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1、2023年战疫超人作文800字 The Spring Festival this year is destined is a not ordinary Spring Festival: Did not reunite, did not travel, do not have jubilation more. The pneumonic epidemic situation that the virus of new-style coronal shape of an arise suddenly affects, envelop earth of chaste tree Hunan, spre

2、ad affect the whole nation. Win epidemic situation to prevent to hit accuse nick battle, the butcher people in succession come out boldly. …… of staff member of policeman of army made up of the sons of the people of medical personnel, people, public security, community, journalist, vol

3、unteer they are battle ; battle of epidemic disease ; is preterhuman, make concerted effort, fight bravely a gleam of, stand together regardless of situation, eliminate all difficulties, the difficult when be being overcome in all! 今年的春节注定是一个不平凡的春节:没有团聚,没有旅行,更没有欢腾。一场突如其来的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,覆盖荆楚大地,扩散波及全国。

4、为了打赢疫情防控阻击战,各行各业的人们纷纷挺身而出。医务人员、人民子弟兵、公安民警、社区工作人员、新闻工作者、志愿者……他们都是战;疫;役超人,齐心协力,奋战一线,风雨同舟,排除万难,共克时艰! Angel retrograde motion develops front 天使逆行冲前线 Good year the dusk of 30, if curtain of night arrives sadly euqally as one used to do, street gradually empty, a myriad twinkling lights of a

5、 city shined gradually, in the city noiseless all the more. 大年三十的黄昏,夜幕如平常一样悄然降落,街道慢慢空了,万家灯火慢慢亮了,城市里非常安静。 Eating reunion meal in people, happily gather under the same roof look spring late when. Almost everybody does not know, have such a flock of people, they pressed bright red fingerprint, strive t

6、o be the first requests a cord from the emperor -submit a request for a military assignment actively fight bravely front. In night of the New Years Eve, they hold family in the arms hurriedly, containing tear and parents, wife leave, be afraid that family is afraid even, do not tell him family what

7、to do whereaboutldirection where, the young daughter that you just cheat yourselves probably says mom goes hitting blamed, cheat parents to say he went be away on official business. But set foot on journey, your look, write full sturdy belief. To fulfil the doctors obligation, for rise and fall of t

8、hat ; nation, ordinary man has duty ; , your honor permits no turning back. Although do not know what your name is, but I know, you have a collective beautiful title —— the most beautiful retrograde motion person. 在人们都吃着团聚饭,团聚一堂看春晚的时候。几乎谁也不知道,有这样一群人,他们按下了鲜红的手印,争先恐后主动请缨奋战前线。除夕夜里,他们匆忙的抱了抱家

9、人,含着泪水与父母、妻儿告辞,甚至怕家人担忧,都不告知家人自己将去向哪里干什么,你们或许只是骗自己的小女儿说妈妈去打怪了,骗父母说自己去出差了。但一踏上征途,你们的目光,写满了坚决的信念。为履行医生的职责,为了那句;国家兴亡,匹夫有责;,你们义无反顾。虽然不知道你们的名字是什么,但我知道,你们有一个共同的秀丽称号——最美逆行者。 Enter segregation area, the difficult degree that you work, it is we are adv unimaginably. Besides you, everybody does not

10、 know to defend heavily take under have much anguish, have much loneliness; The load that everybody does not know to you are carried on the back has multiple, because that perhaps is the destiny of a country. For people, for the country, you work oblivious of oneselfly, be in an another disease room

11、 to rush about, of meticulously take care of a patient. You use a heart so to the patient, forgot to take care of oneself however, the job arrives late, you take a nap slightly on corridor only, say oneself had slept. Never rest almost you, had had ; of heavy ; panda eye, add the job of high strenth

12、, make your body especially gaunt, still hear even because overworked is excessive,have public health worker and on business dies at his post …… and to save national natural resources, you never agree to take off next defending to take easily, when you pick next face guard, I saw there

13、 is …… of a another bright red impress on your face 进入隔离区,你们工作的艰苦程度,是我们不可思议的。除了你们,谁也不知道沉重的防护服之下有多苦闷,有多孤独;谁也不知道你们背上的担子有多重,因为那或许是一个国家的命运。为了人民,为了国家,你们忘我的工作,在一个又一个病房间奔波,无微不至的照看病人。你们对病人如此专心,却遗忘了照看自己,工作到晚,你们只在走廊上微微打一个盹,就说自己睡过了。几乎从未休息的你们,已经有了重重的;熊猫眼;,加上高强度的工作,使你们的身体分外憔悴,甚至还听到有医务人员因劳累过度而因公殉职&h

14、ellip;…而为了节约国家资源,你们从不愿轻易脱下防护服,当你摘下面罩的时候,我观察你的脸上有了一道又一道的鲜红压痕…… I am clear, you also are laic, you also can be fear of bloodcurdling virus of course; You also are overcome for certain the cadaverous wall in the hospital, in thick alcohol flavour, the endless cold and cheerless of

15、be mingled with and loneliness. I understand you why to can cry silently in the late night, I understand why you are met sob, say with hoarse voice oneself had done everything what a medical worker can do. But I also know at the same time, have what years static good, before because you are in,just

16、loading for us, go. You for people, for national come out boldly; You are brave in to pay, be brave in to take on, you are national back, you used the human body of flesh and blood to build to guard the Wuhan, Great Wall that defend ones country, you say sturdily: ; state-owned battle, call together

17、 is answered surely, battle surelies win. ; often sees the figure of bank of the smile on your face, chest that holds out, Wei, often hear the name of the war pestilence hero such as Zhong Nashan, Li Lanjuan, I felt to the hope is full of in the heart, was full of force. You, the ; of battle ; epide

18、mic disease that is a country is preterhuman! 我明白,你们也是凡人,你们当然也会惧怕恐怖的病毒;你们确定也受不了医院里苍白的墙壁,浓浓的酒精味中,夹杂的无尽的冷清与孤独。我理解你们为什么会在深夜里悄悄哭泣,我明白你为什么会哽咽,用嘶哑的声音说自己已经做了一个医务工作者所能做的一切。但我同时也知道,哪有什么岁月静好,只是因为你们在替我们负重前行。你们为了人民、为了国家挺身而出;你们勇于付出、勇于担当,你们就是国家的脊梁,你们用血肉之躯建立起了一座保卫武汉、保卫祖国的长城,你们坚决的说:;国有战,召必回,战必胜。;每每观察你们脸上的笑容、挺起的胸膛、伟

19、岸的身影,每每听到钟南山、李兰娟等战疫英雄的名字,我就觉得心中充满了盼望,充满了力量。你们,是国家的战;疫;超人! All the people of one mind builds divine hill 万众一心建神山 In this special period, everybody does not go out in the home curtilage, reduce the possibility that is affected. But for better close treat a patient, the job that a flock of people disre

20、gard safety, day and night to keep on building site is worn. They are the builder of hospital of Thor hill hospital, igneous god hill. 在这特别时期,人人都宅在家中不出门,削减被感染的可能性。但为了更好的收治患者,有一群人在工地上不顾安危、昼夜不停的工作着。他们就是雷神山医院、火神山医院的建设者。 The building of hospital of igneous god hill course can say almost is a myth. First

21、 day of the lunar year begins to prepare to construct, first 2 shops floor, first room of 3 cover board, first 4 take shape. After 10 days on Feburary 2, the edifice with a grand dimensions unplugs the ground and case, formal consign army is used. I know, below normal circumstance, if enter a day,a

22、month builds a hospital still is difficult. Full marks / fall in your effort nevertheless, desperately with time race, 10 days completed a great project, it is acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person really. This lets the actual strength that we saw a nation is powerful, let us witness the

23、 miracle that another Chinese creates. 火神山医院的建成历程几乎可以说是一个神话。大年初一开始筹建,初二铺地面,初三盖板房,初四初具规模。10天之后的2月2日,一座规模雄伟的建筑拔地而起,正式交付军方使用。我知道,在正常状况下,一个月建成一座医院还是难如登天。总分/不过在你们的努力下,舍命与时间赛跑,10天就完成了一项宏大的工程,实在是令人叹为观止。这让我们看到了一个国家强大的实力,让我们见证了又一个中国人创造的奇迹。 But be in backside of this everybody exclamatory, brandish of how man

24、y sweat is aspersed again? 可是在这众人惊叹的背后,又有多少滴汗水挥洒? After receiving construction job, technical personnel gave out after 78 minutes blueprint, complete construction picture was taken out inside 60 hours. Hear the news that builds a hospital, on 10 thousand builder abandon holiday, risking the risk tha

25、t is contracted, from all corners of the land resolutely of definitely come to construction site, arrived from holiday mode capital construction mad demon. They had been built one minute early for the hospital, early one minute closes treat a patient, do not have sunset night launch construction, so

26、me people make a telephone call with family repeatedly even, sign up for restful time to be done not have, ever also heard report the construction that the son is hiding the truth from father to assist hospital of igneous god hill, father calls ask what the son is doing, why everyday pace number is

27、more than 30000, and the son replies: I am walking along …… of long march road again 接到建筑任务后,技术人员在78分钟后给出了图纸,60小时内就拿出了完好施工图。听到建设医院的消息,上万名建筑工人放弃假期,冒着被感染的风险,从五湖四海毅然决然的来到建筑工地,从假期模式到了基建狂魔。他们为医院早一分钟建好,早一分钟收治患者,没日没夜的展开建设,有些人甚至连和家人打一个电话,报一声平安的时间都没有,也曾听到报道说儿子瞒着父亲去支援火神山医院的建设,父亲打电话问儿子在干什么,为什么每天的

28、步数都是三万多,而儿子回复道:我在重走长征路…… The police that is on duty on the road in the street and volunteers also are to fight on epidemic disease line one beautiful beautiful scenery. Their dying recieves orders, stand fast to guard a pass in each chirp mouths, to communal article disinfection, the p

29、eople that gives contact measures temperature, temperature unusual person has keeping apart fathering accusing. In the process that contacts often, they are affected extremely easily. But guard a pass for rigor epidemic situation, they never had hesitated. 在街道上执勤的警察和志愿者们也是抗疫线上一道靓丽的风景。他们临危受命,坚守在各个哨口把

30、关,对公共物品消毒,给来往的人们量体温,将体温异样的人进行隔离严控。在频繁接触的过程中,他们极易被感染。但是为了严密把关疫情,他们从未迟疑过。 The battle is more than, the job does not cease. Still hold to the people of the job that fight epidemic disease in epidemic situation pawn, it is true prevent ; of ; epidemic disease preterhuman. 战斗不止,工作不息。在疫情当头还坚持抗疫工作的人们,是真正的防

31、;疫;超人。 The heart fastens Wuhan to extend aid 心系武汉伸援手 The staff member of some hotel discovers, replete vegetable agricultural Che Zaiyuan sails far come over. 某酒店的工作人员发觉,一辆装满了蔬菜的农用车在远远的驶过来。 Ask ability knows, this driving farmer is lived in in the countryside with more than 40 far kilometers, be inf

32、ormed the medical team quarter at that assists a city to fight epidemic disease when him after this hotel, consider oneself a bit ones pygmy effort, the thing —— that becomes a few in ones power lets these white garment angel eat on the freshest vegetable, driving a car then, installing

33、the newest course, come toward this hotel. He does not know a way, also do not know to use navigation, can pass hotel of face of bit by bit of ask the way to bypass only come. Does not know he was circled how to long just find a public house, does not know he has how to work hard to send dish. But w

34、hen putting fresh vegetable in hotel entrance when him, hanging on the face that I see him plain, bright smile. 一问才知道,这位开车的农民家住在四十多公里远的乡下,当他得知支援城市抗疫的医疗队驻扎在这个酒店后,想尽自己的一点绵薄之力,做一些力所能及的事——让这些白衣天使吃上最新奇的蔬菜,于是开着车,装着最新奇的菜,往这个酒店赶来。他不识路,也不知道用导航,只能通过问路一点一点地朝酒店绕过来。谁也不知道他绕了多久才找到酒店,谁也不知道他为送菜有多么辛苦。但当他将

35、新奇蔬菜放在酒店门口时,我看到他的脸上挂着质朴的,灿烂的笑容。 Such story is not scarce. In a village of Guangxi, the villager people pluck Tian Lis carrot come down, in all collect carries 22 tons together toward Wuhan. In these altruistic villagers, having an in part still is poverty door …… 这样的故事并不少见。广西的一个村子里,村民们

36、把田里的胡萝卜采摘下来,共凑齐了22吨运往武汉。这些无私的村民中,有一半还是贫困户…… Send vegetable farmer, can buy these vegetable good price originally; The poverty that contributes carrot door people, can come with these carrot originally deficient. But, it is under epidemic situation, everything what they can contribute t

37、hese produce him —— however, be without reservation donated the worker of a gleam of that needs them most people. This is each Chinese the spirit in the sacrifice ones own interests for the sake of others when jeopardy pawn. Their trickling sluggishly is well-meaning, will collect a powe

38、rful a mighty current eventually, the heart of warm everybody, also make China is in how before difficulty all-conquering. And we, where is the thing that why to do a few in ones power again? 送蔬菜的农民,本可以将这些蔬菜买出好价钱;捐胡萝卜的贫困户们,本可以用这些胡萝卜来脱贫。但是,在疫情之下,他们却把这些农产品——自己所能捐的一切,都毫无保存的捐赠给了最需要它们的一线工作者们。

39、这是每一个中国人在危难当头时舍己为人的精神。他们的涓涓善意,终将汇成一股强大的巨流,暖和全部人的心,也使得中国在如何困难面前都无坚不摧。而我们,又为何不做一些力所能及的事呢? It is a person that shows kindness. He answered several box guaze mask from Turkish flesh back, all gave guaze mask devoid hospital. When the policeman asks about his full name, he said ; of Chinese of 3 words &m

40、dash;— only. 又是一个献善意的人。他从土耳其人肉背回了好几箱口罩,全都送给了口罩缺乏的医院。当民警问到他的姓名时,他只说了三个字——中国人;。 Chinese! This is how heart-stirring speech! Its place accumulate contain, it is the individuals kindness not just, however of complete China people enthusiastic, it is he sends the words from heart from t

41、he heart! Before epidemic situation, everybody can make contribution to fight epidemic disease, everybody is to prevent ; of ; epidemic disease preterhuman! 中国人!这是多么振奋人心的话语!它所蕴含的,不仅仅是个人的善意,而是全中国人民的热心,是他发自内心的肺腑之言!在疫情面前,每个人都可以为抗疫做奉献,人人都是防;疫;超人! Dark black clouds will be driven out by fine blue sky Bai

42、 Yun eventually, the darkness before dawn can be broken through by sunny brightness eventually, what vernal warmth makes people forgets a winter surely is bitter cold. It is under the effort that defends hero of ; of ; epidemic disease, envelop in our the top of head the haze in the sky will drop of

43、f, chinese spring also will be in before long hind arrival. At the appointed time, we can pick next guaze mask, go out the oriental cherry with appreciation great connecting with the boxing skill blooms. 黑沉沉的乌云终将被晴朗的蓝天白云驱逐,黎明前的黑暗终会被朝阳的光芒冲破,春天的暖和必使人们遗忘冬天的酷寒。在防;疫;英雄的努力之下,覆盖在我们头顶上空的阴霾将散去,中国的春天也将在不久后到来。届时,我们便可以摘下口罩,出门观赏武大的樱花盛开。 —— is adscript ——后记(文/廖开琦)


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