1、2023年英文好词好句赏读(精选61句) 1、 Who depend on their own. 2、 任何人都不如靠自己。 3、 This is a long way,I will seek. 4、 人生最大的失败就是放弃。 5、 Treat life seriously,treat life lively. 6、 The biggest failure in life is to give up. 7、 When you can dream,dont give up the dream. 8、 实现幻想的最好方法就是醒来。 9、 美好,从心开始,从如今开始! 10、 我不信任命运。我只信任
2、双手。 11、 仔细对待生活,活泼对待生活。 12、 停下来休息,别忘了别人还在跑。 13、 只要脊梁不弯,就没有山扛不住! 14、 路漫漫其修远今,我将上下求索。 15、 Happiness,from the heart to start,from now on! 16、 付出不肯定有收获,努力是值得的。 17、 你的老板越忙,你的工作就越危急。 18、 当你能幻想的时候,不要放弃幻想。 19、 没有不进步的人生,只有不进取的人! 20、 I dont believe in life. I just believe in both hands. 21、 不认为自己是美好的人,肯定没有美好。
3、22、 人生重要的不是站立的位置,而是方向。 23、 如今不如你,你可狂;朝有一天会踏你! 24、 盼望是生命的阳光,行动是盼望的翅膀。 25、 胜利的秘诀在于每天比别人多付出一点。 26、 每天都有许多想法,那些不死的叫做梦。 27、 Life is not a one-way street,a road no way,you can turn. 28、 Hope is the sunshine of life,action is the wings of hope. 29、 The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
4、30、 埋怨只是软弱的表现;努力是人生的看法。 31、 Pay is not necessarily a harvest,and strive to be worth it. 32、 The more busy your boss is,the more dangerous you will get. 33、 Your job is cool or horrible,depending on your own opinion. 34、 人生不是单行线,一条路走不通,可以转弯。 35、 你的工作是酷还是可怕取决于你自己的观点。 36、 Happiness and luck are at a pr
5、ice,and there is no free lunch! 37、 Do not because of a bad man,they think the whole world of men. 38、 美好和幸运需要代价,世界上没有免费的午餐! 39、 There is no progress in life,only people who are not aggressive! 40、 When you stop to rest,dont forget that others are still running. 41、 一切都可以拖一拖,没必要那么焦急,事慢就圆。 42、 Every
6、day to take a lot of thoughts,the undead is called the dream. 43、 Do not think they are happy people,there is absolutely no happiness. 44、 肯定要向胜利人士学习,尤其是世界顶尖胜利人士。 45、 Be sure to learn from successful people,especially those in the world. 46、 Blame is just a cowardly performance; efforts,is the attit
7、ude of life. 47、 Every day exercises not only for fitness,in order to reflect the life. 48、 As long as the backbone does not bend,there is no carry up the mountain! 49、 每天晨练不仅是为了健身,也是为了表达生活的倔强。 50、 The secret to success in work is to give a little more to others every day. 51、 不考虑能不能胜利,既然选择了远方,就只顾风雨
8、兼程! 52、 不要因为经受过一个坏人而认为全世界的男人都是坏人。 53、 人生没有机会再来,不想懊悔,那就跟着看自己的心走。 54、 What things can be a drag,there is no need to worry,things are slowly round. 55、 This is not as good as you,you can be crazy; toward a day will set foot on you! 56、 当我们搬走别人架下的绊脚石时,或许我们正在为自己铺路。 57、 The important thing in life is not
9、the position of the station,but the direction of the. 58、 Life does not have another chance,do not want to regret,then,with the heart to see their own. 59、 When we move others stumbling block to the next frame,perhaps it is paving the way for their. 60、 I dont think whether can succeed,since the choice of the distance,they only trials and hardships! 61、 英语好词好句是英语阅读的精髓,也是我们写作中可以引用的部分,总是给人带来新奇感和亮点。 PREV ARTICLE较为有品位的英语短句(精选80句) NEXT ARTICLE电影中经典英语句子(精选65句)