1、 1 电气专业主要设备名称中英文对照 General vocabulary-一般词汇 No.Chinese English 1 标准电压值 Standard voltages 2 标准电流值 Standard current ratings 3 额定电压 Rated voltage 4 额定电流 Rated current 5 发电,输电和配电 Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity 6 变电站(所)Substation 7 降压变电站 Step-down substation 8 升压变电站 Step-up substa
2、tion 9 输电线路 Power lines 10 架空输电线路 Overhead power lines 11 铝绞线 Aluminium stranded conductors 12 钢芯铝绞线 Steel-core aluminium stranded conductors 13 铜绞线 Copper stranded conductors 14 绝缘子 Insulators 15 盘式瓷绝缘子串单元 Cap-type porcelain insulators string unit 16 针式瓷绝缘子 Pin-type porcelain insulators 17 绝缘套管 Ins
3、ulated bushings 18 电缆输电线路 Cable power lines 19 高压电缆 High-voltage cables 20 低压电缆 Low-voltage cables 21 电力电缆 Power cables 2 General vocabulary-一般词汇 No.Chinese English 22 控制电缆 Control cables 23 铠装电缆 Armoured cables 24 屏蔽电缆 Screened cables 25 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套电缆 XLPE insulated and PE sheathed cables(XLPE:Cro
4、ss-link polythene)26 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables(PVC:Polyvinyl chloride)27 橡胶绝缘电缆 Rubber insulated cables 28 电气设备 Electrical equipment 29 电气设施 Electrical installations 30 短路电流 Short-circuit current 31 三相交流电力系统中的短路电流 Short-circuit current in three-phase AC systems 32 相间短路电流 L
5、ine-to-line short-circuit current 33 相对地短路电流(单相短路电流)Line-to-earth short-circuit current 34 三相交流电力系统中的短路电流计算 Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase AC systems 35 短路热效应 Short-circuit thermal effects 36 短路耐受能力 Short circuit withstanding ability 37 短路热稳定电流 Short-circuit thermal stability curre
6、nt 38 短路动稳定电流 Short-circuit dynamic stability current 39 安全余量 Safety margin 40 电力变压器 Power transformers 41 干式电力变压器 Dry-type power transformers 42 油浸式电力变压器 Oil-immersed power transformers 3 General vocabulary-一般词汇 No.Chinese English 43 降压变压器 Step-down transformers 44 升压变压器 Step-up transformers 45 变压器
7、变压比 Transformer voltage ratio 46 变压器联接组别 Transformer winding vector group 47 阻抗电压 Impedance voltage 48 温升 Temperature rise 49 电抗器 Reactors 50 电容器 Capacitors 51 电阻器 Resistors 52 高压开关 High-voltage switches 53 交流断路器 AC(alternating current)circuit breakers 54 交流隔离开关 AC disconnectors 55 交流接地开关 AC earthin
8、g switches 56 变压器中性点隔离开关 Disconnectors for transformer neutral point 57 电流互感器 Current transformers 58 电压互感器 Voltage transformers 59 仪用互感器 Instrument transformers 60 避雷器(过电压保护装置)Surge arresters 61 交流系统用金属氧化物无间隙避雷器(过电压保护装置)Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for AC systems 62 变压器中性点避雷器(过电压保护装置)Su
9、rge arresters for transformer neutral point 63 交流接触器 AC contactors 64 热继电器 Thermal relays 4 General vocabulary-一般词汇 No.Chinese English 65 过载保护器 Over-load protection device 66 中间继电器 Intermediate relays 67 保护继电器 Protection relays 68 熔断器 Fuses 69 开关装置 Switchgear 70 开关柜 Switchgear cabinets 71 控制设备 Contr
10、olgear 72 控制柜 Control cabinets 73 电力系统保护 Power system protection 74 继电保护系统 Protection relaying system 75 电气测量系统 Electrical measuring system 76 电气控制系统 Electrical control system 77 绝缘 Insulation 78 绝缘水平 Insulation levels 79 绝缘配合 Insulation co-ordination 80 外部空气间隙 External clearances in air 81 过电压 Over
11、-voltage 82 过电压保护系统 Over-voltage protection system 83 防雷电保护系统 Lightning protection system 84 接地 Earthing 85 接地系统 Earthing system 86 工频接地系统 Working frequency earthing system 87 防雷接地系统 Lightning protection earthing system 5 General vocabulary-一般词汇 No.Chinese English 88 工频接地电阻 Working frequency earthin
12、g resistance 89 冲击接地电阻 Impulse earthing resistance 90 屋顶避雷带 Roof-installed lightning bars 91 屋顶避雷针 Roof-installed lightning rod 92 独立避雷针塔 Independent lightning arrester tower 93 引下线 Earthing lead 94 接地极 Earthing pole 6 Rectifier substation 整流变电站 No.Chinese English 1 调压变压器 Regulating transformers 2 一
13、次绕组 Primary winding 3 调压绕组 Regulating winding 4 补偿绕组 Compensation winding 5 有载分接开关 On-load tap-changers 6 饱和电抗器 Transductors 7 强迫油循环强迫风冷却器 Oil-forced air-forced coolers 8 整流变压器 Rectifier transformers 9 移相绕组 Phase shift winding 10 硅二极管变流(整流)器 Silicon diode converters(rectifiers)11 整流柜 Rectifier cabin
14、et 12 强迫水循环强迫风冷却器 Water-forced air-forced coolers 13 滤波器和并联电容器 Harmonic filters and shunt capacitors 14 受谐波影响的工业交流电网 Industrial AC networks affected by harmonics 15 PFC 装置(功率因数补偿装置)PFC devices(Power factor compensation devices)16 串联电抗器 Series reactors 17 并联电容器 Shunt capacitors 18 滤波电容器 Capacitors fo
15、r harmonic filter 19 无感电阻器 Resistors without inductance 20 谐波电流 Harmonic current 21 谐波电压 Harmonic voltages 7 Rectifier substation 整流变电站 No.Chinese English 22 谐波治理 Harmonic control 23 谐波滤波器 Harmonic filters 24 单调谐滤波器 Tuned harmonic filters 25 高通滤波器 High-pass harmonic filters 26 谐波分析 Harmonic study 27
16、 谐波计算及谐振校验 Harmonics calculation and resonance check 28 功率因数计算及无功需求确定 Power factor calculation and reactive power demand fixing 29 直流隔离开关 DC disconnectors 30 变电站/综合自动化系统 Substation automation system(SAS)31 计算机工作站 PC working station 32 间隔端子箱 Bay junction box 33 检修电源箱 Repair power box 34 照明箱 Lighting
17、box 35 变电所自用电系统 Self-use power system of substation 36 自用电变压器 Self-use power transformer 37 照明变压器 Lighting transformers 38 直流测量装置 DC(direct current)measurement device 39 铸铝支母线 Cast aluminum branch bus bars 40 铸铝主母线 Cast aluminum main bus bars 41 铸铝汇流母线 Cast aluminum converging bus bars 42 软连接头 Flexi
18、ble connection 43 铜-铝过渡母线 Cu-Al joint bus bars 44 12.6 kV 交流金属封闭开关柜 12.6 kV AC metal-enclosed switchgear cabinet 8 Rectifier substation 整流变电站 No.Chinese English 45 415/240V 交流低压抽屉式开关柜 415/240V AC low-voltage drawer type switchgear cabinet 46 220 V 直流电源装置 220V DC power supply device 47 电工建筑物和构筑物 Buil
19、dings and structures for electrical installations 48 中央控制楼 Central control building 49 中央控制室 Central control room 50 低压配电室 Low-voltage power distribution room 51 变压器室 Transformer room 52 整流大楼 Rectifying building 53 滤油机 Oil filters 54 储油罐 Oil storage tank 55 变压器油坑 Oil pit for transformer 56 油坑钢篦子 Ste
20、el bar screen of oil pit 58 电气设备基础 Electrical equipment foundations 59 进线钢结构门型架 Income steel gantries 60 出线钢结构门型架 Outgoing steel gantries 61 馈线钢结构门型架 Feeder steel gantries 62 母线钢结构门型架 Bus bar steel gantries 63 户内电缆沟 Indoor cable trough 64 户外电缆沟 Outdoor cable trough 65 电缆竖井 Cable shaft 66 电缆夹层 Cable
21、room 67 架空电缆桥 Overhead cable bridge 68 混凝土母线支架 Concrete bus support 9 Rectifier substation 整流变电站 No.Chinese English 69 钢筋混凝土基础 Reinforced concrete foundation 70 钢筋混凝土支架 Reinforced concrete support 71 素混凝土基础 Plain concrete foundation 72 素混凝土支架 Plain concrete support 73 穿墙洞 Wall hole 74 吊装孔 Hoist hole
22、 75 绝缘子串挂钩 Hook for insulators string 76 防火墙 Fire wall 78 防火门 Fire door 79 防火层 Fireproof layer 80 防火挑檐 Fireproof eaves 81 消防水泵 Fire pumps 82 喷水系统 Spray systems 83 控制室空调系统 Air conditioning systems for control rooms 84 强迫通风系统 Forced ventilation systems 85 开关装置室强迫通风系统 Forced ventilation systems for swi
23、tchgear rooms 10 6.6kV,11kV medium-voltage distribution room-6.6kV,11kV 中压配电所(室)No.Chinese English 1 11kV 中央配电所 11kV central power distribution room 2 分配电所 Second level power distribution rooms 3 辅助电力变压器 Auxiliary power transformers 4 阳极区 11kV 分配电所 11kV power distribution room of anode area 5 空压站 11
24、kV 分配电所 11kV power distribution room of air compressor station 6 电解烟气净化 11/6.6kV 变电所 11/6.6kV substation of potroom fume treatment 11 Workshop substation,low-voltage distribution room and control room-车间变电所,低压配电室及控制室 No.Chinese English 1 PLC 控制柜 PLC control cabinets 2 隔离变压器 Isolating transformers 3 就地控制箱 Local control boxes 4 就地控制台 Local control desks 5 移动式软电缆 Movable flexible cables 6 预制分支电缆 Pre-fabricated branch-joint cables 7 安全型滑触线 Safety-type sliding conductors 8 电缆桥架 Cable trays 9 照明灯具 Lighting lamps