1、2023年外贸新年祝福邮件篇一:外贸新年祝福邮件如题,求外贸新年祝福邮件 求外贸新年祝福邮件篇二:外贸新年祝福邮件主要是针对客户的新年祝福语,内容稍微多点,但是看起来又不是很繁琐,内容少了真的看起来不太搭调.不要那种一长串的很短的根本没什么联系的祝福语,要有连贯性的,好像一篇很短的文章类型的祝福语.其他跟本公司业务相关的我自己看情况做增减.1、财神日将临,短信预祝你:新年新气象,天天好心情;开心乐无边,幸福常相守;福星终身伴,贵人时时见;财源滚滚来,前程似锦绣。祝你吉祥如意。 2、平安之夜平平安安,白色圣诞浪浪漫漫,快快乐乐迎接元旦,喜喜洋洋新年期盼。天涯海角如同在一方,真心真意为你静静祈祷,
2、许你的未来阳光灿烂。 3、贺新年,十美送上,祝你:万事如1,一石2鸟,3生有幸,4季平安,5福临门,6六大顺,7喜来贺,恭喜“8”财,天长地“9”,10全十美! 4、春节,最牵挂的是什么,是亲人;最感动的是什么,是和家人团聚;新年,最盼望的是什么,是活得更好;最幸福的是什么,是微笑。祝朋友新年快乐! 5、和风吹拂,三月阳春,江南草长,江北水暖,岭外梅香,塞上柳软,又是踏青寻芳季节,其实我想 说的是新年到了,春暖花开,你什么时候请我吃饭。 6、迎接除夕,惊喜无限;福星高照,福满家园;禄星进门,加爵升官;寿星贺春,寿比南山;喜神报喜,好运无限;携手众仙,共迎新年;祝你新春,吉祥美满! 7、抖落一年
3、的疲惫,有收获有汗水。掌声和鲜花都虚无,充实的脚步最可贵。淡淡的牵挂总相随,变迁的过往不可追。快新年了,愿你快乐时时有,来年生活美! 8、新年许下心愿,朋友传递祝愿,幸运心甘情愿,开心自觉自愿,幸福一厢情愿,蛇年如你所愿,事事天遂人愿,实现多年夙愿,达成美好心愿:恭祝幸福美满! 9、当天空呈现出彩屏,当心跳调节为振动,当笑声设定为和弦,当天线内置为心灵感应,当友情设置为时空连线,当电波转化为快乐信号,请接受我的新年祝福! 10、短信自编自传,手机频发急件。温馨祝福包邮,问候声声不断。新年身体康健,祝你无愁无烦。还要笑口常开,时刻心情灿烂。收到我的祝福,一年心情舒坦。 11、元旦我许愿:我要吉祥
4、给我洗脚,如意给我捶背,幸福给我端茶,好运给我倒水,最好美的不知道东南西北,最后祝愿看信息的这个人,新年快乐和我一样晕! 12、又是一年元旦到,元旦祝福不可少;送你一片青青草,愿你人生永不老;送你一只吉祥号,愿你来年步步高;送你一声新年好,愿你好运时时扰。元旦提前快乐。 13、你是不是正在为了没有收到除夕祝福而烦恼,别急,我的问候已经来到;你是不是还在为没有好玩儿的信息跟朋友分享而忧郁,别慌,我的祝福正在赶到。新年快乐! 14、得财贵在“有心”,财神送你“三心”:“信心”让你充满挣钱的勇气,勤勤奋奋努力;“决心”让你布满得财霸气,点点滴滴积累;“恒心”让你围满幸运的财气,踏踏实实奋进,祝你财神
5、节日“开心”,新年财运“舒心”! 新年祝福语 外贸新年祝福邮件日语新年祝福邮件2023企业新年祝福语新年祝福 留言新年祝福语新年祝福新年祝福词语 新年祝福邮件 篇三:外贸特别问候邮件模板 1. 圣诞问候 Subject: X mas greetingsDear Judy,Glad to hear that your company will be closed from Dec.22nd to 29th for Xmas holiday.Thanks for your support in the past year and I wish you ,your colleagues your f
6、amily of this optimal holiday!Best regards,Hellen2,新年问候Subject: new year greetingsDear judy,Please note that I will not be in office during Jan.1st to 3rd ,due to the NEW YEAR holiday.For any questions, please call my mobile or send me short message.Happy new year! Hope it brings your more success a
7、nd happiness!Best regards.Hellen3,春节问候Subject: Chinese new year greetingsDear judy,Our office will be closed during the Chinese New Year holiday period from Feb.2nd to 9th .and we will resume work on 10th .Any pending cases will be disposed after Feb.10th.Wishing you all a happy new year ! 篇四:外贸邮件常用
8、语 外贸常用语 感谢询价1.2.3. 4.5.6. Thank you for your interest in *, expressed in your letter of June5. We are very much obliged by your enquiry for Thank you very much for your inquiry of September 2 for our Glad to get your inquiry of It's a long time since I got your last letter. please accept ( I wis
9、h to express)my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for .问候语1. Wish you well with your work2. Hope everything goes well with you all along.3. Hope you are fine.4. How is everything?5. How are you?6. I hope everything is all right7. How are you getting along these days? I miss you very much.8.
10、 Many thanks for your kind and warm letter.9. Wish u lots of luck.10. Best wishes for you.11. We wish you a fine day.12. I hope everything is fine with you.要求回复1. 6. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. For further information, you We are looking forward to your favorable and prom
11、pt reply We look forward to receiving from you the specific enquiries. Looking forward to hearing from you. Please kindly get back your comments to us. We are sure any of your feedback will get our prompt attention reply. Thanks in advance!7. Should you find interest in our items, kindly let us know
12、?8. Please feel free to contact me if any question.9. I can't wait for your next mail.10. Any problem, welcome to contact with me freely.询问最新进展1. What's more, if any news updated about the 3rd container, let me know please.2. It's been several days since last letter. How's going there? Please let me know any your comment about my last letter dated November 2nd.3. With regard to your letter of November 2nd about the price