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1、 1/13 2022 年海南专升本考试考试模拟卷(本卷共分为 1 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100 分,60 分及格。)单位:姓名:考号:题号 单选题 多项选择 判断题 综合题 总分 分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共 50 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.老师是以自身作为教育的手段,这是教师劳动的 A主体性 B创造性 C复杂性 D间接性 2.老师是以自身作为教育的手段,这是教师劳动的 A主体性 B创造性 C复杂性 D间接性 3.老师是以自身作为教育的手段,这是教师劳动的 A主体性 B创造性 C复杂性 D间接性 4.关于气管的叙述,下列哪项是正确的

2、 2/13 A有完整的环行的气管软骨作支架,以保持其开张状态 B上端起于甲状软骨下缘 C沿颈前正中线下行,至第2 肋软骨前端水平处分为左、右主支气管 D位于前纵隔内 E气管的颈部较胸部长 5.俄亥俄州立大学对领导方式的研究发现,更能使下属达到高绩效和高满意度的领导方式是 A低关怀低定规 B高关怀低定规 C低关怀高定规 D高关怀高定规 6.Many foreigners _ the Great Wall as the Worlds Seventh Wonder.Alook at Blook for Clook around Dlook on 7.Many foreigners _ the Gre

3、at Wall as the Worlds Seventh Wonder.Alook at Blook for Clook around Dlook on 8._是证券经营机构欲取得证券自营业务资格所应当具备的符合标准的条件。A23 高级管理人员具备必要的证券、金融、法律等有关知识,近 1 年内没有严重违法违规行为 B23 以上高级管理人员具有 2 年以上证券业务或 3 年以上金融业务的工作经 3/13 历 C49 以上的主要业务人员获得证监会颁发的证券业从业人员资格证书 D49 以上的主要业务人员具有 2 年以上证券业务或 3 年以上金融业务的工作经历 9.W:Please deposit(

4、投进去)twenty more cents.M:_ AOh,dear,I don t have any more money.I 11 have to hang up now.BDeposit twenty more cents.It s an astronomical figure for me.CSorry,I didn t owe you twenty more cents.DSorry,I didn t even have a bank account book.10.在文学上积极鼓吹“小说界革命”的人是_ A蔡元培 B胡适 C梁启超 D黄遵宪 11.社会进步的根源是 A人与自然的和谐

5、发展 B人与人的团结协作 C人性的复归 D人类社会基本矛盾运动 12.在 Excel 中,将某一单元格内容为“星期一”拖放该单元格填充 6 个连续的单元格,其内容为:_ 。A连续 6 个“星期一”B连续 6 个空白 C星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六、星期日 D以上都不对 4/13 13.在 Excel 中,将某一单元格内容为“星期一”拖放该单元格填充 6 个连续的单元格,其内容为:_ 。A连续 6 个“星期一”B连续 6 个空白 C星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六、星期日 D以上都不对 14.在休克监测中,哪项观察结果表示预后极差甚至死亡率可达 100%_ A中心静脉压低于 0.

6、49kPa B肺动脉压超过 4.0kPa C乳酸盐浓度超过 8mmol/L D动脉二氧化碳分压高于 5.33kPa E血小板计数低于 8.0109/L 15.在休克监测中,哪项观察结果表示预后极差甚至死亡率可达 100%_ A中心静脉压低于 0.49kPa B肺动脉压超过 4.0kPa C乳酸盐浓度超过 8mmol/L D动脉二氧化碳分压高于 5.33kPa E血小板计数低于 8.0109/L 16.诊断二尖瓣狭窄最有意义的辅助检查是_ AX 线胸片 B超声心动图 C心电图 D放射性核素检查 E心导管检查 5/13 17.诊断二尖瓣狭窄最有意义的辅助检查是_ AX 线胸片 B超声心动图 C心电

7、图 D放射性核素检查 E心导管检查 18.诊断二尖瓣狭窄最有意义的辅助检查是_ AX 线胸片 B超声心动图 C心电图 D放射性核素检查 E心导管检查 19.Passage Two Boys and girls in this sixth grade class both can use the school computers.Studies show that in high school girls use computers less than boys.This causes a technology gap."Girls tend to be less comfortabl

8、e than boys with the computer.They use it more for word processing rather than for problem solving."The studies show that girls make up only a small part of students in computer science classes.Girls usually say they have less computer ability than boys do.They are less sure when using computer

9、s.They use computers less often than boys outside the classroom."Boys are not so afraid they might do something that will harm the computer.girls are afraid they might break it somehow."Six years ago,the software company Purple Moon found girls used computers less than boys did.They found

10、the number one reason girls didn’t like computer games was because the games were so boring.Girls want games with people like them and stories about what is going on in their own lives.The studies show there is no real reason 6/13 why girls wouldn’t want to play on a computer.The sponsor

11、 of the study says the technology gap must be closed.Otherwise women will not have a fair chance in the job market in the 21st century.Girls seem to find most of the software()Aas too violent Bboring Cexciting Das too competitive 20.函数 y=f(x)在点 x0 处可导是函数 f(x)在点 x0 处连续的_。A充分条件 B必要条件 C充分必要条件 D既非充分也非必要

12、条件 21.22.下列时种群调节因素中属于非密度制约因素的是 A捕食 B寄生 C降雨 D竞争 23.下列有关 Word 中选定正文的方法中,错误的是_。A在正文中按住鼠标左键拖动,所扫过部分的文字即为被选定的内容 B将鼠标移至空白处,按住 Ctrl 键单击鼠标左键,则选定整个文档 C按住 Ctrl 键,同时按住鼠标左键拖动,这样可以选定鼠标扫过的矩形区域 D用鼠标左键单击文档的任意位置,所作的选定即被撤消 24.下列有关 Word 中选定正文的方法中,错误的是_。7/13 A在正文中按住鼠标左键拖动,所扫过部分的文字即为被选定的内容 B将鼠标移至空白处,按住 Ctrl 键单击鼠标左键,则选定整

13、个文档 C按住 Ctrl 键,同时按住鼠标左键拖动,这样可以选定鼠标扫过的矩形区域 D用鼠标左键单击文档的任意位置,所作的选定即被撤消 25.下列有关 Word 中选定正文的方法中,错误的是_。A在正文中按住鼠标左键拖动,所扫过部分的文字即为被选定的内容 B将鼠标移至空白处,按住 Ctrl 键单击鼠标左键,则选定整个文档 C按住 Ctrl 键,同时按住鼠标左键拖动,这样可以选定鼠标扫过的矩形区域 D用鼠标左键单击文档的任意位置,所作的选定即被撤消 26.下列有关 Word 中选定正文的方法中,错误的是_。A在正文中按住鼠标左键拖动,所扫过部分的文字即为被选定的内容 B将鼠标移至空白处,按住 C

14、trl 键单击鼠标左键,则选定整个文档 C按住 Ctrl 键,同时按住鼠标左键拖动,这样可以选定鼠标扫过的矩形区域 D用鼠标左键单击文档的任意位置,所作的选定即被撤消 27.All the children should be educated to be _ to elder people.Arespectable Brespected Crespecting Drespectful 28.All the children should be educated to be _ to elder people.Arespectable Brespected Crespecting Drespe

15、ctful 8/13 29.Your children must stop me by asking for candy all day long.I am _ every day by the slow bus service in this town.Aannoyed;annoying Bto annoy;annoying Cannoying;annoying Dannoying;annoyed 30.吸入纯氧后,氧分压仍低于多少即可诊断ARDS A40 mmHg B50 mmHg C60 mmHg D70 mmHg E80 mmHg 31.我国_朝画家荆浩有著名的山水画匡庐图传世。_ A

16、汉 B东晋 C唐 D五代后梁 32.我国_朝画家荆浩有著名的山水画匡庐图传世。_ A汉 B东晋 C唐 D五代后梁 33.生产力是社会发展的决定性因素。它在本质上反映了 A人与人的关系 B人与社会的关系 9/13 C人与自然的关系 D人与自我的关系 34.辩证唯物主义认为,真理和谬误的关系是 A对立统一的关系 B客观和主观的关系 C相互依存的关系 D相互作用的关系 35.辩证唯物主义认为,真理和谬误的关系是 A对立统一的关系 B客观和主观的关系 C相互依存的关系 D相互作用的关系 36.Passage 4Advertisement can be thought of as"the me

17、ans of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services".Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest.It tries to inform and to persuade.The media are all used to spread the message.The press offers a fairly cheap method and magazines are used to reach speci

18、al sections of the market.The cinema and commercial radio are useful for lo cal market.Television,although more expensive,can be very effective.Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction.Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade

19、 fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods,liquor,tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.We

20、 might ask whether the cost of advertisement 10/13 is paid for by the producer or by the customer.Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production,which has to be covered by the selling price,it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisement.However,if large scale advertisement

21、leads to in creased demand,production costs are reduced,and the customer pays less.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales.When the market is growing,advertisement helps to increase demand.When the market is shrinking,advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sale

22、s than would occur without its support.What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them.Advertisement can increase demand()Aall the time Bin any circumstances Cin a growing market Din a shrinking market 37.在 Word 2000 文档表格中,插

23、入点在表格中的某行的任一个单元格内,按Enter 键后可以使_。A插入点所在行的行加宽 B插入点所在的列加宽 C插入点下一行增加一行 D对表格不起作用 38.短歌行中用了典故的诗句是 A月明星稀 B周公吐哺 C乌鹊南飞 D忧思难忘 11/13 39.短歌行中用了典故的诗句是 A月明星稀 B周公吐哺 C乌鹊南飞 D忧思难忘 40.在我国,各种民事活动都必须遵守国家的法律、法规。在法律、法规尚无规定的情况下,应当遵守_ A宪法 B法理 C国家政策 D民事习惯 41.第一心音出现的时间是 A与半月瓣开放同时发生 B与房室瓣关闭同时发生 C与心室快速充盈同时发生 D在舒张早期发生 E在心室射血高峰发生

24、 42.可兴奋细胞兴奋时,其共同的特征是发生_ A分泌 B收缩 C膜电位变化 D神经冲动 E分子运动 43.All of the plants now raised on farms,have been developed from plants _wild.12/13 Aonce they grew Bthey grew once Cthat once grew Donce grew 44.下列画家中,属于“扬州八怪”的是_ A郑板桥 B唐寅 C石涛 D朱耷 45.经济基础是指 A一个社会的生产关系 B一个社会占统治地位的生产关系 C一个社会生产关系各方面的总和 D一个社会占统治地位的生产关

25、系各个方面的总和 46.我爱这土地中诗人着力刻画的一个象征形象是 A鸟 B暴风雨 C土地 D河流 47.我爱这土地中诗人着力刻画的一个象征形象是 A鸟 B暴风雨 C土地 D河流 13/13 48.Scientists think that in the future space stations can be built for the following purposes EXCEPT _.Acarrying passengers to planets Bacting as stop-over points Crefueling spacecraft Dproviding supply of air,food and water 49.I()since seven this morning.A.had typed B.typed C.am typing D.have been typing 50.中国现代小说的奠基人是_ A沈从文 B茅盾 C鲁迅 D巴金


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