1、LOGOPowerPoint TemplateContents 1.Introduction 2.Strategy 3.Challenges Forward 4.ConclusionClick to edit title styleoHow do I incorporate my logo to a slide that will apply to all the other slides?nOn the View menu,point to Master,and then click Slide Master or Notes Master.Change images to the one
2、you like,then it will apply to all the other slides.Click to edit titleTitle1Title2Title3Title4ABCDClick to edit titleTextTextTextTextTextAdd TitleClick to edit titleText 1Text 2Text 3Click to edit titleText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Chart DocumentsClick to edit titleText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Text 6Text 5LOGOLOGOPPT内容若有不全,系转换问题。内容完整,请放心下载!