1、托福写作的7大原则及要求 有些考生经常为了托福独立写作而苦恼,总是没有写作思路、抓不到重点或者字数写不够。怎么办呢?下面我给大家带来托福写作的7大原则及要求,希望对大家有所帮助。 托福写作的7大原则及要求 1. 审题,抓关键词,关键词多为名词和形容词,最重要的是一些限定词。全文都要围绕题目绽开论述,紧紧扣题。 2. 文章结构最好为四段式,字数400字以上。 3. 理由段落结尾 进行段落点睛。 4. 理由段论证肯定要体现严密的逻辑,思维不能跳动。 5. 切忌大量模板,尤其在论证过程中出现大量繁琐的没有实质内容的模板句。 6. 学会发散思维,不要就事论事。 7. 短期与长期 短期(目标分24分以下
2、),靠思路/逻辑思维提分;长期(基础好,目标24分以上的)要修炼高级词汇&长难句。 托福写作:独立写作句法的多样性 丨动静结合总适宜 例1:她按时到校上学。 动态句:She attends school regularly. 静态句:Her attendance at school is regular. 例2:他拥有一所房子。 动态句:He possesses a house. 静态句:He is in possession of a house. 技巧小结:中文习惯动词占优势,但是英语里面静态词汇(名词、介词、副词、形容词等)占优势。所以在写作时同学们应当考虑英语句子静态特征的表达
3、。 丨详细抽象互补足 例3:她的朴实衣着使他显得更美。 详细句:Her simple dress adds to her beauty. 抽象句:The simplicity of her dress adds to her beauty. 例4:暖和的房间使我昏昏欲睡。 详细句:The warm room made me sleepy. 抽象句:The warmth of the room made me sleepy. 技巧小结:中文表达重详细,英文表达重抽象。 丨物称人称相交替 例5: 我恒久忘不了这个教训。 人称主语: I will neverforget the lesson. 物称
4、主语: The lesson willbe rootedin my memory forever. 例6: 不同的团队成员对工作有不同的看法。 人称主语: Different team members have different attitudes towards work. 物称主语: Attitudes towards work vary from person to person. 技巧小结:英语主语常用人称和物称两种形式表达。物称主语注意“什么事发生在什么人身上”,人称主语侧重“什么人怎么样”。 综上所述,同学们在独立写作中,除了运用习以为常的并列句和从句以外,为满意托福写作中的句法
5、多样性原则,还应当多考虑在文章写作中加入如上三种句子表述方式。同时,在背单词的同时,肯定要留意驾驭同一单词的派生词,这样才能更加游刃有余地完成不同形态的句子。 托福写作语料库积累:关于手机因特网 托福写作语料库 语料库: 关于电视节目: 美国比较流行的情景剧:Friends, Big Bang Theory, Friends, and Boston Legal,Breaking Bad, How I Met Your Mother 等等。 句子: TV series like _x, _x, and _x (列举以上的细微环节如Friends等) can be great fun to wat
6、ch. I can not only learn the most natural way to speak English, but also I have a chance to know American cultures. 当然还有一些纪录片形式的电视节目我们可以说: TV documentaries can be very informative, and they target different kinds of audience. They cover lots of topics like sports, animal word, history, and even reli
7、gions. Just by laying on the couch, you can really learn a lot about all kinds of stuff. 就电脑、因特网、手机笔者做一下的总结: 导入下面语料的引子lead in: With wifi access and a tablet /cell phone /computer/laptop, you can do lots of stuff. 网上购物on-line shopping: It is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with ju
8、st a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door. It is also easy to compare the price offered by different on-line stores, the only thing you need to remember is that always to shop in a reputable on-line store. 以最便捷的方式获得新闻quick access to breaking news:
9、 It is definitely a great way to have access to breaking news, you can acquire information on what is happening around the globe. 社交Social: It is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy our personal lives. By signing up on a social network like facebook, MSN, and wechat, which is so popular in China
10、, you can get to know more people. By sending text message to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant. 托福写作语料库积累:关于艺术 托福写作语料库 艺术指导我们的生活,并可以让人们回忆过去并且让将来更美妙。 Art shapes our life, it also helps to pres
11、erve history, it serves as a reminder of yesterday, and a maker of tomorrow and it also conveys idea. 短语:stir up emotion 造句:科学有时候不如艺术更好的激起想象力和情感。 Art's ability to stir up imaginations and emotions about a subject that science might not be able to, and I am not saying that science is not importan
12、t, I just think art is a necessary complement to science. 短语:bring comfort and hope, expressing their happiness, 造句:音乐给人带来安慰和希望,并能表达情感。(注:举例子如兴奋、悲伤和生气) Music can also bring comfort and hope to people, and it is important to people expressing their happiness, sorrow and even anger. 肖邦的例子: 单词、短语:facil
13、itate change, bind society, the most prestigious musician, defend against ; 肖邦用音乐激励同胞反抗沙皇俄国: _X is a helpful tool to facilitate change, and even a device for comfort and security that helps to bind society, like the most prestigious musician Chopin created great music so his fellow countrymen could
14、unite and defend their country against Russian invasion. 用举例子,引以为戒: 短语:a great part of our lives, _x helps _x to prosper, a good case in point 一个没有文化的国家都算不上是个国家,艺术是创建、是表达方式;中国的破坏了文化遗产让国家停滞不前。 A society without art is not much of a society at all, for art is essential and a great part of our lives. A
15、rt is really about invention and expression, it helps a country prosper culturally. The Culture Revolution happened a few decades ago in China is a good case in point, music and art were stifled, and the country basically stopped functioning. 托福写作的7大原则及要求本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页