1、 国旗下的讲话:好习惯,好人生总有良辰可待,山海不再远好习惯,好人生 大家好!我是来自高二(32)班的xxx,我今日国旗下演讲的题目是总有良辰可待,山海不再远。好习惯,好人生。 法国学者培根说过,“习惯是人生的主宰,人们应当努力追求好习惯。”是的,行为习惯就像我们身上的指南针,指引着我们的行动。爱因斯坦有句名言,“一个人取得的成绩往往取决于性格上的宏大。”而构成性格的,正是日常生活中的一个个好习惯。好习惯养成得越多,个人的力量就越强。养成好的习惯,就犹如为幻想插上了翅膀,就犹如有了良辰可以等待,它将为人生的胜利打下坚决的基石,它将让山海不再遥远。 小时候的鲁迅先生,就养成了不迟到的习惯,他要求
2、自己抓紧时间,时刻嘱咐自己凡事都要早做。这位以“小跑走完一生”的作家,在中国文学史上留下了辉煌的业绩。可见,行为习惯对一个人各方面的素养起了打算性的作用。 我们身处黼蔀黻纪,海晏河清,更应当珍惜当下的美妙生活,标准自身行为,形成良好的学习风气,社会风气。同学们,今日的习惯,打算明天的你们。因此,在今日的学习生活中,同学们肯定要养成好的习惯,比方:主动清扫卫生,形成喜爱劳动的习惯。说声“感谢”、“你好”、“对不起”,形成以礼待人的好习惯。每天坚持熬炼,养成规律的作息习惯。穿着校服,养成注意自身仪表的好习惯。同学交往中习惯于理解、宽容,便能化干戈为玉帛。习惯于去专心观看,才能形成好的观看力量。习惯
3、于提前预习,课后复习,才能形成高效的学习方法 人们常说,“播下一个行动,便会收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,便会收获一种性格;播下一种性格,便会收获一种命运。”有几句话想跟大家共享“积一千,累一万,不如养成个好习惯”、“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”、“好言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒”、“文明谦让,让出安全,让出和谐”、同学们,让我们一起将“好习惯,好人生”的种子埋下,用恒心去浇灌,以“习惯”之良辰,去追求远方的山海。 我的演讲完毕,感谢大家! There is always a good time to wait,the mountians and seas are nolonger far
4、away good habits good life Goodmorning everyone,I am Aosi from Class 32 Grade 2,today my topic is There is always a good time towait,the mountians and seas are no longer far awaygood habits good life Saidby a professor from France ”A habit is the main leader of our lives,.We peopleshould chase good
5、habits” It is all right.The habits of our actions just likethe compass for everyone,directing us to act.There is a saying said byEinstein: ”Grades made by one person is up to the wonder of personalities” So,themore good habits we made,the more stronger we will be.Forsting a good habitjust likes buil
6、ding wings for dreams and having a good time to wait.It willmake a sturdy foundation for future and mountians and seas are no longer faraway. Justlike Mr.Luxun.He was always on time,asking himself to do everything inadvance. Therefore he got an excellentachievement in his whole life. Welive in a bea
7、utiful fate and a peace world, It is more important to valuepresent time.Regulate our own behavior.Form a good learningatmosphere and social fashion Aboveall,in a beautiful fate,we should cultivate and keep good habits as many aspossible.There aresome tips we can do First: fosterour students a civil
8、ized hygiene Second:wearour school suits properly in school Third:adjustour sleep schedule Forth:we can aslo offer to do somecleaning, say ”hello” ”thank you” and ”sorry” frequently Inaddition,be used to exercising everyday to keep good physique Asis often the case ”Take an action, then another pers
9、onality we will harvest.” Somesentences I want to say to you: ”Pile up 1 thousand, get 10 thousand.” A good wordmay warm us in winter,but a harsh word can bring a chill in June” Atlast ,all of you will be a child with ”good habits, good life” seeds down and perseveranceto irrigate, to achieve your wonderful life! Thatsall thank you.