jns guinbojojqoAxojpXq p/#c Quosmpojd osn oj pourejsns puq oqs luouije。耳 oq)Suunp p/#8 sum ouosiupQjd jo 9sop is限司 oqi 匕町。?01 皿叫 puu JOAQj jo siuoiduiXs gqi qjiMjoj jo pssouSuip u
7、osq sq juspud sqi jidsoq jno ut uoijbuiujpxqiunjjpd-9jup joq Suunp jjojtuoosip Xuu sqj jaupip jupud 叫工,uoquisoS tsqjuoiu Ul jpj OJ0M SJU0LU9AOUJ B9T TOqjJOUQLUP JO sXup 0 J9JJU QAyiSOd SUM JS0J PH ,60-01-31OZ QCH -ZO-TO-ZIOZ -dWl IsnoiAQjd sosuoui JEjnSoj p叫 juopnd oqi :SS3U! UOS04d J -lOJSJH ,sXup
8、3 jojuopusjsip uuiuiopqu sjussajd juonnd siqi ,s00M :ojcq :)ureidui03 piq3 60-01-ZIOZ Qcra N0-l0-Z【0dIAn dP S29Ml :MO :ojsih o 夕 3 A0-80-3I0Z :卯P PO8X juqijuj :J9piA0Jjuuh :人iHUuopeNu叫sun、:09BidqiJigu叫sun、:09BidqiJiggON -PM叩tuoT :xgSpoujBp :sniBis 田!北火e”0 :9ySuujuif onx :0iuuN&OJSJH JUOREduiGenitour
9、inary system: No decreased libido; No vaginal dryness or vaginal bleeding; History of STD denied; No urinary frequency. No precipitant urination or dysuria. No hematuria or proteinuria.Neuropsychiatric system: No convulsion or anesthesia. No headaches. No abnormal orientation. No deterioration of me
10、mory or intelligence.Locomotor system: No arthralgia, no muscular atrophies or dystrophies.Personal History:Born and grown up in Kunshan. Patient denied history of tobacco or alcohol use.Marital and Childbearing history: Married. 0-0-1-0; She had a curettage because of inevitable abortion in 2010Fam
11、ily history: No family history of DM or stroke. No family history of nervous or mental diseases.Physical ExaminationT: 37.1 P: 80/min R: 19/min BP: 120/70mmHgGeneral appearance: Patient is a 3() years old female who appears pleasant, in no apperant distress, given her age, well developed and well no
12、urished. Oriented to person, place and time.Lymph nodes: Not enlarged.Skin: No jaundice or rashes. No cyanosis and bruises. No edema.Head: Skull and scalp normal. No tenderness. No loss of hair.Eyes: No edema in eyelids, no ptosis, no conjunctival congestion.Width of palpebral fissures is normal. No
13、 jaundice. Pupils size and shape is normal. Corneal is clear. No exophthalmos.Ears: Auditory acuity is excellent. No ear purulent discharge.Nose: Shape is normal. No obstruction. No deviation of nasal septum.Mouth: No lips herpes. No cyanosis. No gums pyorrhea and bleeding. No tongue deviation. Tons
14、ils not enlarged.Neck: Her neck is soft. Trachea is midline. No thyroid abnormality was found. Neck vein was not distended.Chest: Contour is normal. No sternum tenderness. The breasts are bilaterally symmetrical. No tenderness and mass.Lung:Inspection: Respiration regular. Degree of expansion is sym
15、metry.Plapation: Tactile fremitus symmetrical.Percussion: extensive resonance to percussion.Ausculation: Clear to ausculation with no rubs noted.Heart:Inspection: No abnormal pulsation or retraction.Plapation: The apex beat can be felt in the 5th intercostal space 1 cm inside of the left mid-clavicu
16、lar line.Percussion: The border of cardiac is not enlarged.Ausculation: The heart sounds were of good quality and the rhythm was regular. Heart rate: 96/min. No bruits.Right(cm)Rib interspaceLeft(cm)The left mid-clavicular line is 9 cm away from front midsternal line. Radial pulse is normal.2II23III
17、44IV6V8Abdomen:Inspection: Universial abdominal bulge. Dilated veins observed.Palpation: Soft. Liver and spleen is not enlarged. Nontender. Murphy9s sign is negative. For details see obstetric examination.Percussion: No shifting dullness. The upper border of the liver is in the 5th intercostal space
18、.Ausculation: Bowl sound clear. 4/min.Spine and extremities: Severe edema in both lower extremities. No clubbed finger. No disorder of the movement of axial and appendicular bones.Reflex: Symmetrical, equal without pathological responses. Babinski sign and Kernig sign and hoffmann sign are all negat
19、ive.Obstetric examinationPatient appears pleasant, given her age, well developed and well nourished. No jaundice. No enlarged lymph nodes.Fetus: Abdominal girth:91cm; height of fundus: 26cm; fetal heart rate: 150/min; FM: active.Anorectal examination: fetal membrane: not ruptured.Flexion of knee: ac
20、tive.Laboratory and special examinationDec. 6th, Blood Rt: Hb: 121g/L; PLT 136X10e9Urine Rt: uric protein(+); occlude blood: (+)Dec. 7th, Fetal Ultrasound: BPD: 78mm; HC: 259mm; AC: 238mm; FL: 51mm; HL: 49mm. fetal presentation: head; Position of placenta: right wall of uterus. Thickness of placenta
21、: 23mm. Degree of placental maturity: II; fetal heartbeat and fetal movement seen; amniotic fluid: 64mm. There is no hematocoelia or ascites. The lower edge of placenta is 23mm from the cervix.Umbilical A: P2: 0.87; R2: 0.59; S/D: 2.46.Fetal heart rate: 145/minDec. 8th, 24h uric protein: 7.5gDec. 10
22、th, serum potassium: 3.9mmol/LScr: 86umol/LALT: 25U/L ; AST: 30U/LFeatures of the case:1. Female, 38years old, G2P0, GW: 30+5weeks.2. This patient presents hypertension for 3 months, and systemic edema for 2 weeks.3. PE: BP: 180/120mmHg. Obstetric exam: Fetus: Abdominal girth: 93cm; height of fundus
23、: 29cm; estimated fetal weight: 1600g; fetal position: LOA; point of fetal heart tone: 卞;fetal heart rate: 148/min; FM: active.Flexion of knee: active.4. Laboratory and special exam:Aug. 7th, Blood Rt: Hb: 122g/L; PUT 129X 10e9; WBC 7. 13X109/L;N% 77. 5% HUrine Rt: uric protein(-); LEU 500/ul HAug.8
24、th,ALT: 11U/L;AST: 18U/LDiagnosis and differential diagnosis:Diagnosis: G2P0, GW: 31 weeks, premature signs, SLEDifferential diagnosis:1. Chronic hypertension due to renal disease. This includes chronic hypertension due to interstitial nephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, SLE, diabetic glomerulosc
25、lerosis, and so on. In these occasions, the patient would also possibly present hypertension, proteinuria and edema, but her proteinuria was found recently and she didnt have any symptoms associated with renal diseases previously. In addition, her serum creatinine is in the normal scale (Scr: 86umol
26、/L), which contradicts the hypothesis that she has a renal disease. So the diagnosis of chronic hypertension due to renal disease is not considered at present.Further investigations and treatments:2. Close observation and monitoring, plus quick evaluation: daily monitoring of protein in urine; Regul
27、ar liver and kidney function testing; Ultrasound of the abdomen; Fetus heartbeat monitor; Conduct PT, APTT, FDP, 3P test to evaluate the coagulant function.3. Rests: Lie in bed on left side.4. Use prednisone , hydroxychloroquine sulfate , aspirin to control the development of SLE5. Use ritodrine to prevent miscarriageClinic diagnosis:G2P0, GW: 31 weeks, premature signs, SLESigniture: