1、试卷编号:230022022-2023学年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语模拟试卷纸笔考试I. Grammar and VocabularyDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammuikally correct. For (be blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: fbr the other bl
2、anks, use one worxi that bcM fits each blank.Norway*s new kiw on edited photosA new law has been pul into cfYccl in Norway nxetuly. The law makes it illegal for advertiseni and stxial media influenceni lo slurv prcMnoliimal photos onlnie wiihouc disclosing whether (Iw images (I) taker), h modifier、【
3、be 2009 Marketing and Control Act and sets to go into effect when the King of Norway decides it (2). The law conocms advcniKCts and people (3) receive payment or ocher benefit* in exchange for their posts, h will impact * brands, companies, and influencers sponsored posts. and concerns posts on all
4、social media sites.The new law requires disclosures fbr edits that arc made (4)the image is taken and before. Examples of edits that people who arc being paid for pictures arc required to label inchide enlarged lips, narmwed waist、and exaggerated muscles.* among other (hings.Body prcKxurc in Norway,
5、 is a major (Opie of conversation in Ihe counlry. (he Mini$tr* of Children and Family Affairs said in iu report. * Young people aiv exposed io a native pressure (o look good ihiough advertising and Mxrial ntedui. and the nuxlels (5)(disphy) are often digiully ivtouchetLwhich exposes young people to
6、an ideal of beauty that is impossible (6)(achieve?*By (7)(prohibit! adveniseni and influencers from posting such pholos without proper documentation with a government-authorized sump, the Ministr said it hopes to lessen the negative impacts of body pre$sure81 young people. ”【t is especially importan
7、t to prevent the desire tomake more intrusive and kmg-li5ing changes in ones own look J the Ministr)1 said.Some of Norways top mfluenccni have thought pwilivcly about the new law, Young people today (9)(grow) up lo a ccyou look, but it has been edited.*Section A Directions: Complete (be following pa
8、ssage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be uwrd once. Note thiit (here is one word more than you need.A. breakthroughs B. consequently C. fktion D. hisioncallyE. human-caused F. long-Manding G picture H. reveal1. unaffected J. undcrsuinding K. unrecognizedA New Dark Age PossibilityIm
9、agine a future in which humanitys wisdom about Eurth-our vast experience with weather trends, fish migration patterns and much more turns out-of-date. Civilization enters a 山由 age in its 11of our planet.To ciiinprelwnd how (his could occur, 12 younielf in our grandchildrens (ime.SigniGeani global wi
10、nning has occurted. as scieniisu predc(ed. Natutvs13panerii-teledon fbr millennia by humanity to plan everything - arc no longer so reliable. Cycles that have been largely rc|)catablc arc disruptcdi 打乩)by dramaiic climate changes.As Earth、aiming becomes stable. iew patterns l)egin io appear. Ac iley
11、 are hard 3 idemify. These new patterns need iiuny yearssonietiines decadcs-to14themselves fully. Until then,famicrs will struggle to predict new seasonal patterns and regularly plant wrong crops. Early signs of major disasters will go15. Disrupcivc impacts will be widespread.Such a dark age is a gr
12、owing possibility. In a recent report. scictiUMs concluded (hat 16global wanning was already changing patterns of some extreme weather events.Our foundiilion of Earth knowledge, largely obtained from17okerved fuittcmx, hasbeen centiul to society、progrez Earty culture% kept track of natufes ebh xmd i
13、low (起伏盛衰),passing improved knowledge about harth (o each new gencnHion. Science has sped up this process Ihnigh advanced observation methods.However.第 Earth warms, our hiskxicul underManding will (um ouDfdilc lasler than wc am replace il with new knowledge. Some pauems will change signifkandy; olhe
14、rx will be hrely 18.hough it will be dillkuh io say whai will change, by how inudi. and when.Wiihout big scieniifk19. we will remain reliant on pattern-based methods. The problemis. these patterns will become increasingly difficult to track. Predicting cxtrcnic weather may bocoinc even tougher than
15、it is today. VS*c20will face huge challenges.Our grandchildren could grow up knowing less alxxii the planet than we do today. This is ikm what we want to leave them, yd we arc on the edge of ensuring this happens.11. Reading ComprehensionSection ADiiec(iins: Foe each blank in the following (here are
16、 four words or phrases marked R. B. C and D. Fil! in each blank with the word or phrase dial best fits (he context.All puppies arc cuic. explains Clive Wynne, the bead of Arizona State Universitys canine(犬科 的)sciciKC laboratory. But not all puppies arc21cute. Indeed, breeders have long foundthat pup
17、pies become their cutest selves at the eight-week mark. And recent rcM;arch ii)dicatcs that peak puppy cutciKss serves important puqposcsand might play a fundancntaJ role in22doj andowner together.In a study published this spring, Wynne and his colleagues sought to pin down, sckntificiilly. the 23of
18、 puppy cutciKss. Their finding largely24that of breeders: People always rated dogs most aKractivc when (bey were six to eight weeks old. This age. Wynne says,25acrucial developmenul inileMone: Mother dogs Mop nursing (heir young around (be eighth week, after which pups ivly on human、for26. (Puppies
19、wiihiHit human caretaker% face death raie of upto 95 percent in their first year of life.) Peak cutcncss. (ben. is no accident-at exactly (he momcm when out care matters most, puppks become27 to us.It doesnt 28 that humans seem to have a preferciKC for cute things. Research dating back o the 1940s s
20、hows(ha( virtually any creature with baby I ike features is capable of drawing our29.But canine cutcncss is uniquely human-di reeled, and its strutegk deployment (部号)is mx limited to puppies. In a 2017 study of dos aged oik(o 12. psychologists in the United Kingdom showed (hat peoples pets were sign
21、ificantly more likely to raise (heir brows and Mick out their longue when humans were looking at them, whkh lends grown canines ;i jxippyi%h air.Bom blind ami basically deaf puppies arent30in (heir firM weeks of life, and WynneniHes Ihal many people A nd aninulv in this Mage unappealing. A recent st
22、udy focued 0n huniaiu showed (hat. 31 six* week-old puppies. six-nux)ih*old babies am seen as signifkanily cuter (hannewborns.Whkh brings us to the final purpose of peak cutcncss: to make up for newborn32. As thepsychologists Gary Shennan and Jonathan Haidt have proposed, the delayed beginning of cu
23、tcncss in human babies offers benefits far beyond kicking our33instinct into overdriveit also kads various formsas (aNeuare, cunUiinerx in archilecfurv and design-glass rvpresenK k major achievemenl in the hiskxy of technological development.Since the Bronze Age about 3.000 B.C. glass has been used
24、for making various of objects, k w弊 first nude from a mixture of silica, an alkali such as soda, and etc. and these remained the basic ingredients of glass until the development of lead (tfl)glass in the seventeenth century. Whn heated, the mixture becomes soft and malkablc (可延展的)und can be formed b
25、y various techniques into u variety of shapes and sizes. The mass thus formed by nicking tlwn cook 10 create glass, but in contrast to most materials formed in this wayXmetals, for instaiKO. glass lacks the crysiallinc structure normally associated with solids, and instead maintains the random molec
26、ular structure of a liquid. In effect, as molten glass cools, it progressively stiffens, but docs so without setting up 【Ke manner in which ils visecmily (Vi.f)ctuingcs a il (urns from a cold sutxMancc into a hot liquid Unhke mcUls that flow or freeze* at spcciGc Icmpcnilures glass pngrcsively softe
27、ns as (be (ernpenilurc nsex, going Ihnnigh varying sUiges uf malkability until it Hows like a (hick liquid. Each sUge of nulleability alleys the glavi(0 be made into various forms, by different techniques, and if suddenly cooled ihe ol)jec( keeps, the shape achkved al (hai potni. Glass can thus be p
28、rocessed with a greater number of hcai-forming techniques than most other materials.36. Why docs the author list the characteristics of glass in the first paragraph?A .To show that glass is multipurpose.B.lb demonstrate how glass evolved.C.Tb explain ghssmaking technology.D.To explain Ihe use of wh
29、ingredient of ghss.37 .Accncxiing (o Ihe poizge how is glass (ha( lus cM)led and become solid dilYerenl from nwxa other solid xubsianees?A.lt has vaning physical features.B.h has a random molecular structure.C.h has an interlocking crystal network.D.lt has an unuswilly low melting temperature.38 .Th
30、c pronoun in (he fourth line of the hsl paragGtph re fem (u.A.fealure B. glass C. manner I), viscosity. According (o (he |)assage. why can glass be nxwe easily、kq)ed into specific forms (han can inetal?A.h has belief opcical ptfopeftici.B.h resists breaking when healed.C.h stays hot while its viscos
31、ity changes.D.lt gradually becomes softer as its cempcraturc rises.(B)Before (he 15009s. the u-cstcm plains of North America were dominated by farmers. Oik group, the Mandant lived in (be upper Missouri River country, primarily in present day North Dakota. They had large villages of hcme of【he food
32、iliese highly capable farmers stored from one year io the next.The women had primary responsibility for the fields. They had to exercise considerable skill to produce the desired results, for their northern location mcani shon growing seasons. Winicr was often long; autumn could come together with s
33、evere froslgood mciixurc. during the spring andsummer, drought, heat. hail, grasshoppers, and other frustrations might await the grower.Under such conditions. Marxian women had to grow maize, which endured terrible weather. They began as early as it appeared feasible to do so in (he spring, clearing
34、 the land, using fire to clear the fields and then planting. From (his point unlil the firM green com could be hanxislcd. the crop required labtir and care.Harvesting prtxreeded in iwo stages. In August (Iw Marxians picked a smaller aiiM)unl of (lie cnp before it had nutured fully. This green com w第
35、 boiled, dried, and shelled, with ionic of (he maize processed for immediate consumption and the rest stored in animal-skin bags. Later in the fell, the people picked coni. They saved the best of the harvest for seeds or for (rude, with the remainder eaten right away or stored for later use in under
36、ground reserves. With appropriate banking of the extra food, (be Manduns poMcctcd themselves against (he disaster of crop failure and accompanying hunger.The women planted $quah(南瓜灿OUl the first of June, and harvested il near ihe lime of the green com fumest. After they picked it. (hey sliced il. dr
37、ied il. and strung the slices before (bey Morcd them.Once ugain, (hey saved the seed from (be bct of the years crop. The Mandan* ulw grew sunflo-crs und tobacco; the laUer was (be particuhr lak of (he old men.40 .*nie Mandans buill iheir houses close logelher in iwxier (o.AjJiare farming iniplemenis
38、 B. guard (lieir supplier of lxxiC. allow more room for growing com D. proieci tbcnKclvs against the weather41 .Why docs (Ik author believe that the Mandans weir skilled famicrs?A.Thcy developed effective fcnilizcrs.B.They developed new varieties of com.C.Thcy could grow crops in moM types of soil.D
39、.Thcy could grow crops despite unfriendly weather.42 .,nirxighoul the parage, the aulhur implies Ihal Ihc Mandans.A.planned for Ilie future B. valued individualityC. weie open to MrangeiN D. were very adven(urvus(C)Scientists, conscnation oranizatioivs 8nd govemmenu try ing to reverse (he tide of ex
40、tinction often focus cfYons on prmanagcd lands arc at least comparable to prcxcctcd areas.* says biologist Richard SchuMcr of Carleton University. And in some places, they do far belter than parks and preserves even though indigenous communities may use their lands resources by hunting for food.Schuster and his team a