1、Competency based performance systems:best practice guidelinesR.Palan Ph.D.1Preparation for changelA squirrel survives the winter not because of its severity but because of its preparation for the winter.2Competency based performancelHuman Capital as a competitive advantagelMaximising the value and R
2、.O.I.3UsefullCurrent environment of change,process jobs and self managed teams4Performance current positionlCurrent systems research baselThey make no difference to the R.O.I of the companylWhat is missing?5Performance management-currentlStrategylPlanning,Coaching,ReviewlWhat happenedlNow the focus
3、is on future&development6Competency based performancelNew perspectivelMake a difference to the bottom linelProcess competencieslAchieve job results7Key goals lAligning employees with organisational vision,mission,values and strategies.lDistributing“just in time”learning opportunities.lIntegrating pe
4、rformance systemslBuilding and retaining intellectual capital8Framework for the session1.Competency in practice today.2.Competency based performance management systems(PMS)practices today.3.Competency approaches4.Best practices5.Implementation strategies6.SMR experience9The ice-berg model10The ice-b
5、erg modellVisiblelHidden11Causal flow modellIntentActionOutcomelMotiveKnowledgeJob outputlTraitSkilllSelf concept12What are competencies?lCorelFunctionallBehavioural13The debatelBehavioural Vs Cognitivists14CorelDistinctive properties of the organisationlStrengths of the organisationlCore competence
6、 e.g.FEDEX distribution and service 15Behavioural competencieslProperties of the personlWhat people ARE?lUnderlying characteristics of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job situation.le.g.achievement orientation16Functional comp
7、etencieslProperties of the joblWhat people do?lThe demonstration of knowledge,skill and attitude required to do the job to a required standard.le.g.Able to perform TIG welding17MotiveslAchievement orientation18TraitslPhysical characteristics19Self conceptlSelf confidence20Knowledge/SkilllA surgeons
8、knowledge of the human body.lA surgeons physical skill to operate ensuring the patient is well and alive.21Characteristics included in competency models22Develop Vs HirelYou can teach a turkey to climb a tree,but it is easier to hire a squirrel.23Framework for the session1.Competency in Practice tod
9、ay.2.Competency based performance management systems(PMS)practices today.3.Competency approaches4.Best practices5.Implementation strategies6.SMR experience24Performance Management SystemslAppraisals driven.lFocus on Traits,Behaviours,Results.25PerformancelEach approach requires a different intervent
10、ion26Behaviour and CompetencieslPerformance is not outputs or resultslBehaviour is one of the causes of output27The argumentlPerformance not within the control of the individuallBehaviour is within the control of the individual28Best practices-effective performancelMean29Best practices-superior perf
11、ormancelOne S.D.above the mean30The picturelChart31Psychologist William JameslA difference which makes no difference is no difference.32Framework for the session1.Competency in Practice today.2.Competency based performance management systems(PMS)practices today.3.Competency approaches4.Best practice
12、s5.Implementation strategies6.SMR experience33Two approaches1.Threshold minimum acceptable level2.Differentiating superior performers34ThresholdlPurely knowledge and skills driven.lEasier to develop.lSkill the masses to a minimum standardlGovernment initiatives to develop local expertise35Threshold/
13、FunctionallEnsuring the minimum is in place before you talk about superior performers.36BehaviourallDifferentiating.lSuperior performers relates to top 1/10.lUsed by companies with adequate expertise but desire to push up the performance bar.37Framework for the sessionlCompetency in Practice today.l
14、Competency based performance management systems(PMS)practices today.lCompetency approacheslBest practiceslImplementation strategieslSMR experience38Best practices Competency focuslDriven by the goals of the organisation.lFunctional approaches civil aviation,manufacturinglBehavioural approaches oil c
15、ompanieslIntegrated models airlines,utilities,transportation39Best practices-competency modelslAssessment is the key.lApplications usually at Job:Person match40Best practices-behaviourallDevelop a competency model.lEstablish criterion sampleslCompare high performers with low performers.lBehaviour ev
16、ent interviewslExpert panelslStudying incumbent/future jobs.41Best practices-design approacheslBehavioural modeldefine performance criteriacriterion samplecollect datadevelop modelvalidateprepare applications42Best practices-functional modelslPositionlPersonlAuditlGaplProgrammelPerformance43Best pra
17、ctices scalable modelslCatalogue of Competencies.lWeightage.lCompetency models/dictionarieslPrinciple of leverage and workability44Best practices-culturallRelate to local cultures.lSimilar competencies but expressed in appropriate cultural terms.le.g.Conflict Management in Thailand45Best practices-u
18、ses of competencieslTraininglPerformancelCareer managementlSelectionlCompensation46Best practices-performancelMixed modelslAssess and reward both P and ClWeighted47Best practices-competency based performance systemslAirline examplelOil company example lUse of critical incidents with high use of coac
19、hing and feedback tools.48FrameworklCompetency in Practice today.lCompetency based performance management systems(PMS)practices today.lCompetency approacheslBest practiceslImplementation strategieslSMR experience49Best practices-implementationlBased on needslPrinciple of leverage and workabilitylKey
20、 positionslLevelslCore/Role/Level50Best practices-implementationlPilot lUse project teamslBroadcast the successlDriven by champions who are visible line managerslStrongly supported by HR team51Best practices-implementationlManage it with a databaselTechnology enablementlRecord and reportlSupport dec
21、ision making52FailureslLack of expertiselLimited supportlCompeting prioritieslLack of resources financial and stafflLack of line involvementlSubjective and haphazard assessmentslImplementation53Framework1.Competency practices2.Performance management systems(PMS)practices3.Competency approaches4.Best practices5.Implementation6.SMR experience54Future developmentslAdvances in measurementlMore generic dictionarieslWork with project teamslSet up a scalable process modellCommunicate and sell to the linelRemove the confusionlUse HRDPower to drive the process.55Thank You&Terima K56