1、简爱读书报告5200字 英文学院 20xx级9班 高梦娜 1101010905Book report-Jane EyreI chose Jane Eyre for my reading task this time. Because her simple and kind character were touched my heart.Jane Eyre was written by Bronte who was an England female. First of all, I want to introduce some details which contain the charact
2、ers of Jane Eyre. In Gateshead, Jane Eyre was only ten years old. Jane fought with her aunt and cousin when they maltreated and discriminated her cruelly. When Mrs. Reed told her to go away from her son, she shouted “They didnt have the qualified to stand with me. When she was isolated from everyone
3、 and be locked in the red house she showed her stubborn of fight. The read house was an evil place where her uncle had dead several years ago. When she was in the school and her best friend was hit by the teachers, she told her friend:If I were you, Id hate her. If she hit me with a stick, Id seize
4、it and break it under her nose. All these details showed that Jane Eyre has a strong resist spirits.Strong, plain, independent and aggressive were all her characters.Although she was an ordinary and poor girl, she never felt herself inferior. She looked down upon the arrogant of the rich and laughed
5、 at theirfoolish. She presented a kind of beautiful human spirit. She was the moral center in this story. All in all, in her period, people were crazy aboutmoney and power. They stood on true love and abandon all dignity. They chose rich and left poor alone even they fell in love. Little amount of p
6、eople would abandon all the things which they had in order to found true love and respect just like Jane Eyre. In this aspect, I adored her or even envy her. She was like an angle in my dark days.I believe this book was a feminist novel. Jane Eyre was a female who has a kind heart, and she loved thi
7、nking. Although she lived in the bottom of the whole society and suffered a lot of hardship, she had a kind of spirit which encourage her to pursuit her happiness and peaceful life. She got rid of all the prejudices and customs to find true love which based on mutual understandings and mutual respec
8、t. Jane Eyre was a female who was brave enough to fight with restriction and pursuit to an equal position. When she heard the news which Mr. Rochester was going to marry with Miss. Ingram, she was prepared to go away. Jane Eyre said to Mr. Rochester, “I cant stay! Do you think I can watch another wo
9、manbecome your bride? Do you think Im a machine, without feelings? Do you think, because Im small and poor and plain, that I have no soul and no heart? Well, youre wrong! I have as much soul and heart as you. It is my spirit that speaks to your spirit! We are equal in the sight of God! It showed tha
10、t Jane Eyre was fight against oppress and society prejudices. She wanted to achieve the independence of dignity, respect and her happy life. So it was obvious that this novel was a feminist novel.As we all knew that this novel was an autobiography novel, it wrote by Bronte and used her heart and str
11、ong pursuit. It showed the feelings and characters of author self. She wanted to won a radiant future for all the females and she succeeded. When I read the biography about Bronte, I could find a lot of similarities between the story and her real life. There were lots of details about the social cla
12、sses. Jane Eyre said, “I was most impressed by the beauty and elegance of all of them, but was especially fascinated by the Ingram family. Lady Ingram, although between forty and fifty, was still a fine woman. Her hair still looked black, by candle-light at least, and her teeth still seemed perfect.
13、 But she had fierce, proud eyes that reminded me of Mrs. Reeds, and a hard, powerful voice. These inner thoughts showed that there were social classes and social prejudices.Miss. Ingram was a beautiful female and her hot pursuit Mr. Rochester not for the love between them but money he had. St. John
14、asked Jane Eyre to marry him. The only reason was Jane was the fittest one to be a wife of missionary and his assistance. Jane refused him and he went India alone. Mr. Rochester was the master of Thornfield. He possessed wealth and health. When he was young, he leaded an optional life. Then he met J
15、ane and determined to live carefully. Among these persons, Jane was a perfect girl with dignity, respect, love and brave. She considered that true love should base on equal spirits and not depend on the positions, wealth and appurtenances they had in the sociality. Only if all of them paid true hear
16、t to each other, they could get the real happy. Compared with thosepersons I just mentioned, Jane showed a na?ve, simple feeling and courage. She saw nothing about Mr. Rochester expected his attitude towards every person.In a word, Jane wont bear the oppression from the society, and she had the cour
17、age to pursue personal happiness. Whether her poor low social status, or her drift in accordance with no life experience, it is the real portraiture of British people at that time. Just because the description of Miss. Ingram, St. John and Mr. Rochester, Janes character was so obvious that could be
18、the vivid contract.I love this story and I was moved by the action what Jane did. Its a heart touching story indeed. 12345 第二篇:读书报告 1300字 读书报告近段时间我读了关于博弈论方面的书。我浏览了一些杂志。这些杂志大多对经济学理论根底的研究很深厚,并不是简单地一些,而是经济学理论的深层次的推演然后和自己研究的实际问题相结合。本科期间学习过经济学,也只是在理想条件和众多假设下的经济学,如果要和实际相结合,那就需要更多的研究。所以我选择对某一理论进行研究。本科时就对博弈
19、论很感兴趣,所以我选择读的书是-博弈论罗伯特.吉本斯写的。博弈论在建筑行业上的应用也很广泛,比方定价策略等都可以用博弈论来进行解释。博弈论是研究多人决策问题的理论。一、博弈的根本概念 博弈论的根本概念包括:参与人、行为、信息、战略、支付函数、结果、均衡。参与人是指博弈中选择行动以最大化自身利益效用、利润等的决策主体如个人、厂商、国家。行动是指参与人的决策变量。战略是指参与人选择行动的规那么,它告诉参与人在什么时候选择什么行动。例如,“人不犯我、我不犯人;人假设犯我、我必犯人是一种战略。这里,“犯与“不犯是两种不同的行动。战略规定了什么时候选择“犯,什么时候选择“不犯。信息是指参与人在博弈中的知
20、识,特别是有关其他参与人对手的特征和行动的知识。支付函数是参与人从博弈中获得的效用水平,它是所有参与人战略或行动的函数,是每个参与人真正关心的东西。结果是指博弈者感兴趣的要素的集合。 均衡是所有参与人的最优战略或行动的组合。 上述概念中,参与人、行动、结果统称为博弈规那么。博弈分析的目的是使用博弈规那么决定均衡。二、博弈的分类 根据博弈者选择的战略,可以将博弈分成合作博弈(cooperative games)与非合作博弈(non-cooperative games).合作博弈与非合作博弈之间的区别,主要在于博弈的当事人之间能否达成一个有约束力的协议。如果有,就是合作博弈;反之,就是非合作博弈。
21、根据参与人行动的先后顺序,可以将博弈分成静态博弈(static game)与动态博弈(dynamic game)。静态博弈是指,博弈中参与人同时选择行动;或者虽非同时行动,但行动在后者并不知道行动在先者采取了什么具体行动。动态博弈是指参与人的行动有先后顺序,而且行动在后者可以观察到行动在先者的选择,并据此作出相应的选择。 根据参与人对其他参与人的了解程度,可以将博弈分成完全信息博弈(games of complete information)和不完全信息博弈(games of incomplete information)。完全信息博弈是指:在每个参与人对所有其他参与人对手的特征、战略和支付函数都有精确了解的情况下,所进行的博弈。如果了解得不够精确,或者不是对所有的参与人都有精确的了解,在这种情况下进行的博弈就是不完全信息博弈。 完全信息不完全信息 静态 完全信息静态博弈; 纳什均衡 不完全信息静态博弈;贝叶斯纳什均衡 动态 完全信息动态博弈; 子博弈精炼纳什均衡 不完全信息动态博弈; 精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡 到处都充满着博弈,比方定价也是买方和卖方博弈后的结果。作为一个研究生我们不应该只满足与对一个理论简单的理解,而是要开掘理论背后所代表的实际意义,将它与我们所研究的对象结合起来,运用起来。博弈论在定价策略上运用非常广泛。