1、xxx财经大学东方学院 毕业论文(或毕业设计)外文文献翻译与商誉政策有关的会计辩论 学生姓名 xxx 指导教师 xxx分 院会计分院 专业名称 会计学班级 11ACA 学号 11204201392014年12月5日与商誉政策有关的会计辩论 Cooper,Julie:“与商誉政策有关的会计原则和辩论”,会计商业及金融史,2007年7月(17):241 264。一、 介绍辩论围绕的FRS 10(ASB的,1997年)在英国出版的显示各种会计政策和概念有关商誉的实际各种原因主张的支持。作者1884年和1921年之间撰写的论文,分析探讨商誉是否是一个新的企业潮流。本文最后的结论,在这个早期有一个善意的
4、后者的日期是由原始会计师在美国美国注册会计师协会(美国注册会计师协会,1921年)出版的。这些是文献的补充,参考一般会计及审计期间文本。鉴于希望我们的分在英国析阐明了有关问题,认为该参考指数是从这些商誉文学历史观点讨论的情况只涉及在法律和税收框架下的辩论。 本文的结构方式如下:提出相关文献,确定了在这一领域的历史分析。以下两节处理更加紧密与权威的历史文献:主要意见分歧之后,关于商誉会计的一些共同点是确定的。即有一个什么样的,远远落后于历史文献的不同意见的关键问题进行审议。最后一节得出一些结论。二、 在此之前的历史分析早期的权威文献相当注意商誉的定义和性质。最早有关商誉的定义,认为商誉是由不同的
7、的善意建议在英国成文法明确。 1895年戴维委员会的建议包括在资产负债表格式作为企业资产商誉,但这些人不是在该法1900.However,该法已列入有关详情公布结果的公司招股章程内。在一项业务出售给一家公司,即将发行的招股章程邀请公众认购股份或债券,为亲善付出了代价,需要单独披露的招股说明书。不过,由于法院认为作为一个企业的资产商誉,会计师接受为1928年以前的会计资产。特别是,商誉被列为固定资产,正在开发或收购,以使事业进行其业务,而不是转售(Dicksee,1892年:第121页和1897年:第45页)。一些由先前学者提供商誉的会计历史分析可以通过跟踪会计、法律意见和词源早期作家解释商誉的
10、视图和其会计处理的规则 ,商誉被视为剩余利润。其中,购买时需要购买者资本化及摊销金融账户(1995年:第284页)。 布莱恩承认,某些当局倡导可供选择的会计政策,不过他认为:首先,早期领导机关绝大多数赞成摊销。其次,核销资本往往主张只有在法律上建立伙伴关系和个体商人提供,从而使业主能避免在未来任何出售时披露他们的购买价格。第三,那些主张保留对公司的商誉也经常这样做的实际的原因为了避免法院潜在的尴尬起伏的必要性。以上文章观点显示,早期的权威文献强调的会计政策,维持长期的业务范围内的合理分配资金决定了援助的利润。越来越强调适当的股利支付给出的数值例子。谨慎性原则之间的会计政策和资本保全理论要求的链
11、接。最适当的会计政策辩论建议尽快运行的谨慎原则解决商誉问题。在某种程度上,股息是一个在十九世纪,并发表了资产负债管理利润代理,辩论也可以被看作是关于会见尊重资本市场的需求来观察和计算产生的利润(:第284页1995)的资本回报,布莱恩的分析强调率。三、 结论本文研究了由阿诺德等人提出的竞争要求和布莱恩(1995年:第284页)关于商誉性质和周围的任何在十九世纪末和二十世纪初的原则和有关商誉的会计政策的同意程度。早期的权威文献的分析表明有关于商誉会计几个方面的协议。这些措施包括商誉的性质和定义,它作为会计资产的地位,是整体不可分割的业务,它能够单独估价,并承认其在账目的情况。然而,确定有关购买的
13、方案并没有在这个意义上达成其中的一个定论,也不是一个政治上可以接受的会计标准的意思一致的答案。在这些说法中,说明商誉确有存在。 Debating Accounting Principles andPolicies: the Case of Goodwill Cooper,Julie:”Debating Accounting Principles and Policies:the Case of Goodwill”,Accounting, Business & Financial History,2007,7(17):241-2641 IntroductionDebate surrounding
14、 the publication of FRS 10 (ASB,1997) in the UK displayed support for a variety of accounting policies for goodwill,advocated for a variety of practical and conceptual reasons.An analysis of papers written on goodwill between 1884 and 1921 explores whether this lack of unanimity is a recent phenomen
15、on or not. The paper concludes that during this earlier period there were a number of areas of agreement regarding goodwill but,although a majority of authorities favoured a capitalise/amortise policy,there was a significant difference of opinion relating to its treatment once recorded in the accoun
16、ts.Analysis also suggests that advocated policies were derived from a desire to promote and operationalise the principle of prudence.In a report for the Accounting Standards Board (ASB),Arnold et al. (1992) concluded that,Although much has been written on the problem of accounting for goodwill durin
17、g the past century,a solution remains elusive (Arnold et al.,1992:pvi.). Certainly,in the last 25 years UK accounting standards have proposed,with differing mixes and differing rationales,three different approaches to accounting for goodwill immediate write-off to reserves,capitalisation at cost wit
18、h systematic amortisation and capitalisation with permanent retention and impairment review (Accounting Standards Committee (ASC),1984;ASB,1997;International Accounting Standards Board, 2004).Academics,accounting practitioners,market analysts and companies have supported all these various policies (
19、see,for example, Solomons,1989;Grinyer et al.,1990;Arnold et al.,1992;Baxter, 1993;ASB,1994; Archer et al., 1995;ASB, 1995, 1996).Arnold et al. do not expand on their above statement.In particular,they do not explain what they mean by a solution.A solution to an accounting problem could be defined i
20、n a number of ways.For example, it could be (i) one agreed by a majority of leading theorists as giving useful information,or (ii) one that would be politically acceptable.Bryer (1995) argues that historically the view held by Arnold et al., is questionable.He suggests that most leading late ninetee
21、nth and early twentieth-century authorities agreed that goodwill was simply the purchase of sufficient expectedsurplus profits to persuade the owner(s) to part with the net assets and control of a business,and that to reveal the rate of return on capital this cost should be capitalised and amortised
22、 against those surplus profits as they are realized (Bryer, 1995:p284).This paper analyses the accounting principles,rules and underlying theory put forward by some of the earliest authoritative commentators in an attempt to provide further detailand analysis of the two views given above.This is ach
23、ieved by a detailed examination and analysis of papers written on goodwill between 1884 and 1921.This first date refers to what appears to be the first published accounting article on goodwill (Harris, 1884).The latter date is determined by the publication of the original AccountantsIndex by the AIC
24、PA in the United States (AICPA, 1921).This literature is supplemented by reference to general accounting and auditing texts of the period.Given that our analysis wishes to shed light on the debate regarding historical views of goodwill in the UK,the literature considered here from the Index relates
25、only to the UK.This also locates the debate within a consistent legal and tax framework.The article is structured in the following manner.The next section identifies prior literature relating to historical analysis in this area.The following two sections deal more closely with the authoritative hist
26、orical literature:some common ground with respect to accounting for goodwill is identified,followed by key differences of opinion. There is then a consideration of what was the key issue behind the different opinions in the historical literature.The final section draws some conclusions.2. Prior Hist
27、orical AnalysesEarly authoritative literature paid considerable attention to the nature and definition of goodwill.The earliest definitions saw goodwill as being derived from,or caused by,various business attributes or advantages.Initially,with the first legal definition1 given by Lord Eldon in 1810
28、,in Crutwell v.Lye,goodwill wasnothing more than the probability that the old customers will resort to the old place (in Dawson, 1903:p196).This was extended by Vice-ChancellorWood in 1859,in Churton v.Douglas:Lord Eldon did not mean to confine the rights involved in the term goodwill to the advanta
29、ge of occupying premises to which customers were in the habit of going(Goodwill) must mean every advantage that has been acquired by the old firm by carrying on its business,everything connected with the premises and the name of the firm, and everything connected with or carrying with it the benefit
30、s of the business.Early authoritative literature also paid considerable attention to the valuation of goodwill.For accountants in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the issue of goodwill arose in practice with the task of business valuation (for example, on the promotion of new busine
31、sses or the sale of a business or part of a business). Theoretically it was assumed that the value of the business as a whole was the sum of the values of all the identifiable assets.4 Although goodwill was regarded as inseparable from the business as a whole,as an identifiable asset it was assumed
32、that it could be separately valued,and there were definite theoretical ideas as to how such a valuation should proceed.The basic approach saw the value of goodwill calculated by multiplying a chosen definition of profits by a chosen number of years.Initially the definition of profits was purely aver
33、age net profits.This was refined in particular to take into account the amount of capital that had been invested in order to earn those profits.This ensured that only excess profits contributed to the valuation of goodwill.It was the use of this method of valuation that encouraged commentators to al
34、so define goodwill as excess profit.Whether viewed as cause or as effect,the courts regarded goodwill as transferable business property and therefore as an identifiable business asset.In 1895 in Wilmer v. McNamara the courts also confirmed its status as fixed capital.Goodwill was also legal property
35、 within the meaning of the Stamp Act 1891 (More, 1891: p. 283; Dawson,1903: p. 196). Goodwill as an accounting asset was not made explicit in British statute law until the Companies Act 1928, which recorded goodwill in its suggested balance sheet formats.The Davey Committee of 1895 had included good
36、will as a business asset within its suggested balance sheet formats but these were not included in the resultant Companies Act 1900.However,that Act had included particulars relating to the publication of prospectuses.On the sale of a business to a company that was about to issue a prospectus inviti
37、ng the public to subscribe for shares or debentures,the price paid for the Goodwill had to be separately disclosed in that prospectus.However,given that the courts regarded goodwill as a business asset, accountants accepted it as an accounting asset before 1928. In particular,goodwill was classified
38、 as a fixed asset,being developed or acquired in order to enable the undertaking to carry on its business rather than for resale (Dicksee, 1892: p. 121 and 1897:p45).Some prior literature offering an historical analysis of accounting for goodwill can be found.Courtis (1983) discussed the nature and
39、definition of goodwill by tracing its conceptual clarification via earlier writers on accounting,legal opinion and etymology.He identified a shift in thinking over the nineteenth century.From being first thought of as a set of inducements,such as location or good repute, which attract persistent pat
40、ronage, the understanding of goodwill came to be dominated by methods for its valuation based on superior earning power concepts and by the accounting notion of a residuum.Carsberg (1966) discussed these valuation methods.He reviewed a number of significant early writings in the area and assessed th
41、e contribution of P.D. Leake in the light of these.Neither of these authors discussed the accounting policy choices of businesses.The history of goodwill provided by Hughes (1982) does discuss accounting policy choice.However,the emphasis of that history is primarily on events in the US, which are p
42、laced in a structural and institutional framework.Goodwill is seen as a reflection of the dominant form of business existing at any point in time.In analysing the nature of goodwill,the institutional framework and ideas of Thorstein Veblen and John Kenneth Galbraith are utilised.Napier (1994) provid
43、es a brief history of brand accounting in the UK.With respect to the time frame of this paper, brands were usually subsumed under the heading of goodwill,or under trademarks and patents.Napier identifies a number of aspects of accounting for goodwill at this time.Purchased goodwill would be accounte
44、d for,whereas internally generated goodwill was not, and a number of examples of the recording of goodwill in the accounts of purchasing businesses are given.Once goodwill was included in the accounts,Napier identifies three approaches to its subsequent treatment.First it could be immediately elimin
45、ated,or written-off, altogether.Second it could be capitalised as an asset with its recorded amount possibly being reduced irregularly in years of abnormally high profits.Third, goodwill could be amortised systematically in the same way as other long-lived assets with finite lives. Napier states tha
46、t in practice most companies preferred the second of these options but he does not discuss theoretical and/or practical reasons for the advocacy of the three options and for the choices made by companies in practice.Bryer (1995) is particularly concerned with explaining the inclusion in SSAP 22,Acco
47、unting for goodwill (ASC, 1984) of the policy of writing-off goodwill against capital.In so doing he includes a discussion of a number of early authorities (1995:p291294) and concludes that leading accounting authorities of the time had agreed both a conceptual view of goodwill and the rules for its
48、 accounting treatment goodwill was viewed assurplus profit which,when purchased, required capitalisation and amortisation in the financial accounts of the purchaser (1995: p. 284).As leading authorities in support of this Bryer (1995: pp. 291293) quotes Matheson (1884), More (1891) and Leake (1912,
49、1914) and refers to Whinney (1898) and Payne (1892).He also quotes Hatfield (1913) who mentions Child, Cooper, Guthrie and Pixley as among those favouring a regular writing off of goodwill.Bryer recognises that certain authorities advocated alternative accounting policies,however he argues (for the UK) that:firstly, the substantial majority of early lead