1、2023年贵州在职攻读硕士联考考试真题卷(2)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.下列_属于狭义刑法。A中华人民共和国刑法B2000年6月27日最高人民法院通过的关于审理贪污、职务侵占案件如何认定共同犯罪几个问题的解释C2000年4月29日全国人民代表大会常务委员会通过的关于(中华人民共和国刑法)第93条第2款的解释D中华人民共和国商标法中有关刑事法律的条款 2.某国有保险公司的工作人员张某故意指使他人虚报保险事故,并由自己亲自理赔,骗取保险金20万元,与他人私分。张某的行为构成
2、_。A保险诈骗罪B虚假理赔罪C贪污罪D职务侵占罪 3.下列选项中,错误的说法是_。A犯罪既遂与犯罪未遂区别的关键在于是否实现了预期的目的B犯罪未遂与犯罪预备区别的关键在于是否着手实行犯罪C只有在造成法定损害结果时,才处罚过失行为D未完成罪只存在于直接故意犯罪过程中 4.甲(男)与乙(女)为同事。甲对乙素有好感。某日,甲见车间只有乙一人在,便上前拉扯,并强行拥抱乙,将乙的衣裤险些扯掉,后因乙坚决拒绝而停手。乙的行为_。A不构成强奸罪B侮辱、猥亵妇女罪C强奸罪(犯罪中止)D强奸罪(犯罪未遂) 5.下列不属于刑法理论上的罪状概括的是_。A简单罪状B复杂罪状C叙明罪状D空白罪状 6.根据我国刑法规定,
3、已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,不能构成盗窃罪。这是犯罪哪一个特征的体现?_A社会危害性B刑事违法性C应受刑罚处罚性D罪刑法定 7.犯罪的基本法律特征是_。A刑事违法性B严重的社会危害性C应受刑罚惩罚性D行为人具有主观恶性 8.避险过当的刑事责任是,应当_处罚。A从轻B减轻C免除D减轻或者免除 9.我国刑罚同一切剥削阶级国家刑罚的本质区别在于_。A代表的阶级意志和利益不同B社会发展所起的作用不同C在同犯罪作斗争中所占的地位不同D对罪犯所产生的效能不同 10.根据物权法的规定,下列财产中,私人可以拥有所有权的是_。A文物B无线电频谱C森林D国防资产 11.债权转让协议发生效力的条件是_。A取得债务
4、人的同意B债权人通知债务人C债权人通知债务人且取得其同意D债权人与第三人达成协议 12.质权的标的是_。A不动产B土地使用权C动产和权利D房屋 13._可以设定抵押。A幼儿园的财产B土地所有权C汽车D支票 14.留置权性质是_。A法定担保物权B意定担保物权C不动产担保物权D无期限物权 15.继承法第25条规定:“继承开始后,继承人没有表示的,视为接受继承。”这属于民事法律行为的_。A明示形式B默示形式C口头形式D书面形式 16.甲购得一条电热褥,在使用时因该电热褥漏电而受伤害。如果甲向人民法院起诉,法律保护其请求权的时效期限为_。A1年B2年C4年D6个月 17.属于原物和孳息的关系的是_。A
5、汽车和轮胎B汽车和备胎C鹿和鹿茸D牛和牛肉 18.下列权利中不属于身份权的是_。A探望权B监护权C署名权D荣誉权 19.下列各项关于外观设计专利权的表述中,不正确的是_。A外观设计专利申请不进行实质审查B外观设计专利权的有效期为10年C外观设计专利权不能成为强制许可的对象D外观设计应当富有美感 20.民事法律事实是民事法律关系产生的_。A抽象条件B具体条件C唯一条件D充要条件 21.根据民法通则的规定,年仅8岁的小华可以接受叔父赠送给他的10万元财产,这属于民法上的_。A权利能力B行为能力C责任能力D购买能力 22.有关合同转让的说法,正确的是_。A合同权利转让属于合同双方主体和内容的协议变更
6、B所有的合同权利都可以转让C合同权利人转让权利一般不须经合同义务人同意D合同权利人转让权利不必通知合同义务人 23.申请宣告在战争期间下落不明的人死亡时,下落不明的法定期间是_。A从战争开始之日起2年B从战争开始之日起4年C从战争结束之日起2年D从战争结束之日起4年 24.根据法人的内部结构不同,私法人可以分为_。A公法人和私法人B社团法人和财团法人C公益法人和营利法人D企业法人、国家机关法人、事业单位法人和社会团体法人 25.以下关于民事行为能力的表述中正确的是_。A凡是享有民事权利能力的自然人均享有民事行为能力B任何人无权限制或剥夺自然人的民事行为能力C自然人的民事行为能力范围取决于自然人
7、的主观意愿D民事行为能力既包括取得民事权利的能力,也包括承担民事义务的能力 26.宣告失踪的法律后果是_。A婚姻关系解除B失踪人民事主体资格消灭C财产发生代管D财产发生继承 27.自核准注册之日起计算,商标权的有效期为_。A5年B10年C20年D30年 28.甲离开自己的住所下落不明已满五年。根据我国法律规定,其配偶乙_。A只能申请宣告甲失踪B只能申请宣告甲死亡C应当先申请宣告甲失踪,再申请宣告甲死亡D既可以申请宣告甲失踪,也可以申请宣告甲死亡 29.下列不属于转移财物使用权的合同是_。A财产租赁合同B承包经营合同C企业租赁合同D信贷合同 30.John is the only one of
8、the students who _ to France.Ahas beenBhave beenChad beenDhas being 31.He was _admission of the restaurant for not wearing a tie.AdeniedBgrantedCacquiredDappealed 32.The electric shaver needs _ before it can be used.ArepairingBto repairCbeing repairedDto be repairing 33.It is _ he is determined.Abuy
9、ing a new car thatBto buy a new car thatCto buy a new car whatDbuying a new car which 34.Manufacturing companies spend millions of pounds trying to convince customers that their products are _ to those of others.AbetterBbestCsuperDsuperior 35.The three boys were given work according to their _ abili
10、ties.ArespectfulBrespectableCrespectiveDresponsible 36.It is _ for her to wear a formal suit at the homely little party.Aout of orderBout of questionCout of placeDout of practice 37.My grandmother _rural life.Ahas used toBused toCis used toDuses to 38.My parents want me to be the best at anything, b
11、ut I dont have such high _.AinstructionsBrestrictionsCsuspicionsDambitions 39.So little _ about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me.AI knewBdid I knowCI had knownDhad I known 40.Host: John, come and sit in the sofADinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you something to drinkGues
12、t: _.A. No, dont trouble. Ive drunk enoughB. No, you couldnt. Im not thirstyC. Yes, please. Id like some SpriteD. Yes, you could. Id like some Coca cola 41.Clerk: Good morning. Can I help youMiss Chang: Yes, Id like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening.Clerk: Fifteen pounds, please.M
13、iss Chang: _.AHere you areBHere it isCThere is the paymentDTake the payment, please 42.Alan: My schedule this afternoon is an absolute mess. Between 3:30 and 4:00 Im supposed to be in four different places. Theres no way.Adam: Ive done that before. _AAnything I can help youBSomething I can help youC
14、Anything I can help you withDSomething I can help you with 43.Customer: Im looking for a new living room set.Salesman: We have a lot of very nice sets. What style do you have in mindCustomer: _.What I need is something comfortable.AI really dont thinkBIts really not necessaryCI really dont botherDIt
15、 really doesnt matter 44.Cindy: _Rebecca: No, what happenedCindy: They let him go as he is suspected to be cheating.ADid you know JohnBDid you like JohnCDid you hate JohnDDid you hear about John 45.Guest: Id like a room with an ocean view, please.Clerk: Im sorry.AThose rooms are all orderedBThose ro
16、oms are all takenCThose rooms are all ownedDThose rooms are all held 46.Robert: What are you doingEllen: Trying to get this wine stain out of the carpet.Robert: Hang on. Theres some soda in here. It should take the stain right out.Ellen: Really Hey, _.Ait really is functioningBit really is workingCi
17、t really is playingDit really is influencing 47.Salesman: Good morning. Planning to buy a new car todayCustomer: _.Salesman: What kind of car are you looking forCustomer: Something that has enough room for my family.AIm just looking aroundBIm just looking everywhereCIm just looking here and thereDIm
18、 just looking all the cars 48.Customer: _.Waiter: Im sorry. Didnt you order fried shrimpCustomer: I ordered fried chicken.Waiter: Oh, all I heard was fried shrimp. Let me have kitchen redo this for you.ASorry, this isnt my dishBExcuse me, this isnt what I paid forCSorry, this isnt my orderDExcuse me
19、, this isnt what I ordered 49.Tom: I see in the paper theyre sending more equipment to space. And we might have to live there someday.John: _! Im staying right here!ANever IBNot meCNo meDNone me 50.After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute _.Abeing settledBto be settledChad settledDas settled