1、Chapter One ReceptionTask DescriptionThe task of the unit focuses on introducing basic public speaking skills for interpreters and some useful vocabulary and expressions used in interpreting reception.ContentsvSkill focus:Public SpeakingvTopic focus:Ceremonial SpeechesvGlossaryvSentence Interpreting
2、vDialogue InterpretingvSpeech Interpretation(E/C)vSpeech Interpretation(C/E)Skill focus:Public SpeakingvPublic speaking is:1.the act or process of making speeches in public;2.the art of effective oral communication with an audience.Overviewv Communicationv Ethicsv Public Speaking Fear and Confidence
3、v Audience Analysisv Effective Deliveryv Presentational AidsCommunicationvMeaning Communicare(Latin)“to make common to many,share,impart,divide”vProcess and ProductvDefinition “the sharing of meaning by ending and receiving symbolic cues”CommunicationvGoal To ensure that the message your audience he
4、ars matches as closely as possible to the message you intend.CommunicationThe CommunicationElements ModelA speaker encodes a message,sending it through a channel to a listener,who decodes it.The listener provides feedback,sending it through a channel to a speaker.This interaction takes place in an e
5、nvironment withvarying levels of internal andexternal noises.EthicsvTopics you consider importantvTopics that promote positive ethical valuesvSpeak to benefit your listenersvTruthful supporting material and valid reasoningvConsider consequences of your words and actionsvStrive to improve your public
6、 speakingPublic Speaking Fear and Confidence “According to most studies,peoples number one fear is public speaking.Number two is death.Death is number two.Does that seem right?This means to the average person,if you have to go to a funeral,youre better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”Jerry
7、SeinfeldPublic Speaking Fear andConfidencevAnxiety level of public speaking high 40%moderately high 30%moderate 20%moderately low 5%low 5%Overcoming Stage FrightvExpecting NervousnessvAcquiring ExperiencevPrepare,Prepare,Prepare Overcoming Stage FrightvThink positivelyvKnow that most nervousness is
8、not visiblevDont expect perfection.Perfection wasnt built in a day.Guidelines for Building SpeakerConfidencevKnow how you react to stressvKnow your strengths and weaknessesvKnow speech principlesvKnow that it always looks worse from the insidevKnow your speechvBelieve in your topicvView speech makin
9、g positivelyAnalyzing Your AudiencevDemographics 人口特征人口特征 Age Gender Ethnicity Education Religion Economic status Group membershipAnalyzing Your AudiencevAudience Segmentation(听众分割)(听众分割)dividing an audience into subgroupsvAudience Targeting(听众针对性)(听众针对性)directing a speech toward one or more segment
10、sAnalyzing Your AudiencevSpeaking situationsvTypes of audiencesvAudience dispositionvSize of audiencevOccasionvPhysical environmentvTime Delivering Your SpeechvNonverbal communicationv Deliberate vs.unintentionalv No universal meaningv Trust the nonverbalv Breakdown of communication 55%body language
11、 38%tonality(音调)7%actual words Delivering Your SpeechvMethods of Delivery Impromptu(即兴的)Memory Manuscript Extemporaneous(经过准备但不用讲稿的,不是背熟的)Q/A repeat questionsDelivering Your SpeechvCharacteristics of effective delivery how it should lookvHelps everyonevNatural,comfortable,spontaneousvAudience is not
12、 aware of aspects of deliveryDelivering Your SpeechvElements of vocal deliveryvRate and pausevVolumevPitch and inflection(转调)vVoice qualityvArticulation(清晰度)and pronunciationDelivering Your SpeechvElements of physical deliveryvAppearancevPosturevFacial expressionvEye contactvMovementvGesturesVisual
13、AidsvKinds of Visual AidsObjectsModelsPhotographsDrawingsGraphs(线图)Charts(图表)Slides(幻灯片)and VideotapesComputer-Generated Graphics(电脑生成图像)Transparencies(透明胶片)Multimedia Visual Aid PreparationvPrepare them well in advancevK.I.S.S.Keep It Simple StupidvMake sure they are large enoughshould be able to b
14、e seen by“all”viewers when presented,not just those“up front”.vUse easy to read fonts(字体字体)there is a reason for Times-Romannon-serif fonts(非衬线体,黑体)are harder to readvUse a limited number of fonts vUse color effectivelyhighlightinguse well proven color schemes,what colors work well together is a tou
15、gh choice for most peopleEnjoymentvEnglish Speaking ContestvI have a dream by Martin Luther KingvA Speech to Win the bid for 2008 Olympics by Yang LanPracticevPrepare for 10 minutes and make an extemporaneous speech on Your Future Career Plan.The student audience and the instructor shall give commen
16、ts on both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the speechmaking.vPrepare for 10 minutes and make an extemporaneous speech on a hot topic in your school or in your city.The student audience and the instructor shall give comments on both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the speechmaking.Glossaryv
17、Introductions:介绍词vwelcomes:欢迎词vopening address:开幕词vclosing address:闭幕词v farewells:告别词vaward presentations:颁奖词vacceptances:获奖词v thank-yous:致谢词vtoasts:祝酒词vafter-dinner speeches:宴后演说vsermons:布道词vprayers:祷告词vtributes:颂词veulogies:悼词v keynotes:主旨演讲v inaugurals:就职演讲v commencement speeches:毕业演讲 Glossaryv阁下
18、Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency贵宾 distinguished guests尊敬的市长先生 Respected/Distinguished Mr.Mayor远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific东道国 host country 宣布开幕 declareopen值此之际 on the occasion of 借此机会 take this opportunity to以名义 in the name of 本着精神 in the spirit of 代表
19、 on the behalf of 由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks友好款待 gracious hospitality正式邀请 official invitation回顾过去 look back on展望未来 look ahead/look into the future最后 in closing圆满成功 a complete success提议祝酒 propose a toast to Glossaryv亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between互访 exchange of v
20、isit外交政策 foreign policy一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit双边关系 bilateral relations持久和平 lasting peace 贸易额 trade volume商业界 business community跨国公司 transnational corporation经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power 我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,表示真诚的谢意。On the behalf of all the m
21、embers of my mission,I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitationGlossaryv现在,我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。Now,I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自联合王国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。I have the honor to express t
22、his warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.我谨向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you.我预祝大会圆满成功!I wish the conference a complete success!Interpreting Chinese Terms of Address and Titlesv1.正职头衔翻译法v 1)用chief来表示的职
23、衔v总司令 Commander-in-chiefv总编辑 Editor-in-chiefv总参谋长 Chief of General Staffv总工程师 Chief Engineerv总会计师 Chief Accountantv总建筑师 Chief Architectv总裁判 Chief Refereev图书馆馆长Chief Librarianv首席法官 Chief Judgev检察长 Chief Procuratorv总裁/首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer(CEO)v首席记者 Chief Correspondentv首席谈判代表 Chief Negotiator
24、v部/司/厅/局/处/科长 Chief/Head of the Ministry/Department(司/厅)/Bureau/Division/Sectionv县/区/乡/镇长 County/District/Township/Town Chief/Headv2)用general 表示的职衔v总书记 General Secretaryv秘书长 Secretary-generalv检察长 Procurator-generalv审计长 Auditor-generalv总领事 Consul-generalv总经理 General Managerv3)用head 表示的职衔v总教练 Head Coa
25、chv主厨 Head Chefv护士长 Head Nursev村长 Village Headv列车长 Head of a train crewv4)用president 表示的职衔v国家主席 presidentv中科院院长 President of the Chinese Academy of Sciencev最高人民法院院长 President of the Supreme Peoples Courtv(大学)校长 Presidentv中国人民银行行长 President/Governor of the Chinese Peoples Bank v协会/学会/理事会会长 President
26、of an association/society/councilv5)用chairman 表示的职衔v人大常委会委员长 NPC(National Peoples Congress)Chairmanv政协主席 CPPCC Chairmanv中央军委主席 Chairman of the Central Military Commissionv公司董事长 Chairman of the Board of Directorsv大学系主任 Chairman/Dean/Head of a departmentv 6)用director 表示的职衔v总政部主任 Director of the Genera
27、l Political Departmentv办公厅主任 Director of the General Officev亚洲司司长 Director of the Department of Asian Affairsv人民日报社社长 Director of the Peoples Dailyv编译局局长 Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureauv研究所所长 Director of a research institutev博物馆馆长 Director of a museumv7)用commissioner 表示的职衔v行/公署专员
28、commissionerv自治州州长 commissionerv公安局局长 Police Commissionerv8)用executive 表示的职衔v执行主席 Executive Chairmanv行政/执行秘书 Executive Secretaryv9)用senior 表示的职衔vSenior Engineer/Editor/Lecturer 高级/工程师/编辑/讲师v10)其它v总理 Premier;Prime Ministerv国务委员 State Councilorv部长 Ministerv省长 Provincial Governorv市长 Mayor v顾问 Advisorv2.副职头衔翻译法v1)与前缀vice搭配(president,premier,chairman,minister,governor,principal)v2)与associate搭配v副教授 Associate Professor 副研究员 Associate Research Fellowv3)“代理”,“名誉”翻译v代理市长 acting mayorv名誉 honorary,emeritus