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1、AccorAccording toding to Office PartyOffice Party of mass lineof mass line education praeducation pra ctice actice activities lectivities led group ofd group of unifiedunified arrangements,units main learrangements,units main le d to for cad to for ca dres wdres workers Shang a timesorkers Shang a t

2、imes party lectparty lecture,due toure,due to himself level limited,only put thimself level limited,only put t his stagehis stage conceconcentrated learntrated lear ning of exning of experience today and everyone commonperience today and everyone commonwith learwith learningning exchange,exchange,pu

3、rpurpose is let wpose is let w e furthere further deedeep understap understandinding mass ling mass li ne of connotatine of connotati on,ion,insistensisted party of mass line,d party of mass line,do mado masses wsses work,follork,following maiowing main from four a aspen from four a aspe cts tolcts

4、told:a,ad:a,and fullnd full awareneawareness party of mass line educatiss party of mass line educati onon practice activitiespractice activities of major meaof major mea ning Partysning Partys 18 major18 major distidistinct prnct proposeoposed to focus on thed to focus on the partys advapartys adva

5、ncenced natd nature and purity,iure and purity,i n then the party,party,with pragmatic awith pragmatic a ndnd cleaclean for then for the people as the main contepeople as the main conte nt of thent of the partys mass lipartys mass li ne ane and end educational praducational pra ctice.ctice.This is c

6、omrade XI JiThis is comrade XI Ji npinping as party General Secretary ang as party General Secretary a nd and adherdhere to strictly ae to strictly a dministeridministering theng the party,party,strengthestrengthen then the partys partys major demajor decisicision ion is in lis in line witne with th

7、eh the public expectations apublic expectations a ndnd strengthestrengthening tning the constructihe constructi onon of learniof learning-orienteng-oriente d dservice iservice innovationnnovation of Marxist partys majorof Marxist partys major dedeployment,iployment,is the important measure to advas

8、the important measure to adva nce tnce the great cahe great cause of sociause of socialism withlism with ChiChinesenese charactericharacteristics.First,carrystics.First,carry out the partys mass liout the partys mass li ne ine in education pran education pra ctice,wactice,was carryis carrying 18 of

9、theng 18 of the party spirparty spirit,it,summon a powerful force for realizing tsummon a powerful force for realizing t he great rejuvenation of thehe great rejuvenation of the ChiChinesenese nation the Chinese drenation the Chinese dre am of urgent neam of urgent ne eds.Partys 18 teds.Partys 18 t

10、o promoteo promote strategic destrategic deploymeployment to buildint to building socialing socialism with Chinesm with Chine se characteristise characteristi cs,cs,presepresents two 100-year gnts two 100-year g oal,nameloal,namely,by 2020 Chinay,by 2020 China s grosss gross domestidomestic prc prod

11、uct and peroduct and per capita icapita income of urncome of ur ban aban and rural rend rural residesidents in 2010 on tnts in 2010 on t he bahe basis of double complete the buildisis of double complete the buildi ng of a wellng of a well-off society;the mi-off society;the mi ddleddle of thisof this

12、 century icentury into a prnto a prosperous,osperous,democratidemocratic,civic,civilized alized andnd harmoniharmonious Socialist modernous Socialist modern country,acountry,andnd on ton this bahis basis,the Chinese dream of realizisis,the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenating the great

13、 rejuvenati on of the Chion of the Chinesenese nation.18nation.18 CongressCongress of the partof the part y,Comrade XI Jiy,Comrade XI Jinpinping repeateng repeatedly expounded tdly expounded t he Chinehe Chinese dream.Tse dream.The bahe basicsic connotationconnotation of the Chinese dream,is tof the

14、 Chinese dream,is t hehenational prosperitnational prosperit y,natiy,national revitalizational revitalization,ton,the hahe happippiness of the peness of the pe oplople,China important to folle,China important to foll ow is to keeow is to keep China Roap China Road,carry forward,carry forwar d the sp

15、irit and cohesid the spirit and cohesi on streon strength of Chinangth of China,dream dreams,dream dreams of the peof the peoplople of Chie of China,but determina,but determi ned confidence,ened confidence,e nhanhance selfnce self-aware-awareness,aness,achichieve self-reliaeve self-reliance,to buinc

16、e,to bui ld a strongerld a stronger ChiChina,civina,civilization,harmlization,harm ony,ony,beabeauty,Chinauty,China,Chi,China,China.na,China.Strategic conceStrategic conception of China waption of China wa s 18 thes 18 the spirit of the espirit of the enrichment anrichment a nd development of thend

17、development of the party,conscieparty,conscientiously stntiously st udy theudy the ChiChinesenese dream,leadidream,leading peng people tople to hard to hard to realize the Chio realize the Chi nesenese dream,mass edream,mass e ducation aducation activities ictivities in n depth tdepth the fundamenta

18、l startihe fundamental starti ng point and endingng point and ending poipoint.Snt.Strengthetrengthen the en the education of the partys mass lineducation of the partys mass line,hel,helps to train tps to train the collectivehe collective consciconsciousneousness of thess of the unity of theunity of

19、the party and the people,playiparty and the people,playi ng the Chineng the Chinese dream ise dream i deoldeologicalogical basebases.Comrade Mas.Comrade Ma o Zedong stressed that parties should have como Zedong stressed that parties should have com mon langmon language socialist countries mustuage s

20、ocialist countries musthave unity of will.have unity of will.History haHistory ha初二生物初二生物题号得分一二三四总分一、选择题(每小题只有一个最符合题意的答案一、选择题(每小题只有一个最符合题意的答案,请将所选答案的字母序号填入题前的答题请将所选答案的字母序号填入题前的答题题1234567891011121314151617181920号答案卡内,本题包括卡内,本题包括 2020 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分分,共共 2020 分)分)1下列动物中,都属于鱼的一组是:()中华鲟鳙鱼海马章鱼乌贼A、B、C、

21、D、2鱼在游泳时,能产生前进动力的部位是()A、鱼鳍的摆动 B、胸鳍和腹鳍的摆动C、尾部和躯干部的左右摆动 D、各种鳍的共同作用3水中的氧进入鲫鱼体内的途径是()A、水口腔鳃血液 B、水鼻腔鳃血液C、水鳃血液口腔 D、水口腔血液鳃4大雨过后,可以看到许多蚯蚓爬到地面上来了,这是由于()A、蚯蚓喜欢水多的环境 B、雨后地面上食物较多C、土壤中缺少空气 D、洞穴内太干燥5鸟类最发达的肌肉是()A、两翼上的肌肉 B、两腿上的肌肉C、翼和腿上的肌肉 D、龙骨突上的肌肉6下列动物的行为属于先天性行为的是()A、蜘蛛结网 B、大山雀偷喝牛奶 C、黑猩猩摘取食物 D、鹦鹉学舌7当肱二头肌和肱三头肌都处于舒张

22、状态时,手臂处于下列哪种姿势()A、提水 B、投篮 C、举重物 D、自然下垂proved tproved that a people and ahat a people and a nation,if it does not have itnation,if it does not have it s ows own spiritualn spiritual pillapillar,therr,there ise is nono unity of spirituaunity of spiritua l support,it ml support,it m eans thateans that

23、nono soul,will lsoul,will l oseose cohesicohesion aon and vitality.Fignd vitality.Fig uratively speakinguratively speaking,a sa,a sack of potatoes,quantity cack of potatoes,quantity ca nnot bennot be too a too a team,form a joi team,form a joi nt force;only like granite,nt force;only like granite,so

24、so closely Unitedclosely United to form invincibleto form invincible,no difficult means,no difficult means of strength.Natiof strength.Nati onal ronal rejuveejuvenation of Chinenation of Chine se dream,se dream,notnot onlyonly embodies tembodies t he commonhe common interests ainterests andnd purpur

25、suits,suits,and covers a variety of groups and claand covers a variety of groups and cla ssesses,has,has a wis a wide applicability ade applicability a nd ind inclnclusiveusive,with a,with a strong strong integrating force and leaintegrating force and lea d the ford the force.She embodiece.She embod

26、ie s the aspirationss the aspirations of several geof several ge nerations of Chinenerations of Chine se,reflese,reflecting today.Into sex and purity,cting today.Into sex and purity,and the iand the i nevitablnevitable requiremente requirement of constantly improf constantly impr oving toving the pa

27、rtys governihe partys governi ng cang capacity.Strepacity.Strengtheningthening the constrng the constr uction of tuction of t he advahe advancenced natd nature and purity,ture and purity,t hehe corecore problem is always maintainiproblem is always maintaini ng theng the partys fle partys fle sh-ash-

28、and-blnd-blood tiesood ties with the massewith the masse s,so thats,so that ourour party will alwayparty will alway s be ts be the most wholehearted supporthe most wholehearted supportof the masses.of the masses.Must take the fundameMust take the fundame ntal interestntal interests of thes of the ov

29、erwhelming majorityoverwhelming majority of the peof the peoplople as the party all the startinge as the party all the startingpoint apoint andnd ending point,tending point,t he partyhe party has alwayhas always bees been a common fate with tn a common fate with t he masses,thihe masses,thi s is ts

30、is the magic weahe magic weapon for our party to alpon for our party to al ways maintaiways maintai n the an the advanced nature advanced nature a nd purity.Strend purity.Strengthengtheni ning the constructing the constructi onon of partys advaof partys adva ncenced natd nature and purity and enhanc

31、ing ture and purity and enhancing t he partys rhe partys r uling auling ability wbility will eventill eventually be imually be im plementeplemented to realized to realize,safeguar,safeguard and develd and develop top the fundamental ihe fundamental i nterestsnterests of the overwof the overw helming

32、 majority of thehelming majority of the people.Alpeople.All the wl the work merits thiork merits thi s is a measure of thes is a measure of the partys fundamepartys fundame ntal standards,intal standards,is a measure of thes a measure of the parpartys advatys advancenced natd nature and purity stand

33、ards.Beure and purity standards.Be lieve who,depelieve who,depe ndinding on who,wng on who,w ho,staho,standinding on theng on the positipositionon of the overof the overwhelmiwhelming mng majority of theajority of the pepeople arople are always,alwaye always,alway s realize,s realize,safeguard asafe

34、guard andnd develop the fundamental interedevelop the fundamental intere sts of thests of the overwoverwhelming majority of thelming majority of t he pehe peopleople,it is a touchstone of the,it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of judgemeMarxist party of judgeme nt,is alnt,is also sigso sign of

35、Marxistn of Marxist party is different fromparty is different fromother politicaother political parties.Marxist politicall parties.Marxist political party haparty has a clears a clear politipolitical positical position aon andnd historihistorical missical mission:for the ion:for the i nterests of th

36、e vast majority of people,committed to the fundamental interestnterests of the vast majority of people,committed to the fundamental interests of thes of the overwhelming majorityoverwhelming majority of the peof the peoplople.From thee.From the day of the eday of the establishmentstablishment of the

37、 Chineof the Chine se Communistse Communist ParParty,always aty,always adhere tdhere to basic prio basic princinciplesples of historiof historical materialism,for tcal materialism,for t he interesthe interests of the most pes of the most pe ople aople as their gs their goal,alwaysoal,always serving

38、aserving as its fundamentals its fundamental purpurpose and valuepose and value s.Fully trs.Fully tr ust the masses,ust the masses,closely rely on the masses maiclosely rely on the masses mai ntain flesh-antain flesh-and-blnd-blood ties witood ties wit h the masses ish the masses is always thealways

39、 the sourcesource of ourof our party full of vigor and vitality,isparty full of vigor and vitality,is always the malways the m ost determiost determined ined in then the developmentdevelopment of ourof our party andparty and ourour countrcountry.y.ConscientiConscientiouslyously accept supeaccept sup

40、e rvision by trvision by t he massehe masses,pay attentis,pay attention to lon to listen to tisten to t he masses assessmehe masses assessme nt,whint,which itch itself was theself was the partys apartys advanced natdvanced nature and purity intoure and purity into practipractical actical action ton

41、to reo realize the fundamealize the fundame ntal interestsntal interests of the overof the overwhelmiwhelming majority of the peng majority of the pe ople.At preseople.At prese nt,thent,the party committees aparty committees a ndndleading caleading cadres adres and the Governd the Gover nment genera

42、lly value the close relations witnment generally value the close relations wit h the masses,do a lot of prh the masses,do a lot of pr oductive woductive work,but there are stillork,but there are still somesomeAccorAccording toding to Office PartyOffice Party of mass lineof mass line education praedu

43、cation pra ctice actice activities lectivities led group ofd group of unifiedunified arrangements,units main learrangements,units main le d to for cad to for ca dres wdres workers Shang a timesorkers Shang a times party lectparty lecture,due toure,due to himself level limited,only put thimself level

44、 limited,only put t his stagehis stage conceconcentrated learntrated learning of exning of experience today andperience today and everyone commoneveryone common with learwith learningning exchange,exchange,purpurpose is let wpose is let w e furthere further deedeep understap understandinding mass li

45、ng mass line of connotatine of connotati on,ion,insistensisted party of mass line,d party of mass line,do mado masses wsses work,follork,following maiowing main from four a aspen from four a aspe cts tolcts told:a,ad:a,and fullnd full awareneawareness party of mass line educatiss party of mass line

46、educati onon practicpractice activitiese activities of major meaof major mea ning Partysning Partys 18 major18 major distidistinct prnct proposeoposed to focus on thed to focus on the partys advapartys advancenced natd nature and purity,iure and purity,i n then the party,party,with pragmatic awith p

47、ragmatic a ndnd cleaclean for then for the people as the main contepeople as the main conte nt of thent of the partys mass lipartys mass li ne ane and end educational praducational pra ctice.ctice.This is comrade XI JiThis is comrade XI Ji npinping as party General Secretary ang as party General Sec

48、retary a nd and adherdhere to strictly ae to strictly a dministeridministering theng the party,party,strengthestrengthen then the partys partys major demajor decisicision ion is in lis in line witne with theh the public expectations apublic expectations a ndnd strengthestrengthening tning the constr

49、uctihe constructi onon of learniof learning-orienteng-oriente d dservice iservice innovationnnovation of Marxist partys majorof Marxist partys major dedeployment,iployment,is the important measure to advas the important measure to adva nce tnce the great cahe great cause of sociause of socialism wit

50、hlism with ChiChinesenese charactericharacteristics.First,carrystics.First,carry out the partys mass liout the partys mass li ne ine in education pran education pra ctice,wactice,was carryis carrying 18 of theng 18 of the party spirparty spirit,summon a powerful force for realizing tit,summon a powe


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