1、2023年新高考英语|读后续写高分技巧之人物描写语句! 新高考英语|读后续写高分技巧之人物描写语句! 01 1. He wanders in his talk. 他说话东拉西扯。 2. He likes to talk in a lofty strain. 他喜爱高谈阔论。 3. He was all talk and no deed. 他光说不做。 4. His remarks it close to home. 他的话一针见血。 5. She doesn’t waste words. 她从不讲废话。 6. He feeds me up with his chatter. 他唠唠
2、叨叨使我厌烦极了。 7. She is extremely articulate, poised, and often quite funny. 她口齿清楚,泰然自若,常很幽默。 8. Every word that drops from her lips is sweet. 从她口里说出来的话,句句悦耳悦耳。 9. His daughter usually sweet-talk him into giving her what she wants. 他女儿常用甜言蜜语劝说给她所需要的东西。 10. Don’t pay any attention to him. What he t
3、old us was a lot of hot air. 不要理睬他,他说的全是大话。 11. The two ladies began to chew the rag. 两位女士开始了马拉松式的谈话。 12. When he was speaking to his boss, he kept smiling and said it with flowers. 他和老板说话时总是笑容可掬,低声细语。 13. He did not talk much, but what he said was sensible. 他的话不多,但说得满有道理。 14. She carried her listen
4、ers along with unbroken interest. 她说话引人入胜,使听的人兴致盎然。 15. He speaks in a humorous vein. 他说话富有幽默。 16. There is a bite to her words. 她话里带刺。 17. She has nothing but acid to offer as criticism. 她的批判尖酸刻薄。 18. Everything he said dripped acid. 他的话里字字带刺。 19. He was nothing but a bag of bones. 他骨瘦如柴。 20. He is
5、 all legs. 他又高又瘦。 21. He was still a head shorter than others. 他仍比别人矮一个头。 22. The old gardener has horny hands. 那位老园工有一双粗硬起茧的手。 23. A slim active man who seems tall, although he stoops a little and folds up on himself. 一个身材瘦削,十分活跃的人,尽管略微驼背,弯弓着身子,还是显得高挑。 24. He was slim, with powerful arms and thick
6、blond hair. He had an incredible smile. 他身材修长,双臂强健有力,长着一头浓密的金黄色头发,脸上带着一种不行思议的微笑。 25. The difference between them lay in that she was cool and self-possessed while his face flushed to the roots of the hair. 两个人外表上不一样的地方是,她神态自若,冷静镇静,而他却面红耳赤,连脖子根都红了。 26. His hair was shot with grey. 他满头白发,身体显得虚弱。 27. M
7、iriam is a girl with big gray eyes and golden hair. 米莉安是一位长着灰色大眼睛和满头金发的姑娘。 28. She was a pale, ethereal creature, with wide, spiritual blue eyes and a wealth of golden hair. 她面色白皙,体态轻快,有一双大而圣洁的蓝眼睛和一头浓密的金发。 29. She was started. The raw, stumbling lout was gone. The ill-fitting clothes, battered hands
8、, and sunburned face remained. 她吃了一惊。那个生硬、结巴的粗汉子消失了。但那不合身的衣服,布满伤疤的双手和晒黑的脸膛却依旧如故。 30. Mary is a tall, blonde woman, slender, and stately and beautiful. 马丽身材修长,满头金发,苗条秀丽,雍容华贵。 02 31. She has creamy skin and shoulder-length, dark ringlets. 她长着奶油般的皮肤,修长的肩和一头黑色的卷发。 32. She was a large, stout woman, alway
9、s dressed slatternly and always tired from the burdens of her flesh, her work, and her husband. 她是个肥胖健壮的女人,总是穿的邋里邋遢,而且老是被她自己那笨重的身体、她的家务和她丈夫拖累得疲乏不堪。 33. The inn-keeper’s wife, her feet bare, her hair untidy, her blouse dirty, came herself to meet her guests. 旅店老板的妻子光着脚,穿着肮脏的罩衣,头发乱蓬蓬的,亲自迎接她的客人。
10、34. This pretty girl has dimples on her cheeks. 这秀丽的姑娘两颊都有酒窝。 35. He has a round, black, shinning face so glossy as if it has been washed over with the white of eggs. 他有一个圆黑而光亮的脸,就像用鸡蛋清擦洗过似的。 36. He was unwashed, uncombed, with his clothes half buttoned. 他蓬头垢面,衣衫不整。 37. Clad in rags, he appears almo
11、st like a beggar. 他衣衫褴褛,看上去像个乞丐。 38. He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他消瘦而憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。 39. With her dark hair pulled back and wearing a dark suit and small earrings, her eyes seemed to glow when she talked about the first days of their relationship. 她穿着一身深色套装,乌黑的头发梳在脑后,带着一对小耳环,当说到他们最
12、初交往的日子时,她双眼好像闪闪发光。 40. She wore long, black shirts with high-laced boots. Her hair was in a bun above her high-necked blouse. 她穿着黑色长衬衫,脚上穿着一双系带高筒靴。在宽大的高领外套之上,头发束起一个圆发髻。 41. She is wearing a flower on her blouse, a barrette on her hair, a chain round her neck and a ribbon bow on her queue. 她衣服上带着鲜花,头
13、发上别着发夹,脖子上带着项链,辫子上打着蝴蝶结。 42. She is wearing a beautiful scarf round her neck. 她围着一条美丽的围巾。 43. She is very much made up. 她装扮得很好。 44.She had looked dazzling before in her silver dress, but in her dress of beaten gold she was more radiant than ever. 她上次穿的衣服已经使人们目不暇接,这次穿的金箔做的衣服,比前一次更加光彩夺目。 45. The girl
14、walked on, her pretty skirts billowing. 那女孩走过去,她那美丽的裙子波浪一般地飘动。 46. Her robe was of the light blue silk with a few faint flowers on it. 她穿浅兰色的绸衫,上面有一些淡淡的花儿。 47. He walked very stiff and straight and awkwardly. 他走得很僵硬,腰杆笔直,样子很滑稽。 48. There is a spring in his steps. 他的步伐轻快有力。 49. She is light on her fe
15、et. (She is light of foot.) 她脚步轻快。 50. A cold drizzle was falling, but he bared his head to it and unbuttoned his vest, swinging along in splendid unconcern. 天上淅淅沥沥地下着小雨,可他有意摘掉帽子,让雨淋脑袋,还解开了背心的扣子,大摇大摆地走着,一副满不在乎的架势。 51. She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street.
16、她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落均匀的身材,迈着端庄的步伐。 52. She is seven months gone. 她怀孕七个月了。 53. She sailed in while we were talking. 我们正谈话时,她仪态万方地走了进来。 54. She walks in beauty. 她仪态万方地走出房间。 55. She swept out of the room. 她光彩照人,款款而行。 56. He turned and shambled out through the door. 他转过身,步履蹒跚地走出门。 57. She is on her feet all
17、day. 她一天到晚忙个不停。 58. He is a chain smoker. 他一支接一支地抽烟。 59. They never make tireless efforts at key points. 他们总忙不到点子上。 60. He is always wise after the event. 他总是事后诸葛亮。 61. She is all lilies and roses. 她长得如花似玉。 62. She is beautiful and has beautiful personality. 她长得美丽,人也很好。 63. The little girl is pretty
18、 to look at. 这个小女孩长得很美丽。 64. She looks quite pretty at first sight. 乍看时她很秀丽。 65. He looks and acts much younger than his age. 他的相貌、举止看上去比他的年纪年轻得多。 66. She is just in the bloom of young womanhood. 她正值妙龄时期。 67. He’s getting on in years. 他慢慢老了。 68. Many a wrinkle appears on her face. 她的脸上出现了许多皱纹。
19、 69. She has the look for the past. 她风采不减当年。 70. She is beautiful to the eye. 她秀丽得动人眼目。 71. She was a beauty in her day. 她在当年是个美人。 72. Her glamour throws other ladies into the shade. 她的秀丽使其余妇女黯然失色。 73. She is so beautiful that she puts her elder sister in the shade. 她长得美丽,使她姐姐大为失色。 74. She combines wit with beauty. 她智美兼备。 75She looks old and worn. 她显得老而憔悴。 76. Many a wrinkle appears on her face. 她脸上有很多皱纹。 77. I am still in my teens. 我还不到20岁。 78. They two are of an age. 他们两人同岁。 79. He is a person under age. 他是个未成年人。 TAG标签:人物技巧语句 PREV ARTICLE人物外貌描写积累NEXT ARTICLE名家作品中关于描写皱纹的句子