1、:(60225015):2005-09-28 23 11200611:1006-9348(2006)11-0180-04贾海燕,朱良家,周宗潭,胡德文(,410073):,:;:TP317.4:BAShapeMatchingMethodforAutomaticReassemblyofPaperFragmentsJI A Hai-yan,ZHU Liang-jia,ZHOU Zong-tan,HU De-wen(College ofM echatronics Engineering andAuto mation,NationalUniv.ofDefense Technology,Changsha
2、 Hunan 410073,China)ABSTRACT:Computer-aided paper frag ments reassembly is a novel and typicalapplication in the field of co mputervision and pattern recognition,which is completed through scan and i mage extraction techniques to obtain the shape,color and other infor mation.Then the paper fragments
3、 are reconstructed based on co mputer processing.Paper fragments reasse mbly contains two steps:i mage preprocessing andmatching.Contour-shapematching is one of the keytechniques in paper fragments reasse mbly.But no maturemethod has been applied to the practicalwork untilnow.Inorderto reconstruct p
4、aper frag ments auto matically or se m i-auto matically,this paper presents a novelmethod basedon extracting paper fragments outlines and finding the possible matched contours by area rules and boundary rules,and computer-aided auto matic paper fragments reasse mbly is also realized in this paper.KE
5、YWORDS:Shapematching;Paper fragments reassembly;A rea rule;Boundary rule1,1,2,3,4,180 5,6,10,6,2,11,23 3.1,:,COMPLEN,COMPLEN=75,COMPLEN,2,3,L,3,L3.2,6:STEP,step=1,4360,360,(x,y)(X,Y),YX=cos()-sin()sin()cos()yx(1)181,COMPLEN,COM PLEN=75,x,4360,-+5-5,10,3606,M*N,(360/STEP)*M*N,STEP!1,2.8%,40,3.3 1:,5:
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