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1、特种设备平安监督检查方法Measures for Special Equipment Safety Supervisory Inspections发布部门:国家市场监督管理总局发文字号:国家市场监督管理总局令第57号发布日期:2022. 05. 26实施日期:效力级别:部门规章法规类别:机械设备产品与质量Issuing Authority : State Administration for Market RegulationDocument Number : Order No. 57 of the State Administration for Market RegulationDate

2、Issued : 05-26-2022Effective Date : 07-01-2022Level of Authority : Departmental RulesArea of Law : Machinery Equipment Product and Its QualityOrder of the State Administration for Market Regulation国家市场监督管理总局令(No. 57)(第57号)The Measures for Special Equipment Safety Supervisory Inspections, as adopted

3、at the 8th executive meeting of the State Administration for Market Regulation on May 10, 2022, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1,2022.特种设备平安监督检查方法 已经2022年5月10日市场监管 总局第8次局务会议通过,现予 公布,自2022年7月1日起施 行。Director: Zhang Gong局长张工May 26, 20222022年5月26日Measures for Special Equipment Safe

4、ty SupervisoryInspections特种设备平安监督检查方法(Issued by Order No. 57 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on May 26, 2022, and coming into force on July 1, 2022)(2022年5月26日国家市场监 督管理总局令第57号公布 自 2022年7月1日起施行)Chapter I General Provisions第一章总那么患不予整改或者消除的;(8) Other major illegal acts as prescribed b

5、y laws, administrative regulations or departmental rules.(A)法律、行政法规和部门规 章规定的其他重大违法行为。Article 25 The circumstances that special equipment has serious potential accident risks include the following:第二十五条特种设备存在 严重事故隐患包括以下情形:(1) The special equipment continues to be used when it is produced without a pe

6、rmit, is explicitly eliminated by the state, or has been retired or meets the conditions for being retired.(一)特种设备未取得许可生 产、国家明令淘汰、已经报废或 者到达报废条件,继续使用的;(2) The special equipment continues to be used without undergoing supervisory inspection or after it has failed the inspection or testing.(二)特种设备未经监督检

7、验或 者经检验、检测不合格,继续使 用的;(3) The special equipment continues to be used when any of its safety accessories or safety protection devices is absent or malfunctions.(三)特种设备平安附件、平安 保护装置缺失或者失灵,继续使 用的;(4) The special equipment that had ever been involved in any accident or has any obvious fault continues to b

8、e used before it has been overhauled and potential accident risks have been(四)特种设备发生过事故或者 有明显故障,未对其进行全面检 查、消除事故隐患,继续使用eliminated.的;(5) The special equipment is used beyond the specified parameters or the scope of use.(五)特种设备超过规定参数、 使用范围使用的;(6) Other circumstances that special equipment has serious p

9、otential accident risks as considered by the market regulatory department.(六)市场监督管理部门认为属 于严重事故隐患的其他情形。Article 26 A market regulatory department shall, during a supervisory inspection, seize or impound in accordance with the law the special equipment on the market which, as shown by any evidence, fai

10、ls to meet the requirements of safety technical specifications, has any serious potential accident risk, has met the retirement conditions, or has been retired.第二十六条 市场监督管理 部门在监督检查中,对有证据表 明不符合平安技术规范要求、存 在严重事故隐患、流入市场的达 到报废条件或者已经报废的特种 设备,应当依法实施查封、扣 押。If rectifications may be made on the spot, it is al

11、lowed not to当场能够整改的,可以不予查io封、扣押。seize or impound such equipment.第二十七条监督检查中, 被检查单位的有关负责人拒绝在 特种设备平安监督检查记录或者 相关文书上签字或者以其他方式 确认的,检查人员应当在记录或 者文书上注明情况,并采取拍 照、录音、录像等方式记录,必 要时可以邀请有关人员作为见证 人。Article 27 Where, during a supervisory inspection, the relevant person in charge of an inspected entity refuses to sig

12、n the special equipment safety supervisory inspection records or relevant documents or to make confirmation in any other form, inspectors shall indicate relevant circumstances on the records or documents and make records by photographing, audio recording, video recording or other means, and may, whe

13、n necessary, invite relevant personnel to be witnesses.被检查单位拒绝签收特种设备安 全监察指令的,按照市场监督管 理送达行政执法文书的有关规定 执行,情节严重的,按照拒不执 行特种设备平安监察指令予以处 理。If the inspected entity refuses to sign to acknowledge the receipt of a special equipment safety oversight order, it shall be governed by the relevant provisions on ser

14、vice of administrative law enforcement document by market regulatory departments, and if the circumstances are serious, it shall be handled as refusal to execute the special equipment safety oversight order.第二十八条被检查单位停 产、停业或者确有其他无法实施 监督检查情形的,检查人员可以 终止监督检查,并记录相关情 况。Article 28 If an inspected entity c

15、eases production or business operation or truly falls under any other circumstance that a supervisory inspection cannot be conducted, inspectors may terminate the supervisory inspection and record relevant circumstances.第二十九条被检查单位应 当根据特种设备平安监察指令, 在规定时间内予以改正,消除事 故隐患,并提交整改报告。Article 29 An inspected en

16、tity shall, according to the special equipment safety oversight order, take corrective action during a specified period, eliminate the potential accident risks, and submit a rectification report.市场监督管理部门应当在被检查 单位提交整改报告后十个工作日 内,对整改情况进行复查。复查 可以通过现场检查、材料核查等 方式实施。The market regulatory department shall r

17、eview the rectifications within ten working days after the inspected entity submits the rectification report. Review may be conducted through on-site inspection or materials verification or by other means.采用现场检查进行复查的,复查 程序适用本方法。Where review is conducted through on-site inspection, the review procedu

18、res shall be governed by these Measures.第三十条发现重大违法行 为或者严重事故隐患的,实施检 查的市场监督管理部门应当及时 报告上一级市场监督管理部门。Article 30 Where any serious illegal act or any serious potential accident risk is found, the market regulatory department conducting inspection shall report to the market regulatory department at the nex

19、t higher level in a timely manner.市场监督管理部门接到报告后, 应当采取必要措施,及时予以处 理。After receiving the report, the market regulatory department shall take necessary measures and handle it in a timely manner.第三十一条监督检查中对 拒绝接受检查、重大违法行为和 严重事故隐患的处理,需要属地 人民政府和有关部门支持、配合 的,市场监督管理部门应当及时 以书面形式报告属地人民政府或 者通报有关部门,并提出相关安 全监管建议。Ar

20、ticle 31 Where the handling of any refusal to accept inspection, serious illegal act or serious potential accident risk during a supervisory inspection needs the support and cooperation of the local peoples government or any relevant department, the market regulatory department shall report to the l

21、ocal peoples government in writing or notify the relevant department in a timely manner, and put forward relevant safety regulation suggestions.接到报告或者通报的人民政府和 其他有关部门依法采取必要措施 及时处理时,市场监督管理部门 应当积极予以配合。When the peoples government or any other relevant department that receives the report or notification

22、take necessary measures in accordance with the law to handle it in a timely manner, the market regulatory department shall give active support thereto.第三十二条 特种设备平安 行政处分由违法行为发生地的县 级以上市场监督管理部门实施。Article 32 Special equipment safety administrative punishments shall be imposed by market regulatory depart

23、ments at or above the county level at the places where the illegal acts are committed.违法行为发生地的县级以上市场 监督管理部门依法撤消特种设备 检验、检测人员及平安管理和作 业人员行政许可的,应当将行政Where a market regulatory department at or above the county level at the place where an illegal act is committed legally revokes the administrative license

24、s of special equipment inspection or testing personnel or safety management or operating personnel, it shall send the copies of administrative处分决定抄送发证机关, 机关办理注销手续。处分决定抄送发证机关, 机关办理注销手续。由发证punishment decisions to the license-issuing authorities, and the license-issuing authorities shall handle the can

25、cellation formalities.违法行为发生地的县级以上市场 监督管理部门案件办理过程中,Where a market regulatory department at or above the county level at the place where an illegal act is committed finds in the12process of case handling that the administrative license of a 发现依法应当撤消特种设备生产、充装单位和特种设备检验、 检测机构行政许可的,应当在作 出相关行政处分决定后,将涉及 撤消

26、许可证的违法行为证据材料 移送发证机关,由发证机关依法 予以撤消。special equipment production or filling entity or a special equipment inspection or testing institution shall be revoked in accordance with the law, it shall, after making a relevant administrative punishment decision, transfer the evidentiary materials on the illega

27、l act involving the revocation of the license to the license-issuing authority which shall revoke the license in accordance with the law.发现依法应当撤销许可的违法行 为的,实施监督检查的市场监督 管理部门应当及时向发证机关通 报,并随附相关证据材料,由发 证机关依法予以撤销。第四章法律责任If any illegal act for which a license shall be annulled in accordance with the law, t

28、he market regulatory department conducting supervisory inspection shall notify the licenseissuing authority in a timely manner and attach relevant evidentiary materials, and the license-issuing authority shall annul it in accordance with the law.Chapter IV Legal Liability第三十三条 违反本方法的 规定,特种设备有关法律法规已

29、有法律责任规定的,依照相关规 定处理;有关法律法规以及本办 法其他条款没有规定法律责任 的,责令限期改正;涉嫌构成犯 罪,依法需要追究刑事责任的, 按照有关规定移送公安机关、监 察机关。第三十三条 违反本方法的 规定,特种设备有关法律法规已 有法律责任规定的,依照相关规 定处理;有关法律法规以及本办 法其他条款没有规定法律责任 的,责令限期改正;涉嫌构成犯 罪,依法需要追究刑事责任的, 按照有关规定移送公安机关、监 察机关。Article 33 Where the legal liability for any violation of these Measures has been prov

30、ided by any law or regulation on special equipment, such relevant provision shall prevail; where there is no provision on legal liability in relevant laws and regulations and other clauses of these Measures, the violator shall be ordered to take corrective action during a specified period; where any

31、 violation is criminally punishable, and the violator shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law, the case shall be transferred to the public security authority and the oversight authority in accordance with relevant provisions.第三十四条被检查单位无 正当理由拒绝检查人员进入特种 设备生产、经营、使用、检验、 检测场所检查,不予配合或者拖

32、 延、阻碍监督检查正常开展的, 按照中华人民共和国特种设备 平安法第九十五条规定予以处 理。构成违反治安管理行为的, 移送公安机关,由公安机关依法 给予治安管理处分。Article 34 Where any inspected entity refuses any inspectors entry into a special equipment production, trading, use, inspection or testing site for inspection without a good reason or fails to support or delays or ob

33、structs the normal supervisory inspection, it shall be handled in accordance with Article 95 of the Special Equipment Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of China. If the act constitutes a violation of public security administration, the case shall be transferred to the public security authority whic

34、h shall impose public security administration punishment on the violator in accordance with the law.13第三十五条被检查单位未 按要求进行自查自纠的,责令限 期改正;逾期未改正的,处五千 元以上三万元以下罚款。第三十五条被检查单位未 按要求进行自查自纠的,责令限 期改正;逾期未改正的,处五千 元以上三万元以下罚款。Article 35 If an inspected entity fails to conduct selfexamination and self-correction as re

35、quired, it shall be ordered to take corrective action during a specified period; and if it fails to take corrective action during the specified period, a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan nor more than 30,000 yuan shall be imposed on it.被检查单位在检查中隐匿证据、 提供虚假材料或者未在通知的期 限内提供有关材料的,责令限期 改正;逾期未改正的,处一万元 以上十万

36、元以下罚款。If the inspected entity conceals evidence, provides false materials, or fails to provide relevant materials during the period notified during an inspection, it shall be ordered to take corrective action during a specified period; and if it fails to take corrective action during the specified p

37、eriod, a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan nor more than 100,000 yuan shall be imposed on it.第三十六条特种设备生 产、经营、使用单位和检验、检 测机构违反本方法第二十九条第 一款,拒不执行特种设备平安监 察指令的,处五千元以上十万元 以下罚款;情节严重的,处十万 元以上二十万元以下罚款。Article 36 Where a special equipment producing, trading or using entity or inspection or testing institution,

38、 in violation of paragraph 1 of Article 29 of these Measures, refuses to execute a special equipment safety oversight order, it shall be fined not less than 5,000 yuan nor more 100,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, it shall be fined not less than 100,000 yuan nor more than 200,000 yuan

39、.第三十七条特种设备平安 监督检查人员在监督检查中未依 法履行职责,需要承当行政执法 过错责任的,按照有关法律法规 及市场监督管理行政执法责任 制规定的有关规定执行。Article 37 Where special equipment safety supervisory inspection personnel fail to perform their duties during supervisory inspections in accordance with the law and need to assume the liability for faults in administ

40、rative law enforcement, it shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the Provisions on the Administrative Law Enforcement Responsibility System for Market Regulation.市场监督管理部门及其工作人员 在特种设备平安监督检查中涉嫌 违纪违法的,移送纪检监察机关 依法给予党纪政务处分;涉嫌犯 罪的,移送监察机关、司法机关 依法处理。If a market regula

41、tory department or any of its staff members is suspected of violating disciplines or laws during a special equipment safety supervisory inspection, the case shall be transferred to the discipline inspection and oversight authority for giving it or him Party discipline or administrative disciplinary

42、action; and where it or him is suspected of a crime, the case shall be transferred to the oversight authority and the judicial authority for handling.14Chapter V Supplemental Provisions第五章附那么Article 38 The equipment required for performance of functions by special equipment safety supervisory inspec

43、tion personnel shall be governed by the relevant requirements on the equipment of grassroots law enforcement equipment for market regulation.第三十八条特种设备平安 监督检查人员履职所需装备按照 市场监督管理基层执法装备配备 的有关要求执行。Article 39 The formats of special equipment safety supervisory inspection documents shall be developed by the

44、 State Administration for Market Regulation.第三十九条特种设备平安 监督检查文书格式由国家市场监 督管理总局制定。Article 40 These Measures shall come into force on July 1,第四十条本方法自20222022.年7月1日起施行。15第一条为了规范特种设备 平安监督检查工作,落实特种设 备生产、经营、使用单位和检 验、检测机构平安责任,根据 中华人民共和国特种设备平安 法特种设备平安监察条例 等法律、行政法规,制定本办 法。第二条市场监督管理部门 对特种设备生产(包括设计、制 造、安装、改造、修理)

45、、经 营、使用(含充装,下同)单位 和检验、检测机构实施监督检 查,适用本方法。第三条国家市场监督管理 总局负责监督指导全国特种设备 平安监督检查工作,可以根据需 要组织开展监督检查。县级以上地方市场监督管理部门 负责本行政区域内的特种设备安 全监督检查工作,根据上级市场 监督管理部门部署或者实际工作 需要,组织开展监督检查。市场监督管理所依照市场监管法 律、法规、规章有关规定以及上 级市场监督管理部门确定的权 限,承当相关特种设备平安监督 检查工作。第四条特种设备平安监督 检查工作应当遵循风险防控、分Article 1 For the puiposes of regulating speci

46、al equipment safety supervisory inspections and fulfilling the safety responsibilities of special equipment production, trading and using entities and inspection and testing institutions, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Special Equipment Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of Chin

47、a, the Regulation on the Safety Supervision of Special Equipment and other laws and administrative regulations.Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the supervisory inspections of special equipment production (including design, manufacture, installation, remodeling, and repair), trading, and using

48、 (including filling, here and below) entities and inspection and testing institutions conducted by market regulatory departments.Article 3 The State Administration for Market Regulation shall be responsible for supervising and guiding special equipment safety supervisory inspections nationwide, and may organize supervisory inspections as needed.The local market regulatory departments at or above the county level sh


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