1、文本为Word版本,下载可任意编辑精选英文辞职信范文(精)(九篇) 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,肯定对各类范文都很熟悉吧。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?以下是我为大家搜集的优质范文,仅供参考,一起来看看吧 精选英文辞职信范文(精)六 亲爱的xx: 感谢您去年对我们公司的支持。我们非常感谢我们的合作。我们希望明年能继续我们良好的业务关系和互动。 真诚地 给客户的英文推荐信二亲爱的鲍勃(或史密斯先生或鲍勃史密斯), 感谢您选择xx清洁服务(或您公司的名称)。您的业务受到赞赏,我们很荣幸成为您的新清洁服务(您的服务)提供商(也称为公司)。再次感谢。 推荐人: 日期:xx年xx月xx日 精选英文辞
2、职信范文(精)七 dear xxx, we treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued customer. from 28 april - 1 may 2023, we will be exhibiting at the hong kong gifts premium fair 20xx. we cordially invite you to visit our booth. our booth number is 3d11 in hall 3. you may click here to find our location.
3、 with compliments xxxx (company name) 一般用正面积极的语言,以下为常用句。 as we have discussed, i am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1. i want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than march 1. please consider this letter as my resignation from my p
4、osition as office manager, effective march 1. i will be leaving my position as general counsel on august 31. after six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in hhh, i have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in octoberat your convenience. the decision has been
5、 quite difficult for me because i truly have enjoyed the relationships ive built here. i offer my resignation as training coordinator with hhh. my last day will be march 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner. you may be as vague or as specific as you wish. bear
6、in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record. this new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure ive looked forward to for sometime now. i have been concerned about the limited
7、 opportunities for advancement. as you know, ive always been one to thrive on change and growth. i have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters. as you know, my training is in the financial area, and ive had limited opportunities
8、here to make contributions of that kind. my experience with previous employers has been administrative work, and that is the kind of job to which id like to return. as we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, i have had to seek a position that offered a higher
9、 salaryalthough i understand your budgetary constraints. 精选英文辞职信范文(精)九 首先是国外的英文简历一般都尽量不写性别、年龄和种族等涉嫌个人隐私的信息,因为从法律佣工角度,这些信息是涉嫌用工歧视的,招聘单位一旦被诉在招聘中涉及性别歧视、年龄歧视或种族歧视等有违法律条款的行为,是要付出巨额赔偿的,因为外国人认为一个应聘人是否符合某个招聘岗位的要求,是取决于应聘人的职业背景和职业技能水准,而不是上述信息。但是对在国内的外企,你还是把上述信息、包括你的户口所在地,都老老实实地加在英文简历上吧。咱们不认为这是歧视。 本身是主管, 简历 少说
10、也看了几万封了,发现有一些通病是很多人会忽略的,而那些招聘网站或者 简历 中心也没有很专业的教你怎么写一封好的英文 简历 。 本人比较偏好word版的简历,因为目前收到最多的还是模板简历,这样看起来虽然清楚,但是在每天过滤不下100封简历的时候,附件中的简历还是比较令人期待的。 当然在国内中文简历比较重要,但是现在的趋势就是双语,有时候中文写的洋洋洒洒,英文确令人哭笑不得。通常 面试 外企,多少都会有老外 面试 ,一份得体的英文简历还是很重要的。 word的好处是有简历模式,而且也有简历的范本,适合新鲜人使用。 不鼓励用excel和pdf做简历。 英文简历用词 - 结了婚是married, 未
11、婚就是unmarried? 偶尔看到有人写上single会倍感安慰 - 个性有闯劲,最好还是不要用aggressive,中文感觉还可以但其实英文里这个词是非常负面的,有暴躁的意思,不是优点。用energetic或者spirited比较好 - 英文和中文一样,标点符号后要空一格,不要所有句子挤在一起 - 很多人喜欢在写职责范围的时候写上be responsible for , 文法上来说是不需要的。这些事情是你已经做过的,直接说 responsible for all outgoing couriers 就可以了 - 英文有很多缩写,但是在像简历这种正式场合还是少用为妙,比如dont可以换成do
12、 not,千万不要用那些wanna, gonna来代替want to, going to 用招聘网站的模板可以比较轻松,不过切忌检查错别字,因为模板上的是没有拼写检查的 英文简历格式和页面 - 写完后一定要去页面设置去除多余的空白页面,或者是orphan和widow现象,也就是单句的句子在页面的最上面,最好是合并到前一页 - 记得调整字体和大小,有些人的简历除了不同颜色以外还用不同字体,就像是在不同网站上粘贴过来的,非常不专业。 - 简历最好不要超过3页,言语要精简,最忌讳像论文一样,但是没有重点 - word本身带有拼写检查,你这里满页都是红线,我这里看到的也都是红线 下面这十个毛病可是 简
13、历 中不该犯的。对照检查一下你犯错了没有?如果有,要赶快改吧! 1、拷贝别人的 简历 格式; 2、个人信息(没人在乎你单身、结婚、拉提琴还是踢足球); 3、只有事实,没有表现(responsibilities/accomplishment/yourownrole); 4、不写日期(只列公司,不列日期); 5、怨恨字眼(leavereason:sexualharassment/firedmefornogoodreason); 6、工作经历太乱(换行业太频繁); 7、非职业化,不整洁(使用鲜艳的彩色纸/茶杯印); 8、太多不相关经历(只有你的家人才会关心你大学以前的事情); 9、只有 简历 ,没有coverletter。 10、没有适当的目标(着急找工作并不表示应该广种薄收); 第 7 页 共 7 页