1、is responsiis responsible forble for OrganizatiOrganization trainion training,ang,and implnd implementation,and checkementation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops annualorkshops annual economieconomic indicatorc indicators of implemes of impleme ntation,rentation,reportiporting to finang to
2、financialncial healthealth on a regh on a regular basis;13,is reular basis;13,is re sponsible for the dailysponsible for the daily oversight ioversight in the alln the allocatiocation aon andnd use of funds;14,reuse of funds;14,re sponsisponsible for all Departble for all Depart ment statistics,ment
3、 statistics,collcollectingecting,sorti,sorting,reportingng,reporting of accounting reports;of accounting reports;15,the15,the comcompany responsipany responsi ble for the supervisible for the supervisi on of the Treasuron of the Treasur y,including the third grade liy,including the third grade li br
4、ary,a library,a library of materials,prbrary of materials,pr oducts for regoducts for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handlindling,samplingng,sampling,storage monitoring,the,storage monitoring,the pickipicking work,ang work,andnd provide the iprovide the i nventory renventory report,aport,and ma
5、ke the and make the a pprppropriate aopriate accounting treatmentccounting treatment;16,responsibl;16,responsibl e for waste and recye for waste and recy clingcling,transportation and settlement,transportation and settlement;17,is re;17,is responsible for allsponsible for all proproduct sales aduct
6、sales accounting functiccounting functi ons;18,responsions;18,responsi ble for theble for the comcompanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account managemepanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account management;19,int;19,iresponsiresponsible for the flow of controlble for the flow of control of
7、all assetsof all assets of the compaof the compa ny,any,accordiccording to theng to the chachanges inges in accounting treatmentn accounting treatment ofoffixed assets and assets to the defixed assets and assets to the de partments responsipartments responsi ble for clearible for clearing,settlement
8、 and asset monthly reng,settlement and asset monthly re port submitted to tport submitted to t he asshe asset management section of the Fiet management section of the Fi nance Denance Department of thepartment of the company organicompany organizedzed on a compaon a company-winy-wide specide special
9、 inspectial inspectionon of asset managemeof asset manageme nt;20,accordint;20,accordi ng to theng to the companys busicompanys busi ness activities,monthlyness activities,monthly projeprojects invcts involved iolved in then the busibusiness activitieness activitie s of the compas of the compa ny(in
10、cluding exny(including ex penses,penses,businebusiness managemess manageme nt,cost control,nt,cost control,cash flcash flow,reveow,revenuenue,etc)financial analy,etc)financial analy sis,prsis,provide aovide a basibasis for decisions for thes for decisions for the comcompany,the busipany,the business
11、ness of the company reof the company re sponsisponsible for monitoring,forecasting and risk analyble for monitoring,forecasting and risk analy sis;21,responsiblsis;21,responsibl e for the settlemee for the settleme nt of transant of transactions with the Bactions with the Ba nk;22,isnk;22,is人力资源部经理人
12、力资源部经理 岗位说明书岗位说明书岗位名称岗位名称所在部门直接上级直接下级人力资源部经理人力资源部总公司行政副总岗位编号岗位定员所在职系Z31人力资源部经理助理、OEC 科长、内部培训师、岗位分析日期2007 年 5 月薪资核算员、招聘专员本岗位关键职责描述:本岗位关键职责描述:全面负责公司人力资源部的工作,参与制订公司人力资源发展目标和规划,在制度管理、岗位管理、人才招聘甄选、培训管理、薪资管理、绩效管理等方面进行管理并组织实施,保证公司人力资源供给和人力资源的高效利用职责与工作任务职责与工作任务:职责表述:参与起草公司有关人力资源管理制度,经批准后组织实施并进行监督职职责责工作一一任务参与
13、起草公司有关人力资源管理制度,负责上报总公司企管中心频次:不定期审定制度经公司批准后,负责制度的执行和监督频次:日常对公司人力资源管理制度进行跟踪研究,提出制度修改建议,并频次:不定期上报总公司企管中心审定职责表述:依据公司年度计划,组织开展部门的计划管理,制定部门及各岗位的业绩目标、工作计划,经公司审定后组织实施并进行监督依据公司年度业绩目标及工作计划,组织制定部门的业绩目标分频次:1 次/年解、工作计划和实施步骤,并报上级审定组织制定部门的月度工作计划,并细化分解到部门内各个岗位 频次:12 次/年指导下属人员制定各自的日工作计划,并进行统一的审核组织部门人员完成年度、月度及日工作计划监督
14、部门各项计划的执行情况,并完成工作总结职责表述:组织公司人力资源规划工作,参与公司重大人事决策根据公司战略规划,组织制定公司人力资源规划方案,并报公司审频次:不定期批职职责责三三制定公司人员需求计划,组织人才供给调查,掌握各部门人力资频次:1 次/年源饱有、需求等情况,提交公司审批频次:日常频次:日常频次:日常职职责责工作二二任务工作负责组织公司人力资源规划的实施,并根据变化调整人力资源规任务频次:不定期划方案根据公司的战略发展规划,提出机构设置和岗位职责设计方案 频次:不定期负责对公司组织结构设计、人员需求结构提出改进方案频次:不定期is responsiis responsible for
15、ble for OrganizatiOrganization trainion training,ang,and implnd implementation,and checkementation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops annualorkshops annual economieconomic indicatorc indicators of implemes of impleme ntation,rentation,reportiporting to finang to financialncial healthealth on
16、 a regh on a regular basis;13,is reular basis;13,is re sponsible for the dailysponsible for the daily oversight ioversight in the alln the allocatiocation aon andnd use of funds;14,reuse of funds;14,re sponsisponsible for all Departble for all Depart ment statistics,ment statistics,collcollectingect
17、ing,sorti,sorting,reportingng,reporting of accounting reports;of accounting reports;15,the15,the comcompany responsipany responsi ble for the supervisible for the supervisi on of the Treasuron of the Treasur y,including the third grade liy,including the third grade li brary,a library,a library of ma
18、terials,prbrary of materials,pr oducts for regoducts for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handlindling,samplingng,sampling,storage monitoring,storage monitoring,thethe pickipicking work,ang work,andnd provide the iprovide the i nventory renventory report,aport,and make the and make the a pprpprop
19、riate aopriate accounting treatment;16,responsiblccounting treatment;16,responsibl e for waste and recye for waste and recy clingcling,transportation and settlement,transportation and settlement;17,is re;17,is responsible for allsponsible for all proproduct sales aduct sales accounting functiccounti
20、ng functi ons;18,responsions;18,responsi ble for theble for the comcompanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account managemepanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account management;19,int;19,iresponsiresponsible for the flow of controlble for the flow of control of all assetsof all assets of the
21、 compaof the compa ny,any,accordiccording to theng to the chachanges inges in accounting treatmentn accounting treatment ofoffixed assets and assets to the defixed assets and assets to the de partments responsipartments responsi ble for clearible for clearing,settlement and asset monthly reng,settle
22、ment and asset monthly re port submitted to tport submitted to t he asshe asset management section of the Fiet management section of the Fi nance Denance Department of thepartment of the company organicompany organi zedzed on a compaon a company-winy-wide specide special inspectial inspectionon of a
23、sset managemeof asset manageme nt;20,accordint;20,accordi ng to theng to the companys busicompanys busi ness activities,monthlyness activities,monthly projeprojects invcts involved iolved in then the busibusiness activitieness activitie s of the compas of the compa ny(including exny(including ex pen
24、ses,penses,businebusiness managemess manageme nt,cost control,nt,cost control,cash flcash flowow,reve,revenuenue,etc)financial analy,etc)financial analy sis,prsis,provide aovide a basibasis for decisions for thes for decisions for the comcompany,the busipany,the businessness of the company reof the
25、company re sponsisponsible for monitoring,forecasting and risk analyble for monitoring,forecasting and risk analysis;21,responsiblsis;21,responsibl e for the settlemee for the settleme nt of transant of transactions with the Bactions with the Ba nk;22,isnk;22,is负责对公司各岗位说明书的维护、修订、发布及解释为重大人事决策提供建议和信息支
26、持组织建立公司人才库,并组织日常管理职责表述:组织开展公司员工的招聘、配置工作频次:日常频次:不定期频次:12 次/月根据部门人员需求情况,提出内部人员调配方案(包括人员内部频次:日常调入和调出),经公司审批后实施,促进人员的优化配置职职责责四四根据公司年度预算和组织机构设置,制订人员编制计划和年度招频次:1 次/年工作聘计划任务制定招聘流程及各环节的操作方法,进行初步的面试与筛选,做频次:日常好各部门间的协调工作等有效组织招聘工作,特别是公司年度大规模员工招聘,维护招聘频次:2 个月份/年渠道,提高工作效率职责表述:组织开展公司培训工作根据公司整体的发展和人才提升需求,以及各部门培训教育需频
27、次:1 次/年求,指导下属制定公司年度培训计划及培训预算,提交公司审批职职责责五五组织建立内、外部培训讲师队伍频次:日常频次:日常工作督导、安排、检查内部培训师的工作,审核培训课程讲义任务发展外部培训合作机构,负责签订外部培训合同,接洽安排外部频次:不定期培训前的各项工作指导下属组织开展各项内、外部培训检查跟进培训组织情况,进行培训效果跟踪和评价职责表述:组织开展公司的薪酬、福利管理参与公司的薪酬管理制度、薪酬体系设计和薪酬管理的规范工频次:不定期作,并根据公司发展需要适时调整薪酬方案频次:不定期频次:不定期职职责责六六负责根据薪酬管理度,组织薪酬的计算,对薪酬表进行审核,并组频次:4 次/月
28、织进行发放工作任务指导开展公司的薪酬调整管理,组织有关的调薪评审活动指导办理员工的社会保障、福利等频次:2 次/年频次:1 次/月接受员工的有关询问,解释公司薪酬、福利相关政策及核算方法频次:不定期职职职责表述:组织开展公司的绩效管理工作责责参与制订公司的绩效考核体系和激励政策方案七七指导下属实施和推进绩效管理工作工作任务负责监督和检查绩效考核的实施情况负责审核下属所收集和汇总的绩效评估档案负责受理绩效投诉并反馈信息频次:不定期频次:日常频次:日常频次:4 次/月频次:不定期is responsiis responsible forble for OrganizatiOrganization
29、trainion training,ang,and implnd implementation,and checkementation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops annualorkshops annual economieconomic indicatorc indicators of implemes of impleme ntation,rentation,reportiporting to finang to financialncial healthealth on a regh on a regular basis;13,i
30、s reular basis;13,is re sponsible for the dailysponsible for the daily oversight ioversight in the alln the allocatiocation aon andnd use of funds;14,reuse of funds;14,re sponsisponsible for all Departble for all Depart ment statistics,ment statistics,collcollectingecting,sorti,sorting,reportingng,r
31、eporting of accounting reports;of accounting reports;15,the15,the comcompany responsipany responsi ble for the supervisible for the supervisi on of the Treasuron of the Treasur y,including the third grade liy,including the third grade li brary,a library,a library of materials,prbrary of materials,pr
32、 oducts for regoducts for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handlindling,samplingng,sampling,storage monitoring,the,storage monitoring,the pickipicking work,ang work,andnd provide the iprovide the i nventory renventory report,aport,and make the and make the a pprppropriate aopriate accounting trea
33、tment;16,responsiblccounting treatment;16,responsibl e for waste and recye for waste and recy clingcling,transportation and settlement,transportation and settlement;17,is re;17,is responsible for allsponsible for all proproduct sales aduct sales accounting functiccounting functi ons;18,responsions;1
34、8,responsi ble for theble for the comcompanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account managemepanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account management;19,int;19,iresponsiresponsible for tble for the flow of controlhe flow of control of all assetsof all assets of the compaof the compa ny,any,acco
35、rdiccording to theng to the chachanges inges in accounting treatmentn accounting treatment ofoffixed assets and assets to the defixed assets and assets to the de partments responsipartments responsi ble for clearible for clearing,settlement and asset monthly reng,settlement and asset monthly re port
36、 submitted to tport submitted to t he asset management section of the Fihe asset management section of the Fi nance Denance Department of thepartment of the company organicompany organizedzed on a compaon a company-winy-wide specide special inspectial inspectionon of asset managemeof asset manageme
37、nt;20,accordint;20,accordi ng to theng to the companyscompanys busi business activities,monthlyness activities,monthly projeprojects invcts involved iolved in then the busibusiness activitieness activitie s of the compas of the compa ny(including exny(including ex penses,penses,businebusiness manage
38、mess manageme nt,cost control,nt,cost control,cash flcash flowow,reve,revenuenue,etc)financial analy,etc)financial analy sis,prsis,provide aovide a basibasis for decisions for thes for decisions for the comcompany,the busipany,the businessness of the company reof the company re sponsisponsible for m
39、onitoring,forecasting and risk analyble for monitoring,forecasting and risk analy sis;21,responsiblsis;21,responsibl e for the settlemee for the settleme nt of transant of transactions with the Bactions with the Ba nk;22,isnk;22,is职责表述:组织开展公司的员工管理及人事工作指导下属建立公司人员基本信息数据库、完成人事信息统计、更频次:日常新员工基本信息、员工流动状况并
40、核查,提供人力资源状况分析建立内部沟通机制,妥善处理人员流动与劳资关系,及时跟踪和分析人员流动状况并提供高层参考,逐步实现对员工流动的有效 频次:日常控制工作与员工进行积极沟通,进行定期或不定期的员工谈话频次:14 次/日任务建立员工反馈制度,针对员工日常反映出的问题,对相应问题部门 频次:日常提出整改意见并监督改进制订档案管理规范和制度,指导下属建立员工档案管理,并进行频次:日常定期的更新、整理、保管指导下属进行员工劳动合同管理职责表述:领导开展本部门内部的日常管理与团队建设工作负责向部门内部人员及时准确地传达公司的各项精神、方针、决频次:不定期定等,帮助员工理解并组织贯彻职职责责工作九九任
41、务明确部门内各科室、各岗位的职责,根据需要作出工作分配对下属工作业绩进行日清考评,并上报上级审定组织编制部门经费预算并上报财务部审批,控制部门费用开支组织开展对部门人员的日常培训工作频次:日常频次:1 次/天频次:1 次/年频次:日常频次:日常职职责责八八开展对部门人员的思想教育工作,了解员工动态,关心员工成长,频次:日常提高团队的凝聚力权力:权力:对公司人力资源管理制度的建议权有对公司员工的招聘录用的建议权、转正审批权有对公司员工的人事任免及人员调配的建议权、审核权员工薪酬、福利发放的审核权对公司绩效考核工作的指导、监督权,以及对考核结果的审核权预算权限内的财务审核权(例如培训预算的审核)对
42、员工出勤的监督权人力资源有关档案管理的监督权、查阅权有代表公司与外界相关部门和机构联络的权力对下属员工和各项业务工作的指挥权对所属下级工作的监督、检查权对下级人员选拔、配置的建议权is responsiis responsible forble for OrganizatiOrganization trainion training,ang,and implnd implementation,and checkementation,and check;12,master w;12,master w orkshops annualorkshops annual economieconomic i
43、ndicatorc indicators of implemes of impleme ntation,rentation,reportiporting to finang to financialncial healthealth on a regh on a regular basis;13,is reular basis;13,is re sponsible for the dailysponsible for the daily oversight ioversight in the alln the allocatiocation aon andnd use of funds;14,
44、reuse of funds;14,re sponsisponsible for all Departble for all Depart ment statistics,ment statistics,collcollectingecting,sorti,sorting,reportingng,reporting of accounting reports;of accounting reports;15,the15,the comcompany responsipany responsi ble for the supervisible for the supervisi on of th
45、e Treasuron of the Treasur y,including the third grade liy,including the third grade li brary,a library,a library of materials,prbrary of materials,pr oducts for regoducts for reg ular inveular inventory hantory handlindling,samplingng,sampling,storage monitoring,storage monitoring,thethe pickipicki
46、ng work,ang work,andnd provide the iprovide the i nventory renventory report,aport,and make the and make the a pprppropriate aopriate accounting treatment;16,responsiblccounting treatment;16,responsibl e for waste and recye for waste and recy clingcling,transportation and settlement,transportation a
47、nd settlement;17,is re;17,is responsible for allsponsible for all proproduct sales aduct sales accounting functiccounting functi ons;18,responsions;18,responsi ble for theble for the comcompanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account managemepanys raw materials,auxiliary materials,account managem
48、ent;19,int;19,iresponsiresponsible for the flow of controlble for the flow of control of all assetsof all assets of the compaof the compa ny,any,accordiccording to theng to the chachanges inges in accounting treatmentn accounting treatment ofoffixed assets and assets to the defixed assets and assets
49、 to the de partments responsipartments responsi ble for clearible for clearing,settlement and asset monthly reng,settlement and asset monthly re port submitted to tport submitted to t he asshe asset management section of the Fiet management section of the Fi nance Denance Department of thepartment o
50、f the company organicompany organi zedzed on a compaon a company-winy-wide specide special inspectial inspectionon of asset managemeof asset manageme nt;20,accordint;20,accordi ng to theng to the companys busicompanys busi ness activities,monthlyness activities,monthly projeprojects invcts involved