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1、七年级英语上册北师大版Lesson 12 Chinas Got Talent张红艳密云区高岭学校actcookdancedraw/paintsingswimplay basketballplay volleyballtake photosplay the guitarplay the pianowrite songs act,cook,dance,draw,paint,sing,play the guitar,play the piano,play volleyball,swim,take photos,write songsWhat can you do?I can.I cant/canno

2、t.What is the passage(文章文章)mainly(主要主要)about?A.No arms,do lots of things.B.What can Liu Wei do?C.Famous all over the world.Match the main idea with each paragraphP 1.A.Writes songs,a singerP 2.B.No arms,do lots of thingsP 3.C.What can Liu Wei do?P 4.D.Famous all over the worldP 5.E.Cant play every s

3、ongAnswer these questions.1.Why is Liu Wei famous all over the world?He is famous because he is the winner of“Chinas Got Talent 2010”.2.What is he good at?Hes good at music and he can play the piano very well.3.How does he play the piano?He plays with his feet.We have no wings,but we can fly.我们没有翅膀,但是我们可以飞。Read aloudHomework:1.Listen and read the passage.2.Try to tell the story of Liu Wei.3.Imgine that if you are Liu Wei,what will you do?


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