1、第五课时第五课时Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?山西省太原市清徐县县城中学山西省太原市清徐县县城中学 郭小艳郭小艳1.Howoldisateenager?2.Whataresomeoftherulesthatateenagershouldobey?3.Whatsyourhobby?4.Doyourparentsallowyoutopracticeyourhobby?FreetalkI like playing fo
2、otball very much.I want to be a professional football player.But my parents dont agree.ShouldIbeallowedtomakemyowndecisions?ReadingAnswerthequestionsaccordingtothepassage.Para1:Whatdotheteenagersthinkaboutthehobbies?Whatdotheparentsthinkaboutthehobbies?Para2:Who?_Whereishefrom?_Whatshishobby?_Whatdo
6、akehisdecisionspracticerunningschoolworkdifferent Answer the questions according to the passage.(1)Are teenagers hobbies always good for the their schoolwork?_(2)What might parents worry about?_(3)Where does Liu Yu come from?_No.Sometimes the hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.They might worry
7、 about their childs success at school.He comes from Shandong.(4)Why dont Liu Yus parents allow him to practice running every day?_(5)What does Liu Yu think he should be allowed to do?_Because they want him to spend time on his homework.He thinks he should be allowed to make decisions for himself.Wit
8、h a partner,discuss the time you spend on schoolwork and on hobbies.Imagine that you want to show your parents that you can make responsible decisions.Plan a schedule to balance the time needed for your schoolwork and your hobbies.TimeSchoolworkTimeHobbiesMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayGoForIt!1.Recitethenewwordsandusefulexpressions.2.Talkaboutyourdreamandhowtoachieveitinthefuture.Homework