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1、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system,and steady improvement in ability to manage and control,optimize business processes,to ensure smooth proce sses,responsibilities in place;to further strengthen internal controls,play a control post independent oversight role of evaluat

2、ion complying with third-party responsibility;to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management,streamline,standardize related transacti ons,strengthening operations in accordance with law.Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance.o cons

3、tantly perfect ERP,and BFS+,and PI,and MIS,and SCM,information system based constructi on,full integration information system,achieved information resources shared;to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth,play information system on enterprise of Assistant role;to perfect daily run ma

4、intenance operation of records,promote problem reasons analysis and system handover;to strengthening BFS+,and ERP,and SCM,technology application of training,improve employees application information system of capacity and level.Humanistic care to ensure zero.To strengthening Humanities care,continue

5、s to foster company wind clear,and gas are,and heart Shun of culture atmospherestrengthening love helped trapped,care difficult employees;carried out style activities,rich employees life;strengthening health and labour protection,organization career health medical,control career against;continues to

6、 implementation psy chological warning prevention system,training employees health of character,and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude,created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment.o strengthen risk management,ensure that the business of zero risk.To strengthened business plans ma n

7、agement,will business business plans cover to all level,ensure the business can control in control;to cl ose concern financial,and coal electric linkage,and energy-saving scheduling,national policy trends,strengthening track,active should;to implementation State-owned assets method,further specifica

8、tion business financial management;to perfect risk tube control system,achieved risk recognition,a nd measure,and assessment,and report,and control feedback of closed ring management,improve risk prevention ca pacity.o further standardize trading,and strive to achieve according to law,standardize an

9、d fair.Innovation of performance ma nagement,to ensure that potential employees zero fly.To strengthen performance management,process control,enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma nagement.o further quantify and refine employee standards.Work,ful

10、l play party,a nd branch,and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role,and fighting fortress role and pione er model role;to continues to strengthe ning fourgood leadership construction play levels cadres in e nterprise development in the of backbone backbone role;to full stre

11、ngthening members youth work,full play youth employees in company devel opment in the of force role;to improve independent Commission against corruption work level,strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored.,And maintain stability.To further strengthen publicity and edu

12、cation,improve the overall legal system.We must strengthen safety management,esta blish and improve the education,supervision,and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism.o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls,promoting integrated management to a higher level,high

13、er standards,a higher level of development.Employees,today is lunar calendar on December 24,the ox Bell is about to ring,at this time of year,we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish,to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing.Reca

14、lling past one anot her across a railing,we are enthusiastic and full of confidence.Future development opportunities,we more exciting fight more spirited.Employees,let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities,to create a green,low-cost operation,full of humane care of a world-cla

15、ss power generation company and work hard!The occasion of the Spring Festival,my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year,good health,happy,happy!沪粤版八下物理第七章运动和力单元测试卷A(含答案)一、选择题(每题2 分,共 32 分)1、挂在树上的苹果,静止时受到的一对平衡力是A苹果受到的重力和苹果对树的拉力B苹果受到的重力和树受到的重力C苹果对树的拉力和树对苹果的拉力D苹果受到的重力和树对苹果的

16、拉力2、关于静止在水平地面上的汽车,以下说法正确的是A车处于静止状态,它没有惯性B车处于静止状态,所受的力是平衡力C车处于静止状态,所以不受力的作用D车处于静止状态,是因为它只受到摩擦力3、下列事例中,属于避免惯性带来危害的是A拍打刚晒过的被子,灰尘脱落B锤头松了,将锤柄在地面上撞击几下,锤头就紧套在锤柄上C汽车在行驶时要保持一定的车距D跳远时,助跑能使运动员跳得更远4、如图 1所示,“奔马”模型的后蹄能稳稳地站立在手指上,下列分析正确的是A“奔马”受到的重力与手指对它的支持力是一对平衡力B“奔马”受到的重力与它对手指的压力是一对平衡力C“奔马”对手指的压力与手指对它的支持力是一对平衡力D“奔

17、马”受到的重力与它对手指的压力是一对相互作用力5、某物体在平衡力的作用下,做匀速直线运动。若它所受的平衡力突然全部消失,则物体将A.立即停止运动 B.逐渐减慢,最终停下来C.仍然做匀速直线运动 D.在水平方向上匀速直线运动下去6、下列说法中正确的是A.泼水时,水出盆后,由于持续受到盆的推力而向前飞去B.高速行驶的汽车不容易停下来,是因为速度越大,惯性越大C.饺子皮上捏出了漂亮的花边,是力改变了物体的形状D.静止在水平桌面上的杯子,受到的重力和它对桌面的压力是一对平衡力7、汽车向前行驶时突然紧急刹车,下列说法正确的是A.乘客会向左或右倾倒B.乘客会向前倾倒C.乘客会向后倾倒D.乘客仍保持静止状态

18、8、物理知识渗透于我们生活的方方面面。以下的安全警示语中涉及到惯性知识的是A.输电铁塔下挂有“严禁攀爬”B.汽车的尾部标有“保持车距”C.商场走廊过道标有“小心碰头”D.景区水池边立有“水深危险”9、下列说法中正确的是A人推桌子未动,是因为人的推力小于地面对桌子的摩擦力B在平直的公路上匀速行驶的汽车,受平衡力作用C物体受平衡力的作用,一定保持静止状态图 1 We will continue to improve the companys internal control system,and steady improvement in ability to manage and control

19、,optimize business processes,to ensure smooth proce sses,responsibilities in place;to further strengthen internal controls,play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility;to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management,s

20、treamline,standardize related transacti ons,strengthening operations in accordance with law.Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance.o constantly perfect ERP,and BFS+,and PI,and MIS,and SCM,information system based constructi on,full integration information s

21、ystem,achieved information resources shared;to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth,play information system on enterprise of Assistant role;to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records,promote problem reasons analysis and system handover;to strengthening BFS+,and ERP,and SC

22、M,technology application of training,improve employees application information system of capacity and level.Humanistic care to ensure zero.To strengthening Humanities care,continues to foster company wind clear,and gas are,and heart Shun of culture atmosphere;strengthening love helped trapped,care d

23、ifficult employees;carried out style activities,rich employees life;strengthening health and labour protection,organization career health medical,control career against;continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system,training employees health of character,and stable of mood and e

24、nterprising of attitude,created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment.o strengthen risk management,ensure that the business of zero risk.To strengthened business plans ma nagement,will business business plans cover to all level,ensure the business can control in control;to cl ose concern fin

25、ancial,and coal electric linkage,and energy-saving scheduling,national policy trends,strengthening track,active should;to implementation State-owned assets method,further specification business financial management;to perfect risk tube control system,achieved risk recognition,and measure,and assessm

26、ent,and report,and control feedback of closed ring management,improve risk prevention ca pacity.o further standardize trading,and strive to achieve according to law,standardize and fair.Innovation of performance ma nagement,to ensure that potential employees zero fly.To strengthen performance manage

27、ment,process control,enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma nagement.o further quantify and refine employee standards.Work,full play party,a nd branch,and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role,and fighting fortress role

28、and pione er model role;to continues to strengthe ning fourgood leadership construction play levels cadres in e nterprise development in the of backbone backbone role;to full strengthening members youth work,full play youth employees in company devel opment in the of force role;to improve independen

29、t Commission against corruption work level,strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored.,And maintain stability.To further strengthen publicity and education,improve the overall legal system.We must strengthen safety management,esta blish and improve the education,supervi

30、sion,and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism.o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls,promoting integrated management to a higher level,higher standards,a higher level of development.Employees,today is lunar calendar on December 24,the ox Bell is about to ring,

31、at this time of year,we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish,to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing.Recalling past one anot her across a railing,we are enthusiastic and full of confidence.Future development opportunities,we m

32、ore exciting fight more spirited.Employees,let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities,to create a green,low-cost operation,full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard!The occasion of the Spring Festival,my sincere wish that you and the families o

33、f the staff in the new year,good health,happy,happy!D运动的物体有惯性,静止的物体无惯性10、竖直握在手中的瓶子不滑落下来,这是因为A手的握力等于瓶子所受的重力B手的握力大于瓶子所受的重力C手对瓶子的静摩擦力等于瓶子所受的重力D手对瓶子的静摩擦力大于瓶子所受的重力11下列实例中,为了增大摩擦的是A拉杆旅行箱底部装有轮子 B鞋底刻有凹凸不平的花纹C向自行车的转轴处加润滑油 D在气垫船底和水之间形成一层空气垫12、下列事例中,物体运动状态改变的是A人坐沙发,沙发凹陷B降落伞匀速直线下降C用力拉弹簧,弹簧变长D正在进站的火车13、全世界电视观众均可

34、通过卫星传输的信号在家里收看北京奥运会开幕式盛况,这种卫星称为地球同步通信卫星,这里的“同步”是指卫星相对太阳静止 B相对地球静止C相对月球静止 D相对火星静止14、小红在路上骑自行车,若说她是静止的,则选择的参照物可能是A迎面走来的行人B路旁的树木C小红骑的自行车D从身边超越的汽车15、用图 2 所示的方法测量同一只鞋在不同水平路面滑动时的摩擦力,下列说法正确的是A在柏油路面和冰面上测得的摩擦力都相同B在同一路面无论鞋内是否放上铁块,摩擦力都一样C只要鞋被拉动了,测力计的读数就等于鞋受到的摩擦力的大小D在同一路面鞋以不同的速度做匀速运动,测力计的示数都相同16、下列说法中,正确的是:A推出后

35、的铅球在空中飞行过程中,是因为铅球受到惯性力的作用B短跑运动员到达终点后不会马上停下来,是由于运动员具有惯性C踢出去的足球在地面上越滚越慢,说明物体的运动需要力来维持D站在领奖台上的运动员,受到的支持力和运动员对领奖台的压力是一对平衡力二、填空题(每空2 分,共 38 分)17、在图 3 所示的一些与物理相关的生活现象中,图 3 主要表示力能使物体发生形变;图 3 主要表示力能使物体的运动状态发生改变;图 3 主要表示物体具有惯性。均选填“(a)”、“(b)”或“(c)”(a)(b)(c)图 318、百米赛跑过程中的某时刻甲、乙两运动员位置的示意图如图4 所示图 4 图 2 We will c

36、ontinue to improve the companys internal control system,and steady improvement in ability to manage and control,optimize business proce sse s,to ensure smoot h processes,responsibilities in place;to further strengthen internal contr ols,play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation co

37、mplying with third-party responsibility;to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management,streamline,standardize related transactions,strengthening operations in accor dance with law.Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance.o constantly

38、 perfect ERP,and BFS+,and PI,and MIS,and SCM,information system based construction,full integration information system,achieved information resources share d;to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth,play information system on enterprise of Assistant role;to perfect daily run mainten

39、ance operation of records,promote problem reasons analysis and system handover;to strengthening BFS+,and ERP,and SCM,technology appli cation of training,improve employees appli cation information system of capacity and level.Humanistic care to ensure zero.To strengthening Humanities care,continues t

40、o foster company wind clear,and gas are,and heart Shun of culture atmosphere;strengthening l ove helped trappe d,care difficult employees;carried out style activities,rich employees life;strengthening health and labour protection,organization career health medical,control career against;continues to

41、 implementation psychological warning prevention system,training employees health of character,and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude,created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment.To strengthen risk management,ensure that the business of zero risk.To strengthened business plans mana

42、gement,will business business plans cover to all level,ensure the busi ness can contr ol in control;to close concern financial,and coal electric linkage,and energy-saving scheduling,national policy trends,strengthening track,active should;to implementation State-ow ned a ssets method,further specifi

43、cation business financial management;to perfect risk tube control system,achieved risk recognition,and measure,and assessment,and report,and control feedback of closed ring management,improve risk prevention capacity.o further standardize trading,and strive to achieve according to law,standardize an

44、d fair.Innovation of performance management,to ensure that potential employees zero fly.o strengthen performance management,process control,enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management.To further qua ntify and refine employee standards.Work,full

45、 play party,and branch,and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role,and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role;to continues to strengthening four good leadership constructi on索罗学院诲人不倦play levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role;to full

46、 strengthening members youth work,full play youth employees in company development in the of force role;to improve independent Commission against corrupti on work level,strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored.,And maintain stability.To further strengthen publicity an

47、d education,improve the overall legal system.We must strengthen safety management,establish and improve the education,supervision,and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism.o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls,promoting integrated management to a higher level,

48、higher standards,a higher level of development.Employees,today is lunar calendar on December 24,the ox Bell is about to ring,at this time of year,we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to floursh,to more clearly hear XX power generation companiemature and symmetry breathing.Rec

49、alling pa st one anot her across a raili ng,we are enthusiastic and full of confidence.Future development opportunities,we more exciting fight more spirited.Employees,let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities,to create a green,low-cost operation,full of humane care of a world-

50、class power generation company and work hard!The occasion of the Spring Festival,my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year,good health,happy,happy!3(1)两运动员中,的速度较快,因为在相等的时间内该运动员较大(2)乙运动员的成绩是10s,他的速度是ms(3)运动员跑到终点时,不能马上停下来,是因为19、如图 5 所示,锤头松动时,用力敲锤柄是利用使锤头套紧;许多机器的轴上都装了滚动轴承,这是


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