1、小学生春节见闻的英语作文春节见闻的英语作文: 吃完年夜饭后,我牵着妈妈的手,抬头望着天空,“哇,好美呀!”我望着满天五花八门的烟花,不禁惊呆了。傍晚时分,家家户户都放起了烟花,我们家也不例外。爸爸从沿街的小店里买鞭炮,荧光棒。天黑了,我催爸爸快点放。爸爸拿来打火机,点燃了引火线,放起了鞭炮。“噼噼啪啪”一阵洪亮的鞭炮声传入了我的耳朵,我抓紧捂住耳朵。一会儿,鞭炮放完了,我就拿出我的荧光棒,用打火机点燃后,挥动着玩耍。那荧光棒的痕迹,如同一颗颗流星划过天空,照亮了我的心房。看我们这么喧闹,姐姐也来凑喧闹。她拿起一个烟花点燃后,突然,从三角形的小孔内蹦出雪白的,纯净的烟花,它像喷泉往上涌,越喷越高
2、,越喷越高。不一会儿,就有半人多高,好一棵火树银花!这纯净的烟花似银河之水,别提有多美了。叔叔捧着一个大烟花点燃后,“坪”的一声,烟花就向天空射去,黑暗的天空如同白昼。烟花在天空中散开,“啊,多美!”它像菊花一样,伸展着花瓣,绚丽多姿;像杜鹃那样大方。散开时也像流星坠落,好比天女散花。看着,看着我不禁鼓起掌来。夜深了,鞭炮声慢慢消逝了,我也进入了甜蜜的梦乡。春节见闻的英语作文:Spring knowledge after dinner, I am holding her mothers hand, looking up at the sky, Wow, so beautiful! I look
3、ed at the sky and resplendent with variegated coloration fireworks, can not help stunned.In the evening, each and every family all put up the fireworks, our family is no exception. Dad bought firecrackers from the street shops, fluorescence stick . . It was dark, I asked Dad put. Dad took the lighte
4、r, lit the fuse, set off firecrackers. Crackling sound of loud sound of firecrackers into my ears, I hastened to cover your ears. For a while, firecrackers finished, I took out my fluorescence stick, lit with a lighter, waved play. The fluorescence rod traces, like a meteor across the sky, lit up my
5、 heart.We see so busy, sister also laicourenao. She picked up a fireworks lit, suddenly, from the triangle holes popped out of pure white, pure fireworks, it is like the fountain to upwelling, more more more more spray spray, high. Not a little while, there are more than one and a half high, good a
6、fireworks! This pure fireworks like the water of the Milky way, dont mention it.Uncle holding a big fireworks lit, Ping sound, fireworks into the sky to shoot, the dark sky like daylight. Fireworks in the sky spread out, Oh, how beautiful! It is like a chrysanthemum, showing the petals, like colorful cuckoo as generous. Spread like a falling star, like the heavenly maids scatter blossoms. Looked at, looked at me and clapped his hands.Late at night, the sound of firecrackers gradually disappeared, I also into the sweet dreams.