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2、al solution for Internet-word-of-mouth on social mediaIntegral solution for Internet-word-of-mouth on social mediaYou know better than anyone else what you want from Starbucks.So tell us.Whats your Starbucks Idea?Revolutionary or simple we want to hear it.Share your ideas,tell us what you think of o
3、ther peoples ideas and join the discussion.Were here,and were ready to make ideas happen.Lets get started.http:/ solution for Internet-word-of-mouth on social media让用户参与前端创意及制造让用户充当产品的测试者让用户参与后端传播及流通想清楚你要消费者参与创造的环节,众包不是目的,商业才是Integral solution for Internet-word-of-mouth on social mediaIntegral solution for Internet-word-of-mouth on social media凡客100亿Integral solution for Internet-word-of-mouth on social media感谢聆听