1、我们试比较下面的各组句子:1) A. Wed like to buy your Crocodile Brand Men hirt. B. We are intereted in your Crocodile brand Men hirt. 2) A. We want you to end u your lowet quotation for the ubject good. B. We hould be grateful if your could make u your lowet quotation for the ubject good. 3) A. Therefore, you hav
2、e to ak your banker to make amendment to the aid L/C. B. You are, therefore, kindly requeted to intruct your banker to make amendment to the aid L/C accordingly. 4) A. We now tlee you the good are ready for hipment. B. We are pleaed to inform you that the good are now ready for hipment. 外贸信函的协作最重要的是用词准确,表达的意思清楚,但语调也要 自然,友好,有礼。3. 练习掌握。外贸函电是一门模仿性、实践性、操作 性都很强的课程,不通过练习实践,很难加深认识,巩固所学知识。只有进行大 量的有针对性的反复操练,尤其是外贸业务 各个环节设计特定情景进行反复操 作,进行大量填空、填词、选择题、句子 翻译 和中译英信件的 翻译 等各种类 型的练习,我们才能熟练掌握运用外贸业务这些常用的句型、词汇 和短语以达 到能够正确 翻译 并能拟写同类信函的目的。推荐访问: