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1、ICS 01.120 A00 团 体 标 准 T/CAS 3262018 工程能力评价通用规范 Capability evaluation of professional engineers general specification 2018-10-30 发布 2018-10-30 实施 中国标准化协会 发 布T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 I 中国标准化协会(CAS)是组织开展国内、国际标准化活动的全国性社会团体。制定中国标准化协会标准(以下简称:中国标协标准),满足企业需要,推动企业标准化工作,是中国标准化协会的工作内容之一。中国境内的团体和个人,均可提出制、修订

2、中国标协标准的建议并参与有关工作。中国标协标准按中国标准化协会标准管理办法进行制定和管理。中国标协标准草案经向社会公开征求意见,并得到参加审定会议的 75%以上的专家、成员的投票赞同,方可作为中国标协标准予以发布。在本标准实施过程中,如发现需要修改或补充之处,请将意见和有关资料寄给中国标准化协会,以便修订时参考。本标准版权归中国标准化协会所有。除了用于国家法律或事先得到 中国标准化协会文字上的许可外,不许以任何形式复制该标准。中国标准化协会地址:北京市海淀区增光路 33 号中国标协写字楼 邮政编码:100048 电话:68487160 传真:68486206 网址:www.china-cas.

3、org 电子信箱:caschina-cas.org T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 II 目 次 前言.III 引言.IV 1 范围.1 2 术语和定义.1 3 评价授权.2 4 评价标准.2 5 评价程序.2 6 核准与注册.3 7 管理与服务.3 8 自律与监管.4 附录 A(规范性附录)工程会员素质能力要求.6 附录 B(规范性附录)职业行为准则.7 T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 III 前 言 本标准是依据T/CAS 1.12017团体标准的结构和编写指南编制。本标准由中国科协工程能力建设联盟提出并归口。本标准起草单位:中国科协培训和人

4、才服务中心、中国标准化协会、中国机械工程学会、中国汽车工程学会、中国电机工程学会、中国电工技术学会、中国仪器仪表学会、中国铁道学会、中国公路学会、中国核学会、中国建筑学会。本标准起草人:方四平、张鸣天、王天羿、夏薇佳、罗平、栾大凯、薄颖、王永环、果强、王海茹、王志华、孙谊、张建、韩永刚、马福海、周诗广、刘文杰、巨荣云、秦昭曼、刘世伟、宋中南、柳澎、姚喜梅。考虑到本标准中的某些条款可能涉及专利,中国标准化协会不负责对任何该类专利的鉴别。本标准首次制定。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 IV 引 言 为建立国际实质等效的工程能力评价体系,推动工程师国际互认,提高工程技术人才职

5、业化、国际化水平,中国科协成立工程能力建设联盟(以下简称联盟)。联盟负责统筹开展工程能力建设的专题研究、决策咨询、业务指导和评价服务等工作。联盟授权符合条件的中国科协所属全国学会(以下简称全国学会)承担具体的工程能力评价工作。获得授权的全国学会(以下简称获授权学会)可对其会员开展专业工程能力评价。会员经评价合格,可注册成为工程会员。为规范工程能力评价活动,特制定本标准。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 1 工程能力评价通用规范 1 范围 本标准规定了开展工程能力评价所涉及的评价授权、评价标准、评价程序、核准与注册、管理与服务、自律与监管等相关要求。本标准适用于以下工程技术

6、领域:土木工程类;电气工程类;机械工程类;铁路工程类;核工程类。2 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。2.1 申请人 applicant 从事本标准规定的工程技术领域工作,提出工程能力评价申请的获授权学会会员。2.2 工程能力评价 engineering capability evaluation 获授权学会根据工程能力评价标准,按照评价程序对申请人进行考核评价。2.3 考官 assessor 具备从事工程能力评价工作需要的素质、知识和技能,并经联盟备案的考核人员。2.4 注册 registration 申请人经工程能力评价合格,获得工程会员证书的程序。2.5 工程会员 professi

7、onal engineer 通过注册,获得工程会员证书的人员。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 2 2.6 持续职业发展 continuous professional development 工程会员为保持和提高工程技术能力和素质能力,所参与的学习、培训、参观、交流和研讨等活动。2.7 再注册 re-registration 工程会员在证书有效期到期前向获授权学会提出申请,经评价合格,换发工程会员证书的程序。3 评价授权 3.1 全国学会可向联盟提出开展工程能力评价工作的申请。3.2 联盟组织对提出申请的全国学会进行资格审查。3.3 联盟授权审查合格的全国学会,在授权有

8、效期内开展本标准所规定的工程能力评价工作。4 评价标准 4.1 教育经历要求 4.1.1 申请人应具有中华人民共和国教育部承认的工程类及相关专业大学本科及以上学历或在海外取得华盛顿协议认可的工程类及相关专业学位。4.1.2 申请人应满足所申请工程技术领域对教育经历方面的特定要求。4.2 专业工作经历要求 4.2.1 申请人的专业工作经历应在取得本科或以上学历后获得。4.2.2 申请人应在工程会员指导下,获得至少 5 年的专业工作经历,其中至少包含 2 年重要工程工作经历。4.2.3 申请人应满足所申请工程技术领域对专业工作经历方面的特定要求。4.3 素质能力要求 4.3.1 申请人应满足素质能

9、力要求(见附录 A)。4.3.2 申请人应满足所申请工程技术领域对素质能力方面的特定要求。4.4 职业道德要求 申请人的职业道德应满足职业行为准则的要求(见附录B)。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 3 5 评价程序 5.1 申请受理 5.1.1 申请人按照要求提交工程能力评价所需的申请信息和资料。5.1.2 获授权学会对申请信息和资料进行初审,确认教育经历和专业工作经历等基本条件的符合性。5.2 考核评价 5.2.1 获授权学会定期组织开展工程能力评价笔试和面试工作。通过笔试的申请人,方可参加面试。5.2.2 获授权学会根据要求筛选、推荐考官,经联盟备案后纳入考官专家库

10、。5.2.3 面试时,获授权学会应从考官专家库中随机选择至少 3 名考官组成考核组,其中至少 2 名考官与申请人的工程技术领域相近。5.2.4 考核组依据合格判定准则,对申请人评价是否合格给出意见。5.3 审议 获授权学会根据申请人的相关情况和考核组的评价建议进行综合审议,确定是否予以注册。6 核准与注册 6.1 获授权学会根据考核审议结果,将拟注册的申请人信息报送联盟。6.2 联盟核准后,给予统一的工程会员注册编号。6.3 获授权学会负责人为经联盟核准的申请人签发工程会员证书,证书有效期 5 年。6.4 工程会员证书至少应包含下列信息:联盟标识;获授权学会的名称、标识;人员姓名和身份识别信息

11、;注册工程技术领域;注册编号;照片;批准日期和有效期。6.5 对于未获批准的申请人,获授权学会应将评价意见及结论通知其本人。6.6 获授权学会应及时公告工程会员注册情况,公告至少应包含下列信息:人员姓名;注册工程技术领域;注册编号;批准日期和有效期。6.7 工程会员应在证书有效期到期前 3 个月内,向获授权学会提出再注册申请。经获授权学会评价合格,换发工程会员证书。6.8 联盟每年 4 次向社会集中公告工程会员注册/再注册情况。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 4 7 管理与服务 7.1 持续职业发展 7.1.1 工程会员每年应参加不少于 40 学时(每学时原则上不少于

12、30 min)的经获授权学会认可的持续职业发展活动,活动通常包括:联盟和获授权学会指定或认可的知识培训或考试;相关工程技术领域的研讨会、技术考察等活动;相关工程技术领域专业机构的专业活动(如相关标准的起草、课题研究等);相关工程技术领域的专业论文发表或书籍出版;相关工程技术领域的专业授课或会议演讲;相关工程技术领域的技术咨询等服务活动;获授权学会指定的自学活动。7.1.2 联盟和获授权学会应确定每年工程会员持续职业发展活动的具体内容及对应的学时。7.2 证书管理 7.2.1 获授权学会应明确工程会员证书管理的要求,确定一般/严重不符合情形及相应的处置细则。7.2.2 工程会员出现一般不符合情形

13、,获授权学会应暂停其证书使用,暂停期不超过六个月;暂停证书原因消除后,应办理恢复证书使用手续。7.2.3 工程会员不再保持资格的,应办理注销证书手续。7.2.4 工程会员出现严重不符合情形或暂停证书到期未办理恢复使用手续的,获授权学会应办理撤销证书手续。7.2.5 在证书有效期截止日前,工程会员没有提出再注册申请,证书到期后自动失效。7.2.6 工程会员使用证书,应遵守获授权学会相关要求。工程会员资格被暂停期间、注销和撤销后,不得使用相应证书。7.3 信息公开 获授权学会应及时向社会公开工程会员证书暂停、恢复、注销、撤销信息,并将变动信息向联盟通报。8 自律与监管 8.1 自律和公正性 8.1

14、.1 联盟、获授权学会及相关工作人员遵照诚信、自律、公正的原则,开展工程能力评价相关工作。8.1.2 获授权学会应建立回避制度,以确保申请受理、考核评价、审议等全过程的公正性。8.1.3 工程会员应遵守职业行为准则。8.2 监管 联盟对获授权学会开展的工程能力评价相关工作进行监督,对出现问题的学会,联盟要求其限期整改;视问题严重程度,联盟撤销其授权资格。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 5 8.3 保密制度 联盟、获授权学会及相关工作人员对申请人和工程会员提交的个人相关信息负有保密义务,不得向第三方泄露(法律有要求时除外)。8.4 申诉和投诉 8.4.1 联盟和获授权学会

15、分别建立申诉与投诉的渠道。8.4.2 申请人对评价结果存有异议的,可向获授权学会提出申诉。8.4.3 申请人对获授权学会申诉处理决定不接受的,可向联盟提出申诉。8.4.4 申请人对获授权学会在工程能力评价工作中违反程序和规则的,可向获授权学会或联盟提出投诉。8.4.5 工程会员注册后,对获授权学会的相关管理不当行为,可向获授权学会或联盟提出投诉。8.4.6 获授权学会、联盟应及时受理并妥善处理相关申诉和投诉,并保留相关处理手续和证据。8.5 反馈机制 8.5.1 联盟和获授权学会应及时向申(投)诉人反馈处理结果。8.5.2 单位或个人可直接向联盟提出工程能力评价工作的相关意见或建议。T/CAS

16、 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 6 A A 附 录 A(规范性附录)工程会员素质能力要求 中国科协工程能力建设联盟工程会员应满足表A.1的要求。表A.1 工程会员素质能力要求 素质能力 要求 A 工程知识与专业能力 A1 具有本专业工程教育背景,接受过工程基础和专业知识学习以及专业技能训练。A2 能运用数学、自然科学、工程基础和专业知识以及专业技能解决复杂问题。A3 具备收集、分析、判断国内外相关技术信息的能力,能进行复杂问题的研究、提出开发方向和思路及解决方案。A4 具备系统思维和创新思维能力,能提出创新方案。B 工程伦理与职业道德 B1 具有社会责任感和敬业精神,能在工作中正

17、确运用专业知识保证工程和自然、社会的和谐发展,树立全面、协调、可持续发展理念。B2 能在工作中遵循法律法规、技术规范和正确运用质量、安全、节能环保知识。B3 具有本专业职业健康安全、节能、环保、知识产权保护意识,能在工作中正确运用专业知识维护以上要素。C 团队合作与交流能力 C1 能使用工程语言制定工程文件,并与同行深入交流。C2 有团队合作精神和良好的人际交往关系,能够控制自我并理解他人意愿。C3 能适应各种环境并发挥自身能力。C4 能够进行国际交流与合作。D 持续发展与终身学习能力 D1 制定并实施自身职业发展规划;积极参与业内学术活动。D2 主动跟踪本专业国内外技术发展趋势,不断掌握新知

18、识、新技能,并应用于工作中。E 组织领导与项目管理能力 E1 具备市场调研、需求预测和技术经济分析能力,能评估工程项目的效果和影响。E2 具备团队组建和管理能力,具备项目监控和过程管理能力,能组织实施工程项目。E3 具备风险管控能力,能进行风险预判并提出风险规避预案。E4 具备综合分析、判断能力,能在工程项目实施过程中展现很强的判断力。E5 能提出决策意见,并对所作出的决定负责任。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 7 B B 附 录 B(规范性附录)职业行为准则 中国科协工程能力建设联盟结合工程特点和社会可持续发展要求制定以下职业行为准则:以公众的安全、健康和幸福为基本原


20、权保护,履行必要的保密责任,不参与不公平竞争,拒绝贿赂和一切形式的腐败行为。T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 ICS 01.120 ICS 01.120 A00 A00 关键词关键词:工程能力评价、通用规范工程能力评价、通用规范 ICS 01.120 A 00 Social Organization Standard T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 Capability evaluation of professional engineers general specification Issue date 2018-10-30 Implement

21、ation date 2018-10-30 Issued by China Association for StandardizationT/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 I China Association for Standardization(CAS)is a nationwide public organization that organizes and carries out activities about domestic and international standardization.Developing CAS Standard to meet

22、the needs of enterprises and promote the work of enterprise standardization is one of CAS work contents.Both groups and individuals at home can offer the suggestion on developing or revising CAS standard,and participate in the relevant work.CAS standard is managed according to“Management Rules for t

23、he Standards of CAS”.The draft of CAS Standard is open to the society for suggestion.Only with the vote of more than 75 percent experts and members who attend the Meeting can the draft be issued as the CAS Standard.In the process of implementing the standard,please mail the opinion and relevant mate

24、rials to CAS or China Health Care Association if you find something to be revised or complemented.The standardization copyright belongs to China Association for Standardization.It must not be copied in any form except when it is used in the national laws or used with the permission in word from Chin

25、a Association for Standardization.China Association for Standardization No.33 Zengguang Road,CAS Building,Haidian District,Beijing China Post code:100048 Tel:86-10-68487160 Fax:86-10-68486206 Web:www.china-cas.org E-mail:caschina-cas.org T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 II Contents Foreword.III Introduct

26、ion.IV 1 Scope of application.1 2 Terms and definitions.1 3 Evaluation authorization.2 4 Evaluation criteria.2 5 Evaluation procedures.3 6 Approval and registration.3 7 Management and services.4 8 Self-discipline and supervision.5 Annex A(Normative)Competence requirements for professional engineers.

27、7 Annex B(Normative)Professional ethics and code of conduct.9 T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 III Foreword This Standard was formulated on the basis of the Guideline for Structure and Drafting of Social Organization Standard(T/CAS 1.1-2017)This Standard was proposed and managed byEngineering Capability

28、Building Alliance(hereinafter referred to asthe Alliance)of China Association for Science and Technology(CAST).This Standard was drafted by the following organizations:Center for Professional Training and Services of CAST,China Association for Standardization,Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society,C

29、hina-SAE,Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering,China Electrotechnical Society,China Instrument and Control Society,China Railway Society,China Highway and Transportation Society,Chinese Nuclear Society,and Architectural Society of China.The main editors of this Standard are:FANG Siping,ZHANG Mi

30、ngtian,WANG Tianyi,XIA Weijia,LUO Ping,LUAN Dakai,BO Ying,WANG Yonghuan,GUO Qiang,WANG Hairu,WANG Zhihua,SUN Yi,ZHANG Jian,HAN Yonggang,MA Fuhai,ZHOU Shiguang,LIU Wenjie,JU Rongyun,QIN Zhaoman,LIU Shiwei,SONG Zhongnan,LIU Peng,and YAO Ximei Organizations adopting CAS Standard should apply the regist

31、ration of standard in accordance with the current national relevant rule and are in charge of the technical content.It is the first time to issue the standard.T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 IV Introduction In order to establish an internationally equivalent engineering capability evaluation system,adva

32、nce international mutual recognition of engineers,and improve the professional and international level of professional engineers,the China Association for Science and Technology(CAST)has established the Engineering CapabilityBuilding Alliance(hereinafter referred to as the Alliance)to take charge of

33、 special research,decision-making consultation,business guidance and evaluation service related to engineering capability building.The Alliance authorizes thequalifiedNational Societiesunder the CAST(hereinafter referred to as the National Societies)to undertake specific engineering capability evalu

34、ation.The authorized National Societies(hereinafter referred to as the authorized Societies)shall assess the professional engineering capability of their respective members.Once considered qualified after evaluation,the respective members can be registered as professional engineers.This Standard is

35、hereby formulated to standardize engineering capability evaluation activities.T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 1 Capability evaluation of professional engineers general specification 1 Scope of application 1 Scope of application This Standard specifies the evaluation authorization,evaluation criteria,eva

36、luation procedures,approval and registration,management and services,self-regulation and supervision and other requirements concerning the engineering capability evaluation.-This Standard applies to the following engineering and technical fields:-Civil Engineering;-Electrical Engineering;-Mechanical

37、 Engineering;-Railway Engineering;-Nuclear Engineering.2 Terms and definitions 2 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Standard,the terms and definitions given below apply.2.1 Applicant 2.1 Applicant The applicants shall be members of the authorized Societies who work in the engineering and

38、technical fields stipulated by this Standard,and apply for the engineering capability evaluation.2.2 Engineering Capability Evaluation 2.2 Engineering Capability Evaluation The authorized Societies carry out evaluation and assessment on the applicants in accordance with the engineering capability ev

39、aluation criteria and the evaluation procedures.2.3 Assessor 2.3 Assessor The assessor refers to the assessment personnel who has the competences,knowledge and skills necessary for engineering capability evaluation and is registered by the Alliance.2.4 Registration 2.4 Registration Registration refe

40、rs to the procedure that the applicants are granted the professional engineer certificates after being considered qualified after the engineering capability evaluation.2.5 Professional Engineer 2.5 Professional Engineer Professional engineer refers to the individual who is granted professional engin

41、eer certificates after registration.T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 2 2.6 Continuous Professional Development 2.6 Continuous Professional Development Continuous Professional Development(CPD)refers to the study,training,visits,exchanges,discussions and other activities which the professional engineers en

42、gage in to maintain and improve their engineering capability and competence.2.7 Re-registration 2.7 Re-registration Re-registration refers to the procedures in which professional engineers file an application to the authorized Societies prior to the expiration of the certificate validity period,and

43、if considered qualified after evaluation,they will be granted new professional engineer certificate respectively.3 Evaluation authorization3 Evaluation authorization 3.1 3.1 The National Societies may submit an engineering capability evaluation application to the Alliance.3.2 3.2 The Alliance organi

44、zes the review of the qualification of the National Societies that have submitted applications.3.3 3.3 The Alliance authorizes the National Societies that have passed the review to carry out the engineering capability evaluation stipulated by this Standard within the validity period of the authoriza

45、tion.4 Evaluation criteria4 Evaluation criteria 4.1 Education background requirements 4.1 Education background requirements 4.1.1 4.1.1 The applicant shall have an accredited bachelors or higher-level degree in engineering or related majors recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Peoples Repu

46、blic of China,or the overseas degree in the engineering or related majors recognized by the Washington Accord.4.1.2 4.1.2 The applicant shall meet the specific requirements on education background in the engineering and technical fields concerning the application.4.2 Professional work experience req

47、uirements 4.2 Professional work experience requirements 4.2.1 4.2.1 The applicants professional work experience shall be accumulated after obtaining an accredited bachelors or higher-level degree in engineering or related majors. The applicant shall have at least 5 years of professional wo

48、rk experience of which at least 2 years shall be in important engineering posts under the guidance of professional engineers. The applicant shall meet the specific requirements on professional work experience in the engineering and technical fieldsconcerning the application.4.3 Competence

49、requirements4.3 Competence requirements The applicantshall meet the competence requirements(refer to Annex A).4.3.2 4.3.2 The applicant shall meet the specific requirements on competence in the engineering and technical fields concerning the application.T/CAS 3262018 T/CAS 3262018 3 4.4 P

50、rofessional ethics requirements4.4 Professional ethics requirements The applicant shall meet the requirements of the professional code of conduct(refer to Annex B).5 Evaluation procedures 5 Evaluation procedures 5.1 Application acceptance5.1 Application acceptance 5.1.1 5.1.1 The applican


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