1、关于爱护眼睛的英语作文带翻译The eyes are the window to the soul, is important way to obtain all kinds of knowledge. We cannot leave the eyes everywhere in life, if without eyes, the world will become a dark, if we have a problem with my eyes, study and life will encounter many difficulties. In spite of this, we h
2、ave a lot of people still don't cherish the eyes. Around me, there have been more and more students take the "small glasses son", my eyesight also gradually decline, doctors diagnosed later pseudomyopia. Eye protection, therefore, it is taken seriously by more and more people.In school
3、, the teacher often give us some effective method to protect your eyes, for example when homework hand want to leave the tip of one inch, belly to a punch from the desktop, head to a foot away from books, to read in the right place, but also often do eye exercises. But these are the most easily igno
4、red by the students.What people wear glasses fast increase? The question in my mind kept wandering. Later, I looked at a very long time, also check the information from the Internet, finally reached the conclusion. The first big reason: no scientific methods to protect their eyes. Some classmates fo
5、r a long period of time reading books, watching TV, Internet access, make the eye often is in a state of fatigue, and do not pay attention to eye health. Although our school asked the students are doing eye exercises on time, but part of the students or not to do a good job, some still hiding under
6、the table. The second reason: genetic. Some parents are nearsighted, and pass on to their children. But this kind of situation seems to be not much, "small glasses," often because not sparing eyes.Finally, counsels: we must cherish oneself only this pair of eyes, to make our every day is f
7、ull of light!眼睛是心灵的窗口,是获得各种学问的重要途径。生活中我们到处都离不开眼睛,假如没有眼睛,世界将会变得一片黑暗,假如我们的眼睛出了问题,学习和生活将会遇到许多困难。尽管这样,我们有许多人还是不疼惜眼睛。在我的四周,已经有越来越多的同学带上了小眼镜儿,我的视力也渐渐下降,后来被医生诊断为假性近视。所以,爱护眼睛这一点也被越来越多的人们重视起来。在学校里,老师经常会交给我们一些爱护眼睛的有效方法,例如写作业时手要离笔尖一寸,肚子要离桌面一拳,头要离书本一尺,要在正确的地方看书,而且还要常常做眼保健操。但这些却最简单被同学们忽视。究竟是什么让戴眼镜的人飞速增加呢?这个问题在我的脑海里不停地转悠。后来,我视察了很长的时间,也从网上查了资料,最终得出了结论。第一大缘由:不用科学的方法去爱护眼睛。有的同学长时间的看书、上网、看电视,使眼睛常常处于疲惫状态,并且不留意眼睛卫生。虽然我们学校要求同学们都要按时做眼保健操,但一部分同学还是不好好做,有的还躲在桌子底下。其次大缘由:基因遗传。有的父母是近视眼,并遗传给了自己的孩子。不过这种状况好象不多,小眼镜儿往往是因为不疼惜眼睛造成的。最终奉劝大家:我们肯定要疼惜自己仅有的这一双眼睛,使我们的每一天都充溢光明!