1、拉丁语常用词汇 篇一:中药拉丁语词汇 一、 常用词汇 氨:ammnia,ae,f . 阿托品:atropnum,i,n. 硫酸盐:sulfas,atis,m. 穿心莲:andrographis,idis,f. 磷酸盐:phosphas,atis,m. 可待因:codenum,i,n. 婴儿:infans,antis,m,f. 碘:jodum,i,n. 盐酸盐:hydrochloridun,i,n. 吗啡:morphnum,i,n. 肾上腺素:adrenalnum,I,n. 阿片:pium,i,n. 远志:polygala,ae,f. 氧化物:xydu,i,n. 薄荷:Menthae Herba
2、 大黄:rheum,I,n. 龙胆:Gentianae Radix 樟脑:cmphora,ae,f. 苯巴比妥:phenobarbitalum,I,n. 胃蛋白酶: pepsnum. 氯化物:chloridu.i,n. 葡萄糖:glucosum ,i,n. 麻黄碱:ephedrnum,i,n. 利血平:reserhnum,i,n. 橙皮:aurantiun,i,n. 酸:cidum,i,n. 二、 剂型词 水剂:aqua,ae,f.(Aq.)合剂mistura,ae,f.(Mist.) 喷雾剂nebula,ae,f.( Neb.)片剂:taballa,ae,f.(Tab.) 注射液inject
3、io,onis,f.( Inj.)眼膏:oculentum,I,n.(Ocul.) 糖浆剂:syrupus,I,m.(Syr.)散剂:pulvis,eris,m.(pulv.) 溶液剂sloutio,onis,f.(Sol.)滴鼻剂:naristilla(Naristill) 浸膏:extractum,i,n.(Extr.) 三、 描绘词 复方的:compositus,a,um.无菌的:sterilisatus,a,um. 硫酸的:sulfuricus,a,um.浓的:fortis,e. 稀释的:dilutes,a,um.蒸馏的destillatus,a,um. 钠的:natricus,a,u
4、m.流淌的:fluidus,a,um. 芳香的:aroma:hydrochloricus,a,um. 四、 中药材名 苦杏仁:Armeniacae Semen Amarum 何首乌:Polygoni Multiflori Radix 枳实:Aurantii Fructus Immaturus 金银花:Lonicerae Japonicae Flos 天麻:Gastrodiae Rhizoma 五味子:Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus 五、 缩写词 一天两次:b.i.d.适量:q.s.est.一次量顿服:pr.dos. 给予同等剂量:D.t.d.No. 用法(标记):S
5、. 一天三次:t.i.d.加至:ad. 给予:M.D.S.口服:p.o. 必要时:p.r.n.肌注:i.m. 混合M.D.S.取:Rp. 制成:f.饭后:p.c.篇二:一些常见希腊和拉丁语词根 Some common Greek and Latin roots:Root (source) Meaning aster, astr (G)staraudi (L) bene (L) bio (G) dic, dict (L) fer (L) fix (L) geo (G) graph (G) jur, just (L) to hear good, well life to speak to carr
6、y to fasten earth to write law English wordsastronomy, astrology audible, auditorium benefit, benevolent biology, autobiography dictionary, dictator transfer, referral fix, suffix, affix geography, geology graphic, photography jury, justicelog, logue (G) word, thought, monolog(ue), astrology, speech
7、 biology, neologism luc (L) manu (L) meter, metr (G) op, oper (L) path (G) ped (G) phil (G) phys (G) scrib, script (L) tele (G) ter, terr (L) vac (L) verb (L) vid, vis (L) light hand measure work feeling child love body, nature to write far off earth empty word to see lucid, translucent manual, manu
8、script metric, thermometer operation, operator pathetic, sympathy, empathy pediatrics, pedophile philosophy, anglophile physical, physics scribble, manuscript telephone,television territory, extraterrestrial vacant, vacuum, evacuate verbal, verbose video, vision, television Learning Prefixes and Suf
9、fixesKnowing the Greek and Latin roots of several prefixes and suffixes (beginning and endings attached to words) can also help us determine the meaning of words. Ante, for instance, means before, and if we connect bellum with belligerant to figure out the connection with war, well know that antebel
10、lum refers to the period before war. (In Prefixes showing quantity Meaning half one two hundred thousand Prefixes in English Words Prefixes showing negation without, no, not not, absence of, opposing, against opposite to, complement to do the opposite of, remove, reduce do the opposite of, deprive o
11、f wrongly, bad Prefixes showing time before after again Prefixes showing direction or position above, over across, over below, under in front of behind out of into around with Suffixes, on the other hand, modify the meaning of a word and frequently determine its function within a sentence. Take the
12、noun nation, for example. With suffixes, the word becomes the adjective national, the adverb nationally, and the verb nationalize. See what words you can come up with that use the following suffixes. Typical noun suffixes are -ence, -ance, -or, -er, -ment, -list, -ism, -ship, -ency, -sion, -tion, -n
13、ess, -hood, -dom ? Typical verb suffixes are -en, -ify, -ize, -ate ? Typical adjective suffixes are -able, -ible, -al, -tial, -tic, -ly, -ful, -ous, -tive, -less, -ish, -ulent ? ? The adverb suffix is -ly (although not all words that end in -ly are adverbslike friendly) 篇三:拉丁语单词 拉丁语单词(2010) albus,a,
14、um,adj. 白色的 altus,a,um,adj.高大的,高的 aromacus,a,um 芳香的 bractea,ae,f. 苞片 bracteola,ae,f.小苞片 bulbus,i,m. 鳞茎 calyx,ycis,n. 花萼 capsula,ae,f. 蒴果 caulis,is,m. 茎?藤 cornu,us,n 角 cortex,ticis,m. 树皮,皮 discus,i,m. 花盘 flos,oris,m. 花 folilum,i,m. fructus,us,m. 果实 glaber,bra,brum,adj.无毛的 herba,ae,f. 全草 lignum,n. 心材 longus,a,um,adj. 长的 niger,a,um,adj. 黑的 1 obovatus,a,um,adj:倒卵形的 ovatus,a,um,adj.卵形的 petiolus,i,m.叶柄 po ramlus,m. 茎枝,嫩枝 rhizma,atis,n. 根茎3. 处方中常用的拉丁语及缩写词2