1、We will continue to imWe will continue to im prove theprove the compacompanys internys internal controlnal control system,and steady imprsystem,and steady impr ovement in aovement in ability to managbility to manag e and control,e and control,optimize busioptimize business processes,to eness process
2、es,to e nsure smooth prnsure smooth pr oceocesses,resses,responsibilitiesponsibilitie s ins in placeplace;to further;to further strengthestrengthen intern internal controlnal controls,play a contrs,play a contr ol post indepeol post indepe ndendent oversignt oversight roleht role of evaluationof eva
3、luation comcomplying witplying with third-party responsih third-party responsi bility;to ability;to actively make usectively make use of internal aof internal audit toolsudit tools detectdetect potential mapotential management,streamlinagement,streamli ne,stane,standarndardize related tradize relate
4、d tra nsactinsactions,strengtons,strengt henihening operations in ang operations in a ccordaccordance witnce with law.Deeh law.Deepenipening the ing the information manformation ma nagement to enagement to e nsure full communinsure full communi cation zero resistance.cation zero resistance.o constan
5、tly perfect ERPo constantly perfect ERP,and,and BFS+,and PI,aBFS+,and PI,a ndnd MIS,and SCM,iMIS,and SCM,i nformation system basenformation system base d constrd constructiuction,full ion,full integration integration information synformation sy stem,achistem,achieved informatieved informati on resou
6、ron resources shared;to expand Portal system application of breaces shared;to expand Portal system application of brea dth adth and depth,play informatind depth,play informati on system on enton system on ent erprise of Assistant rolerprise of Assistant rol e;toe;to perfect daiperfect daily run main
7、tely run mainte nanancence operatioperati on of records,promon of records,prom ote problem reasons aote problem reasons a nalysinalysis sand system handover;toand system handover;to strengthenistrengtheni ng BFS+,ang BFS+,and ERP,and SCM,tend ERP,and SCM,te chnolchnology application of trainiogy app
8、lication of traini ng,improveng,improve employeeemployees applicatis application ion information systemnformation system of capaof capacity and level.Humanisticity and level.Humanisti c care toc care to ensure zero.ensure zero.To strengtheniTo strengthening Humang Humanities carenities care,continue
9、s to foster company wi,continues to foster company wi nd clnd clear,aear,and gnd gas are,and heart Shunas are,and heart Shun of cultof culture atmosphereure atmospherestrengthenistrengtheni ng love helpeng love helped trapped trapped,care difficult emd,care difficult em ployeeployees;carries;carried
10、 out style activitied out style activitie s,rich empls,rich empl oyees life;streoyees life;strengthengthening hning health aealth and land labour protebour protection,organiction,organization careerzation career health medical,health medical,control carecontrol career against;er against;continues to
11、 implcontinues to impl ementation psyementation psy cholochological warnigical warning preveng preventionntion system,training emsystem,training em ployeeployees healts health of character,ah of character,andnd stablestable of mood aof mood and end enterprinterprising of attitude,createsing of attit
12、ude,create d fd friendly fraternity of Humanitieriendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment.s environment.o streo strengthengthen risk managemen risk manageme nt,ensure that the busint,ensure that the busi nessness of zero risk.To strengtheneof zero risk.To strengthene d busined business plss plan
13、s maans management,nagement,will businewill business busiss businessness plans cover to all level,eplans cover to all level,e nsure thensure the busibusiness caness can control in control in control;tn control;to clo close concerose concern financial,n financial,and coal eleand coal electric lictric
14、 linkage,and energy-savinkage,and energy-savi ng schedulingng scheduling,national policy tre,national policy tre nds,strengtheninds,strengtheni ng track,activeng track,active shoulshould;to implemed;to implementation State-owntation State-ow nened assets metd assets method,further spehod,further spe
15、 cification businecification busine ss finass financial mancial management;tnagement;to perfect risk to perfect risk t ubeube control system,achievecontrol system,achieve d riskd risk recognitirecogniti on,aon,and measure,and measure,a ndnd assessmeassessment,and report,and control feent,and report,
16、and control fee dbadback of closed rick of closed ring managementng management,improve risk,improve risk preventiprevention caon capacity.pacity.o further standaro further standardize tradidize trading,and strive to achieve accorng,and strive to achieve accor ding to lading to law w,sta,standardize
17、and fair.Innovation of performandardize and fair.Innovation of performa nce mance management,to enagement,to e nsure that potential employees zernsure that potential employees zer o fly.To fly.To strengto strengthenhen performance managemeperformance manageme nt,process control,ent,process control,e
18、 nhanhance employence employe e evaluatie evaluation aon and levelnd levels of effective communicatis of effective communicati on to imon to improve performaprove performance mance management.nagement.o further quantify and refio further quantify and refi ne emplne employee standards.Work,full playo
19、yee standards.Work,full play party,aparty,and brand branch,and members inch,and members i n five type Enterprin five type Enterpri se construction ise construction i n then the of core rolof core role,and fighting fortress re,and fighting fortress r ole and piole and pioneoneer model rer model role;
20、toole;to continues to strecontinues to stre ngthengthening fourning fourgood leagood leadershidership constrp constructiuction,fullon,full play levels cadres iplay levels cadres i n entern enterprise development in tprise development in t hehe中职语文摸底试题得分评阅教师17 每小题 2 分,第8 题 4 分,共18 分。下列各题 A)、B)、C)、D)四
21、一、积累与运用:个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项字母编号填在括号内.1、下面词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()A小憩洗濯厄运 静谧qdnB犬吠i炽痛 zh告罄ng砭骨 binfqC枯涸恬静 tin澄澈 chng阴霾ihmD磐石 pn娴熟 xin荫庇剽悍 piop2、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()(1)读书加惠于人们的不仅是知识的增加,还在于精神的感化与性情的。(2)中国政府一贯致力于世界和平与稳定,主张通过政治手段解决国际争端。(3)姜堰溱湖风景区,经过千年的 ,形成了自己独特的自然风貌和文化神韵。A陶醉维持积淀 B修炼维护积累 C陶冶维护积淀 D培养维持积累
22、3、下列标点符号使用错误的一项是()A.要提高阅读文言文的能力,可自学古代汉语(王力主编,中华书局出版)。B。语言,人们用来抒情达意;文字,人们用来记言叙事。C.1947 年底,茅盾发表了一篇题为“锻炼”的长篇小说.D。以健康秩序、健康生活为主题的“3.15电视宣传活动将由央视经济频道的 11个栏目共同组织完成.4、下列句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()A。他在大会上的即兴讲话逻辑严密、语无伦次,博得了与会专家的一致好评。B正因为他具有海誓山盟的崇高理想,才在工作中取得了出色的成就。C它们发现自己陷入了峰回路转的绝境,一片惊慌,胡乱蹦跳。D学生的学习水平是参差不齐的,因此教师的教学要尽可能做到
23、因材施教5、下列句子没有语病的一项是()A、国家、社会、家庭依法保障适龄儿童接受义务教育。B、标准汉语 的主要对象是为英语国家中国留学生子女及汉语爱好者编写的一套汉语学习资料。C、这次丰富多彩的活动,使我们明白了许多做人的道理。D、在信息时代,一个人是否具有快速阅读、捕捉有效信息决定着一个人成就的大小。6、填人下面文字中横线上的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是()那霏霏的春雨,像蚕丝儿那么柔和,,给人一种清新、神爽、舒适之感.烟雨迷蒙,使所有的景色若隐若现,若幻若真,!A飘在脸上,凉沁沁的恐怕没有哪位国画家能挥洒出如此飘逸的笔墨 B凉沁沁的,飘在脸上就像哪位国画家画出来的一幅优美的水彩画 C软
24、绵绵的,飘在脸上恐怕没有哪位国画家能挥洒出如此飘逸的笔墨of backof backbone babone backbone role;tckbone role;t o full streo full strengthengthening members youth wning members youth w ork,full play youtork,full play yout h emplh employees ioyees in companyn company development idevelopment i n then the of force rolof force rol
25、e;to ime;to improve iprove indendependentpendent Commission againstCommission against corrcorruption wuption work level,streork level,stre ngthengtheningning on eon enterprise business key linterprise business key li nk of effectivenenk of effectivene ss monitoress monitore d.,Ad.,And mand maintain
26、staintain stability.bility.To furtTo further streher strengthengthen publin publicity and educaticity and educati on,imon,improve the overall legalprove the overall legal system.We must strengtsystem.We must strengt henhen safety management,estasafety management,esta blish and improvblish and improv
27、 e the ee the education,superviducation,supervi sion,and evaluationsion,and evaluation as one of tas one of t he traffic safety management mehe traffic safety management me chachanism.nism.o conscientio conscientiously sumously sum up tup thehe OlympicOlympic security controlsecurity control s,prs,p
28、romoting iomoting integrated managementegrated manageme nt to ant to a higher lhigher level,higevel,higher staher standarndards,ads,a higher lhigher level of devevel of dev elopment.Emplelopment.Empl oyees,today ioyees,today i s lunar cals lunar calendar on Deendar on De cember 24,thecember 24,the o
29、x Bell is aox Bell is a bout to ringbout to ring,at this time,at this time of year,weof year,we clearly feel tclearly feel t he pulsehe pulse of theof the XXXX powpower generatier generati on compaon company tony to flourish,to moreflourish,to more clearlyclearly hear XXhear XX power gepower generat
30、ion companeration compa nies mature anies mature andnd symmetry breathisymmetry breathi ng.Recalling.Recalling pastng past oneoneanother across a railianother across a raili ng,we are eng,we are enthusiastic anthusiastic and fullnd full of confidence.Fof confidence.F uture development opportunitieut
31、ure development opportunitie s,we more exciting fight more spirited.s,we more exciting fight more spirited.Employees,let us togetEmployees,let us together across 2013 full of challeher across 2013 full of challe nges and opportunitinges and opportuniti es,toes,to create a green,lcreate a green,l ow-
32、costow-cost operatioperation,fullon,full of humane care of a wof humane care of a w orld-claorld-class power gess power ge neration company aneration company a nd wnd work hard!Tork hard!The occasihe occasionon of the Spriof the Spri ng Festival,my sincereng Festival,my sincere wish twish that you a
33、hat you and the families of the staff in the new year,gnd the families of the staff in the new year,g oodood healthealth,hah,happy,happy,happyppyWe will continue to imWe will continue to im prove theprove the compacompanys internys internal controlnal control system,and steady imprsystem,and steady
34、impr ovement in aovement in ability to managbility to manag e and control,e and control,optimize busioptimize busi ness processes,to eness processes,to e nsure smooth prnsure smooth pr oceocesses,resses,responsibilitiesponsibilitie s ins in placeplace;to further;to further strengthestrengthen intern
35、 internal controlnal controls,plays,play a contra contr ol post indepeol post indepe ndendent oversignt oversight roleht role of evaluationof evaluation comcomplying witplying with thirdh third-party responsi-party responsi bility;to ability;to actively make usectively make use of internal aof inter
36、nal a udit toolsudit tools detectdetect potential mapotential management,streamlinagement,streamli ne,stane,standarndardize related tradize related transactinsactions,strengtons,strengt henihening operations in ang operations in a ccordaccordance witnce with law.Deeh law.Deepenipening the ing the in
37、formation manformation ma nagement to enagement to e nsure full communinsure full communi cation zero resistance.cation zero resistance.o constantly perfect ERPo constantly perfect ERP,and,and BFS+,and PI,aBFS+,and PI,a ndnd MIS,and SCM,iMIS,and SCM,i nformation system basenformation system base d c
38、onstrd constructiuction,full ion,full integration integration information synformation system,achistem,achieved informatieved informati on resouron resources shared;to expand Portal system application of breaces shared;to expand Portal system application of brea dth adth and depth,play informatind d
39、epth,play informati on system on enton system on ent erprise of Assistant rolerprise of Assistant rol e;toe;to perfect daiperfect daily run maintely run mainte nanancence operatioperation of records,promon of records,prom ote problem reasons aote problem reasons a nalysinalysis sand system handover;
40、toand system handover;to strengthenistrengtheni ng BFS+,ang BFS+,and ERP,and SCM,tend ERP,and SCM,te chnolchnology application of trainiogy application of traini ng,improveng,improve employeeemployees applicatis applicati on ion information systemnformation system of capaof capacity and level.Humani
41、sticity and level.Humanisti c care toc care to ensure zero.ensure zero.To strengtheniTo strengthening Humang Humanities carenities care,continues to foster company wi,continues to foster company wi nd clnd clear,aear,and gnd gas are,and heart Shunas are,and heart Shun of cultof culture atmosphereure
42、 atmospherestrengthenistrengtheni ng love helpeng love helped trapped trapped,care difficult emd,care difficult em ployeeployees;carries;carried out style activitied out style activitie s,rich empls,rich empl oyees life;streoyees life;strengthengthening health aning health a nd land labour protebour
43、 protection,organiction,organization careerzation career health medical,health medical,control carecontrol career ager against;ainst;continues to implcontinues to impl ementation psyementation psy chological warnichological warni ng preveng preventionntion system,training emsystem,training em ployee
44、ployees healts health of character,ah of character,andnd stablestable of mood aof mood and end enterprinterprising of attitude,createsing of attitude,create d friendly fraternity of Humanitied friendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment.s environment.o streo strengthengthen risk managemen risk ma
45、nageme nt,ensure that the busint,ensure that the busi nessness of zero risk.To strengtheneof zero risk.To strengthene d busined business plss plans maans management,nagement,will businewill business busiss businessness plans cover to all level,eplans cover to all level,e nsure thensure the busibusin
46、ess caness can control in control in control;tn control;to clo close concerose concern financial,n financial,and coal eleand coal electric lictric linkage,and energy-savinkage,and energy-savi ng schedulingng scheduling,national policy tre,national policy tre nds,strengtheninds,strengtheni ng track,a
47、ctiveng track,active shoulshould;to implemed;to implementation State-owntation State-ow nened assets metd assets method,further spehod,further spe cification businecification busine ss finass financial mancial management;tnagement;to perfect risk to perfect risk t ubeube control system,achievecontro
48、l system,achieve d risk recognitid risk recogniti on,aon,and measure,and measure,a ndnd assessmeassessment,andnt,and report,and control feereport,and control fee dbadback of closed rick of closed ri ng managementng management,improve risk,improve risk preventiprevention caon capacity.pacity.o furthe
49、r standaro further standardize tradidize trading,and strive to achieve accorng,and strive to achieve accor ding to lading to law w,sta,standardize and fair.Innovation of performandardize and fair.Innovation of performa nce mance management,to enagement,to ensure that potential employees zernsure tha
50、t potential employees zer o fly.To fly.To strengto strengthenhen performance managemeperformance manageme nt,process control,ent,process control,e nhanhance employence employe e evaluatie evaluation aon and levelnd levels of effective communicatis of effective communicati on to imon to improve perfo