1、为什么会被雅思考官打断口语话题 被雅思口语考官打断口语考试,是因为你说的不够好吗?雅思口语考官不认同你的观点?下面我就和大家共享被雅思索官打断口语话题,来观赏一下吧。 被雅思索官打断口语话题 其实缘由真的没有那么困难。1. 雅思口语考试时间有限,话不能太多哦。2. 同学,雅思口语考试各个趴的问题许多,要合理安排时间。我们接着下一个话题吧。有些考鸭属于话唠属性,一打开话匣子就说个没完,让考官不得不中断你的口语话题。还有一些口语水平挺不错的考生,考官觉得这部分时间用完了,为了考验你,当然是进入下一个话题接着尬聊。就是这样,所以,考生们不必惊慌,考官们都是很专业的。 首先是考试时间限制的问题,雅思口
2、语考官须要严格限制考试时间,确保每位考生在相同的时间内完成每个部分的回答。 其次个缘由是雅思口语考官需留出时间向你提出不同的问题,引导大家通过探讨不同的话题, 从运用不同词汇或多样的语法表达等方面来全面地展示你的英语表达实力。终归一个单词,一种时态是不能够走遍天下的, “一模一样”或者过分依靠熟识的易于运用的结构都会简单在实际沟通中让人失去听下去的爱好,而无法达到顺畅沟通沟通的目的。 其实,话说回来,雅思口语考官在考试中的适时打断都是为了能够在规定的时间内从你的回答中拿到足够的“证据”以根据口语的评分标准,也就是发音、流利性与连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性及精确性四方面为你的表现打分。 因此,
3、这个故事告知我们,在口语的备考练习中,须要大家仔细比照口语评分标准,有意识的训练自己。在口语中,语法多样性是相对简单的一个部分,终归天下语法就那么多,学会了就没了,也是大家简单忽视的地方。 关于这部分的雅思口语官方评分标准描述是:“Use a wide range of both simple and complex structures 同时运用简洁及困难的语法结构”; “Demonstrate flexible use of structure 融汇运用不同的语法结构”; “Focus on accuracy without losing fluency留意准确且流利”和“Be commu
4、nicative有表达欲”。 但许多烤鸭苦恼的是语法课是一回事,写的时候都能留意,张嘴说的时候,却又是另一回事了。因为终归上课时间只占你学英语或者说英语总时长里很小的一部分。所以,提升的方法就是“增加说的时间”,并且肯定要有意识地订正。 最终,还是回来到雅思口语上来。雅思口语提分并不能一蹴而就,也没有哪一个雅思口语考官会为了多挣一笔雅思索试报名费而有意压分,或者犯难考生。雅思口语实力真正得到提高的雅思索生,方能在雅思口语考试现场淡定发挥,对任何打断都临危不惧。各位考鸭们,加油。 2022年9-12月雅思口语part2&3答案解析:教你东西的人 Describe a person who
5、 taught you something. You should say: who the person was where you met him or her what this person taught you and explain how you felt about what he or she taught you I would like to talk about my teacher, Mrs. Bolger. She was my English teacher when I was in university. Well, my foreign English te
6、acher. She was about 50 years old, tall and always very well-dressed. She was an eccentric woman actually, with many interesting perspectives and opinions. I first met her in university, of course, when she was introduced to us by the head of the English department. This was about 4 or 5 years ago n
7、ow. I enjoyed what she taught us, she taught us a lot of English and American literature which I must say I enjoyed very much. She had a really interesting way of analyzing literature actually. I find it gave me new insights into life, people, their emotions and their feelings. It was quite meaningf
8、ul and she always taught us with a certain passion and enthusiasm that the other teachers lacked. I wish that more teachers were like this because its a lot easier to learn about a subject, especially in a second language, if the teacher has a passion, love and enthusiasm for the subject. Part3 1. W
9、hat are the qualities that a good teacher must have? A good teacher should be, in my opinion, enthusiastic, patient but firm, and have a good sense of humour. Naturally, a teacher should have a good knowledge of their subject, but more importantly I think a teacher should be good at explaining thing
10、s in an interesting and engaging way that encourages the students to think and develop good thinking skills. 2. When should children start to receive education? Children usually start going to go to kindergarten at 3 years old in China. And although they dont really learn that much, this is really t
11、he start of their educational life. I think its the same in most countries. Then at 6 years old they go to primary school. 3. What are the differences between the old and the young in accepting new ideas? Young people are usually more open-minded about accepting new ideas. Generally, this is true. O
12、lder people get set in their ways, are less flexible about new ideas, new foods, new ways of doing things, and so forth. Its pretty normal. Its almost always the case. However, there are some older people who are more easy-going and accepting, because maybe they become relaxed in their old age and m
13、ore wise and understanding about things. So, there are always some exceptions to the rule. 4. Do you prefer to study by yourself or with your friends? I actually prefer to study alone. I dont really like to study with others because everyone studies at their own pace and has different strengths and
14、weaknesses. This means you can waste a lot of time if you study with others also there are always some people that cannot stop chatting, or gossiping or simply not staying focused on the topic at hand, and this is just a massive distraction. So, in general I prefer to do most of my studying alone. M
15、aybe occasionally its nice to sit and have a coffee with fellow students and discuss certain aspects of our studies, for sure, but actual studying, for me, is best done alone. 2022年9-12月雅思口语part2&3答案解析:想见的新闻人物 Describe a person you saw in the news who you want to meet. You should say: who the pe
16、rson was when you saw him or her what was the news about and explain how you felt about the person or the news A person I think Id like to meet that Ive seen in the news is Oprah Winfrey. You may know her, shes one of the richest women in the world shes a TV host from the US. I am not sure how often
17、 she is on the news, but she has her talk show, she hosts it, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and Ive seen it multiple times, and I really like her personality, her attitude and assertive character and the way she interviews people, listens to them and offers her opinions. I did see her on the news several
18、years ago, in fact. It was a time when she went into a high-end handbag shop and was looking at different and very expensive bags. The shop assistant did not recognize her, and was apparently very rude to her by refusing to take down from a high shelf behind her, a very expensive bag that Oprah want
19、ed to see, and Oprah felt that she was treated in this way because she is a black woman because of racial prejudice. Anyway, I saw this both in the newspaper and on television, because even though Oprah did not reveal which shop it was (because she didnt want to damage the reputation of the store),
20、she did openly discuss the incident with the media, and then someone in the BBC, I think, managed to track down the actual shop, who then gave a public global apology, claiming it was a misunderstanding. I think the incident took place in Switzerland, Im not sure. I am not sure how I felt about this
21、 incident. I think its an interesting story, and Im always interested to see international news stories especially about famous stars like Oprah Winfrey. Part3 1. What kind of people can be usually seen in the news? Politicians usually feature in the news a lot, and some celebrities. And, of course,
22、 reporters and news presenters who go to different places and different countries to deliver live reports on television. 2. Do you think famous people, celebrities, can have a big influence on the general public by their behavior? Yes, I think so. Especially on young people. Young people like to hav
23、e idols and role models and they tend to get very passionate about following famous people sometimes, especially singers, pop icons, sports personalities and some actors. So, famous people have a responsibility to behave fairly decently in the public eye, so that they do not negatively influence you
24、ng people, in particular. Also, today the media are like vultures, they are always following famous people looking for gossip so if youre famous you not only have to make sure you behave perfectly in public, but you must also protect your private life from snooping journalists who are looking for a
25、story. So, yes, its not always the responsibility of the celebrity, its also the gossip from the media that can have an influence on young people. 3. What kind of issues are frequently reported in the news? Oh, lots of things are reported in the news The news might talk about international events, t
26、reaties, conflicts, and major things that are happening in the world between governments. The news might also cover the environment, the economy, business news things like this. If there is a natural disaster like a hurricane or an earthquake or something, this will be reported, and sometimes a repo
27、rter will be sent there to do a live report on the event, maybe interview some locals and so forth for example, only a few weeks ago I heard about the eruption of a volcano in New Zealand. Reporters arrived on the scene shortly after the incident and interviewed some of the relief crew on live telev
28、ision. Things like this are commonly reported on the news, both on television, and on line. 4. Whats the difference between the news nowadays and the news in the past? The main difference between the news today and the news in the past is that in the past everyone relied on TV and newspapers for new
29、s, but today people read most of their news on their smartphones. So, the news is more up-to-date today than in the past. Its an interesting topic because today there are different opinions about the reliability of the news. Some people say we can trust the news more today, and some people think we
30、should trust the news less, because there is more censorship and control of the news. Im not sure what I think to be honest. Because there are so many more ways of getting news from all over the place, I dont really know whether we can trust it more or less than in the past, but I do know that its m
31、uch easier to access the news and reading news on our phones is certainly is a good way to kill time on the subway or in a taxi, or when youre waiting to be served in a restaurant or other times like this. 雅思本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页