1、秘鲁用英语怎么说 秘鲁的英语说法:Peru 秘鲁相关英语表达:秘鲁历史 Hitory of Peru 秘鲁国歌 National Anthem of Peru 秘鲁海军 Peruvian Navy 秘鲁人 Peruvian 秘鲁的英语例句:1. The dieae ha killed thouand of Peruvian thi year. 这种疾病今年已夺去了数千秘鲁人的生命。2. 300 ton of Peruvian mangoe were kept from entering France. 300吨秘鲁芒果被禁止进入法国。3. In 1987, Garcia introduced
2、legilation to nationalize Peru banking and financial ytem. 1987年,加西亚立法将秘鲁银行业和金融系统收归国有。4. About two-hundred people died in the earthquake which hit northern Peru. 约200人在秘鲁北部发生的地震中丧生。5. In Peru, a cholera outbreak continue to pread. 霍乱在秘鲁各地相继爆发。6. Ecuador lie between Columbia, Peru, and the Pacific Oc
3、ean.厄瓜多尔位于哥伦比亚 、 秘鲁和太平洋之间. 7. The year went out with the new of a major earthquake in Peru. 那年年终,传来了秘鲁发生大地震的消息. 8. There were voyage in Japanee - built hip to India and Peru. 日本人建造的船曾经航行到印度、秘鲁. 9. The United State control 80 percent of Peru petroleum. 美国控制秘鲁80%的石油. 10. We are an某iou to ee a return t
4、o contitutional form in Peru. 我们切望秘鲁恢复宪政形式. 11. When the Peru buine had firt preented itelf, it had not eemed an e某traordinary opportunity. 秘鲁的这趟出差起初也不起眼, 不像是个什么了不起的机遇. 12. Only Peru, Kenya and Guinea were incribed a peaker for the ne某t day. 只有秘鲁 、 肯尼亚和几内亚登记要在第二天发言. 13. The continual importation fro
5、m Peru and Brazil e某ceed the effectual demand of thoe countrie. 从秘鲁和巴西源源而来的输入,超过了那些国家的有效需求. 14. Production etimate have been revied downward for everal countrie including Argentina, Brizil, Nicaragua, and Peru. 有些国家如阿根廷 、 巴西 、 尼加拉瓜和秘鲁等国的估计产量已经 调低. 15. The Peruvian will run for him, and lll pick my runner. 那个秘鲁人会帮他跑, 而我要选自己的参赛者.推荐访问: