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1、Lesson 27:Danny at Home Unit 5 Family and Home初中英语冀教版七年级Where is the teddy bear?Its on the box.Where is the teddy bear?Its above the box.Where is the teddy bear?Its beside the box.Where is the teddy bear?Its in front of the box.Where is the teddy bear?Its under the box.Where is the teddy bear?Its be

2、hind the box.Its in the box.Where is the teddy bear?Where is the teddy bear?Its between the boxes.方位介词inonaboveunderin front of behindbesidebetween“在.之间”“在里”,表示在范围或空间的内部。“在上面”,表示在物体的上面,且与物体表面接触“在之上”,一个物体高于另一个物体(不接触)“在的正下方”“在之前”“在后面”“在旁边”AskandanswerWhere is the cat?It is under the chair.Askandanswer

3、Where is the football?It is in the box.It is on the bed.Where is the schoolbag?AskandanswerWhere are the books?They are on the table.They are under the table.Where are the children?Show timeAsk and answer as many as possible Dannys bedroomListenandfillintheblanks.This is my bedroom.The desk is _ the

4、 bed.The _ is on the desk.The chair is _ the desk.The ball is _ the chair.The _ is above the bed.It is on the wall.Where is my cat?It is sleeping _ the door.besidedictionaryin front ofunderpicturebehindLook,listenandfill.How old is he?2besidethirtythirtythirteen_My BedroomDraw your bedroom.Write a short passage about it.Homework


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