1、 1 Snow White 角色:Actors SW白雪公主(1 个)Q王后(1 个)M魔镜(1 个)D小矮人(7 个)(一)旁白:(伴着音乐)In a beautiful country,there lived a king and a queen.They had a life princess.The family lived a happy life.But before long,the queen died.The king married another woman.She was beautiful,but proud and arrogant.She couldnt bear
2、 anyone being more beautiful than her.She had a magic mirror.(王后出场)Q:Magic Mirror on the wall.Who is the fairest one of all?M:Lips red as the rose.Hair black as ebony.Skin white as snow.Q:Snow White!Alas for her!旁白:The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly.The guard couldnt hear to kil
3、l her,So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can,and never let the queen find her.Snow White ran into the forest,she wandered aimlessly.Will she come to a small house.SW:Oh,its adorable!I like it here.(敲门,然后推开)Hello!May I come in?(回头让跟在身后的小动物们安静)Shh 2(在小房子里到处看看)Oh,and from the look of this
4、 table,seven untidy little children!Why,theyve never swept this room.I know!Well clean the house and surprise them.Then maybe theyll let me stay.SW(指着小松鼠):Now,you wash the dishes.(指着小兔子):You tidy up the room.(指着小鸟):You clean the fireplace.(开始扫除,配“嘻嘻唰唰”音乐)(打扫完毕,大家都累了,打着哈欠)SW:Oh,Im a little sleepy mys
5、elf.Oh,Oh(公主打着哈欠,睡在了小矮人们的床上)(三)(伴着音乐,小矮人们唱着歌回家了)Dwarf5:“Heigh-ho,heigh-ho.Its home from work we go”Dwarf1:(走到床边,突然停下)Oh,No!(大家举起手中劳动工具准备打床上熟睡的公主)Dwarf2:(揭开铺盖)Oh,shes mighty“purdy”.Dwarf3:Shes beautiful,just like a angle!(当大家都惊讶于公主的美丽时,公主醒来)SW:Oh,dear(发现小矮人们)How do you do!Im Snow White.Dwarf5:Snow Wh
6、ite?The Princess!SW:Yes.旁白:Snow White told the seven dwarfs her story.The seven dwarfs invited 3 拉开办公室的窗帘,我惊呆了窗台上,竟然出现一个鸟巢。策略配资平台 。那巢正好筑在窗台的西角,西面紧贴墙体,北面嵌入窗槽,紧靠玻璃,整个基座稳稳地立在约有三寸宽的窗台上。巢由细小的树枝搭成,约半尺高,直径如碗口大小。因为出差,我来不及细细欣赏这鸟巢之美。万万没想到,出差一周回来,鸟巢里竟然添了两枚鹌鹑蛋大小的鸟蛋。“主人”一直未现身,也无从判断是何种鸟下的蛋。大约过了十分钟,鸟儿终于露面,是只肥硕的大鸟。
8、条缝,生怕惊吓着斑鸠。每每这时,就见斑鸠警觉地转动着眼睛,朝窗内望两眼,便飞到旁边的树枝上。4 慢慢地,斑鸠开始信任我了。之后开窗时,斑鸠先是一惊,起身展翅欲飞,却并未真的飞走。再往后,干脆稳坐巢中不动,还拿一双信任的眼睛看着我,让我无比感动。这一天,我见到一只体形肥硕的大斑鸠,先是飞到窗外的树枝上歇息,见周边没有“外敌”,便飞到窗台上,来到巢边。巢中那只稍清瘦一点的斑鸠,纵身一跳,落在窗台上,大斑鸠“扑通”一声飞到巢中,继续孵蛋。我连忙用手机将这段场景记录下来。原来,斑鸠夫妻是轮番进行孵蛋的。亲眼见证新生命的诞生,是我这些天最为幸福的一件事。这是一份难得的生命体验,让我激动并欣喜着。一天早上
9、,当我来到办公室,轻轻掀开窗帘的一刹那,我被震撼了。只见巢中一团黑乎乎的小东西正在轻轻地蠕动。我确认,那是小斑鸠无疑。好奇心驱使我贴近玻璃去仔细观察。这是一对小斑鸠,毛茸茸的,十分可爱。身上没有羽毛,只能看到黑里透红的皮肤,表皮长了一层碎细的茸毛。那一吐一吸之间,分明能看到那一对小斑鸠身体的律动。我看到斑鸠妈妈与两只小斑鸠嘴对嘴亲密,如果没有猜错,应该是斑鸠妈妈正在“渡食”吧。5 her to stay will them.In the daytime.They went out to work while Snow White did the homework at home.They li
10、ved happily.(四)Q:Magic Mirror on the wall.Who now is the fairest.M:Well,Snow White,fairest one of all.Q:snow White lies dead in the forest.M:Snow White still live,the fairest in the bed.Q:The blundering fool!(王后大发雷霆)旁白:The queen decided to get rid of the Snow White by herself.She made an red apple t
11、hat was poisoned.Then she came to the seven dwarfs house.(五)(第二天,小矮人们要出去工作了)D1:Now,dont forget,my dear,the,the old Queens a sly one full of witch craff.So beware of strangers.SW:Dont worry.Ill be all right.(拥抱小矮人)See you tonight.D1(非常开心):Uh,uh,yes,we-well,uh,come on,men!(小矮人们愉快地工作去了公主站在家门口目送他们)(六)(白
12、雪公主边唱歌边做草莓派,王后来到)Q:Mm-mm.Making pies?Pies made from apples like these.(王后拿出苹果递给公主)Like to try one?Hmm?Go on.Go on,have a bite.(动物们怕公主受到伤害,一起进攻王后,令王后摔倒在地,公主立刻出 6 门赶走小动物)。SW:Stop it!Stop it.Go away!Go away!There,there Im sorry.Q(假装心痛):Oh!My heart!Oh,my,my poor heart.Take me into the house and let me h
13、ave a rest.(公主扶王后坐下)Q(又掏出苹果):And because youve been so good to poor old granny.Ill share a secret will you.This is no ordinary apple.Its a magic wishing apple.SW:A wishing apple!Q:Yes!One bite and all your dreams will come true.SW:Really?Q:Yes,girlie.Now make a wise and take a biteDont let the wise
14、grow cold.SW:(公主带着美好的愿望咬下了苹果)Oh,I feel strange.(难受)Oh,oh(晕倒)Q(尖声狂笑):Now Ill be fairest in the land!(大笑,逃走)Dwarf5(匆忙赶回):Hurry!Hurry!(发现王后逃走)There she goes!(追到悬岸边,王后无路可逃,用石头袭击小矮人)D5:Look out!Look out!(雷雨闪电将万恶的王后击下悬崖)(六)旁白:So beautiful,even in deatl,that the dwarfs could not find it in 7 their hearts t
15、o bury her,they fashioned a coffin of glass and gold and kept eternal vigil at her side(小矮人们将白雪公主放在花丛中,静静地守在她的身边哭泣)The Prince,Who had searched far and wide,heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin.(伴着歌声,王子缓缓走到白雪公主身边,为她献上一朵美丽的玫瑰花,公主苏醒,王子牵着公主与小矮人们一一道别)SW:ByeBye!ByeBye Grumpy.Goodbye.Goodbye.(五子和公主离开森林,小矮人们与动物们依依不舍跟在他们的后面。全体绕舞台一圈回到台中)All(唱歌)“If you are happy and know it clap your hands”End