1、仓储部计件工资考核方案仓储部计件工资考核方案PIECE RATE WAGES ASSESSMENT PLAN FOR WAREHOUSING DEPARTMENT (TRIAL) 编写:编写: Written by:校核:校核:Checked by:审核审核: Verified by: 批准:批准:Approved by:1 主题主题 仓储部计件工资考核方案。仓储部计件工资考核方案。 1. SubjectPiece rate wage assessment plan for warehousing department2 目的目的 2.1 调动仓库各岗位人员的工作积极性和增强责任心。 2.2
2、贯彻能者多劳、多劳多得、奖优罚劣的原则。 2.3 提高仓库的运作效率。 2.4 有利于仓库资源与人员的共享及调配。 2. Purpose2.1 To mobilize all warehousing staffs enthusiasm for work and enhance their sense of responsibility. 2.2 To implement the principle of “able people should do more work; more pay for more work; Reward the diligent and good staff and
3、 punish the lazy and bad”. 2.3 To increase warehouse efficiency 2.4 To well share and deploy the storage and staff resources.3. 适用范围适用范围 3.1 除仓库负责人、单证处理员、设备管理员外的仓储部所有岗位,包括组长、班 长、仓管员、叉车手 4 个岗位。 3.2 不适用于实行计时工资制的人员或时间段。 3.3 新员工入职第一个月使用计时工资制,第二个月开始实行计件工资制。3. Application 3.1 It includes all the staff in
4、warehousing dept. such as group leader, shift leader, warehouse keeper and forklift operator except the warehouse head, document processing staff, and equipment officer 3.2 This plan is not suitable for the system of time rate wages. 3.3 The time rate wage system is applied to the new staff in the f
5、irst month. And piece rate wage system is adopted from the next month.4、职责职责 4.1 仓储部、人事行政部负责此方案的制定和修改,并根据实际情况适时做出相应修 改和调整。 4.2 仓储部管理并安排所有计件岗位人员的日常工作;根据工作实际情况,对以上方 案进行不断改进与完善;根据本方案决定员工的考核等级和考核奖金,经松江分公 司批准后交人事行政部计算工资。 4.3 人事行政部负责监督此方案的实施,统计相关数据,审核该方案的考核结果。 4.4 此方案涉及到组织结构与工作流程的改变及优化问题,由仓储部负责跟进。 4. Resp
6、onsibility 4.1 Warehousing Department and Personnel Administration are responsible for the formulation and revision of this plan and should adjust it according to actual situation and changes. 4.2 Warehousing Department should arrange the daily work of all staff of piece rate wages and improve and m
7、odify the above programs according to the situation. This program will decide the assessment level and bonus. After the approval by Songjiang branch company, the Personnel Administration will calculate the wages. 4.3 The Personnel Administration is responsible for supervising the implementation of t
8、his plan. And examine the assessment result according to the statistics they get. 4.4 If this plan should cause the problem of the changes and optimization of the organization structure and work flow, the Warehousing Department is responsible for following up.5、计件岗位人员的月收入及相关名词释义计件岗位人员的月收入及相关名词释义 5.1
9、 仓库计件岗位的月收入分为 A、B 两类。 A 类计件岗位包括仓管员与叉车手,其月收入公式如下: A 类计件人员月收入底薪+A 综合津贴+计件工资+考核奖金一扣款 B 类计件岗位包括组长和班长,其月收入公式如下: 组长月收入底薪B 综合津贴考核奖金一扣款 班长收入底薪B 综合津贴考核奖金一扣款补充说明:安全及设备管理人员、单证处理员,不在计件考核范围之内。 5.2 相关名词释义 5.2.1 A 综合津贴:包括公司的福利津贴(双薪、花红、节假日福利等) 、有薪假期 津贴、中晚班翻班补贴; 5.2.2 考核奖金:按照每月运作质量/效率的评分等级,分为 A、B、C 三个等级,奖 励金额 0200 元
10、 ;详见团队与个人考核奖金标准 。 5.2.3 B 综合津贴:包括综合管理津贴提成、公司的福利津贴、有薪假期津贴、中晚 班翻班津贴(限带班班长) ; 5.2.4 底薪:班组长按各人计时考核时的行政计算底薪 5.2.5 计件工资: 在保证质量的前提下,按员工实际操作的工序、数量计费。 计件工资=计件单价*个人可得计件工资的工作数量5.2.6 扣款:包括由于运作事故、叉车事故、其他违章引起的损失,将考核相关责任 人并进入事故流程处理。 5.2.7 计件质量考核参见计件办法与考核标准计件办法与考核标准 5. The monthly wages of piece workers and related
11、 terms interpretation5.1 The monthly wages of piece workers in the Warehousing Department are divided into Class A and Class B.Class A includes piecework staff like: warehouse keeper and forklift operator. Their monthly income as following formula:Class A monthly income= basic salary + composite all
12、owance A + piecework pay + assessment bonus deduction Class B piecework positions include group leader and shift leader whose monthly salaries formulas are as follows:group leaders income = basic salary + composite allowance B+ assessment bonus - deduction shift leaders income = basic salary+ compos
13、ite allowance B+ assessment bonus - deduction5.2 Related terms interpretation 5.2.1 Composite allowance A includes company welfare bonus (double salary, bonuses, holiday benefits etc.), paid holiday, average shift, night shift and rotating shift allowances. 5.2.2 Assessment bonus: It is divided in t
14、o Lvl.A, B, and C according to the monthly operation efficiency and quality. The bonus ranges from 0-200 Yuan RMB. (See the detail in The assessment bonus standards of individuals and teams) 5.2.3 Composite allowance B includes integrated management commission, company welfare benefits, paid vacatio
15、n allowance, average shift, night shift and rotating shift allowances. (shift leader on duty only) 5.2.4 Basic salary: Team leaders salaries are calculated according to their administration in time assessment. 5.2.5 Piece rate wage: Under the premise of guaranteeing quality, the piece rate wage is c
16、alculated according to workers actual operation procedure and quantity. Piece rate wage = piecework unit salary x personal piecework quantity 5.2.6 Deduction: It includes operation accident, forklift accident, loss due to prohibited operation as well as the assessment of related leaders.5.2.7 Qualit
17、y of piecework sees also Piecework methods and assessment standards6、计件工资的计算方式计件工资的计算方式 6.1 计件内容: 类:包括收发货各环节、补货、包装作业收发各环节、批采 类:不单独计费,次收货确认/QA 释放(单证员操作) ,盘点(不列入计件,按 10 元/小时计算) 类:团队任务,包括当班产生的托盘整理、托盘回收;6.2 计件单价: 6.2.1 基本操作单价(详见计件工时测算数据计件工时测算数据) 6.2.2 公司将根据运作条件、作业量、流程、环境、设备等因素的变化,进行回顾并 对上述各个操作环节的单价及考核标准
18、予以适当调整。 6. The calculation methods about piece rate wages 6.1 Piecework contentClass: Including all sectors of delivery and receiving of goods, replenishment, all sectors of packing operation, packing material delivery and receiving and batch purchasing.Class : No separate calculation, receipt confi
19、rmation/QA release (Document staff operation), stocktaking (10 Yuan per hour, not included in piecework)Class : Team tasks including sorting the pallets for the shift duty and pallets recycling6.2 Piecework unit salary:6.2.1 For the basic operation unit salary, see The piecework labor hour calculati
20、on data 6.2.2 The company will review and modify the above unit salaries and assessment standards according to the changes of operation condition, workload, flow, environment and equipment. 7.计件工资统计:计件工资统计: 7.1 计件周期为每个自然月的第一天至最后一天; 7.2 仓库固定人员对每天作业完成的单证进行统计,每周由项目组与仓库相关人员进 行核对运作量; 7.3 根据每日操作单证的体积,对照员工
21、的签名,将员工当天操作的各个环节单证的 体积分别汇总,仓库主管须对每日的汇总结果进行签字确认并公布; 7.4 员工可根据当天公布表查看个人及团队操作量及作业能力; 7.5 员工基本工资必须保持出勤率 8 小时*21.75 天(174 小时)及完成月处理量完成月处理量 (人均(人均 3109.38 立方)立方) ;对于两项均不能满足者,不列入计件考核;对于两项均不能满足者,不列入计件考核; 7.6 每月初将上月统计的计件量(A 综合津贴+计件工资+考核奖金一扣款)上报行政 部; 7.7 行政部依照计件方案及公司其他规定对仓库提交的相关数据进行审核,审核通过 后,行政部将按公司相关程序发放员工工资
22、。7. Piece rate wages statistics 7.1 Piece rate period is from the first day to the last day every month.7.2 The fixed warehouse staff should complete the statistics of the daily documents. And the statistics will be checked by the program team and related officers. 7.3 According to the volume of dai
23、ly operated documents compared with employees signature, the warehouse director should collect the volume of every operation procedure on that day, sign and publish it. 7.4 The staff can see their personal and team operation capacity and working ability through the publishing form every day. 7.5 The
24、 basic salary should be based on 8hrs x 21.75 days (174 hrs) every month with the completion of monthly operational capacity (3109.38 cubic per capita). Those who can not meet the two requirements above will not be included in the piece rate wages assessment. 7.6 At the beginning of every month, the
25、 statistical piecework quantity (Composite allowance A +piece work pay+ assessment bonus-deduction) will be reported to the Administration Department. 7.7 The Administration Department will examine the relative data accordingto the piecework scheme and other regulations of the company and pay the st
26、aff. 8.团队激励方法团队激励方法 8.1 为了促进团队整体运作效率及团队合作能力,每个轮班周期结束后评选出优胜班 次; 8.1.1 对每个班次的运作情况进行不定期审计打分,并当天公布审计结果;审计人 员:仓库主管、安全管理员、库存管理人员; 8.1.2 审计结果将用于对优胜班次的考核,并进行通报; 8.1.3 审计内容包括:库容库貌、操作流程的实施情况、公司安全规定执行情况、 本班次运作质量、团队任务的完成情况等,详见团队工作质量审计表团队工作质量审计表 。 8.2 优胜班次根据审计结果,对得分最高的班次进行奖励,团队奖励金额为 0500 元。 8.3 根据目前的轮班制度,每月将会产生两
27、次优胜班次奖。 m. 8.4 对审计得分最低且不及格的班次进行扣款,并予以整顿,团队扣款金额为 50500 元。 8.5 团队激励奖金按照评分等级分摊给该班次所有员工。 8. Team incentive approaches 8.1 In order to promote the team operation efficiency and team cooperation ability, the company will select the winning groups at the end of each shift cycle. 8.1.1 The auditors will che
28、ck and mark the score for every shift group at non- scheduled time and release the result. Audit staff, warehouse supervisor, safety manager and inventory officers. 8.1.2 The statistical result will be released and used for the winning group evaluation. 8.1.3 The audit content includes: warehouse en
29、vironment, implementation of operation flow and safety regulations, the group operation quality, completion of team tasks and so on. (See details in Audit sheet of team work quality).8.2 According to the statistical result, the winning group who has the highest score will be awarded 0-500 Yuan as te
30、am reward.8.3 There will be two winning groups every month according to the current shift system 8.4 The failed group with lowest score will be deducted 50-500 Yuan. 8.5 All the group members will share the team incentive bonus according to the assessment ranking. 9. 补充说明:补充说明: 9.1 仓库主管将根据本月的工作量合理安排
31、员工轮休,具体轮休时间以实际安排为准。 一般个人最多不能超过节假日实际天数,否则按事假或旷工处理; 9.2 每年考评将根据员工日常工作表现(奖惩情况)及作业(质量)效率等情况,对 表现优秀的员工进行升职及资薪调整; 9.3 所有计件岗位人员的其它有关福利一律参照公司的人事规章制度操作; 9.4 其它未明事宜将一律按公司人事制度和相关规章制度执行。 9. Additional remarks 9.1 The warehouse director is responsible for arranging the alternating holiday of the staff according
32、to the monthly work load. One can not exceed the number of days of the actual scheduled holidays otherwise it will be considered as absence for personal reasons or absenteeism. 9.2 Every year, according to the daily work performance and operation quality and efficiency, the company will adjust wages
33、 for those who have done an excellent job. And they can also get promoted. 9.3 Other welfares for the piece rate workers follow the relative personnel regulations. 9.4 And other undefined affairs should be handled according to the personnel system and related institutions. 10、本条款仅适用于仓库计件操作员工,、本条款仅适用于仓库计件操作员工,所有解释权属分公司。所有解释权属分公司。 10. This plan is only applied to the piece rate workers in the Warehousing Department and all the explanation rights of this plan belong to the branch company.ShanghaiAugust 28, 2016