1、2022公派留学申请书 公派出国留学是指由国家留学基金管理委员会来负责人才出国的相关费用,即由国家出钱给优秀人才出国深造,下面就是我给大家带来的2022公派留学申请书范文,希望能帮助到大家! 假如没有找到您想要的内容,点击“申请书格式”查看更多 2022公派留学申请书范文 Dear _, I have always been fascinated by people and the way they behave, but it is only as I have grown older and become more aware of psychology that I have begun
2、 to question why people are the way they are, why they interact differently with other people and why we all take a different approach to certain situations. I also find it interesting how society, culture and the attitudes and opinions of other people can have such an impact on a person's behav
3、iour. For example, I find in intriguing how one can intentionally harm or abuse another and feel no remorse or guilt at all. Whereas another may be extremely guilt-ridden. I recently had the chance to speak to a psychologist following family difficulties. I found the help and advice given very helpf
4、ul, and this experience was my final encouragement to study psychology. In fifth year, I sat four highers with predicted grades of one A, two B's and one C. However, partly due to the above incident, I did not meet all predicted grades, but received a B in Higher Music. This year, I am fully com
5、mitted to my studies and strive to achieve the following grades; an A in Higher Geography; a B in Higher English; an A in Higher Drama and an A in Advanced Higher Music. I am currently responsible for marketing on the yearbook committee and, at the moment, I am requesting sponsorship from companies
6、in the region. This position within the committee allows me to act as a team leader and a team member, as well as improve both my written and spoken communication skills. Additionally, it means I must meet deadlines and make important decisions regarding finance. For five years now, I have been elec
7、ted by my peers to be a Pupil Council representative in my school. This allows me to take others into consideration, listen to their concerns and advocate on their behalf in front of other representatives and school staff. Outside school, I am a part-time waitress in a busy restaurant. This gives me
8、 the opportunity to work in stressful situations with many different people - some of whom can be very challenging. However, it gives me financial independence and I am efficiently balancing my job and school work. I feel this experience will benefit me when I attend university and live away from ho
9、me. I will have to balance my social life and my time for study and coursework, as well as a possible part-time job. Drama is a particular interest of mine and I feel it is linked to psychology. To successfully portray a character, I have to consider every detail of their personality, as well as pas
10、t, present or even future circumstances which may alter the character throughout the play. Currently, I am trying to set up an after school drama club for younger pupils, which will lead up to a show before summer 2008. I believe this will provide yet another opportunity for me to work with people w
11、ith varying abilities and needs, as well as develop my people skills and spoken communication skills. In my spare time, I enjoy playing guitar, keyboard and drums, as well as writing music and lyrics for my own songs. I feel this is a relaxing and creative way to express my thoughts and feelings. I
12、also enjoy working as part of a team, whether it be playing music or dancing. I was a member of the Scottish Thistle Country Dancers, and here, enjoyed both learning and teaching dances. I had a work placement at the Citizens Advice Bureau, where I experienced cases concerning people in difficult si
13、tuations, ranging from drug abuse to financial debt. Whilst listening to the problems of some clients, I couldn't help but wonder what in their psyches made them make the decisions that led to their personal life choices. Some people are happy with what they have in life whilst others from a sim
14、ilar demographic need more, or believe that their position in life has been under achieved and they strive, in various ways, to make their lives more acceptable to them. In some cases they try to achieve their goal through hard work, in others, criminal activity. But, in some minds, it is a means to
15、 an end, hence not criminal in their eyes. I believe, through the study of psychology, I may be able to better understand the choices such people make and why. In conclusion, I feel I am ready for university life and look forward to it immensely. Studying for my degree, I intend to contribute to it
16、as much as I receive from it. I am committed and will give total dedication to my chosen course, and I am prepared to work to the best of my ability in order to succeed in taking the first major step towards achieving my chosen career in Psychology. Yours sincerely, 马来西亚公派留学申请的基本条件 中国公民申请由国家留学基金资助公费
17、留学应具备如下7个方面的条件 第一:身心必需健康。 其次:访问学者 第三:博士后探讨 第四:探讨生 第五:酷爱社会主义祖国,拥护以经济建设为中心、坚持四项基本原则、坚持改革开放的基本路途,并具有学成回国为祖国建设事业服务的事业心和责任感的人。 第六:具有相当的学术水平和业务实力的人。 第七:外语合格者 达到规定的“全国外语水平考试”(WSK)的出国标准或同一语种外语专业本科毕业,或近10年内曾在同一语种国家留学一年以上。 申请公派留学对留学生本身的要求是比拟高的,但目前,随着中国外交与国际化学术沟通的日益完善,很多国家推出了门槛较低的留学政策,也有些国家推出了“免费留学”的学术沟通活动,让更多
18、的留学生出国留学成为可能 国家公派出国留学申请条件 1.酷爱社会主义祖国,具有良好的思想品德和政治素养,无违法违纪记录 2.具有良好专业基础和发展潜力,在工作、学习中表现突出,具有学成回国为祖国建设服务的事业心和责任感 3.具有中华人民共和国国籍,不具有国外永久居留权。申请时应为高等学校、企事业单位、行政机关、科研机构的正式工作人员或在校学生,年龄满 18 周岁 4.身体健康,心理健康 5.符合国家留学基金资助出国留学外语条件及留学国家、留学单位的语言要求 6.符合申请项目的其他详细要求 国家公派留学资助多少人 国家公派高级探讨学者、访问学者、博士后项目(选派3500人) 2.国家建设高水平高
19、校公派探讨生项目(选派10000人) 3.国家公派硕士探讨生项目(选派800人) 4.优秀本科生国际沟通项目(选派5000人) 5.高校合作项目(青年骨干老师出国研修项目)(选派3900人) 6.地方和行业部门合作项目(选派3400人) 7.国际区域问题探讨及外语高层次人才培育项目和政府互换奖学金项目(选派2300人) 8.艺术类人才特殊培育项目(选派300人) 9.国外合作项目(选派3300人) 出国留学的优缺点解读 一、出国留学优点 1.提升自我 这里的自我提升主要讲的是内在提升,与竞争力的提升是相辅相成的。内在提升包括学识、眼界、认知度以及生活实力的提升。 出国留学的第一要义就是学习,不
20、想学习也会有“deadline”催着你舍命的学习,不然依据国外高校宽进严出的特点,唯恐很难毕业。所以毕业后不知不觉就收获了许多,当然对于真正意愿深造探讨的学生来说,学习才是的欢乐。 一个国家有其特有的文化积淀和固有的思维方式,想要打破固化的思维,“走出去”是一个最有效的方式。眼界与认知度的变更或提升是一个潜移默化的过程,多深化接触一个国家,才能真正了解其文化风俗。 生活实力的提升不用多说,出国留学,学习上须要独立自主,衣食住行都要靠自己解决,出个国“公主”也得变成“女汉子”。 2.提高竞争力 这里的竞争力针对的是外在收获,比如留学身份、证明、科研成果等等,其实出国之后外语水平的提升就已经比大多
21、数人多出了一项技能,再加上国外几年时间的学习,积累的成果都会为日后工作打下基础。 3.结识新挚友 出国留学会使人不得不走出自己固定的小圈子,放到一个新的大环境里,担心的同时更多的也是挑战,对于擅长人际交往的人来说,出国留学可以供应一个特别好的场所,一个高校里汇聚了世界各地的人,在相识新挚友的同时,也会了解到不同世界的人们不同的世界观。 4.利于移民 先留学后移民,这是出国留学最实际的好处。许多国家对毕业留学生都施行了实惠政策,例如,加拿大留学毕业后可以获得没有职业限制的3年open工签,工作1年后就可以申请移民。 二、出国留学缺点 1.花费高 凡事都有正反两面,出国留学当然并非“到处香”,单是
22、费用这一点,不说它是一项缺点,但也是拦在出国留学道路上的一座金钱大山。并且付出的成本与回报对于有些人来说不肯定会成正比,经济条件好并不在意,但中产阶级就要考虑,留学一趟原委值不值? 2.离家远 距离也是阻碍出国留学的一个问题,尤其对于一些依靠性的人来说,独立实力差,父母担忧舍不得。即便出国留学也很难快速适应当地生活,距离远不易沟通,也不能常常回国,但这个问题对于国内在外地上学的人来说也是同样,既然想要熬炼,就要学会坚毅独立。 3.孤独感 孤独感分两种,一种是融入不到新环境,交不到新挚友而产生的孤独。另一种即便结识了许多新挚友,但由于生活与思维的差异,不能真正交心,很难融入当地生活,总有一种异国
23、他乡的孤独。 4.毕业难 不论哪国,一般都是“严进严出”,一般高校“宽进严出”,总之文凭不会白拿,想要“混毕业证”,那出国留学实在没必要。就拿大家都觉得“严”的美国来说,美国高校留的作业是要计入成果的,每天的作业老师也会检查,大考、小考不断,每周学习120小时其实是留学生的日常,当然这是按真正学习的人来算。 2022公派留学申请书本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页