1、天很黑,一只小蜗牛在树林里爬着,慢慢地网家里走。一只棕熊过来 了,踩得树叶“哗啦哗啦”地响。树林里的光线很暗,小蜗牛的个子又小,棕熊没 有看见他,大脚丫眼看就要踩到小蜗牛的身体上了。小蜗牛大叫,棕熊的脚移开了:“对不起,你个子太小,没看见你啊。” 一只兔子过来了,也差点儿踩着小蜗牛:“对不起,你个子太小,没 看见你啊。” 小蜗牛胆战心惊地往前爬,看见前面草丛里有一只小虫。小虫说:“我 的翅膀坏了,飞不动了。”小蜗牛说:“你起到我背上吧,我送你回家。”小蜗牛 背着小虫往前走,他背上突然亮起了一盏小灯笼。原来这小虫是只萤火虫。哈, 有了小灯笼照明,这回谁也不会踩到小蜗牛啦!幼儿英语故事带翻译篇二
2、萤火虫找朋友 On a ummer night, the firefly carrying a mall green lantern, flying around, looking for a friend. Fireflie fly ah fly, fly to the light, ee a few mall moth, aid: mall moth, are you willing to be my good friend Small moth aid: ok! Before you play with, we need to find a little iter, you help u
3、 look, okay Firefly aid: no, no, I want to find a friend. Then flew away. Firefly fly fly, fly to the pond, aw the little frog, aid: little frog, you are willing to do my good friend The little frog aid, okay! You can play with you, Im looking for my little brother, you help me, pleae Firefly aid: n
4、o, no, I want to find a friend. Then flew away. Fireflie fly ah fly, fly to the tree, ee a little ant, ant aid: little ant, would you like to be my good friend The ant aid: okay! Before you play with, I lot my way, help me to illuminate the way home, okay Firefly aid: no, no, I want to find a friend
5、. Then flew away. Firefly everywhere to find a friend, but, it can not find a friend. So he topped on the tree and cried adly. The tree grandfather heard, and aked the firefly: firefly, why do you cry o ad Firefly cried and aid: I want to find a friend, but a friend i not looking for. Then, it i the
6、 tree told the tory. After litening to the tree, the firefly aid: firefly, you do not help people, people will certainly not do your friend. Firefly liten, the red. 在一个夏天的夜晚,萤火虫提着绿色的小灯笼,飞来飞去,找朋友。萤火虫飞呀飞,飞到灯光下,看见几只小飞蛾,就说:“小飞蛾,你 愿意做我的好朋友吗”小飞蛾说:“好吧!待会儿再跟你玩儿,我们要找小妹妹, 你帮我们找找,好吗”萤火虫说:“不,不,我要找朋友。”说完便飞走了。萤火虫
7、飞呀飞,飞到池塘边,看见了小青蛙,就说:“小青蛙,你愿 意做我的好朋友吗”小青蛙说:“好吧!待会儿再跟你玩儿,我要找我的小弟弟, 你帮我找找,好吗”萤火虫说:“不,不,我要找朋友。”说完便飞走了。萤火虫飞呀飞,飞到大树下,看见了一只小蚂蚁,就对小蚂蚁说:“小蚂蚁你愿意做我的好朋友吗”小蚂蚁说:“好吧!待会儿再跟你玩儿,我迷路了, 帮我照亮回家的路,好吗”萤火虫说:“不,不,我要找朋友。”说完便飞走了。萤火虫到处找朋友,可是,它一个朋友也找不到。于是,他停在树枝 上,伤心地哭了。大树公公听见了,就问萤火虫:“萤火虫,你为什么哭得这么伤心呀” 萤火虫一边哭一边说:“我要找朋友,可是,一个朋友也没找
8、着。”说完,它便对 大树公公讲起了事情的前前后后. 大树公公听后,对萤火虫说:“萤火虫,你不帮助人家,人家当然不 会做你的朋友。” 萤火虫听后,脸红了。这天,它们趁着农夫出门去,就偷偷去农夫的家,这次它们偷了一只 羊,美美的吃了一顿,可老虎太贪心了,它说,要再去偷一只回来。农夫出去回来发现羊少了一只,就知道肯定市被老虎和狐狸吃掉了, 它正在想怎么对付拿可恶的老虎和狐狸,就看见老虎鬼鬼祟祟的来了,农夫拿了 根棒子,站在羊圈的门后面,等老虎一进门,就使劲打它,老虎落荒而逃,没被 农夫打死。可是老虎不死心,第二天,它有准备去偷羊,这次农夫在门口挖了个 洞,老虎一进门就掉进去了,农夫把准备好的土全部倒进去了,老虎被闷死里面 了。