1、2023年关于微笑的演讲稿6篇 一份精彩的演讲稿是给我们的演讲锦上添花的,你知道什么样的演讲稿适合自己吗,假如想演讲流畅,就得学习仔细考虑你的演讲稿,我今日就为您带来了关于微笑的演讲稿6篇,信任肯定会对你有所帮助。 关于微笑的演讲稿篇1 敬重的老师,敬爱的同学们: 大家好! 在人生道路上,谁都不行能一帆风顺。我们不能躲避挫折,唯一能做的就是用微笑面对挫折,面对生活。 在街头边,有一个穿着掉色的蓝色外套,头发略显微乱的年轻人,他从路边捡到了半瓶冰红茶喝了一大口,然后仰头望着满天的烟花华蜜地笑了,那笑容比天上的烟花还要绚丽,原来这个年轻人初中时不仔细学习,就业时和父母看法不合就离家出走。自己没有金
2、钱、实力,就只能在街头拾荒养活自己。那笑容被称为“元宵节最美笑容”。遇到挫折时不悲观,而是微笑面对,会让自己觉得挫折并没有那么可怕,能主动面对。 生活中,我也有遇到过挫折。那是一个阳光明媚的下午,在数学考场上,同学们都在试卷上“沙沙沙”地答题。我深思在一个大题前许久,最终有了思路,抬头看时间,只剩下十五分了,我抓紧写完,笔落时铃声正好响,我长吐了一口气,悠哉悠哉地把试卷交了,神气地走出考场。 其次天,我一进教室,同学就和我说我试卷的背面没有写,我随即愣住了,心里像打翻了五味瓶一样。因为那是一个重要的考试,而我却考砸了。我强忍着泪水直到放学,走在回家的小路上,四周的花不香了,小鸟也不叫了,阳光也
3、没有那么明媚了。我快速地跑回家,关上门,大哭起来。 哭过后,我思索着,人生路上难免遭受挫折,挫折并不行怕,可怕的是遭受挫折摔倒后不懂得站起来。记得泰戈尔说过一句话:“当你因为错过太阳而苦痛流泪时,你便错过了满星”。是啊,看不到太阳没什么,我们还可以观赏太阳过后静谧的繁星。 于是,我擦干泪水,重拾自己的人生行囊。与以往不同,我在包里多放了一样东西,那就是微笑,不管什么时候都应当以微笑面对生活! 关于微笑的演讲稿篇2 尊敬的老师、敬爱的同学们: 早上好!我是五(1)班的单焱瑜。 今年的“六一”节大家肯定快乐吧,信任同学们那天的心情确定如阳光般绚丽,因为我们收到了许多祝愿和礼物。今日,我也要送给大家
4、一份迟到的节日礼物自己的微笑。 有人说:微笑是全世界都通用的语言。因为,不同地方的人可能听不懂你讲的话,但却可以读懂你的微笑 其实在不经意间,我们的生活到处都有微笑,对家人微笑,那是一种对至爱亲情的表述,对挚友微笑,那是一种对青春友情的珍视,对生活微笑,那是一种对奋斗岁月最坚毅的说明,可是,挚友,你有没有试着对自己微笑,把微笑献给自己呢? 给大家讲个故事吧。曾经有一个愁眉苦脸的男孩来到老师面前,不无伤感地说:“我是一个学习成果不好,又不受欢迎的孩子,活着可真没意思!”老师送给他一块石头,说:“明天早上,你拿这块石头到集市上去卖,但不是真卖。无论别人出多少钱,都不能卖。”其次天,男孩蹲在集市的一
6、的笑容,他的生活也随之发生了变更。是啊,我们希望得到别人的爱,但我们更要学会爱自己,我们常说:将微笑献给别人,现在我要说:把微笑作为礼物送给自己吧! 同学们,当每天太阳升起的时候,当我们把微笑献给身边每一个人的时候,肯定也要把自己最自然、最真诚、最漂亮的微笑留给自己。只有这样,你才会发觉,大家是那么的爱你,自己是那么的可爱,生活的每一天是那么的美妙!请你收下这份礼物,愿歌声与微笑恒久伴随着你,伴随着大家! 我的讲话完了,感谢大家! 关于微笑的演讲稿篇3 there is a kindness called smile good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
7、today id like to share my personal experience of happiness and bitterness of being an english teacher. i remember, five years ago, when i stood at the teachers desk for the first time, maybe because i was too young, maybe because i was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to
8、 me, didnt behave themselves at all. i felt ashamed and helpless. in order to save my face, i just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little. i thought sooner or later, they would listen to me. yes, i could control the class now, but the students and the
9、atmosphere became strange. no, they were not listening to me. it was too quiet. the breathless silence urged me to consider the way i was teaching. then 1 august 20xx, i got the chance to study the new course of english. until then could i realized that it was my frozen eyes that make the students f
10、linch, it was my stiff face that trod out the enthusiasm in the childrens hearts. how to stimulate my class and show my warmth, so that they can enjoy their study in english? i had a deep thought. its smile. there is a kindness called smile. it is the most beautiful language in the world. it can mak
11、e distance no distance. “just awake the students with a smiling face!”i said to myself. the next day, when i stood on the stage with a smiling face, when i asked the questions with a smile, when i encouraged the children in a friendly way, the students were just shocked! but i could find there was m
12、ore happiness and excitement in their eyes! gradually, they got used to it, and participated in my teaching. as i predicted, that class became a lovely one. i was moved, and said“thank you for listening, boys and girls!” in the following days, i keep on working even harder. i prepare my lessons care
13、fully. i use flash, pictures, riddles, and interesting stories to make great efforts to help the students to learn more. but i will never forget one thing: smile, give them a smile, to give them strength, to let them feel happy, to make them confident. the children do enjoy the english lesson now, w
14、hen they tell me the answers in great excitement, i can feel their gladness, and my smile is more sincerely than ever! there is kindness called smile. from the childrens yearning eyes, i understand, it is smile that makes my students and i get closer, it is smile that fills the kindness to my englis
15、h class, it is smile that shapes me popular english teacher finally. thats all. thank you very much! 关于微笑的演讲稿篇4 smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power. to retain the life of laughter, tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in the story, a huge smile to show her ma
16、gic. war, a number of german soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general, including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. he was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would
17、be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. two weeks later, he calmed down. he visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him . . three months after the date on the blink of an eye later, sho
18、t by the time this is a very strange shot: general cite shot on the left hand, right hand to give back to the team that can be a continuation of the war. his turn, he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, this time, his generals to see, he slowly raised his right hand . . this is the life-savi
19、ng force, which is hard to imagine the magic! every day to a general apology to smile, even from its own bottom line back to the original point of death, this not the great power of a smile? if we are able to smile in the face of every person and every thing, the success or failure of honor in the f
20、ace with a smile, a smile in the face of all with a smile of genuine spiritual insights better life, it would be very happy and well-being. jan-mouth, will be able to draw a beautiful arc, which is how simple things! however, we do every day to add a smile to my soul? did not - did not test test, si
21、mply poguanposhuai; job search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; to buy lottery tickets with the first prize was only a figure on the stomp beat their chests . . strictly speaking, these trivial little too! but sometimes we do these things to worry all day, affecting many of the stem. smile is a
22、 force used to be a smile, a smile used to the things people will not be led by the nose, facial expression is not just a smile or a state of mind, it should be a smile from the heart. the story of the soldiers that if only the blunt expression, that the general will be more than just a pleasing. so
23、 smile is a positive state of mind, you have a smile on other people, other people will also answer your smile. smile is in the hearts of the yi shuguang, the hearts of bright, full of hope. smile is embedded in the heart of love, the magic of love. in the face of your life with a smile! we find tha
24、t the world is so beautiful. 关于微笑的演讲稿篇5 扬起嘴角微笑是很简洁的动作,但就是这么简洁的动作,有时候却能产生巨大的力气。 微笑,让人舒适,暖和心灵;微笑净化人性,变更人生;对她微笑,拒绝残忍,创建美妙。它把人带到一个和谐的状态,它可以把斗争变成友情,它甚至可以影响一个邪恶的人,变成爱。 从古至今,许多文学作品都讲过微笑的力气。我看过现代文学史上闻名作家王统照写的一部小说一笑,讲的是一个罪犯在监狱里看到一个女囚犯漂亮温顺的笑容时,一股和善的洪流突然填满了他的胸膛,突然意识到自己的罪恶与邪恶,然后重新做人。 虽然这部小说有些浪漫和乌托邦,但人们应当充分留意微笑对
25、人们心灵的影响。 一个简洁的微笑,有着如此巨大而奇妙的力气,让一个邪恶的人醒悟过来,重新做人。微笑真的有这么大的力气吗? 是的,当你的挚友心情不好的时候,一个善意的微笑和善意的劝慰肯定会让他快乐。当你对坐在路边的乞丐微笑时,他可能会感到像施舍者一样欢乐。微笑,像金色的阳光,在寒冷的冬天给人带来暖和;微笑,像一颗薄荷糖,让人感觉爽朗,心无旁骛;微笑更像是一个纯净的天使,引导人们摆脱邪恶,奔向更美妙的世界 微笑的力气是巨大的,它是爱的表现,它抛弃自私、moo和残忍,邪恶只能低头向它忏悔自己的罪行然后逃跑!她是相互的。只有你对别人笑,别人才会对你笑。 嘴角,微微一笑,多么简洁的动作. 关于微笑的演讲
26、稿篇6 大家好!今日我要演讲的主题是:关于微笑的魅力 “请把我的歌,带回你的家,请把你的微笑留下”这动人的旋律,美丽的歌词回荡在我的耳畔,深深地感染了我,勾起了我的回忆,让我感受到微笑的魅力。 微笑是暖和人心的。那次,竞选班长,我落选了,漫不经心地走回家。一向好强的我,心里真不是味道。双腿像灌了铅似的,好不简单到家了,我一屁股跌坐在沙发上,呆呆地望着天花板。那时,我并没有哭,但是我焦虑极了:这回肯定躲不过妈妈的责骂了。正在我胡思乱想之际,“咔嚓”一声,门开了。我懊丧地望了望门口,是妈妈。她见我没精打采的,就关切地问我。我的话语里夹着哭腔,一股脑地把懊恼不快“宣泄”出来。妈妈摩挲着我地头,微微一
27、笑:“傻孩子,谁能保证做常胜将军啊!”看着妈妈,忽然,一股暖流涌入我地心田。在我看来,这不是一个一般的微笑,它饱含了妈妈对我的激励和信任。 微笑是天真可爱的。暑假里,妹妹是我家的常客。她淘气捣蛋,连恐x分子也惧她三分。只要一见到她就脚底抹油溜了。记得有一次,她竟然趁我不留意,拿起一张纸,使出绝技“九级花猫爪”。这张纸忽然四分五裂,房间里散开了一团团纸“花”。当我发觉时,只能望“纸”兴叹。妹妹见我麻木不仁,接着进行恐怖活动。这时,她拿起一个玩具,左看看,右看看,突然,她不顺意,就用管用的“伎俩”“超级破坏”把玩具拆的面目全非。这时候,我忍无可忍,生气地说:“哼!我不和你玩了。”她见我真的生气了,突然变乖了,轻轻拽了拽我地衣角,让后甜甜地说:“姐姐,姐姐,我的好姐姐,和我玩嘛!“看着她拿一脸绚丽的微笑,听这她那天真的话语,我也就不忍心不理她了,便拉起她的小手一起做嬉戏 “请把我的歌,带回你的家,请把你的微笑留下”微笑的魅力无穷,让我们恒久把笑容挂在脸庞!作