1、20.?中国56个民族神话故事典藏?名家绘本哈萨克族、俄罗斯族、塔吉克族卷 目 录 一.迦萨甘创世哈萨克族 无原图 2 二.天鹅女哈萨克族 有原图 5 三.神奇的衬衫俄罗斯 有原图 7 四.伊万奇遇记俄罗斯 无原图 9 五.太阳之子塔吉克族 无原图 12 六.鹰笛塔吉克族 有原图 14 各族简介 17一迦萨甘创世 1.) The Jiasagan Creation1相传远古的时候,世界既没有天,也没有地,只是一片混沌。混沌之间孕育着创世大神迦萨甘。According to legend in ancient times, the world did not have the sky or th
2、e earth, it was just chaos. In this chaos was born the creation god, Jiasagan.2迦萨甘四肢健全,五官齐备,有眼能看,有耳能听,有口能言,他的一切都与后来的人类差不多。Jiasagans four limbs were sound, his features were complete, he had eyes that could see, ears that could hear, and a mouth that could speak. Everything about him was similar to t
3、he humans afterwards.3-4迦萨甘造天地Jiasagan makes the sky and the earth迦萨甘创造了天与地,并将它们分成三层:天空层、地面层和地下层。但后来,天与地又自行增长起来,各自变成了七层,并且还在持续增长。Jiasagan made the sky and earth and separated them into three levels: the sky level, the ground level and the underground level. But after that, the sky and earth began to
4、 continue growing longer on their own and each became separated into seven levels and still continued to grow longer.5-6青牛镇压大地The Blue Cattle Flattens the Earth迦萨甘又用自身的光和热创造了太阳和月亮,普照天地。为了不让大地乱晃,他拉来一头硕大无朋的青牛,用它的犄角牢牢地钉住大地。Jiasagan used the light and heat from his own body to make the sun and the moon
5、to light the sky and the earth. In order to keep the earth from shaking, he pulled an enormous blue cattle and used its horn to firmly nail down the ground.7迦萨甘住在天的最上层,太阳和月亮位于天与地的中间,唯有大地宽阔而荒凉。迦萨甘决定给大地创造一批主人。Jiasagan lives in the highest level of the sky. The sun and moon are in between the sky and e
6、arth. Only the earth was wide and desolate. Jiasagan decided to give the earth some owners.8迦萨甘在大地上栽了一棵生命树,树上结满了状假设飞鸟的果实,这就是人的灵魂。迦萨甘将灵魂放进用泥土捏的小人儿中,小人儿有了生命。地上从此有了人类。Jiasagan planted a tree of life in the ground. On the tree grew fruit shaped like birds. These were the souls of humans. Jiasagan put th
7、e souls into a human made out of mud. When the souls were placed inside, the mud human had life. From this point on, the earth had humans.9迦萨甘让两位人类的始祖结为夫妻。不久,他们诞下二十五胎孩子,每一胎都是一男一女的双胞胎。他们长大后又结婚生育,子孙渐渐多了,部落与民族开展壮大起来。Jiasagan made two human ancestors marry as husband and wife. Not long after, they had t
8、wenty five pairs of kids. Each pair had a boy and girl twin. After they grew up, they also got married and had kids. Grandchildren gradually increased in number and tribes and ethnicities developed.10为了让人类生活得更好,迦萨甘又创造了各种飞禽走兽与花草树木。其中,狗是用造人所剩的泥屑制造的,因此狗对人类特别忠诚。In order to allow humans to live better, J
9、iasagan created all kinds of birds, beasts, flowers and plants. Among them, the dog was made using the leftover mud used to make humans. That is why dogs are especially loyal to humans.11大地上一片生机勃勃。这时,出现了一个名叫“黑暗的恶魔。它走到哪里,哪里就会失去光明与温暖,陷入灾难之中。迦萨甘便派太阳与月亮去讨伐黑暗。The earth became very vibrant with life. At t
10、his time there was a demon called darkness that appeared. Wherever it traveled, the place that it went to would lose its light and warmth and slip into disaster. In response to this, Jiasagan sent the sun and moon on a crusade to destroy darkness.12太阳是一位刚烈的男性,月亮是一位温柔的女性,他们常年相伴,早已产生了爱情。但为了人间的和平,他们不得不
11、放弃长相厮守的时机。The sun was an unrelenting man and the moon was a gentile woman. They were togeter year round and fell in love very early on. But for the peace of the world of humans, they had to give up their fated chance to be together.13-14太阳与月亮合斗恶魔黑暗The Sun and the Moon Battle Darkness太阳的炽热,月亮的光辉,都让黑暗
12、闻风丧胆,东躲西藏。可是不知什么原因,尽管太阳与月亮讨伐黑暗多年,却始终未能彻底将它消灭。The scorching heat of the sun and the brightness of the moon made darkness very fearful. So it fled eastwards to Tibet. But for some unknown reason, even though the sun and the moon fought darkness for many years, they were never able to fully destroy it.
13、15无奈之下,太阳与月亮只好约定,一个在白天对付黑暗,一个在夜晚驱逐黑暗。从此,这对爱侣再也没能相聚。In desperation, the sun and the moon decided that one of them would fight darkness during the day and the other at night. From this point on, the two lovers would never meet again.16有时候,太阳与月亮会因为苦苦相思,而流下悲伤的泪水。那些泪水落到人间,世界上就有了雨和雪。Sometimes, the sun and
14、 the moon would miss each other bitterly and cry tears of sadness. Those tears would fall down to the world of humans in the form of rain and snow.17迦萨甘十分同情太阳和月亮的命运,每当看见他们落泪,便会拿起名为“迦扎依勒的弓箭怒射恶魔黑暗。Jiasagan felt extremely sympathetic for the sun and the moons fate. So each time he saw them cry, he woul
15、d take a bow called Jiazhayile and shoot it angrily at the demon darkness.18据说,天上的雷声,是迦萨甘射箭时发出的声响;空中的闪电,是箭矢闪烁的光辉;而那些划破长空的流星,就是落下的箭簇。It is said that the sound of thunder in the sky is the sound of Jiasagan shooting the arrow and the flash of lightning is from the shining of the arrow. And those shoot
16、ing stars that flow across the sky are the fallen arrow bunches.二天鹅女 2. The Swan Woman1古时候,一位将军率部下出征。众将士身着盔甲,骑着骏马,个个都是一副雄赳赳、气昂昂的模样。In ancient times, there was a general who led his troops into battle. All the soldiers wore armor and rode steeds. Each one appeared valiant and full of dash.2当途经一片戈壁沙漠时
17、,军队陷入了水源危机。沙漠浩渺无边,荒无人烟,寸草不生。找不到水的将士们相继渴死,战马也一匹接一匹地倒下了。When they arrived at the Gobi Dessert, the troops fell into a water crisis. The dessert was vast and boundless, desolate and uninhabited and barren. The soldiers who could not find water successively died of thirst and the war horses collapsed on
18、e after another. 3在与烈日和荒漠搏斗了数天之后,那位将军也渐渐体力不支。他的嗓子干渴得像要冒烟,双脚再也迈不出哪怕一步,他终于昏倒在沙漠上。After battling the scorching hot sun and dessert for a few days, the general gradually lost his strength. His throat became dry as if it was going to omit smoke and his feet would not take him another step further. Finall
19、y, he fainted on the sand of the dessert. 4这时,天上飞来了一只白天鹅。它扇动着圣洁的翅膀,掀起了一阵凉爽的风,将军的精神为之一振,渐渐地苏醒过来。At this time, a swan came flying down from the sky. It flapped its holy wings and it lifted up a gust of cool wind. The generals spirit was lifted by this and he gradually began to regain consciousness.5将军
20、想到:天鹅是栖息在水边的鸟类,只要跟随着天鹅,或许就能找到水源。他的心里顿时升起一线希望,于是挣扎着站了起来。The general thought: a swan is a part of the bird species and lives near the water, if he followed the swan maybe he would find water. A glimmer of hope rose in his heart. So, he struggled to stand up.6天鹅仿佛有灵性一般,并不高飞,而是慢慢飞在前面领路。将军迈着蹒跚的步伐跟在后面。天鹅的
21、举动带给了他生的勇气。The swan was like a spirit. It did not fly high but it flew slowly forward leading the way. The general stumbled along behind the swan. The movements of the swan brought him new courage. 7走啊,走啊,不知过了多久,将军终于来到了一条小溪边。溪水清澈、甘甜,将军贪婪地喝着溪水,体力也渐渐恢复起来。He kept walking and walking and, who knows how
22、long went by, the general finally found a small stream. The water of the stream was clear and sweet. The general was greedy and drank the water from the stream. His strength gradually recovered.8这时,而那只为将军带路的白天鹅,慢慢褪地去羽衣,化作了一位美丽动人的姑娘。At this time, the swan that led the general to the stream took off t
23、he feathers and changed into a beautiful girl.9将军感谢天鹅女的救命之恩,更对她的美貌一见倾心。他俩坐在溪水旁的草地上,彼此倾诉着爱慕之情。The general thanked the swan woman for saving his life and was even more stunned by her beauty. The two of them sat at the meadow at the side of the stream. They talked about their love for each other.10后来,将
24、军与天鹅女结成了夫妻。从此,将军不再带兵打仗,改以放牧为生。小两口的日子过得和和美美。Afterwards, the general and the swan woman got married. From that point on, the general did not ever bring troops out to battle again and changed his profession to working on the pasture. The day of the life of the couple passed by beautifully and harmoniou
25、sly.11不久,他们生下了一个男孩,起名叫作“喀孜阿克,意为“白天鹅。后来,更多的人管他叫“哈萨克。Not long after, they had a boy and named him Kemuake meaning: white swan. After that, more people called him Hasake.12哈萨克长大成人之后,也像他的父亲一样强壮、英伟。他的三个儿子也分别成为哈萨克三大部落大玉兹、中玉兹和小玉兹的祖先。Hasake grew up to be like his father: strong and great. His three sons als
26、o separated to become the three great tribes of Hasake: great Yuzi, middle Yuzi and small Yuzis ancestors.13-14在天山南北的草原上哈萨克的子民们过着自由而快乐的放牧生活。哈萨克族生生不息的历史,也就由此开始了。On the grasslands of the Tianshan mountains, the people of Hasake live a free and happy life on the pastures. The Hasake ethnicitys endless
27、history also started here.三神奇的衬衫 3. The Mystical Shirt1从前,有个叫伊凡的善良小伙子。父亲死了以后,狠心的哥哥霸占了全部家产,并将他赶出了家门。伊凡只好到处流浪。Once upon a time there was a young boy named Yifan. After his father died, his heartless brother seized all of the family property and forced him out of the house. Yifan could only wander from
28、 place to place.2这天,伊凡路过一座气派的古堡。正当他冲古堡里张望时,天上飞来一只麻雀、一只斑鸠和一只雄鹰。它们飞落在古堡门前,顿时变成了三个英俊的小伙子。原来他们就是这古堡的主人。One day, Yifan passed by an imposing castle. Just as he was heading to the castle to look around, a sparrow, a turtledove, and an eagle flew down from the sky. They landed in the front of the door to t
29、he castle and turned into three handsome young boys. 3小伙子们与伊凡一见如故。在听伊凡讲述了自己的不幸遭遇后,小伙子们热情邀请他留在古堡里。The young boys and Yifan hit it off. When the three young lads heard about Yifans unfortunate experience, they enthusiastically invited him to stay in the castle.4从此,伊凡在古堡里过着幸福的生活。三年后,他辞别朋友,想去世界各地看看。斑鸠与雄
30、鹰便送给他一匹骏马,麻雀那么送了他一件衬衫。From this point on, Yifan lived happily in the castle. Three years later, he left his friends and wanted to go all over the world to travel. The turtledove and the eagle gave him a steed and the sparrow gave him a shirt.5伊凡来到一个美丽的国家。但那里的人民却因一只恶魔不断地兴妖作怪而生活在水深炽热之中。一位名叫叶列娜的美女宣布:谁能
31、打败恶魔,她就嫁给谁。Yifan came to a beautiful country. But the people there lived in dire straits because of a demon constantly making mischief. There was a beautiful woman named Yeliena who proclaimed: she would marry whoever could beat the demon.6神奇的衬衫赐予了伊凡力量与智慧,伊凡骑着英勇的骏马,所向无敌。与恶魔一番苦战后,伊凡终于取得了胜利。The mystic
32、al shirt gave Yifan strength and knowledge. Yifan rode the valiant steed and nothing in his path could beat him. After a bitter battle with the demon, Yifan was finally able to claim victory.7叶列娜遵守约定,嫁给了伊凡,他们一起住进一座大房子里。发誓不再作恶的恶魔用尽花言巧语哄骗伊凡,让伊凡收留他当了厨师。Yeliena stuck to her agreement and married Yifan.
33、They lived together in a big house. The demon which promised to never do evil again used rhetoric to lie to Yifan and convinced him to take him in as a chef.8一日,伊凡外出了。恶魔趁机用魔法迷惑了叶列娜,让她设法套出伊凡之所以强大的秘密。One day, Yifan went out and the demon used this opportunity to bewitch Yeliena to make her reveal Yifa
34、ns secret to his strength.9晚上,伊凡回来后,叶列娜哄他喝酒,将他灌醉。伊凡在叶列娜的追问下,醉醺醺的说出了那件神奇的衬衫。When Yifan got home that evening, Yeliena tricked him into getting drunk. When Yeliena continuously inquired, Yifan spilled the beans about the mystical shirt. 10失去人性的叶列娜扒下伊凡的衬衫,交给了恶魔,又将烂醉的伊凡拖到郊外,打算让他被豺狼虎豹把他吃掉。Yeliena, after
35、she had lost her human side, dug up Yifans shirt and gave it to the demon. Then she dragged the drunk Yifan to the countryside and planned for him to be eaten by wild beasts.11这时,伊凡的雄鹰朋友恰好从空中飞过,它看见一群乌鸦正要分食伊凡,连忙赶走乌鸦,救起奄奄一息的伊凡。At this time, Yifans eagle friend came down from the sky just in time. It s
36、aw a group of ravens preparing to make a feast of off Yifan. In desperation, the eagle drove away the ravens and saved the dying Yifan.12这天,恶魔穿着伊凡的衬衫,外出打猎。路过一个湖泊时,他看见一只金鸭在湖中央游弋,连忙脱下衬衫,下水去捉金鸭。This day, the demon was wearing Yifans shirt to go out hunting. When he passed by a lake he saw a golden duck
37、 swimming in the middle of the lake. He quickly removed the shirt and went into the water to get the golden duck.13恶魔追着金鸭来到湖中心,渐渐体力不支,终于沉到湖里淹死了。原来,是雄鹰、斑鸠与麻雀将伊凡变成了金鸭,帮他完成了对恶魔的复仇。The demon pursued the golden duck into the center of the river and gradually lost his strength. Finally he sunk to the bott
38、om of the river and drowned to death. All along it was the eagle and turtledove who turned Yifan into the golden duck. They helped him complete his revenge towards the demon.14伊凡重新穿上衬衫,回到城里,惩罚了叶列娜,并向飞翔在空中的三位忠诚的朋友保证:以后再不会轻易上当受骗!Yifan once again wore the shirt and returned to the city and punished Yel
39、iena. Then he promised to his three loyal friends flying in the air: he would never again be lied to so easily!四伊万奇遇记 4. The Adventures of Yiwan1有位俄罗斯商人,曾容许涅克列肖内依洛勃国王,要将自己的儿子伊万成年后送给他。十几年后,伊万长成了一个俊美的青年。遵照父亲的承诺,他便辞别故土,前往皇宫。There was a Russian businessman who promised King Niekeliexiaoneiyi Luobo that
40、he would give him his son Yiwan after he grew up. Ten or more years later, Yiwan grew into a handsome young lad. The father kept his promise and left the village to go to the imperial palace.2伊万走啊走,走进了一片森林。一座小木屋里住着传说中的神人骨脚婆加亚。她十分欣赏伊万,便教导他应该如何应付昏庸的国王。Yiwan kept walking and walking until he walked int
41、o a forest. There was a small cottage in which a legendary divine woman named Gujiaopojiaya lived. She appreciated Yiwan very much and taught him how to handle the muddle-headed king.3-4跨页。伊万在池塘边邂逅三位长着翅膀的美女Yiwan Encounters Three Women With Wings 伊万按照加亚的指示,来到了一个池塘边。不一会儿,天上飞来三只鸽子,它们化成了三个美女,进入池塘洗浴。伊万趁机
42、将其中一对五光十色的翅膀藏了起来。Yiwan listened to the instructions of Jiaya. He came to a pond and not moments later, three doves came flying down from the sky and became three beautiful women coming into the pond for a bath. Yiwan took this opportunity to hide a pair of colorful sparkling wings. 5三位姑娘回到岸上,其中两位安上翅
43、膀,变成鸽子飞走了。唯有最年轻的那位姑娘找不到翅膀,十分焦急。只见她边找翅膀边大声说,愿嫁给归还翅膀的人为妻。The three girls returned ashore and two of them put their wings back on, became doves and flew away. Only the youngest one could not find her wings and became extremely nervous. She only said nervously as she was looking for her wings: I would b
44、e willing to marry who ever returns my wings to me.6伊万走出来,将翅膀还给了姑娘。姑娘告诉他:“我叫瓦西里萨普拉姆德拉雅,是国王最疼爱的女儿。在指点给伊万前往皇宫的道路后,瓦西里萨变成鸽子飞走了。Yiwan came out and gave the wings back to the girl. The girl told him: I am called Waxilisa Pulamudelaya and I am the kings most beloved daughter. After she pointed Yiwan in th
45、e direction of the palace Waxilisa became a dove and flew away.7伊万终于来到皇宫,见到了国王。国王对伊万的姗姗来迟很不满,就安排他去厨房干活儿。厨师丘米契卡很不喜欢伊万,一心只想陷害他。Yiwan finally came to the imperial palace and saw the king. The king was very displeased with Yiwans untimeliness and arranged for him to work in the kitchen. The chef Qiumiqi
46、ka did not like Yiwan at all and all he thought about was framing him.8厨师对国王撒谎说,伊万夸下海口说自己能在一夜之间夷平森林,种出小麦,磨成面粉,烤饼给国王当早餐。国王信以为真,便命令伊万兑现自己说过的话。The chef lied to the king saying that: Yiwan boasts that in one night he can level the forest , plant wheat, grind it into flour, and roast them into cakes to give to the king