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1、坐式易筋经Yijinjing(muscle-bone strengthening exercise) in sitting position第一式:韦驮献杵The first move: Wei Tuo offering a pestle盘膝而坐,成坐姿,自然呼吸,躯干正直,头顶之百会穴与裆下的长强穴要成一条直线;目平视,定心凝神;两臂徐徐前手举,掌心相对与肩等宽,两臂平直,再屈肘,两手慢慢内收,距胸约一拳后,停于胸前膻中穴外,两手指尖相叠,用力挤压,十指指尖指向前斜上方,成四十五度角。此时要求沉肩坠时,含胸拔背,气沉丹田,舌抵上腭。式定后约静立片刻。Sit with your leg cro

2、ssed, breathe naturally, and keep your body upright. The Baihui acupoint (GV20) on the top of your head should be in a straight line with Changqiang acupoint (GV1) under your crotch. Look at the front horizontally, focus on your mind, raise your arms slowly, two palms are opposite and keep shoulders

3、 width, your arms are straight, bend your elbows again, and the hands are slowly retracted. Until a punch from your chest, the palms stay above the Tanzhong (CV17) acupoint, fold your fingertips, squeeze them hard, and your ten fingertips point to the top of your front oblique angle at 45 degrees. A

4、t this time, when you sink your shoulders and elbows, you should shrink bosom and straighten back, sink the qi to Dantian, and your tongue touch against your palate, and . keepStand the positionstill for a moment.第二式:横担达摩杵The second move: Hold up Bodhidharmas pestle with palms接上势,翻转掌心向下,指尖相对,在体前向前缓缓

5、分开至两侧,与肩相平,掌心朝下,然后立掌坐腕,用力推向两侧,两眼平视前方,平心静气,排除杂念。Go on with the first move, turn your palms down, your fingertips face each other, and slowly separate them to the both sides, and lift them to shoulders height, palms turn downward, then keep your palms upright, push them hard to the both sides, look ah

6、ead, calm down, and eliminate distractions.第三式:掌托天门The third move: palm support Tianmen接上势,两臂从两侧收回至腹部,掌心向上,十指相对,上提,胸前翻掌上托,仰面观天,头正,双眼平视前方,保持片刻。Go on withFollowing the second move, return your arms from both sides to your abdomen, palms up, fingers facing each other, lift them up, turn your palm on yo

7、ur chest, look at the sky, then, look ahead, and hold for a moment.第四式:摘星换斗The fourth move: picking and changing stars in the sky.接上式,两臂侧平举,右手缓慢落于左侧胯部前,左手置于身后。右手径身体右侧缓缓斜向上举起,掌心朝天,五指并拢,指尖置于右侧肩腴穴正上方,左手臂外劳宫紧贴命门穴。舌抵上腭,仰面上观手背,透过手背看九天之上,身体自命门起上下双向伸展。停顿片刻,右掌翻转向下,两臂侧平举,左手动作与右手动作相同,唯左右相反。FollowingGo on with

8、the third move, lift your arms horizontally, slowly put your right hand in front of your left crotch, and put your left hand behind you. The right hand go through the right side and slowly lift obliquely upward with the palms facing up and fingers get together, the fingertips placed directly above t

9、he Jianyu acupoint (LI15), and Wailaogong acupoint of the left hand put close to Mingmen acupoint (GV4). The tongue touch against your palate, look at the back of your hand, and look through the back of your hand to sky. Your body stretch up and down in both directions. Pause for a moment, turn your

10、 right palm down, lift your arms horizontally, and your left action is the same as your right action, but the left and right are opposite.第五式:倒拽九牛尾The fifth move: Dragging the tail of nine cows.接上式,两臂自两侧起,右手直肘向前伸展,左手直肘向后伸展,同时由掌变拳,前后两拳成绞绳状,称为螺旋劲。松肩直背,塌腰收臀,胸略内含,藏气于小腹,鼻息调匀,舌尖轻抵上腭。稍作停顿后,导气下达,两拳放松成掌,向前后伸

11、展。如是三遍后,双上肢交换,再行三遍螺旋劲。Go on with Following the fourth move, raise two arms from both sides, the right arm stretch forward, the left arm stretch backward. At the same time, the palms change into fists that become twisted, called spiral strength. Relax shoulders, straighten and arch the back, keep but

12、tocks tucked in, relax the chest. Qi stored in the lower abdomen, adjust your breath, the tongue touch against palate. After a pause, Qi moves downward, and the two fists are relaxed and change into palms, stretching forward and backward. After three times, the upper limbs are exchanged, and then sp

13、iral strength performed three times.第六式:出爪亮翅The sixth move: showing claws and wings.接上式,两臂由两侧变为前平举,然后徐徐屈肘,收回两掌,昂头缩颈,展肩、收掌。稍作停顿后,两掌缓缓向前推出,至终点时掌心朝前,坐腕,双手五指分开,高与肩平,两眼平视指端,延展及远。停留片刻后,两手腕放松,变掌徐徐屈肘收回,如是7三遍。Go on withFollowing the fifth move, the two arms from both sides move to the front, then the arms ar

14、e slowly bent, the palms retract. Look up and shrink your neck. The shoulders are spread, and the palms returned. After a pause, the palms are slowly pushed forward. At the end, the palms face forward, stand the palms, the fingers are separated and raise to shoulders height, and the eyes see through

15、 the fingertips to the front. After stop for a minute, the wrists are relaxed, the elbows are slowly bent and retracted. Practice it threeseven times.第七式:九鬼拔马刀式The seventh move: nine ghosts pulling sabre.接上式,两掌收回,右侧抱球,然后右手自腰部向后划弧,左手后背,掌心朝外,置于腰部。右手上举过头,屈肘贴枕部抱头,手指压拉左耳,右腋张开。同时头颈腰背拧转向左后方,两臂向右内挤,放松展肩,再挤。

16、如是三遍后,左右手体侧划弧交换,左侧两臂向左侧内挤三遍。Go on withFollowing the sixth move, retract two palms, hold the ball on the right side, then your right hand draw an arc backwards from the waist, and put your left hand at the waist with your palm facing outwards. Raise your right hand over your head, bend your elbow and

17、 stick to the occiput. Your fingers press on your left ear and your right armpit opened. At the same time, your upper body twist to the left rear, squeeze your arms inward to the right, relax your shoulders and squeeze again. After three times, the left and right hands draw an arc and exchange, and

18、the left two arms squeeze to the left side for three times.第八式:三盘落地式The eighth move: landing of three sets.接上式,两臂侧平举,呼气,同时两掌缓缓下落至腰部两侧,空胸实腹,松腰敛臀,气蓄小腹;吸气,同时翻掌缓缓托起,如托千斤,挺胸、直腰,舌抵上腭,眼向前平视,全身放松,往复三遍。Go on withFollowing the seventh move, lift your arms horizontally, exhale, and slowly drop your palms to bo

19、th sides of your waist, empty your chest and down to the abdomen, relax your waist and hips, and store your lower abdomen; Inhale, turn your palms and slowly lift them, such as lifting a thousand pounds. Hold your chest out, straighten your waist, your tongue touch against the palate, look ahead, re

20、lax all over your body, and practice three times.第九式:青龙探爪The ninth move: Dragon showing claws接上式,两掌变拳,拇指握于拳内,立于两侧腰间,拳心朝上,同时配合吸气。右拳变龙爪(三指在前,两指在后),自腰侧上举及头部,后横向左侧经过面部向左探爪,停留片刻后由爪变掌,收于胸前,下按至地面,沿身体左侧至右侧,变拳收回腰间。左手动作与右手动作相同,唯左右相反。Go on with Following the eighth move, change the fist to palms, hold the thum

21、b in the fist, stand on both sides of the waist with the fist facing up, at the same time, the action cooperates with inhalation. Then, change right fist into claw (three fingers in front, two fingers in back), lift it up to the head from the waist side, and show the claw from the face to the left.

22、After stop for a minute, change claw into palm, put it in front of the chest, press it down to the ground, then change into fist and return to the waist along the left side to the right side of the body. The left action is the same as the right action, but the left and right are opposite.第十式:卧虎扑食The

23、 tenth move: crouching tiger pouncing on food接上式,两手变空拳沿腰部两侧上提,沿身体两侧向上伸至腋前,配以深长吸气,双手变虎爪向前扑伸,掌高与胸齐,仰头,两眼视两手。在扑伸的同时发哈声吐气。如是三遍。Go on withFollowing the ninth move, hands change into empty fist and lift along the sides of the waist to the front of the armpit with a deep inhalation. Two hands become Tiger

24、claw and stretch forward, palms lift to the chest level, raise your head, and look at your hands. Make a ha sound and exhale while stretching. Practice it three times.十一式:打躬式The eleventh move: Bowing.两臂展直,自身侧高举过头,头颈正直,屈肘两手抱后脑,掌心掩耳,两肘张开,与肩平行。两手以指(食、中指)交替轻弹后脑(风池穴附近),同时做鸣天鼓 鸣天鼓:“鸣天鼓”是我国流传已久的一种自我按摩保健方法,

25、意即击探天鼓。该法最早见于邱处机的颐身集,原书这样描述“两手掩耳,即以第二指压中指上,用第二指弹脑后两骨做响声,谓之鸣天鼓(可去风池邪气)”。各7次。上身前俯成打躬状,头部、颈部、胸部、腰部逐次低垂弯曲。微微呼吸,掌心掩耳。头部尽力及地;稍做停顿后,缓缓起身,逐次伸腰、伸胸、伸颈、最后摆正头部,如是三遍。Stretch your arms straight, and raise them over your head along your body side, keep your head and neck upright, bend your elbows and hold the back

26、 of your head with both hands, cover your ears with your palms, and spread your elbows parallel to your shoulders. Gently flick the back of the head (near Fengchi acupoint(GB20) with your fingers (index and middle fingers) alternately. At the same time, do the action of Mingtiangu 7 times. The upper

27、 body bends forward into a bow shape, and the head, neck, chest and waist are lowered and bent successively. Breathe slowly, cover your ears with your palms. Try your best to reach the ground. After a short pause, stand up slowly, stretch your waist, chest, neck, finally straighten your head, and pr

28、actice three times.十二式:掉尾式The twelfth move: hanging tail 接上式,两手突然松开,两掌自身侧向前,双手相合,吸气,收于胸前。十指交叉翻转,掌心朝外,两臂也随之前伸,展直,配合呼气。翻掌收回,下按,在身前徐徐下降至伸展,腰不可屈。下按至终点时,转颈望尾闾,左右交替三遍,收回。Go on with theFollowing eleventh move, suddenly loosen your hands, palms facing forward. Hands get together and close to chest when inha

29、ling. Fingers crossed and turned over, palms facing outward, arms stretched forward and stretched straight when exhaling. Turn your palms back, press them down, slowly to stretch forward, and pay attention to your waist should not bend. When pressing extremely, turn your neck and look at the tail. Alternating left and right for three times, and retract .最后,两臂外展,收回,两掌下按,收式。Finally, two arms extend, retract, press with two palms, and return to original.


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