1、 关于中秋英语作文范文带翻译:快乐的中秋节 今天是中秋节,妈妈带我和妹妹去婆婆村子里看戏。其实戏看不懂,我们只是为了凑热闹去的。在不热的气温下,我们吃了冰淇淋,特别的满足。回到婆婆家做了作业又玩游戏。吃了晚饭之后我们就回家了。回家的时候看见一排不高的小树。坐在车里,我的手伸到车窗外,树叶都能从我的手上轻轻的抚摸过,一路上我还看到了绿油油的田地,高高的房子,好溪里的红鲤鱼好像也知道今天是中秋节,在很欢快的游来游去。Today is the Mid Autumn Festival.My mother took my sister and I to see a play in my mother-i
2、n-laws village.In fact,we cant understand the play.We just want to get together.In the not hot temperature,we eat ice cream,special satisfaction.I went back to my mother-in-laws home to do my homework and play games.We went home after supper.I saw a row of small trees when I went home.Sitting in the
3、 car,my hand reached out of the window,and the leaves could be gently touched by my hand.Along the way,I saw green fields,tall houses,and red carp in Haoxi,who seemed to know that today is the Mid Autumn Festival,and they are swimming around 今天是中秋节,我和妹妹还有妈妈三个人坐在门口赏月,每人吃一块月饼,一边吃,妈妈一边给我们讲中秋节的来历。讲完之后我们
4、就在门上发现了一只螳螂。螳螂的长相十分特别,三角形的小脑袋上长着两只大大的眼睛,向外鼓着,细细的脖子下面连着长长的大肚子,背上张着绿色的翅膀,胸前长着一对威武的大刀,挥舞着,像一个威风凛凛的大将军。Today is the Mid Autumn Festival.My sister and I,as well as my mother,are sitting at the door to enjoy the moon.Each of us eats a piece of moon cake.While eating,my mother tells us the origin of the Mi
5、d Autumn Festival.After that we found a mantis on the door.The mantis looks very special.There are two big eyes on the small triangular head,bulging outwards.Under the thin neck,there is a long belly,with green wings on its back,and a pair of powerful broadswords on its chest.It is waving like a majestic general.