1、托福阅读辅导:老托福阅读真题及答案passage13 为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,练习更多阅读题目。提高阅读水平,下面我给大家带来托福阅读辅导:老托福阅读真题及答案 passage13,希望对大家有所帮助! 老托福阅读文本passage13 Any rock that has cooled and solidified from a molten state is an igneous rock. Therefore, if the Earth began as a superheated sphere in space, all the rocks making up its crust ma
2、y well have been igneous and thus the ancestors of all other rocks. Even today, approximately 95 percent of the entire crust is igneous. Periodically, molten material wells out of the Earth's interior to invade the surface layers or to flow onto the surface itself. This material cools into a wid
3、e variety of igneous rocks. In the molten state, it is called magma as it pushes into the crust and lava when it runs out onto the surface. All magma consists basically of a variety of silicate minerals (high in silicon-oxygen compounds), but the chemical composition of any given flow may differ rad
4、ically from that of any other. The resulting igneous rocks will reflect these differences. Igneous rocks also vary in texture as well as chemistry. Granite, for instance, is a coarse-grained igneous rock whose individual mineral crystals have formed to a size easily seen by the naked eye. A slow rat
5、e of cooling has allowed the crystals to reach this size. Normally, slow cooling occurs when the crust is invaded by magma that remains buried well below the surface. Granite may be found on the surface of the contemporary landscape, but from its coarse texture we know that it must have formed throu
6、gh slow cooling at a great depth and later been laid bare by erosion. Igneous rocks with this coarse-grained texture that formed at depth are called plutonic. On the other hand, if the same magma flows onto the surface and is quickly cooled by the atmosphere, the resulting rock will be fine-grained
7、and appear quite different from granite, although the chemical composition will be identical. This kind of rock is called rhyolite. The most finely grained igneous rock is volcanic glass or obsidian, which has no crystals. Some researchers believe this is because of rapid cooling; others believe it
8、is because of a lack of water vapor and other gases in the lava. The black obsidian cliffs of Yellowstone National Park are the result of a lava flow of basalt running head on into a glacier. Some of the glacier melted on contact, but suddenly there also appeared a huge black mass of glassy stone. 老
9、托福阅读题目 passage13 1. In the first paragraph, the author mentions that 95% of the Earth's crust is composed of igneous rock to support the idea that (A) the Earth began as a molten mass (B) a thin layer of magma flows beneath the Earth's crust (C) the minerals found in igneous rock are very co
10、mmon (D) igneous rock is continually being formed 2. The word "invade" in line 5 is closest in meaning to (A) move into (B) neutralize (C) cover (D) deposit 3. The word "contemporary" in line 15 is closest in meaning to (A) vast (B) natural (C) existing (D) uneven 4. The word &qu
11、ot;it" in line 16 refers to (A) granite (B) surface (C) landscape (D) texture 5. Granite that has been found above ground has been (A) pushed up from below the crust by magma (B) produced during a volcanic explosion (C) gradually exposed due to erosion (D) pushed up by the natural shifting of t
12、he Earth 6. Which of the following is produced when magma cools rapidly? (A) granite (B) plutonic rock (C) rhyolite (D) mineral crystals 7. The word "finely" in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A) minutely (B) loosely (C) sensitively (D) purely 8. Which of the following is another name fo
13、r volcanic glass? (A) Plutonic rock (B) Crystal (C) Lava (D) Obsidian 老托福阅读答案 passage13 AACAC CAD 托福阅读技巧:词汇题应对方法 为什么许多考生会对词汇题束手无措?一方面是因为考生的词汇量达不到,OG中词汇题的说明里有一句话,there is no “list of words” that must be tested. 这句话就告知考生死了那条心去背所谓的大纲词汇,因为没有大纲,而考试中要考查到的单词可能是来自牛津字典或朗文字典中的任何一个单词,范围大的离谱;而另一方面则是因为有的考生没有学会从上
14、下文或者从语法结构去揣测词义。 因为OG中的说明还有一句a word might have more than one meaning, but in the reading passage, only one of those meaning is relevant. 所以很有可能考生在考试中所遇到的词汇并不是已经让人熟知的第一词义,而是要依据语境上下文推断出的其次词义甚至是第三词义,所以又对考生做题增加了难度。最可悲的是不仅文章中的单词意思不知道,连4个选项中的单词都有不相识不熟识的,这样的结果就只能是乱猜一气,听天由命全凭运气,当然考试结果也不会好。所以在此将给考生一点打算新托福阅读考试
15、词汇题的建议和解题方法,希望能给考生攻克词汇题赐予一些帮助。 Tip: 单词记忆 单词记忆主要就是背单词。背单词是许多同学觉得特别苦痛的事情,常常会有学生来问药怎么背,背了一些又立刻忘了另外一些。所以关于如何去背单词,在这里有几点建议: 1、利用零散的时间背单词。利用零散的时间背单词可以运用单词卡片。不过,为了保证效率,首先要确定哪些单词须要记忆。理论上,单词量越多越好。事实上,假如一味贪多,结果简单打疲惫战,而且效率低。所以,只记那些常考的核心词汇,而对于那些不太常用的学科名词、物质名词一般加以忽视。 2、进行高频率的重复,建议把重复的周期限制在7天以内。详细说来,就是每天背100个单词,将
16、过一遍这些单词的时间限制在半个小时以内,每天过4遍,其次天再过一遍前一天的。假如程度不是很好的同学可以压缩到50个左右,但尽量不要低于50个。单词材料可以找一些相关的新托福阅读词汇书,或者是以往考过的词汇题内容。 把背单词和阅读相结合。广泛的阅读也是增加词汇量的一种方法,并且能够在阅读中加强对已经背过的单词的记忆。当一篇文章的生词量在5%左右的时候,这些生词的词义是可推的。所以我们在选择阅读材料的时候,应尽量将单词量限制在10%左右。单词太多,看不懂文章,太少又起不到提高的作用。相关材料可以上一些网站看,例如economist, national geographic等等。 托福阅读辅导:老托福阅读真题及答案 passage13本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页