1、A study of the Application of Lexical Chunks to English Reading Teaching in Senior High School BY Zhang Xin Prof. Chen Lei, supervisor A Thesis Submitted to College of Foreign Languages In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of M.Ed. in Subject Pedagogy At Bohai University June, 2
2、014 Abstract Reading is an important skill in second language learning. One of the goals of English teaching is to cultivate students9 reading ability. Lexical chunk approach is first put forward by Michael Lewis in 1970s and it was applied in language education ever since 1990s. Much attention has
3、been paid to the application of the lexical chunks approach in foreign language teaching and learning. Lexical chunk approach, as a language teaching theory, emphasizes the word block as a whole chunk in the process of teaching, and guides the students to shift their attention away from individual w
4、ords to chunks, which enables students to have an overall structure of the passage, thus developing students9 discourse ability and getting their reading ability improved as a result. This paper intends to make a research in the application of lexical chunk theory in the English language reading tea
5、ching at Senior High School, in order to find out, first, whether English reading teaching based on lexical chunks can enhance students9 interest in learning English; second, whether English reading teaching based on lexical chunks can improve students reading ability; third, what do students think
6、of the lexical chunk approach applied in their reading class? To seek answers to these questions, the author conducted an empirical study at a senior high school. The research experiment was done in two parallel classes, with one as the experiment class and the other the control class. Further quest
7、ionnaires and interviews were employed as instruments in addition to tests. Results of the collected data from the questionnaire indicated that students9 interest in EC got increased after they received the teaching approach of lexical chunks. Furthermore, students reading scores also got increased
8、with in the class where lexical chunk approach was applied by comparing their test results with those from the CC class. From the interview, it was revealed that students prefer the lexical chunk approach, because they feel this approach would enable them to have a much clearer idea of what is to be
9、 read in terms of lexical structure and grammatical structure. It is concluded that lexical teaching approach is very effective one in English reading teaching in senior high school. Therefore, this approach should be mastered by more English teachers at high schools and should get more encouraged i
10、n English language teaching. Key words: lexical chunks, English reading teaching, learning interest, reading ability 摘要 阅读是语言学习中的一项重要技能,英语教学的主要的目标就是培养学生的阅读 理解能力 .在这个过程中,许多教师采用了不同的教学法,而且学生在阅读练习上花费 大量的时间和精力,但效果却并不尽如人意。词块教学法为高中英语阅读教学提供了 一个新的思路。基于这个原因,本文尝试将词块教学法应用于高中英语阅读教学中。 词块教学法是由语言学家 Michael Lewis 在二
11、十世纪七十年代提出的,之后人们 越来越注重对词块的研究,到了九十年代词块的研究广泛地成为语言学研究领域的热 门课题,并且越来越多的学者开始关注词块教学法在外语学习中的应用。 Lewis 认为 “语言是由语法化的词汇而不是词汇化的语法构成的。”这一观点为词块教学法奠定 了重要的理论基础。 词块教学法为高中英语阅读课堂教学提供了一个新的方法。它是一种既注重语法 结构又注重语言实际应用的教学理论。词块教学法将词块作为一个整体来教授,注重 让学生用词块分析语篇结构,从而使学生理解文章结构,使他们在整体的基础上把握 文章脉络,培养他们的阅读理解能力,从而提高学生学习英语的兴趣和阅读水平。 本文的研究问题
12、是:采用词块教学法是否能提高学生学习英语的兴趣吗?采用词 块教学法是否能提高学生的阅读水平?学生认为词块教学法如何?作者选取高二年 级的两个平行班作为研究对象,分别作为实验班和控制班。其中实验班 62 人,控制 班 61 人。实验班采用词块教学法;控制班采用传统教学法。教学实验从 2013 年 9 月开始,为期 16 周。笔者借助测试、问卷及访谈的方式来收集实验数据,通过 SPSS11. 5 统计软件对数据进行分析,以检验词块教学法在实际高中英语阅读教学中 的有效性。在表 4. 6中,双尾 t检验的显著性概率是 0. 000,小于 0. 05;在表 4. 8中, 双尾 t的显著性概率是 0.0
13、86,大于 0.05,分析可得之实验班学生的学习兴趣有显 著性提高,而控制班学生的学习兴趣没有明显提高。在表 4. 14 中,双尾 t 检验的显 著性概率是 . ,小于 . 05;而在表 4. 16 中,双尾 t检验的显著性概率是 0. 092, 大于 0.05,分析可得之实验班的学生学习成绩有明显提高,而控制班学生的学习成 绩没有显著提高。 实验结果表明,词块教学法能提高学生的学习兴趣,同时词块教学法还能提高学 生的阅读水平。即词块教学法在阅读教学中的优势显著。然而,没有一种教学方法是 完美的。笔者也会探讨本次实验的不足和局限性,并对今后的相关研究提出一些建议。 关键词: 词块;英语阅读教学
14、 ;学习兴趣;阅读水平 IV Contents Chapter One Introduction . 1 1.1 Background of the research . 1 1.2 Significance of the study . 2 1.3 Layout of the thesis . 2 Chapter Two Literature Review . 4 2.1 Lexical chunks. 4 2.1.1 Definitions . 4 2.1.2 Classifications . 6 2.1.3 Functions of lexical chunks . 7 2.2 Rel
15、evant theories . 8 2.2.1 Chunking theory . 8 2.2.2 Language acquisition theory . 9 2.3 Studies of lexical chunks . 11 2.3.1 Studies abroad . 11 2.3.2 Studies in China . 12 2.4 Reading in language teaching and learning . 12 2.4.1 Definitions . 13 2.4.2 Classifications of reading types . 13 2.4.3 Teac
16、hing models of reading . 14 Chapter Three Methodology . 17 3.1 Research questions . 17 3.2 Subjects . 17 3.3 Instruments . 18 3.3.1 Questionnaires . 18 3.3.2 Pre-test and post-test . 18 3.3.3 Interview . 18 3.4 Procedures . 19 3.4.1 Step one: Pre-test . 19 3.4.2 Step two: pre questionnaires and post
17、-questionnaires . 19 3.4.3 Step three: conducting the teaching using the lexical chunk teaching approach . 19 V 3.4.4 Step four: Post-test . 22 3.4.5 Step five: Interview . 22 3.5 Data collection . 22 3.6 Data Analysis . 22 Chapter Four Results and discussion .24 4.1 Research question one . 24 4.1.1
18、 Results and discussion of pre-questionnaire between EC and CC . 24 4.1.2 Results and discussion of post-questionnaire between EC and CC 25 4.1.3 Results and discussion of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire in EC. 26 4.1.4 Results and discussion of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire in C
19、C. 27 4.2 Research question two . 28 4.2.1 Results and discussion of the pre-tests between EC and CC . 28 4.2.2 Resultsand discussion of post-test between EC and CC30 4.2.3 Resultsand discussion of pre-test and post-test in EC30 4.2.4 Resultsand discussion of pre-test and post-test in CC31 4.3 Resul
20、ts and discussion of research question three . 32 Chapter Five Conclusion . 35 5.1. Major findings . 35 5.2 Implication . 35 5.3 Limitations for further study . 36 5.4 Suggestions for further study . 37 Bibliography . 38 Appendix 1 . 41 Appendix II . 42 Appendix III . 48 Appendix IV . 54 Appendix V
21、. 55 Appendix VI . 56 Appendix VII . 57 Acknowledgements . 58 作者攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 Chapter One Introduction Chapter One introduces the background of the research, the significance of the study and presents the purpose of the study, and the layout of the thesis. 1.1 Background of the research In the mod
22、ern society of China, as China joined in WTO, English becomes the most popular language in our country, and very important in our daily life. It also becomes a major subject in the senior high school for school. The English Teaching Syllabus for Senior High Schools demands that teachers and students
23、 should pay their attention to the four basic skills of a language, especially the reading ability. Thus it is seen that reading skill plays a vital role in students9 English language learning. Reading is a process of input. It is useful in getting information. Though reading, students can enrich th
24、eir comprehensive knowledge and improve teaching ability. At the same time, reading is an important part in English exam. Such as in students9 college entrance examination, reading covers about half of the full marks. There are some common problems in English reading teaching for teachers and studen
25、ts. Although they have realized that reading is an important part in senior high school English reading teaching, they do not get good performance both in teaching and learning. Teachers often use traditional teaching method in English teaching. Teachers usually pay more attention to the grammar poi
26、nts when doing reading exercises. They don t emphasis on developing students English learning interest and self-confidence. They don t often train the students basic reading skills. Teachers and students often spend much time and efforts on English reading, they do a lot of exercises, but the result
27、s are not satisfying. One problem is that in traditional class, education concept is out dated; the structure of curriculum is too single. Teachers focus on explaining grammar and vocabulary knowledge overly, and neglect discourse teaching and guide of reading strategy. In the process of teaching, t
28、eachers teach all over the class, but students are passive. Another problem is reading materials are not scientific. They are separated from the real language environment. Teaching and learning are separated too. This decreases students9 English learning interest and self-confidence. The other probl
29、em is that most students lack proper reading strategies and skills. So they can t grasp the main idea of the passage i correctly and quickly. The knowledge they grasp is mainly about vocabulary and literal understanding, and they can not have a better understanding of the whole reading passage. To o
30、vercome these drawbacks in the traditional teaching of language, some new and innovative methods are waiting to be explored so as to promote students interest in language learning and improve their language learning results. This study will try to meet this demand to conduct an empirical study in te
31、rms of the new approach in language teaching: the lexical chunk teaching approach, to find out whether this approach can be more welcomed by students and be more effective in promoting students9 reading ability. 1.2 Significance of the study Since English has become a vital part in China, especially
32、 it has becomes a major subject in senior high school now, students have put a lot of energy in English. Reading as an important part of English, people spend much time too. They try many different reading methods in order to get high scores, but the results are far from satisfying. Students find th
33、at it difficult to get good achievement in English reading. uMany students focus on the meanings of signal words or sentences and fail to put their attention to the relationships among sentences. Thus they can not understand the logical orders of the texts correctly and canH get a better understandi
34、ng of what they are reading. They certainly find it difficult to make inference or get the author s attitude. (Yang Xiaoyan, 2002). I think it s our responsibility to explore reading teaching methods to improve students reading comprehension and scores. Based on the research and development of lexic
35、al chunks approach, and its application in English teaching, this paper is to the explore influence of lexical chunks in English reading teaching. 1.3 Layout of the thesis Five chapters are included in the paper. The first chapter is the description of the role of English reading in senior high scho
36、ols, the common problems of students in their English reading. The second chapter includes the overall review of the definition, classification and functions of lexical chunks, which contains the theoretical basis of the lexical-chunk approach and a brief introduction of the studies abroad and at ho
37、me. The third chapter is about research questions, research subjects, experimental instruments, experimental procedures and data collection. The fourth chapter mainly includes analysis and discussion of data, that is, analysis and discussion of questionnaires, pre-test, post-test, 2 and interview. I
38、n this chapter, data are obtained and analyzed by software of SPSS 11.5. Finally the fifth chapter comes. This chapter concludes four parts: the major findings of the experiment, practical implication, limitations of the study and suggestions for further study. Chapter Two Literature Review This cha
39、pter presents some relevant theories and researches concerning the study, it includes definitions and a brief description of previous study of lexical chunks approach both at home and abroad. 2.1 Lexical chunks This part includes the definitions, classifications and functions of lexical chunks. 2.1.
40、1 Definitions Many terms and names can be referring to the meaning of lexical chunks, such as idioms, word-combinations, fixed expressions, chunks, and so on. In this paper we just use lexical chunks. And the definitions of lexical chunks are different among a lot of linguists abroad and at home. Di
41、fferent commentators use different and overlapping terms to describe this phenomenon. There exist a lot of kinds of terms for them, such as prefabricated chunks, lexical phrases, formulaic utterances, and formulaic language and so on. So we can see that there isn t a fixed term fixed definition to define this language phenomenon. As early as in 1930s, Bloomfield concluded lexical chunks as that “ many forms lie on border-line between bound forms and words, or between words and phrases. In The Encyclopedia of Language and Ling