1、7C 教育资源网(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!7C 教育资源网()域名释义:7c 学科网,联系 QQ:372986183,78763217 闽 教 版 小 学 英 语 第 五 册 期 中 测 试 卷 Name(姓名):_ Score(分数):_ 听力部分(40%)一、听音写字母(大、小写)。6%二、听音,圈出你听到的图。12%三、听音标号。8%Part A Part B 四、听音,在你听到的单词旁打“”。6%1.blackboard()2.bright()3.grade()breakfast ()bread()great ()4.that ()5.wil
2、l ()6.say ()thank ()wear ()day ()五、听音,如果图片与录音内容相符请打“”,不符请打“”。8% 教育资源网(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!7C 教育资源网()域名释义:7c 学科网,联系 QQ:372986183,78763217 ()()()()笔试部分(60%)一、写出下列字母对应的大写或小写字母。8%K Q Y B n u c h 二、正确抄写下列词组,并在括号里写出中文意思。8%1.with short hair()2.the Science Museum()3.Teachers Day(
3、)4.in October()三、看图,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。16%(ol,al)(an,en)(ly,ny)(es,as)t_l p_da Ju_ gl_ses (oo,ee)(ni,ne)(sh,ch)(off,on)c_k ci_ma _ess turn _ 四、根据句意,选择正确的短语填空。5%1.My aunt and uncle _ Taibei.2.Im a _.3._ your shoes.4.Well watch a _.5.Say“Happy _”to Miss Gao.Put on clever robot live in 3Dfilm Teachers Da
4、y 7C 教育资源网(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!7C 教育资源网()域名释义:7c 学科网,联系 QQ:372986183,78763217 五、根据图意选词填空。3%1.The boy _ Peter is Wang Tao.2.The boy _ a basketball is Peter.3.The boy _ Wang Tao is Yang Ming.六、判断下列短语与图片是否相符,相符打“”;不符打“”。12%play the violin()make dumplings()play football()National Day()go by plane()do
5、my homework()七、阅读课文,选择正确的答句回答问题。8%1.Where are you from,Nancy?_ Im from China.Im from Australia.2.Where will you go in winter vacation?_ I live in China.Ill go back to Australia.3.How is the weather in Australia?_ It will be hot.It will be cold.4.Will you go back to Australia by ship,Nancy?_ Yes,I will.No,I wont.behind,beside,with Im Nancy.Im from Australia.I live in China now.Ill go back to Australia in winter vacation.Ill go by plane.It will be hot there.I can wear my beautiful skirt.