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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: A Study on Commercial Advertisement Translation 姓 名: 0000000 班级、学号: 000000000000 系 (部): 经济管理系 专 业: 商务英语 指导教师: 0000000 开题时间: 2008-04 -03 完成时间: 2009-11-10 2009 年 11 月 10 日 目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-21答辩委员会表决意见22答辩过程记录表23 课 题 A Study on Commercial Advertisement Translation

2、 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1. 研究商业广告翻译的目的和意义2. 介绍文化和文化差异 2.1文化的定义2.2文化的特征 2.3 在广告翻译中的文化差异3. 广告中包含的一些的因素3.1 简单介绍广告3.2 广告文化和广告翻译4. 研究适用于商业广告的翻译策略5.基于目的论浅谈商业广告翻译策略 5.1 直译 5.2 意译6.总结二、内容摘要随着信息技术的不断发展,越来越多的广告出现在人们的生活中。广告已经在我们的日常生活中发挥着很重要的作用,广告业已成为许多商家盈利的重要手段之一,因为广告不仅仅可以传达信息,更重要的是它可以吸引消费者。在经济全球化的今天,为了开辟国际市场,不少商家需要在国

3、外对产品做大量地宣传,因此,广告翻译也日益凸现出它的重要性。然而,在当今社会,尤其是中国,不尽如人意的翻译不时在媒体当中出现,这不仅影响商家盈利,损害企业形象,而且也阻碍各个国家之间的经济以及文化交流。不同的地域有着不同的文化,甚至存在文化冲突,而这些差异都影响着广告的翻译。因此,从事翻译的人们有必要对广告翻译的理论作进一步了解,同时把文化差异考虑在内,找到一个可以用来指导实践的理论。围绕这一主题,本文主要探讨了目的论对广告翻译的指导意义以及几种翻译策略。三、 参考文献1Burnett. Edwared Tylor . Primitive Culture. London: John Murra

4、y.18712Leiss, W, S. Kline & S . Jhally. Social communication in advertising: persons, products, and images of well-being. New York: Methuen, 1986.3丁衡祁.翻译广告文字的立体思维J.中国翻译,2004(1):75-38.四、指导教师意见指导教师(签名) 年 月 日五、答辩资格审查小组意见答辩资格审查小组组长(签字) 年 月 日注:学生凭此申请书和设计(论文)全文参加答辩湖南信息职业技术学院教务处制A Study on Commercial Adver

5、tisement Translation00000000Abstract:With the rapid development of information and technology, more and more advertising appear in peoples life. It seems that playing an important role in our daily life. Nowadays, advertisement used as one of important method to make money for many manufacturers, be

6、cause it not only can send information, most importantly, it can attract consumers. Especially with globalization accelerating, some manufacturers have to make a lot of promotions for their products in foreign markets in order to operating internationally. So advertisement translation is increasing.

7、 However, in this society, particularly in China, unsatisfying translation is appearing in media ever and again, which not only affect manufacturers profits, but also impairs the public image of their enterprises. Moreover, people in different country have different cultural, which cause their impac

8、t on advertising translation. Hence,those devoted to translation should take cultural difference into consideration,and should understand the theory of the translation advertising deeply at the same time. According this subject, this thesis explored the significance of advertising translation and se

9、veral translation strategies. Key words:Advertisement translation;Cultural difference;Skopostheorie; Translation strategies0 . IntroductionWith the rapid development of the world economy, more and more international exchanges are involved in many fields, especially commerce. Advertising, and as one

10、of important means to promote products, deliver sales messages, and build a good image for a company. It is no doubted that become one of the marketing strategies to assure the success, and it also playing an increasingly significance role in international business today. With China entered WTO in 2

11、001. Advertising has become an important tool for Chinese enterprises to promote their products and research markets. However, People in different countries have different languages and cultures. In addition, some translators adopt inappropriate translation strategies on the advertisement, so it is

12、necessary for us to study the commercial advertisement. 1 . Purpose and Significance of the StudyAdvertising is become an important part of our life particularly the commerce advertisement. In the modern society, some manufacturers pay great attention on advertisement translation in order to make mo

13、ney. So, studies on advertisement are increasing.However, translation of advertising English is not a easy job, because international advertising involves a lot of factors such as various traditions, education backgrounds, life styles, religions, etc. The translator, therefore, has to face various d

14、ifficulties caused by different cultures and languages. In order to translate a good advertisement, Translators should not simply apply the traditional translation theories to advertising translation. As we all know, a good translated advertisement can attract customers to buy their products. In tod

15、ay global competitive market, distinctive advertising is needed stand out. But if we lacking a good international advertising translation, many Chinas products of high quality cannot get access to the international market because of the errors in the translations of advertisement. So a good translat

16、or should not stick to traditional views such as“natural equivalence”.They should translate an advertisement with creations. It is due to these reasons that this paper is written. This thesis is mainly analysis the cultural differences and languages, meanwhile it also discuss the feasibility of the

17、Skopostheorie in the field of advertisement translation, but Whatever translators choose which translation strategies in advertisement translation as long as they can produce a target text that can be attracted customers to buy the products, and meanwhile, it also can make profits for advertisers an

18、d manufacturers, that is success.2 . Introduction of Cultural and Cultural DifferencesEvery culture has its own world views, ideas about human nature, the way of thinking, feel and so on. In modern society, different people have their own ways to communicate. The way they communicate is the way they

19、 live characterized by their culture. At the same time, culture is learned, preserved, transmitted and passed down from generation to generation through communication. Some basic knowledge about culture and cultural differences are two main issues in this chapter.2.1 Definition of CultureIn anthropo

20、logist Tylor gave the definition of culture in the nineteenth-century. He thinks culture is very complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (Burnett 1871:1). This definition points to the pervasive

21、ness of culture in social life, emphasizing that culture is a product of humans living together and that it is learned.2.2 Features of CultureSince the definition of culture has made it clear to us, it is necessary to get some ideas of some features as a way of studying cultural difference and trans

22、lation. Maybe we can understand the features of culture as follows:Firstly, culture is one of the main indications that distinguish human beings from animals. Human beings through cultures transmit or spread their experience, knowledge, beliefs, etc. But animals cant do this.Secondly, most part of c

23、ulture is unconscious. Human beings do not realize that their actions are governed by culture. On the contrary, they take it as natural as breath. And they take many aspects of their culture for granted, especially they faced different cultures.Thirdly, culture is the guide of human beings action. T

24、hat is, our actions are regulated by culture.Finally, culture is dynamic although it is stable once it has formed and the more tempestuously the society changes, the faster culture changes.2.3 Culture Differences in AdvertisingAs the saying goes, every coin has two sides, so do culture. Different co

25、untries have different cultural, hence the cultural difference causes the cultural obstruction. Language is the carrier of culture information, which can break through the limits of time and space to carry the multiplied connotations of culture information. However, advertising is the product of cul

26、ture, which shows the close relationship between language and culture, as a comprehensive art with commercial identity, persuades peoples for a certain publicity goal. As we all know, advertising translation is a cross-cultural communication, which determines that it is not as easy as word-to-word e

27、xchange. It must win the receptors acceptance on the cultural connotation reflected in the advertisements guide. Differences in national psychology and attitudes can cause advertisements to misfire when transferred from one country to another, even without crossing a language barrier. So a good adve

28、rtiser should know how to do it appropriately. Different culture effects the advertisements translation. So a good translator should take cultural differences into consideration when translating the advertisements. If they can do this, I believe the translators can translate a good advertisement.3 .

29、 The Dimensions of Advertising3.1 A brief Introduction to AdvertisingBefore we elaborate on advertisement translation, it is necessary for us to have a basic understanding of advertising. So a brief introduction will talk in the following paragraphs. Advertising is everywhere, we all living a commer

30、cial society. Different people have different opinions on advertising. Some people enjoy advertisements, even some of them considering advertising as a part of the entertainment to show business. More and more people are influenced by advertisements in their daily life and persuaded them to buy some

31、thing they need or may not need at all. When you are walking on the road looking for a shop to drink, the slogan “ Sprite, Obey your thirst ” (雪碧服从你的渴望) may arouse in your eyes, considering these place is convenience for you, you are very glad to drink here. It is clearly that advertising influence

32、our daily life. Generally speaking, advertising can be categorized into two types: commercial advertisement and non-commercial advertisement. The former one is profit-oriented while the latter is usually referred to as non-profit public service advertisement. This thesis is mainly talk about the com

33、mercial advertising. Besides, advertisement translation both from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English will be discussed.3.1.1 Definition of AdvertisingThe word advertisement has several different, professional meanings. But they are all related to the Latin word “advertere”, According to

34、Websters Dictionary, advertisement is the activity of calling something to the attention of the public and induce them to act in some way. Many people give various kinds of definitions of advertisement in modern society, but them all approximately identical, with only minor differences.From the mark

35、eting point of view, advertising is paid communication by a company or organization that wants its information disseminated. First, if communication is not paid for, its not advertising. For instance, a form of promotion, called publicity, is not advertising because it is not paid for. Advertising i

36、s a mass mediated, this means it is delivered through a communication medium designed to reach more than one person. It is widely spread through the television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, etc. At the same time, advertising can attract peoples attention. Even persuade them to buy the product,

37、and that is the purpose of the commercial advertisements.3.1.2 The Aim of AdvertisingAdvertising, as one kind of communicative activity, Ding Hengqi (丁衡祁 2004:75) has once classified the characters of advertisements into four aspects: attractive (to catch the readers attention), creative (to project

38、 an image), persuasive (to urge the readers to act) and impressive (to produce an impact). To make the advertisement accepted by readers, translators should translated good advertisement, which can persuade the readers to buy the products from the manufactures.3.1.3 Functions of AdvertisingFrom the

39、definition of advertising mentioned before, we known that using different media vehicle can publicize the products for the readers, clearly, advertising can change economic and social trend. Lets briefly summarize the several functions of advertising.Firstly, advertising have an effect on customers

40、lives, especially, affects their economic lives. Secondly, advertising brings great importance on the business. Without advertising, business would not be able to bring new products to the attention of consumers so fast. Last but not least, advertising also influences on the society. Advertising, as

41、 a key communication link in the marketing process, it is a major stimulant to social economic growth and stability.In view of the functions and roles of advertising, it is clearly that these functions and roles of advertising are applicable to advertising translation.3.2 Advertising Culture and Adv

42、ertisement TranslationFrom the preceding chapter, we know that both the language and culture have the closely relationship. They cannot be separated from each other. Language is the component of culture, meanwhile, it is the transmitting media of culture.Advertising is the outcome of language, there

43、fore, there bound to be cultural elements embodied in it. Leiss (1986:7) holds that advertising is an essential factor of modern culture. Most advertisements are stamps with cultural background or sub-cultural background, which reflected peoples behavior, traits, customs, religious belief within the

44、 cultural system. For this reason, in the course of translating an advertisement into another language, the translator, should study its main idea and take culture into consideration when translating the advertisement. In addition, every country has its own unique culture which determines the consum

45、ption habits of this country. If translators dont knowing that, they may make devastating mistakes. There are some successful examples with admirable translation both in English and in Chinese, which demonstrates that advertisement translation is not only translating language, but also transferring

46、culture as well. The final purpose of a commercial advertisement is tempting consumers to buy the goods. Hence, if the translator wants to produce an acceptable target text, they should cater to the consumers pleasure and do their best to remove cultural barriers. Lets examine the following example:

47、Example 1: Coca Cola可口可乐It is above suspicion that the original trade name is simple and impressive as it is a combination of the name of two kinds of plants-Coca and Cola. Even so, the translated text is better than the original text due to the fact that it is an excellent blend of the two characteristics of the two drinks. Meanwhile, combined with the picture of family reunion and it sound effect in the advertisements, which gives people a feeling of happiness and joy. It is


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