1、2023年唐顿庄园圣诞特辑中英文台词x Come here, you! Out you get.Untie these ropes.Come on, as quickly as you can.What do you think, Mary? - Perfect.Daisy!Get downstairs with those now!Like I said!Mary!- Happy Christmas! - And to you.Anna, this is for you.The usual cloth for a frock, I'm afraid.But I hope you l
2、ike the other thing.I'm sure I will, m'lady. Thank you.We all prayed for him in church this morning.Happy Christmas, Anna.I can't wait for you to open this.Thank you, Your Ladyship.Happy Christmas.- What did Her Ladyship say? - O'Brien?She was just being kind.Happy Christmas.I wi
3、sh I could tell you not to worry.My husband's on trial for his life, mrs Hughes.Of course I worry.Well, I'm old-fashioned enough to believe that if they can't prove him guilty, then he's not.- This is for you. - Thank you, m'lady.The Royal Families of Europe.My. I shall find
4、 this very interesting, my Lord.Good.I don't want to spoil their fun.But I couldn't wear a paper hat.Not with poor Mr Bates locked away.His Lordship said much the same.Is Mr Bates the one Lady Rosamund told me about?The murderer.Mr Bates has most unjustly been accused of murder. That is al
5、l.All?!I should think that's quite enough for most people.Thank you. - Would you like tea?Why do we have to help ourselves at luncheon? It's a Downton tradition.你们过来你也下来 把绳子解开 都麻利点 黛西 快把这些东西送到楼下去 如我所说 玛丽 这是什么 - 你也是 安娜 这是给你的 和往年惯例一样 做衣服用的布料 但我希望你会喜欢另一份礼物 一定会的 小姐 谢谢 今早我们都去了教堂为他祈祷 圣诞快乐 安娜 等不及
6、看你打开礼物了 谢谢您 夫人 圣诞快乐 夫人对你说了什么 - 奥布瑞恩 就是些安慰的话 圣诞快乐 真希望我能说不必担心这样的话 我丈夫的生死将由庭审定夺 休斯太太 我当然会担心 反正我这种老套之人的想法是 如果他们没有足够证据定他的罪 那他就是清白的 这是给你的 - 谢谢夫人 欧洲皇室生活 老天 我会非常喜欢这本书的 老爷 很好 我不想扫了他们的兴 但我实在没心情戴纸帽子 一想到可怜的贝茨先生还关在牢里 老爷也说了这样的话 贝茨先生就是之前罗斯孟德夫人和我提起 的 那位谋杀犯吗 贝茨先生受到了不公正的指控 仅此而已 而已 我想这对大多数人来说就足矣了 谢谢 - 来喝点茶吗 为何午饭时间我们得凡
7、事自己动手 这是唐顿的传统They have their feast at lunchtime and we have ours in the evening.Why can't they have their lunch early and then serve us like they nornally do?Because it's Christmas Day.It's not how we'll do it at Haxby.Which I can easily believe.Oh, this is ni. This is. What is i
8、t?What does it look like?Something for getting stones out of horses' hooves.It's a nutcracker. We thought you'd like it.To crack your nuts.Who's coming on New Year's Day?The usual guns.Us three and some locals.You'll know all of them.Have you asked Anthony Strallan?I tr
9、ied. In fact, I gave him three dates but he said no to all of them.Perhaps he's given it up.But he was so keen before the war.Perhaps he's had enough banging for one life.Oh, and Rosamund's forced me to invite Lord Hepworth. Really?I told him I was coming down here and he dropped hint
10、 after hint! Perhaps he has nowhere to go. It can be a lonely time of year.Jinks Hepworth lonely? I find that hard to believe. Hepworth men don't go in for loneliness much. How do you know him?I knew his father in the late Sixties.Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan?Isobel told me you were tel
11、ephoning for news Swire.How is he? - Not Good.I am catching the train first thing in the morning.- I hope I'm in time. - Is it as bad as that?I'm so sorry.Matthew is going to London tomorrow.Lavinia's father is ill.Better warn Robert if you'll miss the shoot.I'll be back by
12、New Year's Day. He won't last that long, I'm afraid. Forgive me if I'm casting a gloom.仆人们的宴会在中午办而我们的在晚上 那他们为何不早点进餐然后服侍我们 就像平常一样因为今天是圣诞节 我们将来在哈克斯比可不会如此行事 这我不难相信 这是 . 这是 . 这是什么 看起来像什么 用来给马蹄挑小石子的吗 这是胡桃钳子 我们觉得你会喜欢的 夹碎坚果用的( nut 也指难对付的人) 这次新年有谁要来还是那些猎手 我们三人以及一些本地人 你都认识您邀请安东尼?斯特兰了吗邀请过
13、事实上我提了三个日期 但他都拒绝了 他或许是放弃狩猎了 但在战前他对此很积极啊 或许是这辈子听够了碰碰的枪声吧 而且罗斯孟德非要我邀请海浦沃斯勋爵 是吗我告诉他我会来这里 然后他就不断暗示我想来 也许他无处可去 每逢佳节倍思亲 难免会觉得孤单 说海浦沃斯家的人会孤单 真是难以置信 姓海浦沃斯的生来就和孤单沾不上边 您怎么认识他的 六十年代末时我认识他父亲 昔日的雪已无影踪 著名法国诗句 of Mr 伊泽贝尔告诉我你在打听斯维尔先生的情况他怎么样了 - 很不乐观 明天一早我就乘火车离开 希望还来得及 - 这么严重吗 太遗憾了马修明天去伦敦 拉维尼娅的父亲病了 你要是赶不回来打猎 最好和罗伯特打个
14、 招呼元旦时我会回来的 只怕他撑不了那么久了 请原谅我扫了兴the trial held in别傻了 大家本就处在贝茨受审一事的阴霾当中 你们有谁需要去作证吗 只有爸爸和一些仆人需要去 但我也会去 支持安娜 要我和你一同前往吗 到时为你解释庭审的规矩 还是你会去陪她the trial held in别傻了 大家本就处在贝茨受审一事的阴霾当中 你们有谁需要去作证吗 只有爸爸和一些仆人需要去 但我也会去 支持安娜 要我和你一同前往吗 到时为你解释庭审的规矩 还是你会去陪她理查德想在打猎第二天就回去工作 不是吗 - 对 没错 好了 托马斯这是什么- 是碟仙 用的占卜板 - 那又是什么 一种游戏 其实
15、也不完全是 应该说是用来沟通的 怎么玩 - 无所谓了 不介意就给我吧 茜玻最喜欢这个了 祝我们大家圣诞快乐 圣诞快乐 别忘了许愿 大家一起来许愿吧 许愿也是祈祷 又是贝茨那件事是吗 我的新女仆说仆人都在说这事 真是可怕啊 我们不能丧失信心 他是被冤枉的 你自然希望是如此 我们知道事实如此莫里先生是怎样把案子移到约克审的我不清楚 但幸好他办到了 他有信心吗 - 看起来是的 裁决下来之前律师们总是自信满满 只有事后才说他们也无十足把握 有人在吗 有人在吗你们要认真才行 否则会冒犯他们 这是什么 - 我们在和死人谈话 怎么谈 他们又不能回话 他们可以 为的就是这个 来吧 黛西 不 我觉得这样做不对
16、请你们都别出声 我再试一次Don't be silly.We're all under the shadow of Bates's trial.Will any of you have to testify?Only Papa and some of the servants.But I'm going to support Anna.Would you like me to come with you?To explain what's happening.Or will you do that?Richard wants to go bac
17、k to work the day after the shoot.- Don't you? - Yes, I do. Now, Thomas. What's this?- It's a board for planchette. - What's that? A game. Well, not quite a game, more a method of communication. How? - Never mind. I'll take it if you like. Sybil's favourite. A happy Chr
18、istmas to us all! Happy Christmas! Don't forget to make a wish. Let's all make a wish. A wish and a prayer. Is this about Bates again? My new maid says the servants' hall is full of it. How terrible it is.We mustn't lose faith. He's been wrongly accused. I'm sure you ho
19、pe so.We know so. How has Mr Murray managed to have York?I don't know, but thank God he has. - And he's confident? - He seems to be. Lawyers are always confident before the verdict. It's only afterwards they share their doubts. Is anyone there? Is anyone there?You must take it serious
20、ly, otherwise they'll be offended. - What is it? - We're talking to the dead.But how? They can't talk back. They can.That's the whole point. Come on, Daisy. No, I don't think it's right. If you'll all be quiet, I'll try again.Is there anyone there? Yes, someon
21、e is there.What is going on? We're just playing a game.An unsuitable game, Miss O'Brien.Especially on Christmas night.Please put it away at once.I'm surprised at you, Daisy.Are you sure there's nothing in it?Quite sure, thank you.Don't you believe in spirits, then?Well, I do
22、n't believe they play board games.You're reading.For heavens' sakes, yes, I'm reading.It's a book title.- No talking. - I know, but honestly!Five words.Fourth word.Two syllables.First syllable.- Fighting! - Banging!Drum!They'll never get it. They'll never get it.Sh
23、ake! Mad!Do you always play charades on Christmas night? This isn't charades, this is the game.Trip! Trip!do you enjoy these games - Fall.in which the player must appear ridiculous?Sir Richard, life is a gamein which the player must appear ridiculous.Not in my life.Fall past.Fell! Wildfell!The
24、Tenant Of Wildfell Hall!Isis!Richard, your turn. Come on.How soon your maxim will be tested.If Mr Bates should not come back.I am not replacing Bates.What were you going to say?Only that I know that Thomas is keen to be promoted. The trouble is,being dressed and undressed is an intimate business. We
25、've forgiven Thomas his early sins, I know.But I cannot imagine I would ever quite feel trust.有人在吗 是的 有人在 这里怎么回事 我们在玩一个游戏 这游戏不合时宜 奥布瑞恩小姐 尤其是在圣诞节 请立刻收起来 你真令我吃惊 黛西 您确定这里面没什么玄机吗 非常肯定 谢谢 那您不相信鬼魂的存在了 对吧 我不相信他们会玩桌上游戏 你在读书 拜托 我当然是在读书 要猜的是个书名 不准说话 - 我懂 不过真是的 共五个单词 第四个词 有两个音节 第一个音节 打斗 - 猛击 打鼓 他们肯定猜不到 永远
26、都猜不到了 摇手 发疯 你们总在圣诞夜玩猜字谜吗 这不单纯是猜字谜 是在玩游戏 绊倒 绊倒 你喜欢这种游戏吗 - 跌落 参与的人必须弄得自己一副滑稽相 理查德爵士 人生就是场游戏 而我们都得一副滑稽相 我的人生可不会如此 跌倒 晕倒 菲尔 怀尔德菲尔 怀尔德菲尔府的房客 艾西斯 理查德 该你了 来吧 这么快就要验证你的座右铭了 如果贝茨先生回不来 . 我是不会找人顶替他的 你刚才想说什么 只是我知道 托马斯急切地想升职 问题是 服侍我穿衣是很私密的工作 我们虽然已原谅了托马斯以前的所作所为 但我想我很难再对他感到信任Say no more, my Lord.I'm sure Mr B
27、ates will be home soon, which will settle the matter.Say no more, my Lord.I'm sure Mr Bates will be home soon, which will settle the matter.We're running out of time now.Did you make all that? Yes, why?And you're still only the kitchen maid?I don't know what I am.You could be a s
28、ous chef at least in London.I don't know what a sous jeff is.Or a cook.Maybe not in a house like this.But you wouldn't have to go far down the ladder before they'd snap you up.Daisy, find Thomas and tell him the tea's ready to go up. Then we should get started on the mixture for
29、the cheese souffles.Does Daisy cook the souffles too? What's it to you?What do you mean, you've invited Anthony Strallan? I thought it was just us.Oh, getting important!He never used to use a chauffeur. Well, you were so disappointed that he wouldn't come shooting. Good afternoon, Lad
30、y Grantham. Lady Edith!What a charming surprise.It's been far too long.It's so nice to see you.It's such a relief to see any of our friends who've made it through unscathed.I'm afraid I haven't quite.I took a bullet in the wrong place. Seems to have knocked out my right
31、 arm.But not forever surely?The upshot is, I'm afraid,the wretched thing is now no use to man or beast.Well, now we know why you didn't want to come shooting.Indeed.So how is everyone? Lady Sybil is married, I hear. Living in Ireland.How was the wedding? - Quiet.It was in Dublin. They didn
32、't want a big affair. 无需多言 老爷 我相信贝茨先生很快就会回来 而一切也就随之迎刃而解了 我们快没时间了 这都是你做的吗 是的 怎么了 而你仍然只是一名厨房女仆 我不知道这具体叫做什么 你在伦敦都可以当副厨师长了 我不知道副厨 十丈 是什么 或者厨师 也许不能在这样的大宅里当差 但也不用像在这儿 没等有谁催你 就一溜烟跑下楼了 黛西 你去告诉托马斯 茶已经准备好了 然后我们就该开始着手准备 乳酪蛋奶酥的面糊了 乳酪蛋奶酥也是黛西做吗 关你什么事您说邀请了安东尼?斯特兰是什么意思 我以为只有我们 他也把自己当大人物了 他以前可从不雇司机的 你听说他不能来打猎时
33、不是还很失望的吗 下午好 老夫人 伊迪丝小姐 真是个美好的惊喜 我们太久没见了 见到你真的很高兴 能见到我们任何一位朋友毫发无损地 度过战争都令人宽慰 恐怕我不是毫发无损 我被一颗子弹打中了关键部位 导致我右边的胳膊瘫痪了 但肯定不会永远瘫着吧 恐怕确实是这样 这可怜的胳膊现在是毫无用处了现在我们知道你为什么不想来打猎了是啊 大家还好吗 我听说 茜玻小姐结婚了 住在爱尔兰 婚礼怎么样 - 很低调 在都柏林办的 他们不想要大场面himselfofhimselfof你们都去了吗 我和玛丽去了 爸爸 没有 我们都病了 很遗憾 不是吗 他是什么样的人 他很热心于政治 只要他立场没错就行 他懂枪法吗我想
34、他肯定懂 - 但恐怕不打野鸡 莫里先生认为有位伯爵帮我说话对我是有 利的但我想在谋杀案上这大概也没多少用处 我觉得能帮上一点的那是你希望如此 安娜 你必须对最坏的结果有所准备 我不能说一定会那样 但你必须准备好 我知道那是可能的 我知道但面对这个结果 应该在它已经发生之后 而不是之前 同意吗格兰瑟姆夫人 罗斯孟德夫人 你好 海浦沃斯勋爵 欢迎 谢谢您的男仆是从火车站过来吗 老爷 我没有带男仆来这会造成什么不便吗 我很抱歉 完全不会 老爷您留宿期间 托马斯会照顾您 好极了 进来吧 - 谢谢 你的信 跟晚报一起送到的 是茜玻寄来的 你得上楼更衣了 你觉得罗斯孟德的那位朋友怎么样 他还挺招人喜欢的我
35、怀疑他是把显得招人喜欢作为职业了 奥布瑞恩说罗斯孟德的女仆对他评价很高我觉得这就足够好了 出什么事了 茜玻怀孕了 我知道了 所以 事情已成定局Did you all get over?Mary and I did. Papa.No, we were all ill.Isn't it sad?What's he like?He's political.As long as he's on the right side!So does he shoot?- I'm. sure he does. - But I don't think ph
36、easants.Mr Murray thinks a reference from an earl will go in my favour.I'm not sure such things matter when it comes murder.I think it will help.Because you want to think so.Anna, you must prepare for the worst.I'm not saying it will happen, but you must prepare for it.I know it could happ
37、en.I do.But the time to face it is after it has happened.And not before.Grant me that?Lady Grantham, Lady Rosamund.Hello, Lord Hepworth. Welcome.Thank you.Will your man be coming on from the station, my Lord?I haven't got one with me.Is that a nuisance? I'm so sorry.Not at all, my Lord.Tho
38、mas will take care of you while you're here.Splendid.do come in. - Thank you.This came for you in the evening post.It's from Sybil.You must go up and change.So what do you make of Rosamund's pal?He seems agreeable enough.I suspect he's in the profession of making agreeable.O'
39、;Brien says Rosamund's maid speaks very highly him.That seems a good reference to me.What is it?Sybil's pregnant!I see.So that's it, then.No return. She's crossed the Rubicon.No return. She's crossed the Rubicon.She crossed it when she married him, Robert.She says we're
40、 not to tell anyone, not even the girls.I wondered why she didn't ask to come for Christmas.Would you have allowed it?Well, well.So we're to have a Fenian grandchild.Cheer up.Come the revolution,it may be useful to have a contact on the other side.Oh, I say. This is very cosy, isn't i
41、t?What is?To find ourselves next door.I'm not certain it's quite proper to remark on such things. you remember my maid, Shore. - Certainly I do.I hope they've got a jolly party planned downstairs.Why would they?Because it's New year's Eve, of course.Oh, that. I doubt it, my
42、Lord.But I don't mind, I make my own fun.If that's everything, my Lady,I'll go down now and see you after midnight.Thank you.I wish I could say the same.Only joking.- I wonder if she'll remember me. - Oh, she will.Good evening, Lady Grantham.I don't suppose you remember me.O
43、f course I do. Oh, how is dear Hatton?I have such happy memories of it from the old days.I'm not often there, not since my mother died.Perhaps it needs a woman's touch.Don't we all?How very like your father you are!It's almost as if he were standing here before me!I hope you'
44、;ll come to tea.Then we can talk about him.I should love it, Lady Grantham. If they'll release me.They'll release you.What are those for?We have a glass of wine at midnight on New Year's Eve.不能回头了 她已经破釜沉舟了 她嫁给他的时候就已经回不了头了 罗伯 特 她说不要告诉任何人 她的姐姐们也别告 诉我还想她为什么不提回来过圣诞 你会让他们来吗 好吧 好吧 我们要有一个芬尼亚
45、社的外孙了(芬尼亚 社 : 一个爱尔兰民族主义者团体致力于推 翻英国人对爱尔兰的统治) 开心点 假如革命爆发 能跟对方攀上关系或许是有好处的 我说 这挺惬意 不是吗 什么挺惬意 你我毗邻而住 我不确定谈论这种事情是否合适 还记得我的女仆吗 肖 - 当然记得 但愿他们在楼下组织了一场欢乐的聚会 何出此言 当然是因为这是新年夜嘛 这样啊 好像没有 老爷 不过我不介意 我会自己找乐子的 夫人 如果没别的事 我就先下去了 过了午夜再来服侍您 谢谢 我也很想那么说 开玩笑的 我想她可能不会记得我的 - 她会的 晚上好 老夫人 我想您可能不记得我了 我当然记得 海顿庄园怎么样了 我以前在那里留下了很多快乐
46、的回忆 我不常去那 自从我母亲去世后就不常去 了 也许它需要有个女人来打理 我们不是都需要吗 你真的太像你父亲了 简直像他就站在我面前似的 希望你能来喝茶 我们就可以一起谈谈他了 我很乐意 老夫人 只要他们肯放我过来 他们会放你来的 这些是干什么用的 我们在新年夜的午夜都会喝一杯葡萄酒Very civilised.In my last place, we were expected to be upstairs and serving, New Year's Eve or not.Very civilised.In my last place, we were expected to
47、 be upstairs and serving, New Year's Eve or not.Were you not a lady's maid, then?How long have you been with Lady Rosamund,Miss Shore?Two months.Oh, I see. Quite a new girl.I can read Mr Carson's hint.His Lordship doesn't trust me.Because of the stealing, you mean.So what should I do?Get him to trust you.That's easy to say. But how?Make him grateful.Do him a good turn.Hide something he loves, and find it and give it back.Miss O'Brien!Not long now. Does everyone have a glass?Anthony Strallan was at Grannie's