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1、is responsible foris responsible for OrganiOrganization traization trainingning,and impleme,and impleme ntation,and checkntation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops aorkshops a nnual economic innual economic i ndindicatorscators of implementation,reof implementation,re porting tporting to fin

2、ao financialncial health on a regularhealth on a regular basibasis;13,is responsis;13,is responsi ble for the dailyble for the daily oversigoversight in the allocation and uht in the allocation and u se of funds;14,rese of funds;14,re sponsible forsponsible for all De all Deparpartment statistics,tm

3、ent statistics,collcollectiecting,sorting,reng,sorting,re portiporting of accounting of accounti ng reports;15,theng reports;15,the comcompapany responsiny responsi ble for theble for the supervisisupervisionon of the Treasury,iof the Treasury,i nclncludiuding the thirng the thir d grade lid grade l

4、i brary,a lbrary,a library of materials,products for regibrary of materials,products for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handling,ndling,samplisampling,storage mng,storage m onitonitoring,toring,the pihe pickingcking work,awork,andnd proviprovide thede the inventory re inventory report,aport,and

5、 make tnd make t he approhe appro priate accountipriate accounti ng treatment;16,responsible for waste ang treatment;16,responsible for waste a nd rend recyclicycling,transportation ang,transportation a ndnd settlement;settlement;17,is responsibl17,is responsibl e for all pre for all pr oduct saoduc

6、t sa les ales accounticcounting functions;ng functions;18,responsi18,responsi ble for the companys raw materials,able for the companys raw materials,a uxiliary materials,uxiliary materials,account managemeaccount manageme nt;19nt;19,is responsible,is responsible for the flow for the flow of control

7、of control of all assets of theof all assets of the comcompany,according to tpany,according to t he changehe changes in as in accounting treatmentccounting treatment of fixed assets aof fixed assets a ndnd assets to theassets to the dedepartments responsipartments responsi ble forble for clearingcle

8、aring,settlement a,settlement a ndnd asset masset monthly reonthly reportport submitted to thesubmitted to the asset maasset management sectinagement secti on of ton of the Finance Dehe Finance De partmepartment of thent of the compacompany organiny organizedzed on aon a company-wicompany-widede spe

9、special inspection of asset managemecial inspection of asset manageme nt;20,nt;20,according taccording to the companyo the company s busines business activitiess activities,monts,monthly prhly projects iojects involvenvolved in thed in the business activitiebusiness activitie s of the company(includ

10、ing exs of the company(including ex penses,busipenses,business management,ness management,costcost contrcontrol,caol,cash flowsh flow,revenue,etc)fina,revenue,etc)fina ncial ancial analysinalysis,provis,provide a bade a basis for decisisis for decisions for the company,theons for the company,the bus

11、inebusiness of thess of the compacompany responsible for monitoriny responsible for monitori ng,forecasting,forecasting and risk analysis;ng and risk analysis;21,responsi21,responsi ble for the settlemeble for the settleme ntnt of transa of transactions with tctions with t he Bahe Bank;22,isnk;22,is


13、激发培训对象参与的积极性5、新员工入职培训一般是由()来进行A、从顾问公司聘请的培训顾问 B、从大中专院校聘请的教师C、内部培训师 D、劳动行政部门的专职人员6、撰写培训评估报告时,错误的做法是()A、要对所有受训人员进行调查B、尽量实事求是地呈现评估结果C、附录中最好收集培训过程中所使用的原始资料D、当评估方案持续时间超过一年时,需要作中期评估报告7、要求员工培训规划的制定必须体现可靠性、针对性、相关性和高效性等基本特点是制定培训规划的(A)系统性(B)标准化(C)有效性(D)普通性8、以下不属于教学计划的设计原则的是()(A)普通性原则(B)适应性原则(C)针对性原则(D)最优化原则9、在


15、估(B)正式评估(C)总结性评估(D)非正式评估13、在培训效果评估的层级体系中,反应评估的评估内容是()(A)受训者在工作过程中行为方式的变化和改进(B)受训者在技能、态度、行为方式等方面的收获(C)受训者取得的生产经营或技术管理方面的业绩)要求。is responsible foris responsible for OrganiOrganization traization trainingning,and impleme,and impleme ntation,and checkntation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops aor

16、kshops a nnual economic innual economic i ndindicatorscators of implementation,reof implementation,re porting tporting to finao financialncial health on a regularhealth on a regular basibasis;13,is responsis;13,is responsi ble for the dailyble for the daily oversigoversight in the allocation and uht

17、 in the allocation and u se of funds;14,rese of funds;14,re sponsible forsponsible for all De all Deparpartment statistics,tment statistics,collcollectiecting,sorting,reng,sorting,re portiporting of accounting of accounti ng reports;15,theng reports;15,the comcompapany responsiny responsi ble for th

18、eble for the supervisisupervisionon of the Treasury,iof the Treasury,i nclncludiuding the thirng the thir d grade lid grade li brary,a lbrary,a library of materials,products for regibrary of materials,products for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handling,ndling,samplisampling,storage mng,storage

19、 m onitonitoring,toring,the pihe pickingcking work,awork,andnd proviprovide thede the inventory re inventory report,aport,and make tnd make t he appropriate accountihe appropriate accounti ng treatment;16,responsible for waste ang treatment;16,responsible for waste a nd rend recyclicycling,transport

20、ation ang,transportation a ndnd settlement;settlement;17,is responsibl17,is responsibl e for all pre for all pr oduct saoduct sales ales accounticcounting functions;ng functions;18,responsi18,responsi ble for the companys raw materials,able for the companys raw materials,a uxiliary materials,uxiliar

21、y materials,account managemeaccount manageme nt;19nt;19,is responsible,is responsible for the flow for the flow of control of control of all assets of theof all assets of the comcompany,according to tpany,according to t he changehe changes in as in accounting treatmentccounting treatment of fixed as

22、sets aof fixed assets a ndnd assets to theassets to the dedepartments responsipartments responsi ble forble for clearingclearing,settlement a,settlement a ndnd asset masset m onthly reonthly reportport submitted to thesubmitted to the asset maasset management sectinagement secti on of ton of the Fin

23、ance Dehe Finance De partmepartment of thent of the compacompany organiny organizedzed on aon a company-wicompany-wi dede spespecial inspection of asset managemecial inspection of asset manageme nt;20,nt;20,according taccording to the companyo the company s busines business activitiess activities,mo

24、nts,monthly prhly projects iojects involvenvolved in thed in the business activitiebusiness activitie s of the company(including exs of the company(including ex penses,busipenses,business management,ness management,costcost contrcontrol,caol,cash flowsh flow,revenue,etc)fina,revenue,etc)fina ncial a

25、ncial analysinalysis,provis,provide a bade a basis for decisisis for decisions for the company,theons for the company,the businebusiness of thess of the compacompany responsible for monitoriny responsible for monitori ng,forecasting,forecasting and risk analysis;ng and risk analysis;21,responsi21,re

26、sponsi ble for the settlemeble for the settleme nt of transant of transactions with tctions with t he Bahe Bank;22,isnk;22,is(D)受训者对培训项目的主观感觉或满意程度如何14、对培训效果进行评估,评估单位应为()(A)培训单位(B)学员的单位主管(C)培训教师(D)学员的直接主管15、对培训的情感成果进行评估时,其测量方法不包括()(A)访谈(B)态度调查(C)关注某小组(D)现场观察16、以下关于培训费用的说法错误的是().(A)是指企业在员工培训过程中所发生的一切费

27、用之和 (B)间接培训成本是指在培训组织实施过程之外企业所支付的费用(C)由培训之前的准备工作和培训实施过程中各项活动的费用构成(D)直接培训成本是在培训组织实施过程中培训者与受训者的一切费用总和17、在制定培训规划时,设计培训方法的途径不包括()。(A)专家咨询 (B)中介机构(C)小组讨论(D)经验总结18、培训项目计划是有效实施培训课程的基础,它不包括().(A)企业培训计划(B)培训课程计划 (C)课程系列计划(D)培训评估计划19、在培训的印刷材料中,()可以使包含许多复杂步骤的任务简单化。(A)工作任务表(B)岗位指南 (C)培训者指南(D)学员手册20、在管理人员所应具有的技能中

28、,()是指从整体把握组织目标、洞察组织与环境的相互关系的能力。(A)专业技能 (B)人文技能(C)理念技能(D)协调技能21、培训效果的正式评估的优点不包括()。(A)在数据和事实的基础上作出判断(B)可将评估结论与最初计划比较(C)容易将评估结论用书面形式表现(D)不会给受训者带来太大的压力22、在培训效果的层级体系中,结果评估的评估内容是().(A)受训者在工作过程中行为方式的变化和改进等(B)受训者取得的生产经营或技术管理方面的业绩 (C)受训者在技能、态度、行为方式等方面的收获(D)受训者对培训项目的主观感觉或满意程度如何23、下列不属于培训技能成果的评估标准的是().(A)劳动效率(

29、B)定额标准(C)质量标准 (D)操作规范24、在评估培训效果时,()适用于调查面广、封闭式问题和开放式问题并重的调查。(A)访谈法(B)问卷调查法(C)行为导向法(D)电话调查法25、培训规划时要选择适用的方式方法,高层培训、管理培训、员工文化素质培训等宜采用()的培训方法。(A)分散(B)边实践边学习 (C)集中(D)完全脱产学习26、制定培训规划时,培训需求分析的目标是()。(A)明确员工现有技能与理想状态间的差距(B)收集有关新岗位和现在岗位要求的数据(C)明确培训的要求,预测培训的潜在困难(D)选择测评工具、明确评估的指标和标准27、以下不属于培训课程内容的选择原则的是()。(A)适

30、应多样化的学员背景 (B)满足学员在时间方面的需求(C)针对相同背景的学员设计培训课程(D)使学员掌握生产技术和技能28、培训的印刷材料中,工作任务表的作用不包括()。(A)强调课程重点(B)提高学习效率 (C)关注信息反馈 (D)节约培训时间29、不同层次的管理人员所应具有的技能要求是不同的,对于高层管理人员而言,()是最重要的。(A)专业技能 (B)理念技能(C)人文技能 (D)协调技能30、培训效果的建设性评估的优点不包括()。(A)有助于培训对象改进自己的学习(B)帮助培训对象明白自己的进步(C)在数据和事实的基础上做出判断(D)使受训者产生满足感和成就感31、在培训效果的层级体系中,

31、行为评估的评估内容是()。(A)受训者在工作中态度、行为的变化和改进 (B)受训者在技能、态度、行为方式等方面的收获(C)受训者取得的生产经营或技术管理方面的业绩(D)受训者对培训项目的主观感觉或满意程度如何32、培训的五大类成果中,()的评估标准时缺勤率、劳动效率、专利项数和事故发生率.is responsible foris responsible for OrganiOrganization traization trainingning,and impleme,and impleme ntation,and checkntation,and check;12,master w;12,m

32、aster w orkshops aorkshops a nnual economic innual economic i ndindicatorscators of implementation,reof implementation,re porting tporting to finao financialncial healthhealth on a regular on a regular basibasis;13,is responsis;13,is responsi ble for the dailyble for the daily oversigoversight in th

33、e allocation and uht in the allocation and u se of funds;14,rese of funds;14,re sponsible forsponsible for all De all Deparpartment statistics,tment statistics,collcollectiecting,sorting,reng,sorting,re portiporting of accounting of accounti ng reports;15,theng reports;15,the compacompany responsiny

34、 responsi ble for theble for the supervisisupervisionon of theof the Treasury,iTreasury,inclncludiuding the thirng the thir d grade lid grade li brary,a lbrary,a library of materials,products for regibrary of materials,products for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handling,ndling,samplisampling,s

35、torage mng,storage m onitonitoring,toring,the pihe pickingcking work,awork,andnd proviprovide thede the inventory re inventory report,aport,and make tnd make t he appropriate accountihe appropriate accounti ng treatment;16,responsible for waste ang treatment;16,responsible for waste a nd rend recycl

36、icycling,transportation ang,transportation a ndnd settlement;settlement;17,is responsibl17,is responsibl e for all pre for all pr oduct saoduct sa les ales accounticcounting functions;ng functions;18,responsi18,responsi ble for the companys raw materials,able for the companys raw materials,a uxiliar

37、y materials,uxiliary materials,account managemeaccount manageme nt;19,is responsiblent;19,is responsible for the flow for the flow of control of control of all assets of theof all assets of the comcompany,according to tpany,according to t he changehe changes in as in accounting treatmentccounting tr

38、eatment of fixed assets aof fixed assets a ndnd assets to theassets to the dedepartments respartments res ponsiponsible forble for clearingclearing,settlement a,settlement a ndnd asset masset monthly reonthly reportport submitted to thesubmitted to the asset maasset management sectinagement secti on

39、 of ton of the Finance Dehe Finance De partmepartme nt of thent of the compacompany organiny organizedzed on aon a company-wicompany-widede spespecial inspection of asset managemecial inspection of asset manageme nt;20,nt;20,according taccording to the companyo the company s busines business activit

40、iess activities,monts,monthly prhly projects iojects involvenvolved in thed in the business activitiebusiness activitie s of the company(including exs of the company(including ex penses,busipenses,business management,ness management,costcost contrcontrol,caol,cash flow,revenue,etc)finash flow,revenu

41、e,etc)fina ncial ancial analysinalysis,provis,provide a bade a basis for decisisis for decisions for the company,theons for the company,the businebusiness of thess of the compacompany responny respon sible for monitorisible for monitori ng,forecasting,forecasting and risk analysis;ng and risk analys

42、is;21,responsi21,responsi ble for the settlemeble for the settleme nt of transant of transactions with tctions with t he Bahe Bank;22,isnk;22,is(A)技能成果 (B)情感成果(C)认知成果(D)绩效成果33、在评估培训效果时,()要适用于调查面窄、以开放式问题为主的调查.(A)访谈法(B)问卷调查法(C)观察法(D)电话调查法二、多选题1、以下不属于员工培训的直接培训成本的是()(A)教室设备的租赁费用(B)培训教师的费用(C)培训项目的设计费用(D)



45、)较有深度10、以下不属于培训前效果评估的作用的是()。(A)保证培训效果测定的科学性(B)保证培训需求确认的科学性(C)保证培训活动按照计划进行(D)确保计划与实际需求合理衔接(E)找出不足,发现新的培训需要11、对培训效果进行学习评估的时间应为()。(A)半年或一年以后(B)课程结束时(C)三个月或半年以后(D)课程进行时(E)公司进行绩效评估时12、员工培训情感成果评估的测量方法包括()。(A)态度调查(B)笔试 (C)现场观察(D)访谈(E)关注某小组13、在制定培训规划时,设计培训方法的途径有()。(A)经验总结 (B)中介机构(C)小组讨论 (D)查阅文献(E)专家咨询14、外部培

46、训资源的开发途径包括()。(A)聘请专职的培训师(B)聘请本专业的专家、学者 (C)从大中院校聘请教师(D)在网络上寻找并联系教人力资源二级3is responsible foris responsible for OrganiOrganization traization trainingning,and impleme,and impleme ntation,and checkntation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops aorkshops a nnual economic innual economic i ndindicators

47、cators of implementation,reof implementation,re porting tporting to finao financialncial health on a regularhealth on a regular basibasis;13,is responsis;13,is responsi ble for the dailyble for the daily oversigoversight in the allocation and uht in the allocation and u se of funds;14,rese of funds;

48、14,re sponsible forsponsible for all De all Deparpartment statistics,tment statistics,collcollectiecting,sorting,reng,sorting,re portiporting of accounting of accounti ng reports;15,theng reports;15,the comcompapany responsiny responsi ble for theble for the supervisisupervisionon of the Treasury,io

49、f the Treasury,i nclncludiuding the thirng the thir d grade lid grade li brary,a lbrary,a library of materials,products for regibrary of materials,products for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handling,ndling,samplisampling,storage mng,storage m onitonitoring,toring,the pihe pickingcking work,awo

50、rk,andnd proviprovide thede the inventory re inventory report,aport,and make tnd make t he appropriate accountihe appropriate accounti ng treatment;16,responsible for waste ang treatment;16,responsible for waste a nd rend recyclicycling,transportation ang,transportation a ndnd settlement;settlement;


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