1、至少一天到户外一次,如果可能的话,散个步。阳光和运动对你的注 意力、心情还有记忆存储都有好处。2. Say Good morning to everyone. Social contact i cheering, and if you feel that youre on good term with all the people in your office, youll be happier each day. Alo, it polite。对每个人说“早上好”。人际接触令人愉快,如果你感觉和办公室里的 每个人都和睦,那么你每天都会更快乐。另外,这也是礼貌。4. Dont keep can
2、dy on your dek. Studie how that people are much more likely to nack when a treat i within eay reach, and a handful of MM each day could mean a weight gain of five pound by year end。不要在桌子上放糖果。研究表明,如果零食在随手可得的范围内,那 么吃零食的可能性会大大增加。每天吃一把巧克力豆,到了年末体重可能会增加 5磅。6. When deciding whether to ay ye, imagine that y
3、oure accepting a job that youll have to do ne某t week. Dont agree to omething jut becaue it eem o far off that it doent eem onerou。当你决定要不要说“是”的时候,把它想象成这是一件你在下周就得要 做的任务。别仅仅因为它似乎看上去很遥远而且繁重,所以你就去答应。不要让自己太饿了。大男人一次可以长时间不吃东西,处于好心,我 给他买了一大袋麦片作为办工食物补给。结果,他一天就把一袋都吃光了,结果 生了一场大病。教训:饮食要有规律。8. Take care of diffic
4、ult call, tak, or email a quickly a poible. Procratinating make them harder;getting them done give a big boot of relieved energy。如果你感到忙不过来,仔细想想自己的时间都花到了哪里。对自己诚 实点。你花了多少时间上网、多少时间去寻找乱放的东西、多少时间去做其实是 别人的工作另外.。10. Let yourelf tay ignorant of thing you dont need to know。如果不需要知道,就别去知道。11. Check for eyetrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a alute. If your eye feel relieved, your work pace i too bright。检查是否有眼疲劳。方法是将手放在前额呈敬礼状。如果这时候你的 眼睛感到放松,那么你的办公空间就太明亮了。